mapped by Castagne
This beatmap was ranked on 30 June 2024!
nominated by Syph and Asphyxia
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00:11:462 - Not a big deal, a small jump to nothing special in the song, maybe just replace it with a circle , snap to 00:11:323 (5) - and jump to 00:11:740 (7) - when the music plays again something xD? adjust the spacing ofc

01:04:795 (6) - ^


Can you post a screenshot of what your solution would look like? I am not really sure from your post.

permalink exactly like 00:11:740 (7,8) - since its pretty much the same sound?

Marked as resolved by FlobuFlobs

bro now im consufed myself wtf, ignore that one lol


I used the same rhythm in the light insane but I think my current rhythm fits the flowy nature of this diff better.


00:17:573 (1,1,2) - note fully overlaps with the buzz slider. Not a real problem as its quite readable and playable but it creates an awkward reading spike when playing it with HD (at least for me, i always need to memorize these patterns, otherwise i simply don't see the note). Pointing it out cuz it doesn't happen anywhere else in the map so it's quite incidental. Super subjective but you might want to take a look


I changed the patterning so it doesn't overlap anymore.

Marked as resolved by Castagne

01:28:639 (6,1) - broken stack Lol



Marked as resolved by Castagne

01:58:916 (1) - This is kinda big too spacing-wise, would nerf a little - it having spacing itself isn't bad but I also think that this would work better if this spacing was used in a chorus or something, not when you come out of one. I like this but your call


Revamped this pattern so that the spacing is smaller.

Marked as resolved by Castagne

02:09:750 (1) - Not necessarily an issue, just personal preference here - thoughts on stacking this with 02:08:916 (6) - 's end? The mini spacing is a little weird on this one in specific when you just came out of 02:06:694 (5,1) -


Yeah I agree and I did bigger spacing in the expert as well so now it's also here in the insane.

Marked as resolved by Castagne

02:14:472 - maybe place a circle here cuz as it stands there's no way to actively hitsound this like in all other diffs and it'd be nice if it was


Added a similar wave slider as in the expert diff here since I feel like that works better than a circle.

Marked as resolved by Castagne

02:20:778 (3) - nc this since its spacing makes it look like theres no 1/1 pause in the middle


good one

Marked as resolved by Castagne

02:36:684 (1,2) - this spacing could be buffed a bit, feels pretty underwhelming right now


02:36:823 (2) - ctrlg'd this slider and buffed the spacing of 02:37:101 (3) -

Marked as resolved by Castagne

02:41:462 (3) - feels abit weak to play, 00:48:129 (3) - and 01:41:462 (3) - you atleast added a little jump

  • also compared to them, 02:41:740 (4,5) - these 2 gets way more emphasized for no reason

I don't think there is a need to space 02:41:462 (3) - considering that there isn't a really important sound on it. I did change the placement of 02:41:740 (4,5) - to make them stand out less.

Marked as resolved by Castagne

02:47:517 (1,2) - kickslider jumpscare WTF,, can u change these to circles cuz this is the only time u did this


Did a slow slider because I do that all other times at this spot. idk why i put the kicksliders here LOL

Marked as resolved by Castagne

02:55:351 (1,2,3,4) - maybe ctrl g them? emphasizing it by spacing and keeping the circular flow instead of breaking the flow like you did here 03:12:851 (4,1) - 01:01:740 (4,1) -


I think breaking the flow makes this stand out nicely from the rest so I'd rather keep it as is.

Marked as resolved by Castagne