idk whether it's dqable or not but use this "アストラエアの白き永遠 Finale -白き星の夢-",better than Chinese Characters imo
Artist name should be WHITE-LIPS. source:
And romanized title should be Hanataba because 花束 is a word,not two nouns Hana and Taba.
the collab kusukusu and NYAON is one of the best in eroge for me.
All,1st,2nd and FD OPs look cool rock songs,therefore it will be tough fight for mapping :( Anyway I will try if I get motivated or asked GD. (14K2S)
Thanks,but I gave up trying to commit this community since my maps were not allowed due to diff spread. Adjusting maps for that instead of focus on improvement should cause less quality maps,but do they take responsibility if my maps got downvotes because of the part they fix? I don't think so.
Fine.Here is some info before feedback:
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