01:19:495 (1,2,3) - this part shold be more emphasize like in parts before, making 01:19:300 (8) - a 1/4 slider would help
00:36:346 (5) - i think this note shouldnt be clickeable, yes theres a little tick there but after similar sound like the one on the very beggining the player could be confused on what to click, so recommend using a similar rhythm from the ones before like 00:10:924 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - or 01:07:027 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - , in case u wanna keep something there then make 00:36:248 (4) - a 1/4 slider
hey i just took a look at ur map, u should fix the timing first, BPM is 155, and ur offset should be around 00:00:546 (1) - i will take a look in the coming days on the map itself
00:43:909 (5) - this feels kinda off, maybe remove the reverse and make it two sliders? makes sense since u have a drum on 00:44:791 (6) - that will make this feel better
00:22:953 (7,8) - u should keep the same snap distance on 8, like u used on 00:29:571 (4,5) -
00:54:471 (6) - maybe remove? as the pattern flows better, also NC on 00:54:304 (5) - to make notice on the pause