I don't think that's a necessary change since these barlines can introduce beat makes it easier to predict
btw the sv was default here so I made the sv the same speed to the first part of the map so it seems smooth and not out of place
now that you mentioned it, after checking out the part here I think consistency is a bit disorganized here, so I made everything more consistent with balance of 3/2 and 1/1
I think master diff here is irrelevant since it uses more difficult snapping
Also, the part starting from here 02:20:821 is significantly harder to handle imo but considering it's the fastest and hardest part, I don't think 02:30:989 needs any nerf since there're many 1/1 spaces that helps players gradually recover and is easier to handle than previous part
the color is pretty limited since there're only ddd and kkk
the melodies representation here is pretty different from 01:49:125 - 01:51:082
what I focus here as a factor to determine the color scheme is that the melodies seem to fit more well with kkk than a ddd
actually there's no significant reasons since I focus on using alternating scheme here
There're some that use don on melodies too
I made a balance a bit more
I adjusted the overall sv of the diff to have minimum speed at 0.70 where the highest diff has 0.6
so that the overall difficulty would be more balanced, by the lowest speed and easier sv scrolling
00:10:462 -> 00:26:114 - I have decided to make 00:17:767 have the same amount of space to kantan, simply removing 00:18:419 will leave the another one sounds weird
00:52:201 -> 01:06:928 - mentioned below
02:11:430 -> 02:34:160 - I also making the same case to above because I want to keep the prominent sounds focused, I made a space of 4/1 at 02:11:430 and 02:19:778. These area place where transition takes place and they sounds still pretty smooth with empty space
00:52:201 and 02:20:821, the example you have given will make the patterns be against the music and emphasis which will be confusing to play
I have nerfed it by removed a note each sections such as 00:52:853, 00:54:679 and the rests, so each section of these have 2 of 3/2 rests which will be enough
the notes around here are dense enough to have a note that emphasize the impact here
I don't think that's necessary and kantan already was left empty here and futsuu follows more bunch of other sounds
I do focus on the prominent sounds but the smoothness of patterning is kind of a priority, it seems off adjusting according to that because it leaves an empty unsmooth space
the part about the song has pretty high bpm. I agree, that's something I have forgot to consider about
It would be quite straining with the bpm
I get where this is coming from, the mistake is these unique sound were to be mapped as 3 plets for all on MASTER difficulty but I mistakenly added a few 5 plets
Based on the difficulty gap between diffs, the sounds is supposed to be mapped as 1/2 and introduce only a very few 1/4 in the difficult which is equal to Muzukashii
considering the bpm, the way it is mapped also is moderate enough
it's pretty dense yes, but it supposed to be mapped continuously until the chorus end
As the higher difficulty has denser intensity and the highest difficulty has the longest 1/4 stream here
and there're sounds that support 1/2 through, I'd find other rest places instead of removing this one
I believe this is not an issue, there're sounds on 1/2 1/4 snaps that can be mapped especially they're melody
the reason these 00:42:810, 01:46:386 - are mapped as 1/3 because they are very prominent and there other sounds aren't worth to be mapped for the overall difficult
the case is different at 02:11:430 because the lead is extremely prominent that your ears would be lead by it
and the sounds are similar to 00:17:767 - which is mapped with equal plets
such issue about the quality of file has been raised before
however in this case the audio of full version is literally different from the game version
full version of the song has slightly difference in volume control throughout the music
So the full version and the game version are two different version and I don't intend to replace for the another one
I instead replaced the audio file with OGG one instead which is also equal to 192kbps and has been applied on my solips's map as well, you can check out the ogg file https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/1859776
Make sure to redownload. Solved
I tried checking the map with current and +5 offsets
Personally I think the current offset is mapped according to the synths close to accurate
Where later offset (+4 to +10) makes the notes mapped closer to kicks and hihats
In music composition, kick and hihats samples can sound a little delayed
So I was trying to map the synths as close as possible because I think that's where placements of sounds actually start
But this is what I got from playing https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/18956705/36ee
Edit: I tried the map with OD 10 and stared at the judgement while playing
I found out that most hit fits the judgement the current offset more than +5 I found to be hitting earlier mostly
I think the current judgement is already close to accurate as the synths and prominent melodies represent, somewhere around +1 to +2 is also fine but I found the current offset to be at ease apparently
it's true I'm putting a lot of focus on the melody and they are represented on blue ticks as well
I focus on maintaining variety of patterning while focusing on the main melody
04:07:650 - this tick being mapped or ignored are either fine as there're no main melody, melodies are mapped at 04:07:500, 04:07:725
The same consistency can be seen at 00:28:050 and 00:53:250 too
there're patterns where notes are applied to blue ticks too, but they're already mapped according to consideration of variety in patterning
Moving the note according to your statement would make a 9 plet in the section, I want to keep the parts with 7 plets first, and begin using 9 plets starting from 02:00:825
the xxxxx-xxxxxxx pattern was made at 01:52:425 to build a little difference in sections
I didn't say the other ranked maps did it means it was right, I said the other ranked maps followed the same statement by the artist themselves
according to my memory, the question was raised long ago asking how are we gonna use a metadata of extended version of their music for an example there're two Aleph-0, short one and longer one
so a certain group involved in adding the tracks to fa list discussed with the artist directly
With the result that songs with extended version have marker for their longer version
This is why you're seeing ones without marker, and ones with markers written according to its being rhythm game length or extended length
it was stated by the artist themselves to add (extended ver.) marker to long version of some of their music when the tracks were added to fa listing
the ranked maps of the song followed the same statement
I have decreased the density of the part, the other calm parts needed to be adjusted according to the consistency and density
most calm parts in the map are adjusted to keep consistency and density balance, a few notes at 04:35:575 are removed to adapt to a lack of density in the previous part
hmm I don't really intent to complete the burst sound ( 02:36:775 ~ 02:37:675 ), because leaving spaces can emphasize the melodies better while the 1/4 at 02:36:775 can introduce the bursts
if the sounds are completely covered by 1/4s a lack of emphasis happens at 02:37:600 became lacking than the current method
not completing burst sounds to focus on emphasizing other prominent sounds are noticeable on other parts of the map as well such as 01:09:175, 01:29:575
I did get what you meant but changing to 0.2x increase will make inconsistency to the other burst parts I mentioned, the intensity doesn't really sound intense in the background compared to the other similar parts, so I said bursts sound and fx were the factors that makes the part sounds increasing but that's very small.
And if the SV goes up to x1 it would be the same speed to normal 1/4 parts which I didn't want to happen, Keeping 0.1x increase would keep the consistency and emphasis, and other parts that deserve more difference in SV and intensity emphasis better
the intensity doesn't rests a lot, I think bursts sound and fx are the factors you're considering that
But there's no intensity increase in the background
the reasons I don't increase the SV too much because I don't want it to take over other parts that deserve more difference in SV and intensity emphasis
Also, the part is similar to 01:25:975 but 05:05:275 ~ 05:09:250 is noticeably less intense
But 05:05:275 ~ 05:09:250 goes exact as you mentioned beginning with 0.6 SV while 01:26:575 begins with 0.7 SV
I put SVs with cautiousness of speed compared to what I have put before so these are intented
there's no any melody and only burst sounds at 06:12:775 - so I left it empty
however that would be inconsistent with other burst places so I put 1/4 notes at least to emphasize and introduce the sound enough then follow the melody afterward
why the part is having different SV and more notes
04:30:775 - the melody in the part became more harmonic compared to the previous part so having more notes can emphasizes the difference along with the SV
it's true the SV is enough to emphasize the harmonic or the different is slight that doesn't need the change at all. I want the notes to become denser to players can adapt to the next part that has 1/4 notes starting from 04:35:725
The main point is about increasing density of notes so the density is making progress