00:12:047 (1,2,3,4,1) - wouldn't be afraid to make this accelerating even if by a tiny bit, would help to emphasise the violin better and flow better into 00:12:366 (1)
00:13:802 (6,7,8) - this would feel better if it was higher spacing/difficulty than 00:14:281 (1,2,1,2), since the melody goes down in pitch in the second pattern, not up. A gradually decreasing pattern like this could fit much better: http://puu.sh/JhCDP/91a6cac5f0.jpg -> http://puu.sh/JhCEw/aa7f52b69a.jpg -> http://puu.sh/JhCF1/3c10a4eeb7.jpg
00:16:674 (5,6,1) - could make this considerably lower spaced than 00:16:355 (2,3,4), since the first triple maps the snares while the rest is a drumroll that gradually decreases intensity
00:23:217 (3,4,5,6) - would make this a 5 note burst instead to cover the drum on 00:23:297 since it's the same in intensity as the rest
00:27:366 (2,3,4,5,1) - i think this deserves bigger spacing for the snares, feels underwhelming rn especially with the high piano in the background (and also its an ending of a section going into a new one)
00:38:057 - add circle here to cover the drum? could stack it with 00:37:898 (1) to preserve the pattern
same for top diff, would suggest a pattern like this to keep the current one relatively intact: http://puu.sh/JhCSj/42914e0a92.jpg -> http://puu.sh/JhCSv/388eb2859d.jpg
01:05:664 (5,6,1) - the flow of this pattern doesn't rly fit with the rest of the map - it does the job well, but feels like it's from a different map, and the sound isn't really unique to warrant such a drastic change in theme
I'd suggest either flipping 01:05:823 (6) to give it some sort of movement: http://puu.sh/JhCxr/c23e0dfb53.jpg
-or rotating 01:05:983 (1) to fit the flow of 01:05:664 (5,6): http://puu.sh/JhCzZ/2b860a2621.jpg