mapped by Mattay
This beatmap was ranked on 3 January 2023!
nominated by fieryrage and Flask
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00:02:486 (1,1) - The movement here feels a bit weird because everything in the music just stops on the circle and resumes on the slider, I think these 1/1 gaps would fit better if they had no movement on it, so stacking the circles to the next slider group would be best.

00:06:152 (1,1,1,1,1) - 1/2s like these fit much better with the movement compared to the 1/1 gaps


The only reason I believe keeping spacing between these notes is due to the pattern im currently using with the sliders this results in very little playfield usage, therefore having the circle spaced from the pattern utilizes the playfield better than just having large empty areas at the beginning of the map

Marked as resolved by Mattay

i personally dont think playfield usage should be kept artificially - the map is structured well and placement makes sense, so even if you end up leaving out a corner because of your concept, it won't take away from map's high quality. Besides, one circle in each pattern won't make much difference, so just moving the circles to stack with sliderheads should be fine IMO if the only reason for keeping them is playfield usage

Reopened by Arutsuki

actually I changed it a bit now so that I can go with your idea and keep relatively good playfield usage and it still looks quite alright so I'll go with this

Marked as resolved by Mattay

00:04:152 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 04:36:152 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - It was a nice feature to show the song, though I think it'd be better if the pattern was something more advanced. The concept was fine, just the slider shape being too simple made it bland.

My suggestion is making it an extreme form of repetition, like repeating (1,2) over and over to show this is repeating.


tried something new to show the repetition of (1,2) with a bit more movement

Marked as resolved by Mattay

00:06:152 (7,1) - this movement of aim is too hard.

you have 00:04:152 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - this movement like aim goes up to down repeat, but 00:06:152 (7,1) - this is go left side suddenly.
AR is high too, this makes very difficult to aim it.

so you could move 00:06:319 (1,1,1) - like
you can also get consistency at movement with 00:01:819 (1,2,1) - 00:02:819 (1,2,3,1) - etc.


or something like 04:38:152 (7,1,1,1) -
this one is good movement imo


I changed this up a bit according to sonnyc's mod and i think the spacing was lowered quite a bit now so it should be good

Marked as resolved by Mattay

00:18:652 (9,1) - this spacing feels a bit underwhelming, especially when 00:19:319 (5,1) this is such a big jump to emphasise the same sound as 00:18:652 (9,1). You could maybe rotate 00:18:819 (1,2,3,4,5) 180° and then ctrl+g 00:19:486 (1,2,3,4) - this makes the pattern more consistent in spacing while keeping it the same visually.


agree with all, changed pattern

Marked as resolved by Mattay

00:20:152 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,1) - I'd love to see some sort of emphasis on the build-up here, currently it falls short imo. You could do a simple accelerating stream, but since that doesn't really fit in with the rest of the map, you could also just change the spacing at least a little bit in the middle, similarly to 01:33:486 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8). Either would fit the sound much better.


00:20:819 (9) - no finish sound
01:34:152 (1) - finish sound

Trying to differentiate the use of finishes here in these streams by not giving this earlier one larger spacing

Marked as resolved by Mattay

00:20:819 (9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) - would be cool to differentiate this stream with larger or smaller spacing like you do for most of the other 16-note streams


04:52:819 (9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) - same

don't forget to add NCs to the 9th notes if you apply this


due to this point also being mentioned at #3222651 I will at least change spacing, but I will not change direction or add an nc at 9 due to the emphasis I want to put on the lack of finish sound compared to the other streams in the map

Marked as resolved by Mattay

i mean, i'm fine with that, though for the NC part it's kinda weird you say that when 00:42:152 (1) - 03:43:486 (1) - these are NCed but also similarly don't have finishes on them

i can see the first one being argued as a finish due to the taiko drum sound there, but the second one doesn't really have anything notable on it

idk, reasoning just doesn't really seem sound in that regard to me personally

Reopened by fieryrage

like i said, i don't really mind either way -- if you want to keep this pattern as is, that's fine, i just think a NC at least for 00:20:819 (9) - 03:00:819 (9) - 04:52:819 (9) - these would work fine enough without compromising emphasis too much


ooo i actually didnt notice these 00:42:152 (1) - 03:43:486 (1) ones, so therefore my intention was incorrect so ncing for the others makes sense then

Marked as resolved by Mattay

00:21:486 (1) - I'd really consider making this 0.1x sv - I get that right now the sliderend fits in a blanket with the stream, but the effect you're going for with the slow-down feels much better to play when it's lower sv imo. I'd prioritise the gameplay experience over aesthetics here.



Marked as resolved by Mattay

00:22:819 (1,2,3,4) - 00:24:152 (1,2,3,4) - feel like you could just make these 1/2 repeats instead, actively clicking here doesn't really feel the greatest to play considering the song's emphasis (this also wouldn't really take away from #3222658/8852763 what you wanted to do here, since the movement will still be present)


I find 00:22:986 (2) - 00:24:319 (2) - too important of a sound not to map actively
00:22:819 (1,2,3,4,1) - 00:24:152 (1,2,3,4,1) - I also trying to emphasize the "misty" sound with high density that starts here 00:22:819 (1) - that falls off at 00:25:486

I find reverting to 1/2 repeats falls really flat as almost everything in this part is active except for 00:31:319 (4) - and if I had to change this pattern I would rather follow #3222658

Marked as resolved by Mattay

00:22:986 (2,3), 00:24:319 (2,3) - feels like a bit of a shame to leave out the sound on the blue tick here, esp when you map 1/4 rhythms for the rest of the section. Arranging it like this would keep the same emphasis on 00:23:486 (1) and would also be more engaging to play.


I really like the whole stack here at 1/2 here because of the 00:23:319 (4,1) - jump here feeling very impactful due to the movement, and since this is the intro to the next section with drums I want to simplify the rhythm so I can introduce the doubles a bit smoother to the player instead of just hitting them with a difficult rhythm on a stack right away

Marked as resolved by Mattay

00:37:652 - mute slider end?


there's a buildup sound there that I want to emphasize

Marked as resolved by Mattay

00:38:819 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - I think these jumps could use more emphasis on the melody - it's been your main focus for the whole section and it feels a bit empty when suddenly it is all ignored for a simple 1/2 drum pattern. These jumps 00:39:486 (6,8,1,4,6,8,1) would definitely deserve more spacing because they land on the melody, meaning the other jumps that only map the drums should be lower spaced in comparison. - something like this would fix this while keeping the same kind of structure and gradually increasing overall spacing.


yeah i redid it a bit

Marked as resolved by Mattay

00:42:819 (1,2,1,2) - Ignoring the blue tick rhythm here feels really weird in gameplay, it's the most prominent sound there and the constant 1/2 is only supported by the very faint hi-hats in the background. Especially since you map blue tick rhythms quite often, this feels out of place to ignore. If you're concerned for the pattern to emphasise the pitch going down, something like could work well - it fixes the rhythm, gradually lowers in spacing, and even puts more emphasis on 00:43:819 (1) this very prominent sound.


nah I honestly really like this pattern as it is and it allows 00:43:486 (1,2,3) - to stand out

Marked as resolved by Mattay

00:43:569 - Add circle? Using 1/2 rhythm didn't felt right as that was for the drum pattern 00:13:486 - and this one had a different instrument.


ok yeah sure it still goes with my pattern idea

Marked as resolved by Mattay

00:44:486 (2) - 00:55:152 (2) - 01:37:819 (2) - 01:48:486 (2) - these sliders feel super awkward to play imo, mostly because the angle of flow for all of these is directly contradicting the flow of the slider prior + the shape of these sliders aren't exactly conventional

idk, these just feel super dumb since you're pretty much guaranteed to sliderbreak here if you even slightly misread the flow due to how high the circle size is -- if you wanted to have repeats here i feel like doing something similar to 00:46:819 (1,1,1) - what you do here would work better (i.e. make the slider shape simpler to follow)


i guess it's not a huge deal, i just personally think it's unfun to play in comparison to the rest of the map, which makes these sliders stand out a lot more to me personally


Respectfully I disagree that it is "unfun", I understand that you're arguably a better mouse player than me in every aspect however I really enjoy the snappy feeling of hook reverses such as these and I created this pattern just for that feeling

I believe the introduction of a the first fast slider 00:44:152 (1) - allows me to use such a slider 00:44:486 (2) - here as they complement each other via movement and slider velocity whilst I keep visual consistency in all the recurring iterations 00:55:152 (2) - 01:37:819 (2) - 01:48:486 (2) -
Therefore if the concept is introduced to the player properly at 00:44:152 (1,2) - there should be no issue hitting the rest of them

However might have mapper bias to expect the pattern now in gameplay


I also don't agree with the fact that it is guaranteed to sliderbreak as even if the player is overwhelmed by the speed of the slider cheesing a 300 on this slider is very doable via a straight line movement (however I don't recommend it)

Also want to mention I have used other simpler patterns here to see how they would feel but none of them came close to the impact of the hook movement here therefore I would prefer to keep this with everything said above

Marked as resolved by Mattay

However I can modify the angles the first slider goes into the second for gameplay if needed as that aligns with my intention


00:52:152 (1,2,3,4) - I think this could use some spacing variation for the melody pitch, especially since you did it here 00:52:986 (3,4,5,1) for the same melody changes. this could work well and wouldn't ruin the patterning


Yeah can do

Marked as resolved by Mattay

00:59:486 (1,2) - the sv of (2) indicates the lower pitch, but the angle and spacing is the same as 00:48:819 (1,2), which doesn't really represent the change in pitch well. It would feel much better to play this sort of sound if you ctrl+g 00:59:819 (2) and rotate it a bit to fit with the same style as you had before:


i lowered the sv and bit and made them closer because I dont want to break the idea throughout the map of the slider direction going the same as the other one but i did agree that the spacing between sliders was too large

Marked as resolved by Mattay

01:10:819 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1) - similarly to the jump section from before - you put a lot of emphasis on this sound 01:10:152 (1) throughout the whole section, but on the jump section, 01:11:486 (6) and 01:12:819 (6) have the same spacing as the rest, so there's no real emphasis. Would feel much better to differentiate those sounds because right now the jumps are only representing a fairly boring 1/2 drum pattern.



Marked as resolved by Mattay

01:15:069 (2) - would add a NC here to signify this as a 3/4 rhythm, kinda looks like 1/2 right now


03:00:819 (9) - missing NC for spacing change?


05:04:152 (2) - missing NC for downbeat?


01:15:069 (2) yes
03:00:819 (9) - no (no finish sound here)
05:04:152 (2) yes

Marked as resolved by Mattay

01:16:486 - this section is so good


01:16:652 - this is my favorite part


01:27:319 - Could maybe increase spacing on every other triple (01:27:652 (4,5,6,10,11,12,16,17,18) - ) to emphasise the "hey!" chants, or maybe add a small kickslider on 01:27:819 (6), 01:28:486 (12), etc. Would be nice to differentiate it somehow from the section before, because there were no chants before, yet the spacing is the same. Give it some sort of hype to match the song hyping up.


yeah i can add a bit

Marked as resolved by Mattay

01:31:402, 01:31:736 - could cover these ticks for the melody/drum, skipping them is a bit noticeable when the section has a repeating triple rhythm


Yeah I kind of thought that when mapping 01:31:402, 01:31:736 so added the triples in a new pattern

02:56:152 (1,2,1,2,1,1,1,1) - however keeping this as it is for wub sound emphasis and consistency with 00:16:152 (1,2,1,2,1,1,1,1) -

Marked as resolved by Mattay

01:58:486 (1,1,1) - would work way better if you just added a slider for two of these circles, or made all of this under one repeat slider -- this is the only 1/3 rhythm in the map and it kinda just comes out of nowhere, the NC spam doesn't really signify this as 1/3 since 00:48:569 (1,1,1) - this was also NC spammed


yes, used a repeat here with the idea of 01:57:486 (1,2,3) -

Marked as resolved by Mattay

02:24:819 (1,2) - maybe you could avoid the overlap here by arranging the sliders similarly to 02:24:152 (1,2), because you don't really use these overlaps anywhere else in the map and they feel out of place.


visually I like these and I don't think they're that inconsistent with the map to warrant a change

Marked as resolved by Mattay

02:29:486 (1,2) - could bump sv up a bit to prepare players for the visually similar sliders on 02:30:153 (1,4), current can be a bit surprising for sightreads


This slow down in slider velocity is meant to slow down the player's cursor movement so that the movement of 02:30:152 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - feels much more intense comparatively due to the pitch change here

This also properly emphasizes the finish sound at 02:29:486 (1) - and further emphasizes the double quick finishes at 02:30:152 (1) - and 02:30:486 (4) - as we go from emphasis via slow movement to emphasis via fast movement

I really want to highlight these finish sounds properly and I don't think that a player could justifiably complain about this difficulty of a pattern in a cs5.8 7.5* map

Marked as resolved by Mattay

02:31:819 (2,3) - vs 02:33:152 (2,3) -
Here, the spacing of first one could be bigger for pitch changes and lower at the second to further express the song.


04:18:486 (2,3) - could increase spacing bit or nerf 04:19:819 (2,3) -


02:31:819 (2,3) - raised spacing
02:33:152 (2,3) - kept same because still want to emphasize pitch change at 02:33:152 (2,3) -
04:18:486 (2,3) - raised spacing
04:19:819 (2,3) - raised spacing

Marked as resolved by Mattay

02:35:736 (1,2) - 04:05:069 (2,3) - 04:22:402 (1,2) - while the way you have these right now work, i feel like stacking these instead of spacing them out might work a little better -- these sorta play awkwardly in their current state imo


i meant to point this out in my original mod but forgot to oops


other two I agree with but I'd really like to keep 04:04:819 (1,2,3,4,1) - because I absolutely LOVE this flow

Marked as resolved by Mattay

02:39:319 (3,1) - Can you try giving more spacing like 01:03:319 (3,1) - 01:56:652 (3,1) - 04:25:986 (3,1) - ? Seems you intended the same thing but it felt a little different because of the visual overlap.


ok made it a bit bigger

Marked as resolved by Mattay

02:44:819 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - ngl, the spacing of 02:44:652 (4,1) - 02:45:986 (4,1) - these is pretty dumb -- the linear aim here already requires quite a lot of precision, adding a cross-screen to that just makes this pattern unreasonably hard for this section of the song imo

01:18:819 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - just doing the same thing you did here would work way better, even if it is more 'boring' technically


agree with you fully on this one

Marked as resolved by Mattay

03:01:486 (1,2,3,4,1) - What about giving a gradual increase in spacing instead? 03:02:819 (1) - has a powerful sound, but shrinking down didn't fit the mood imo.


decided on giving 03:02:486 (4,1) - large spacing for the powerful sound instead of gradual increase as I volume change down here

Marked as resolved by Mattay

03:13:486 (1) - honestly feel like the spinner starting at 03:18:819 - would make more sense here, this is super long when it doesn't really need to be imo


i'm assuming you probably did this for drain time reasons, but starting the spinner where i stated just barely keeps the 5 minute drain time alive -- quite literally (i think it's actually exactly 5 minutes)

permalink u gotta be fucking kidding me

ok just start it at 03:18:152 - then instead


yeah I was annoyed at this too as I just straight up wanted a break instead of a spinner, 03:18:152 used

Marked as resolved by Mattay

03:32:152 (1,2,3,4) - prolly wanna tune down this ds for a bit cuz the song is like sleeping


yeah I can do that, it was only that large for some structure stuff anyways

Marked as resolved by Mattay

03:33:819 (1,2,3) - wanna add whistles to these sliderheads


mmm It sounds okay after adding, It stands out a bit compared to if I whistled the whole part from 03:24:152 but I also feel like adding whistles there is too much for what the sound provides, but on the plus side it has better hs contrast with 03:34:819 this section

Marked as resolved by Mattay

03:39:486 (1,2) - shouldn't this be spaced out more like 03:38:152 (1,2) - these? not really sure why this is stacked considering this is meant to be a build-up section :s


I probabaly lowered spacing for pattern variation but yeah it just straight up doesn't make sense now so changed

Marked as resolved by Mattay

03:44:152 (1,1,1,1) - I understand this was to emphasize the build up, but the spacing also feels too large for the calm intensity. Might give some nerf if you agree.


02:18:819 (1,1,1,1) - this pattern is used to reinforce this pattern and it is not intense at all movement wise compared to following kiai so I believe the contrast is still enough to warrant this repeated usage

Marked as resolved by Mattay

03:45:486 - I like rhythm change at this kiai


04:01:486 (1,2,3,4) - 04:02:819 (1,2,3,4) - the spacing of these jumps here are really excessive; i get that this is done for symmetry reasons but this really just does not work well in the context of the song and map itself -- these aren't that emphasized to be nearly cross-screen

highly recommend nerfing these -- at the very least the first one, as that is much more problematic (though nerfing both would be better)


I changed the pattern a bit and made those first 2 smaller, also did something else here 04:03:652 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - to represent the music a bit better

Marked as resolved by Mattay

04:04:152 (1,3) - these should be equidistant from 04:04:319 (2,4) - these (i.e. placed around x:291 y:180), otherwise this pattern is kind of Dumb to play


if a pattern like this was done more consistently i don't think it'd be that problematic, but considering 04:20:986 (3,4,5) - all the other linear patterns throughout the map, it just makes more sense to be consistent here


ok yeah moved it up and made it equidistant

Marked as resolved by Mattay

04:25:486 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - 04:26:819 (1,2,3) - 04:41:486 (1,1) - 05:02:819 (1,1) - these are missing sliderend silences


02:40:152 (1,2,3) - also i think the sliderheads of these should be drum sampleset for the hitnormal? at least considering the other patterns similar to it



Marked as resolved by Mattay

04:28:152 (1) - This slider is big at visually to look at that it is likely to be mistaken for a fast slider.

It may be easier to understand if you adjust the sv or scale to make it smaller.


the repeated usage of this pattern 04:25:486 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - throughout the map visually shows the player the end of the kiai and the other other fast slider was introduced on this sound 04:33:486 (1) - so therefore since this slider is not visually the same as 04:33:486 (1) - and the fast sliderpattern indicating the end of the kiai section visually explains that this slider should be slower than usual

Marked as resolved by Mattay

04:32:819 (1,1) - there's not really anything signifying this as a 1/4 gap in spacing, would either reduce this or just make the slider before it a 1/2 slider instead by increasing the SV


increased the sv

Marked as resolved by Mattay

04:48:152 (1,2,1,2,1) - What about increasing the spacing? It felt too close compared to the overall intensity and 00:16:152 (1,2,1,2) -



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