add "ZAQ" and "伊藤 翼 Tsubasa Ito Itō Itou" to tags
also ranked ver has j-rock in tags too, doesn't really sound like it to me but you can add it if you want
here's a better quality file for your bg if you want it, since the current one is only 1024 x 512
The whistles in the map feel a bit scattered, some places you put them on every vocal/melody note, but some sections are devoid of any at all.
A better way to pace out the whistles would be to lower their frequency in low-intensity sections while keeping them consistent, but not be afraid to spam them a little when the song rly does call for it in high-intensity sections.
For example, 00:22:579 -> 00:27:685 - this section has no whistles at all, which feels kinda empty compared to this section 00:27:685 -> 00:35:345, where you put it on every vocal note. I'd suggest upping the frequency in 1st section while lowering it in 2nd to only the more prominent sounds you follow.
The kiai also currently has 0 whistles, when that's supposed to be the most intense section in the song and should therefore have whistles on (almost) every vocal/unique sound.
00:55:770 (1) - accidental whistle on slider body?
01:00:877 (1) - wouldn't be afraid to go reeally low in sv, easily 0.5x and lower. 6* players should be able to read this without problems and it would make it feel more satisfying to play with the pitch changes
00:50:664 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,1) - not really sure why the stream has turns on blue ticks, it's bound to just throw players off and it doesn't really fit the music.
From what I hear, the turning points should be every 7th note (00:51:142, 00:51:621, 00:52:100) - the drumroll resets there as well as the piano ascending in pitch resets there.
Also, 00:52:180 (1,2,3,4,5) - feels like it should have much higher spacing since it's the climax and the piano is at its highest. The slow-down can work well for emphasising sounds in streams but IMO it doesn't really fit here.
00:47:791 (1,2,3,4,1) - I'd suggest differentiating this burst from 00:46:515 (4,5,6,7,1) either in gameplay or spacing, rn they are basically identical while mapping completely different sounds
00:26:568 (2,3) - maybe make these into kicksliders to cover the piano, sounds too prominent to ignore imo, and kicks would allow you to keep active rhythm on the drums
00:52:100 (1,2) - would consider making the spacing bigger maybe even 2x, it's the climax of the piano going into rly high notes so the current spacing feels rly underwhelming
it's intentional cus of the pitch changes, but adjusted it anyway to be a bit milder like 02:19:357 (3,4,5,1) -