Thanks,but I gave up trying to commit this community since my maps were not allowed due to diff spread. Adjusting maps for that instead of focus on improvement should cause less quality maps,but do they take responsibility if my maps got downvotes because of the part they fix? I don't think so.
Fine.Here is some info before feedback:
- If you don't already start mapping,I recommend not to choose kind of Rock music. For example, [do not choose this song]( as you may get tough experience to map mania map.
- My opinions are useless for aiming Ranked. We,I and o!m have too different opinions sadly :( [see this]( where I decided to leave o!m 10K+ community
It is soft snare sound and same kind of sound,therefore same column. Usually only 1 snare is used for the entire song,especially non-EDM.
ctrl-h entire trill tho
Added 14K2S 14K+2 double play
N+2 looks like useless tag no one uses more than 14k2s/double play,and 'scratch' can ruin user experience,when user wants to search DJ songs have ton of scratch sounds.
Since "If a Normal difficulty is required and used as the lowest difficulty of a beatmap, it must also abide by these rules:" I applied for Beginner but didn't for Normal.
Honestly this rule is questionable for me as BPM changes,not SV are depend on the song feature,not mapping. Therefore I want to avoid as many as possible.
I repeated to listen to here more than 10 times due to strange rhythm,but there is no piano sound: Kick,hihat,string bass,and violin.
move 02:10:531 (130531|10) - to right 3 for better PR btw
This part is pure piano therefore I don't want to add other sounds.
Also 01:48:120 (108120|5,109531|4,110943|3) - this structure should be kept for better PR
tags: Added 'ましフォニ' . 'pallette' is typo,see official URL(NSFW). 'Like a Sunflower' is like you add 'わくわくする人' for Thriller,therefore I don't want to add. 'Video Game instrumental' is duplicated and I don't see they are also added to tags. See .
changed to 6251 from 2615 to better PR
Since I only use this type of sound for Normal diff,there is no reason to omit like ss. Players should get better instead.
Instead !(
Snaps must be same among difficulties to maintain consistency if they follow same sounds with same rhythms,therefore I don't change snap there.
Around 00:42:473 : change patterns completely for better PR but not balance. Normal or above diffs,except Beginner, are following the song more than balance,and I think this and Hyper diffs are well with [this type of charts](
About LN: I avoid using LNs except Another. Even [this level of LNs]( are more difficult than other parts (This is considered as Lv4-5,even it is Lv3) Also I don't like LN :)
I'm sure this BGM is DTMed,not recorded,and those sounds are on line. Randomized attack envelope or Swing feature cause not only this unsnap but inconsistent snaps.
Completely remapped to make better patterns,but I think those keys should not be balanced for Beginner diff,so they are more than previous map but still less than other keys.
IIDX doesn't have DP Beginner diffs,but Normal diffs recommended for true beginners are same way. On the other hand, [this old chart]( is not good for Beginner diff.
Scratch makes less pattern variations due to avoiding muri-scratch. Therefore DP has less scratches unless the song is by DJ MASS or has true scratch sounds. Also lower diffs don't mean they can't use sounds higher diffs don't use,so I use scratch for lower diffs sometimes.
About Beginner diff, Beginner is kind of "undermap",which I have to ignore the song and follow "songs for pattern" way for reducing difficulty,same as "overmap" which also does this way for opposite reason. Scratch should be difficulty for beginners as it forces your hands from resting position in IIDX controller,therefore I try to reduce its amount.