02:16:879 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - I like your choices in how to follow the music, but i'm not sure about this part. The map follows the lower percussion, which is lower in the mix and more difficult to hear. The rhythm itself is also more complicated than the higher toms playing in the foreground. I personally think it would work better if you'd follow the higher percussion instead. When playing, this section was by far the hardest for me, which doesn't make much sense since the music is not at its most intense here. Music interpretation is subjective and even something like having different headphones changes how we perceive a song, so it's all subjective; This is my personal experience with the diff.
00:17:573 (1,1,2) - note fully overlaps with the buzz slider. Not a real problem as its quite readable and playable but it creates an awkward reading spike when playing it with HD (at least for me, i always need to memorize these patterns, otherwise i simply don't see the note). Pointing it out cuz it doesn't happen anywhere else in the map so it's quite incidental. Super subjective but you might want to take a look
02:07:573 (4,5) - Could do either more spacing between these 2 sliders or increase SV on the first one; While playing I kept hitting the second slider too early, either because i expected the first slider to be faster because of the SV increase on the first beat 2 bars before (02:05:351 (1) - ) or because i expected the second slider to have more spacing (all other objects in this section seem to be more spaced in general)
also true for 02:12:018 (4,5) -
01:06:462 (4,1,2,3) - This pattern follows the 3 sounds of the drum. All other patterns in this section seem to follow the melody around it, however. I think it would make much more sense to map this part on the melody as well, representing all 4 notes of the melody here, including the blue tick that's currently empty.