
Brian The Sun - HEROES

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Sunday, June 26, 2016 at 9:11:50 PM

Artist: Brian The Sun
Source: 僕のヒーローアカデミア
Tags: boku no hero academia my ending tv size ed
BPM: 197.9
Filesize: 1598kb
Play Time: 01:27
Difficulties Available:
  1. Extra (4.91 stars, 337 notes)
  2. Hard (2.83 stars, 204 notes)
  3. Insane (4.07 stars, 260 notes)
  4. Normal (1.73 stars, 99 notes)
Download: Brian The Sun - HEROES
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Normal - (remapped 2nd time) - 1 mod (7 mod in total, 3 mods in 1st remap, 4 in original)
Hard - comp - 5 mod
Insane - comp - 5 mod
Extra - (1st remap) comp - 0 mod (6 mods total, 6 in original)

5/15/16: Submitted beatmap, changed background photo
5/26/16: Timing changes, Added hitsounds

FIX : I recently removed Easy because Normal is 1.73*.
I've seen your M4M request on #modreqs, so if you could mod this map: (Insane or Extra, preferably, for I have finished mapping those difficulties), it would be highly appreciated! Here's my mod:

00:29:312 (2,3) - The spacing between this hitcircle and this slider is only a little bit larger than the part before. This causes it to seem like the time between these two objects is a half beat, like the part before, while the actual time between them is an entire beat. Therefore, i recommend to increase the spacing between the hitcircle and slider to make the difference in timing more obvious.

01:07:209 (2) - The map seems to follow the vocal line during the kiai pretty neatly, but this slider seems a half beat later than the melody in this part, and that plays a bit awkwardly. I suggest making this slider half a beat earlier, decreasing its spacing with respect to 01:06:603 (1) - and increasing its spacing with respect to 01:07:664 (3) - .

01:07:664 (3) - this little hitcircle is very hard to read, because it is inside a slider. I suggest moving this hitcircle to somewhere outside the slider, because while these kinds of patterns are original, they are rather misplaced in a 4.1* difficulty.

These are basically all the points of criticism i can come up with for this difficulty, because overall, it is wonderfully mapped! I especially like the really smooth flow. Great job! :)

Also, if you wouldn't mind, i would love to make an expert difficulty for this mapset.

Whatever your decision may be, good luck with this map!
Topic Starter

c_thijsen wrote:

I've seen your M4M request on #modreqs, so if you could mod this map: (Insane or Extra, preferably, for I have finished mapping those difficulties), it would be highly appreciated! Here's my mod:

00:29:312 (2,3) - The spacing between this hitcircle and this slider is only a little bit larger than the part before. This causes it to seem like the time between these two objects is a half beat, like the part before, while the actual time between them is an entire beat. Therefore, i recommend to increase the spacing between the hitcircle and slider to make the difference in timing more obvious. I just made the spacing larger, was that right?

01:07:209 (2) - The map seems to follow the vocal line during the kiai pretty neatly, but this slider seems a half beat later than the melody in this part, and that plays a bit awkwardly. I suggest making this slider half a beat earlier, decreasing its spacing with respect to 01:06:603 (1) - and increasing its spacing with respect to 01:07:664 (3) - . Thanks :>

01:07:664 (3) - this little hitcircle is very hard to read, because it is inside a slider. I suggest moving this hitcircle to somewhere outside the slider, because while these kinds of patterns are original, they are rather misplaced in a 4.1* difficulty. This got changed because of ^. Thanks!

These are basically all the points of criticism i can come up with for this difficulty, because overall, it is wonderfully mapped! I especially like the really smooth flow. Great job! :)

Also, if you wouldn't mind, i would love to make an expert difficulty for this mapset. Well I don't know.. I'm planning on asking people to do the gd. My chances of accepting a gd from someone is rare, but thx for the offer!

Whatever your decision may be, good luck with this map! Thanks!
On my comp, offset sounds better at 1,120


  1. 00:10:442 - with the new offset as mentioned above, it becomes clearer that this belongs a 1/4 beat earlier.
  2. 00:16:733 and 00:17:946 - neither of these triples are represented in the music. I don't see a need for them.
  3. 00:34:470 (1) - the closeness of this to the previous note would be very confusing, compared to its timing. Unless you want to be intentionally difficult to read here, consider moving it away from the previous (5).
  4. 00:37:200 - same here, to lesser degree, if you wanted it to be easier to read move it further from the (3). Or you could and/or move it to the next combo, which should also serve to indicate it's supposed to be played closer to that group.
  5. 00:43:491 - I would move that spinner back 1, or 3 1/4 beats, give some time for players to get to the first slider. At a just a 1/4 beat apart it's too brutal atm.
  6. 00:44:477 (6) - slider lasting 3 beats here is wrong, should last only two
  7. 00:49:328 (10, 11) - there is no reason in the music for these double time sliders, I would consider changing them, they will be very surprising and unintuitive
  8. 01:17:524 (6) - This slider is just itching to be moved earlier two 1/4 beats to line up with the guitar. Dunno how you want to arrange other notes around it to fit.
  9. 01:19:494 - I think a stack circle here would work well, the singer saying "de" at that exact point and there is no circle to accompany him
  10. 01:21:920 - Same as above
  11. 01:23:890 and 01:24:345 - Same
Topic Starter

bassoons wrote:

On my comp, offset sounds better at 1,120 back then I'd usually mess up changing offsets and changing notes and points and stuff, but got it right now. Also sounds more compatible tbh :D


  1. 00:10:442 - with the new offset as mentioned above, it becomes clearer that this belongs a 1/4 beat earlier. ^
  2. 00:16:733 and 00:17:946 - neither of these triples are represented in the music. I don't see a need for them. It's namely for beat but I also found it better
  3. 00:34:470 (1) - the closeness of this to the previous note would be very confusing, compared to its timing. Unless you want to be intentionally difficult to read here, consider moving it away from the previous (5). More time, more space, i see
  4. 00:37:200 - same here, to lesser degree, if you wanted it to be easier to read move it further from the (3). Or you could and/or move it to the next combo, which should also serve to indicate it's supposed to be played closer to that group. ^
  5. 00:43:491 - I would move that spinner back 1, or 3 1/4 beats, give some time for players to get to the first slider. At a just a 1/4 beat apart it's too brutal atm. fixed
  6. 00:44:477 (6) - slider lasting 3 beats here is wrong, should last only two fixed
  7. 00:49:328 (10, 11) - there is no reason in the music for these double time sliders, I would consider changing them, they will be very surprising and unintuitive I just like that style but again I found it better
  8. 01:17:524 (6) - This slider is just itching to be moved earlier two 1/4 beats to line up with the guitar. Dunno how you want to arrange other notes around it to fit. check
  9. 01:19:494 - I think a stack circle here would work well, the singer saying "de" at that exact point and there is no circle to accompany him was thinking of the same thing but I get confused sometimes
  10. 01:21:920 - Same as above^
  11. 01:23:890 and 01:24:345 - Same ^
Topic Starter

crystalinfusion wrote:

bassoons wrote:

On my comp, offset sounds better at 1,120 back then I'd usually mess up changing offsets and changing notes and points and stuff, but got it right now. Also sounds more compatible tbh :D


  1. 00:10:442 - with the new offset as mentioned above, it becomes clearer that this belongs a 1/4 beat earlier. ^
  2. 00:16:733 and 00:17:946 - neither of these triples are represented in the music. I don't see a need for them. It's namely for beat but I also found it better
  3. 00:34:470 (1) - the closeness of this to the previous note would be very confusing, compared to its timing. Unless you want to be intentionally difficult to read here, consider moving it away from the previous (5). More time, more space, i see
  4. 00:37:200 - same here, to lesser degree, if you wanted it to be easier to read move it further from the (3). Or you could and/or move it to the next combo, which should also serve to indicate it's supposed to be played closer to that group. ^
  5. 00:43:491 - I would move that spinner back 1, or 3 1/4 beats, give some time for players to get to the first slider. At a just a 1/4 beat apart it's too brutal atm. fixed
  6. 00:44:477 (6) - slider lasting 3 beats here is wrong, should last only two fixed
  7. 00:49:328 (10, 11) - there is no reason in the music for these double time sliders, I would consider changing them, they will be very surprising and unintuitive I just like that style but again I found it better
  8. 01:17:524 (6) - This slider is just itching to be moved earlier two 1/4 beats to line up with the guitar. Dunno how you want to arrange other notes around it to fit. check
  9. 01:19:494 - I think a stack circle here would work well, the singer saying "de" at that exact point and there is no circle to accompany him was thinking of the same thing but I get confused sometimes
  10. 01:21:920 - Same as above^
  11. 01:23:890 and 01:24:345 - Same ^
Overall thx! Made more improvements than I expected.

crystalinfusion wrote:

bassoons wrote:

  1. 01:19:494 - I think a stack circle here would work well, the singer saying "de" at that exact point and there is no circle to accompany him was thinking of the same thing but I get confused sometimes
Overall thx! Made more improvements than I expected.
Simple to make it less confusing, just move notes at 01:19:189 and 01:21:615 and the two-stack (01:23:888 and 01:24:040 ) to different random places on the map :D
from #modreq
00:10:211 (1) - too long, should end at red tick ( maybe add reverse)
00:26:886 (3,1) - stack 00:27:796 (1) - under beginning of 00:26:886 (3) -
00:45:835 (5) - fix stack pls
01:01:752 (1,3) - ^^
01:08:574 (4,1) - ^^
00:14:456 (1,2) - spacing is confusing
00:24:764 (3) - change to slider
00:33:708 (4,5) - too close each other and start new combo from 00:34:011 (5) -
ctrl+A - so much space is undeveloped, everything is focused in the center, you should use corners wisely.
Overall map looks nice :P
Topic Starter

Reazen wrote:

from #modreq
00:10:211 (1) - too long, should end at red tick ( maybe add reverse) thx
00:26:886 (3,1) - stack 00:27:796 (1) - under beginning of 00:26:886 (3) - thx
00:45:835 (5) - fix stack pls thx lol
01:01:752 (1,3) - ^^ intentional, for the flow of (2)
01:08:574 (4,1) - ^^ thx
00:14:456 (1,2) - spacing is confusing thx
00:24:764 (3) - change to slider thx
00:33:708 (4,5) - too close each other and start new combo from 00:34:011 (5) - thx
ctrl+A - so much space is undeveloped, everything is focused in the center, you should use corners wisely. I dunno, I rarely make maps that feature notes on edges.. but i'll take it as advice. thx!
Overall map looks nice :P thx (lol)
thanks for the mod!
From my Modding Queue

  1. Fix Distance Snap
  2. Uninherited Timing Points conflict with Extra Difficulty
  3. 00:14:456 - The sudden SV change is a bit overwhelming for Normal
  4. 00:31:434 (3,4) - Move (3) to make (4)'s Slider start a bit more visible
  5. 00:34:466 (5,1) - Use (5)'s slider ball circle to blanket (1)
  6. 00:45:987 (4,5) - Fix Blanket
  7. 01:26:007 (1,2) - Use (1)'s slider ball circle to blanket (2)

Short mod though... of course, Pilipino din ako! :)
Topic Starter

-Nitrous wrote:

From my Modding Queue

  1. Fix Distance Snap ??
  2. Uninherited Timing Points conflict with Extra Difficulty ???
  3. 00:14:456 - The sudden SV change is a bit overwhelming for Normal thx
  4. 00:31:434 (3,4) - Move (3) to make (4)'s Slider start a bit more visible thx
  5. 00:34:466 (5,1) - Use (5)'s slider ball circle to blanket (1) thx
  6. 00:45:987 (4,5) - Fix Blanket thx
  7. 01:26:007 (1,2) - Use (1)'s slider ball circle to blanket (2)

Short mod though... of course, Pilipino din ako! :) :DDD
hello from modq

  1. Tags: Remove following... hero (you are using it twice), brian the sun (your name is in creator), heroes (useless), anime (useless), all might midoriya deku (useless)
    Add following... ending, tv, size
  2. Disable Countdown and Widescreen support
  3. normal-hitclap.wav is never used. Remove it or add it where it fits
  4. 128kb/s audio? Feels kind of low for an anime from 2016, I'm sure you can find better audio quality somewhere (192kb/s is max according to RC)
  5. Check AiMod
  1. 00:01:116 (1,2,3,4,1,2) - These should use Normal sampleset.
  2. 00:10:821 - Green tick is off, making it uselss to 00:10:821 (1) -
  3. 00:13:853 (4) - NC
  4. 00:25:374 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,1,2,3) - this entire section is weird since you went from mix placements to vocals-only
  5. 00:40:533 (4) - NC
  6. 00:41:140 (7) - ^
  7. 00:41:746 (10) - ^
  8. 00:43:565 (1,2,3,4) - Should be a stream
  9. 00:54:177 (5) - off-placed
  10. 00:54:934 (2,3,4,5,6) - uneven spacing
  11. 00:58:724 (8) - NC
  12. 00:58:421 (7) - CTRL +G
  13. 01:00:998 (2,3,4,5,6) - bad spacing D:
  14. 01:07:820 - the sudden change of SV here kind of ruined the entire section
  15. 00:44:778 - kiai starts here and 01:15:096 - Kiai ends here

Topic Starter

Alveryn wrote:

hello from modq

  1. Tags: Remove following... hero (you are using it twice), brian the sun (your name is in creator), heroes (useless), anime (useless), all might midoriya deku (useless) lol thx, I was just typing what I could think of
    Add following... ending, tv, size
  2. Disable Countdown and Widescreen support done
  3. normal-hitclap.wav is never used. Remove it or add it where it fits I was finding this hitsound. Thought it was soft. Thx!
  4. 128kb/s audio? Feels kind of low for an anime from 2016, I'm sure you can find better audio quality somewhere (192kb/s is max according to RC) ??
  5. Check AiMod
  1. 00:01:116 (1,2,3,4,1,2) - These should use Normal sampleset. fixed
  2. 00:10:821 - Green tick is off, making it uselss to 00:10:821 (1) - thx
  3. 00:13:853 (4) - NC thx
  4. 00:25:374 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,1,2,3) - this entire section is weird since you went from mix placements to vocals-only I planned it to be like that
  5. 00:41:140 (7) - ^ thx
  6. 00:41:746 (10) - ^ thx
  7. 00:43:565 (1,2,3,4) - Should be a stream fixed
  8. 00:54:177 (5) - off-placed fixed
  9. 00:54:934 (2,3,4,5,6) - uneven spacing fixed
  10. 00:58:724 (8) - NC fixed
  11. 00:58:421 (7) - CTRL +G fixed
  12. 01:00:998 (2,3,4,5,6) - bad spacing D: idk if I did fix it though
  13. 01:07:820 - the sudden change of SV here kind of ruined the entire section fixed
  14. 00:44:778 - kiai starts here and 01:15:096 - Kiai ends here thought aimod didn't accept that long. thx
thanks for the mod!
Hi!~ Mod from my queue~ ;) :D

  1. Delete white combo colour
  2. Delete one "academia" from tags (repeating)
  3. 00:44:020 - set preview moment here in all diffs
  4. 00:44:778 - 01:16:309 - hear wrong BPM. Ask someone for check


  1. Approach Rate: 5 or below
  2. 00:14:460 (1) - Use for all objects one spacing - 1.0x
  3. Changing slider track's speed in Normal is unrankable
  4. 00:01:116 (1,2,3,4) - try do square, because this looks boring
  5. 00:12:034 (4) - cut one repeat, because that hard read for amateurs
  6. 00:38:714 (4) - ^
  7. 00:30:225 (1) - ^
  8. 00:31:438 (3) - ^
  9. 00:55:692 (3,4) - ^
  10. 01:03:575 (4) - ^
  11. 00:13:247 (5) - set NC
  12. 01:09:033 (5) - ^
  13. 00:14:460 (1) - delete NC
  14. 00:29:012 (1) - ^
  15. 00:21:130 (2) - ugly slider :c
  16. 00:28:406 (2) - ^
  17. 00:40:533 (2) - ^
  18. 01:03:575 (4) - ^
  19. 01:17:522 (3) - ^
  20. 00:26:587 (3,4,5) - hard for reading, set this objects on white ticks
  21. 00:29:012 (1,2,3) - ^
  22. 01:26:011 (1,2) - ^
  23. 00:34:470 (5,1) - slider don't need for be up than next
  24. 00:47:203 (1,2) - ^
  25. 00:34:470 (5) - ctrl + H
  26. 00:42:049 (5) - delete
  27. 00:42:352 (1) - cut spinner to 00:43:565
  28. 01:09:033 (5,6) - looks like bad, try copy (6)
  29. 00:22:949 - delete this Timing Point (excess)
  30. 00:14:460 - ^
  31. 00:43:565 - ^
  32. 00:44:475 - ^
  33. 00:52:054 - ^
  34. 00:59:331 - ^
  35. 01:13:883 - ^
  36. 01:20:553 - ^
  37. 01:20:553 - ^
  38. 01:20:553 - ^
  39. 01:24:495 - ^
  40. 01:26:011 - ^

Good luck!~ :)
Topic Starter

Revialink wrote:

Hi!~ Mod from my queue~ ;) :D

  1. Delete white combo colour
  2. Delete one "academia" from tags (repeating)
  3. 00:44:020 - set preview moment here in all diffs
  4. 00:44:778 - 01:16:309 - hear wrong BPM. Ask someone for check


  1. Approach Rate: 5 or below
  2. 00:14:460 (1) - Use for all objects one spacing - 1.0x
  3. Changing slider track's speed in Normal is unrankable
  4. 00:01:116 (1,2,3,4) - try do square, because this looks boring
  5. 00:12:034 (4) - cut one repeat, because that hard read for amateurs
  6. 00:38:714 (4) - ^
  7. 00:30:225 (1) - ^
  8. 00:31:438 (3) - ^
  9. 00:55:692 (3,4) - ^
  10. 01:03:575 (4) - ^
  11. 00:13:247 (5) - set NC
  12. 01:09:033 (5) - ^
  13. 00:14:460 (1) - delete NC
  14. 00:29:012 (1) - ^
  15. 00:21:130 (2) - ugly slider :c
  16. 00:28:406 (2) - ^
  17. 00:40:533 (2) - ^
  18. 01:03:575 (4) - ^
  19. 01:17:522 (3) - ^
  20. 00:26:587 (3,4,5) - hard for reading, set this objects on white ticks
  21. 00:29:012 (1,2,3) - ^
  22. 01:26:011 (1,2) - ^
  23. 00:34:470 (5,1) - slider don't need for be up than next
  24. 00:47:203 (1,2) - ^
  25. 00:34:470 (5) - ctrl + H I recently fixed it and looks fine to me :/
  26. 00:42:049 (5) - delete
  27. 00:42:352 (1) - cut spinner to 00:43:565
  28. 01:09:033 (5,6) - looks like bad, try copy (6)
  29. 00:22:949 - delete this Timing Point (excess)
  30. 00:14:460 - ^
  31. 00:43:565 - ^
  32. 00:44:475 - ^
  33. 00:52:054 - ^
  34. 00:59:331 - ^
  35. 01:13:883 - ^
  36. 01:20:553 - ^
  37. 01:20:553 - ^
  38. 01:20:553 - ^
  39. 01:24:495 - ^
  40. 01:26:011 - ^

Good luck!~ :)
Thanks! I didnt add much comment since most were accepted. thx
Quick M4M from #modreqs :) (My map:


  1. Clear up the few issues in aimod
  2. 00:10:821 - I would have this timing point as either drum or normal as i think soft is better suited for the verse
  3. Needs more NC on the hard diff (just follow your other difficulties)
- Considering this is the easiest difficulty (as of now anyway) i think that the distance between notes needs to be more consistent so new players can relate the
distance to the rhythm
01:02:969 (3) - Make this slider fit the pattern the other 2 made (Start at x:272 y:240)
01:05:394 (3) - Move the end node 1 grid space up to better fit with next slider
01:13:883 (1) - Have this end on the next white tick
01:26:011 (1) - Move this to the next red tick
01:26:617 (2) - Delete this slider
01:27:223 (3) - Have this start a white tick earlier but end where it does currently (extending its length by one whole tick)

00:25:374 (1) - I think the map works better if this is reduced to either the previous red or blue tick
01:03:878 (5,6) - All your other single notes are stacked and this part of the song doesnt sound like it should change that so i would stack these somehow
01:23:585 (2,3,4) - All NC to match previous patterns
01:26:011 (5) - NC here as well

- I think the AR should be reduced (Anywhere between 8-8.5 should be fine)
00:01:116 (1) - This should be the same distance away as the next 3 notes
00:43:565 (1,2,3,4) - This was a struggle for me and i'm at the stage where I can pretty comfortably pass most songs under 4.5* i would suggest to nerf it
01:27:527 (4,5,6) - Might need a nerf as well (not as urgent as the square)

01:13:883 (1) - I think this is too slow and breaks the flow i would suggest changing the SV to 0.75x
01:26:390 (2) - Start this on the next red tick
01:26:769 (3) - Start this on the next white tick (still end in the same spot)

GL with the map :D
[ Extra ]

first of all is the Distance is very unstable and more likely to not ever going to be rank for instant vvv

00:13:853 (1,2,3,4,5) - i suggest normal distance
00:16:279 (3,4,5) - sudden small jump ,make the distance bit like 00:17:188 (2,3) - this
00:18:098 (1,2,3,4) - ever heard copy past? ctrl+c than ctrl+v after that rotate them with ctrl+shift+r, change the angle
00:19:310 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - higher jump pls
00:28:254 (2,3,1) - unstable distance
00:31:438 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) -
00:36:289 (1,3) - overlaps
00:37:198 (4,1) - ^
00:43:565 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - make this stream abit more agresive like this vvv
00:14:460 (1) - could you atlest blanket this?
00:35:682 (7) - blanket this properly
00:44:475 - remove the timing here

to lazy to mod more :D
Sakurauchi Riko
Hello, random mod from #modreq. No need to m4m unless you want to, would appreciate it
I'm not good at modding I'm just telling you my thoughts on some patterns. Mostly relating on flow.

00:12:489 (3) - NC maybe?
00:14:156 (5,6) - copy paste slider 5, ctrl+h ctrl+j it and place it to the position of 6
00:16:279 (3,4,5,6) - make this triangel prettier or more like symmetrical
00:18:098 (1,2,3,4) - i would do this symmetrical aswell by copy pasting 1 (maybe do a better more accurate shape) and rotate it anticlockwise: like this
00:38:108 (3,4,5) - same, c+p 4 do ctrl+h and j place it right where you want and extend the slider 5 ofc (looks better imo)
00:19:310 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - this looks not that resourceful and creative to me, but its your map u decide your patterns ^-^
00:22:039 (2,4) - stack them (sliderend with 4 obviously)
00:22:039 (2,4) - blanket
00:25:071 (5,6,7,8,1) - use distance snap (DS) for streams
00:43:565 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - ^
00:36:289 (1,3) - avoid ugly overlaps like these
01:02:969 (1,2) - ^
01:04:182 (1,3,4) - ^ (i probably see your idea but it makes no sense to overlap imo :x)
01:05:394 (1,3) - ^
01:06:910 (3,4) - ^
01:10:245 (1,3) - ^
01:11:913 (2,3,4) - ^ (i get your idea again but either avoid overlaps or try to make them flow into each other)
00:37:198 (4,1) - same here but maybe stack 4 with sliderend of 1?
00:40:230 (3,3,3) - make those sliders evenly, same goes for the circles in that repeating pattern tbh
00:49:326 (10,1) - i see what you were thinking of but tbh it doesnt look very nice imo :( but up to you just leave it if you want to

Over all you should create more structure. Avoid random things like those 01:27:527 (4,5,6) - jumps which are not related to anything. Try to stack more objectives instead of overlapping.
Also I dont know about random slider velocity changes like 00:44:475 (10) -

Anyway, I'm too bad to mod lower difficulties but I hope my Mod for Expert was useful in any way. Good luck and happy mapping
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what the heck too many mods at the same time
help me
Topic Starter

LeQuack wrote:

Quick M4M from #modreqs :) (My map:


  1. Clear up the few issues in aimod
  2. 00:10:821 - I would have this timing point as either drum or normal as i think soft is better suited for the verse
  3. Needs more NC on the hard diff (just follow your other difficulties)
- Considering this is the easiest difficulty (as of now anyway) i think that the distance between notes needs to be more consistent so new players can relate the
distance to the rhythm
01:02:969 (3) - Make this slider fit the pattern the other 2 made (Start at x:272 y:240)
01:05:394 (3) - Move the end node 1 grid space up to better fit with next slider
01:13:883 (1) - Have this end on the next white tick
01:26:011 (1) - Move this to the next red tick changed to something harder for a more annoying end
01:26:617 (2) - Delete this slider ^
01:27:223 (3) - Have this start a white tick earlier but end where it does currently (extending its length by one whole tick)

00:25:374 (1) - I think the map works better if this is reduced to either the previous red or blue tick
01:03:878 (5,6) - All your other single notes are stacked and this part of the song doesnt sound like it should change that so i would stack these somehow
01:23:585 (2,3,4) - All NC to match previous patterns
01:26:011 (5) - NC here as well

- I think the AR should be reduced (Anywhere between 8-8.5 should be fine)
00:01:116 (1) - This should be the same distance away as the next 3 notes
00:43:565 (1,2,3,4) - This was a struggle for me and i'm at the stage where I can pretty comfortably pass most songs under 4.5* i would suggest to nerf it
01:27:527 (4,5,6) - Might need a nerf as well (not as urgent as the square)

01:13:883 (1) - I think this is too slow and breaks the flow i would suggest changing the SV to 0.75x
01:26:390 (2) - Start this on the next red tick
01:26:769 (3) - Start this on the next white tick (still end in the same spot) rip that one note that is on the exact spot

GL with the map :D
Most weren't answered because most were also accepted. You modded so much it shocked me thx!
Topic Starter

[-Chocola-] wrote:

[ Extra ]

first of all is the Distance is very unstable and more likely to not ever going to be rank for instant vvv

00:13:853 (1,2,3,4,5) - i suggest normal distance
00:16:279 (3,4,5) - sudden small jump ,make the distance bit like 00:17:188 (2,3) - this
00:18:098 (1,2,3,4) - ever heard copy past? ctrl+c than ctrl+v after that rotate them with ctrl+shift+r, change the angle
00:19:310 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - higher jump pls
00:28:254 (2,3,1) - unstable distance
00:31:438 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) -
00:36:289 (1,3) - overlaps
00:37:198 (4,1) - ^
00:43:565 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - make this stream abit more agresive like this vvv
00:14:460 (1) - could you atlest blanket this?
00:35:682 (7) - blanket this properly
00:44:475 - remove the timing here

to lazy to mod more :D
thx :)
Topic Starter

Phyloukz wrote:

Hello, random mod from #modreq. No need to m4m unless you want to, would appreciate it
I'm not good at modding I'm just telling you my thoughts on some patterns. Mostly relating on flow.

00:12:489 (3) - NC maybe?
00:14:156 (5,6) - copy paste slider 5, ctrl+h ctrl+j it and place it to the position of 6
00:16:279 (3,4,5,6) - make this triangel prettier or more like symmetrical
00:18:098 (1,2,3,4) - i would do this symmetrical aswell by copy pasting 1 (maybe do a better more accurate shape) and rotate it anticlockwise: like this
00:38:108 (3,4,5) - same, c+p 4 do ctrl+h and j place it right where you want and extend the slider 5 ofc (looks better imo)
00:19:310 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - this looks not that resourceful and creative to me, but its your map u decide your patterns ^-^
00:22:039 (2,4) - stack them (sliderend with 4 obviously)
00:22:039 (2,4) - blanket
00:25:071 (5,6,7,8,1) - use distance snap (DS) for streams
00:43:565 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - ^
00:36:289 (1,3) - avoid ugly overlaps like these
01:02:969 (1,2) - ^
01:04:182 (1,3,4) - ^ (i probably see your idea but it makes no sense to overlap imo :x)
01:05:394 (1,3) - ^
01:06:910 (3,4) - ^
01:10:245 (1,3) - ^
01:11:913 (2,3,4) - ^ (i get your idea again but either avoid overlaps or try to make them flow into each other)
00:37:198 (4,1) - same here but maybe stack 4 with sliderend of 1?
00:40:230 (3,3,3) - make those sliders evenly, same goes for the circles in that repeating pattern tbh
00:49:326 (10,1) - i see what you were thinking of but tbh it doesnt look very nice imo :( but up to you just leave it if you want to made into a butt instead. Been waiting for this moment to happen

Over all you should create more structure. Avoid random things like those 01:27:527 (4,5,6) - jumps which are not related to anything. Try to stack more objectives instead of overlapping.
Also I dont know about random slider velocity changes like 00:44:475 (10) - It's my habit to make slower sv changes before a chorus

Anyway, I'm too bad to mod lower difficulties but I hope my Mod for Expert was useful in any way. Good luck and happy mapping
I accepted most in since some were mentioned by the others awhilago. Didn't expect things and mods to come up suddenly eh, k then :)

Some sliders are touching/overlapping and some arent, despite being the same time distance apart. It would be easier for a new player to follow the rhythm if they were all the same distance apart IMO. (i am mainly referring to the first half where one beat long sliders are used extensively


-from the beginning to the middle area, it is difficult to tell how many times the reverse sliders will bounce due to the high slider speed. I would reccomend converting some of them to standard sliders so that it is a bit easier to read, and i think it might also flow a bit nicer


at 1:01:150 there is a hitcircle covering the reverse arrow and i think it might be difficult to notice that its a reverse slider since the hitcircle dosent go away until just before it reaches the end off the slider. (one reccomendation would be to change it from a reverse slider to hit circles or normal sliders)

Hope this helped somewhat xD 8-)
Hello M4M
00:11:731 (3,4) - just a suggestion but maybe make something like that?
00:13:853 (2,3) - Can it be not stack?
00:18:704 (2,3) - please fix this overlap
00:22:342 (4,2) - overlap but maybe can you stack end slider 00:23:555 (2) - with end slider 00:22:342 (4) -
00:42:049 (5) - start spinner maybe here?
00:45:991 (4,5) - fix this blanket?
01:19:644 (3,4,3,4,3,4) - i think its not good idea stack circle with end slider in diff Normal
00:28:254 (2) - try this
00:33:257 (3,4) -
00:35:531 (6) - may u move this circle farther

I hope this help. GL!

  • Normal
  1. I think SV is too large for the easiest difficulty of the mapset
  2. 00:01:116 (1) - is not snapped
  3. 00:01:116 (1,2,3,4) - I recommend NC on all of them. Better for health drain.
  4. I think slider might be better for covering drum beats
  5. Honestly, I think it would be best to remap the Normal. Remapping will be easier than fixing all the small details. These are general advice based on what I've seen in your map:
    1) For easy and normal, all notes should be distance snapped. You can toggle distance snap on from the right side of the editor screen ( )
    2) The easiest diff should have less than 2 stars
    3) Use slider velocity 1 or less. BPM is too high for 1.4
    4) Try not to put more than 3 circles next to each other (example of not to do )
    5) Reduce number of stacked notes
    6) Try to avoid awkward overlaps

    Sorry if you prefer more specific mod, but this is the best advice from me
  6. Why is the intro empty on hard, but not on other diffs?
  7. 00:13:247 (1,4) - Small overlap looks awkward
  8. 00:12:034 (5) - Consider adding NC here
  9. 00:14:460 (5) - ^
  10. 00:16:885 (5) -
  11. 00:19:310 (7) - etc. I think it would be better to put NC every measure, rather than every other measure.
  12. 00:24:313 (6,7) - I feel like this is a wrong place to put an emphasis with large distance
  13. 00:39:927 (1,1) - I think you've done other diffs better. Two spinners there looks lazy
Topic Starter
planning on changing Insane and Normal. thx
Topic Starter

wajinshu wrote:

Hello M4M
00:11:731 (3,4) - just a suggestion but maybe make something like that?
00:13:853 (2,3) - Can it be not stack?
00:18:704 (2,3) - please fix this overlap
00:22:342 (4,2) - overlap but maybe can you stack end slider 00:23:555 (2) - with end slider 00:22:342 (4) -
00:42:049 (5) - start spinner maybe here?
00:45:991 (4,5) - fix this blanket?
01:19:644 (3,4,3,4,3,4) - i think its not good idea stack circle with end slider in diff Normal
00:28:254 (2) - try this
00:33:257 (3,4) -
00:35:531 (6) - may u move this circle farther

aggh, I remapped Normal, but thanks. I have a better one and I feel like I can actually make easier diffs now.
for Ex I accepted all thanks

I hope this help. GL!
Topic Starter

Deafsun wrote:


Some sliders are touching/overlapping and some arent, despite being the same time distance apart. It would be easier for a new player to follow the rhythm if they were all the same distance apart IMO. (i am mainly referring to the first half where one beat long sliders are used extensively


-from the beginning to the middle area, it is difficult to tell how many times the reverse sliders will bounce due to the high slider speed. I would reccomend converting some of them to standard sliders so that it is a bit easier to read, and i think it might also flow a bit nicer


at 1:01:150 there is a hitcircle covering the reverse arrow and i think it might be difficult to notice that its a reverse slider since the hitcircle dosent go away until just before it reaches the end off the slider. (one reccomendation would be to change it from a reverse slider to hit circles or normal sliders)

Hope this helped somewhat xD 8-)
thanks! You've already messaged me pm so lol your first mod is very detailed I admit :)
Topic Starter
I don't know why but I can't find BitterCoffee's Quote Button

but anyways


I think SV is too large for the easiest difficulty of the mapset
00:01:116 (1) - is not snapped
00:01:116 (1,2,3,4) - I recommend NC on all of them. Better for health drain.
I think slider might be better for covering drum beats
Helpful mod
Honestly, I think it would be best to remap the Normal. Remapping will be easier than fixing all the small details. These are general advice based on what I've seen in your map:
1) For easy and normal, all notes should be distance snapped. You can toggle distance snap on from the right side of the editor screen ( )
2) The easiest diff should have less than 2 stars
3) Use slider velocity 1 or less. BPM is too high for 1.4
4) Try not to put more than 3 circles next to each other (example of not to do )
5) Reduce number of stacked notes
6) Try to avoid awkward overlaps

uh, you reccomended a remap, and so I did. I also made an easier difficulty and what was weird is that I made a Beginner, but I also made an easy diff. So it seems that the bm is getting more diffs but I am now able to be flexible with difficulties. Thanks!

Sorry if you prefer more specific mod, but this is the best advice from me np :)

Why is the intro empty on hard, but not on other diffs?
00:13:247 (1,4) - Small overlap looks awkward
00:12:034 (5) - Consider adding NC here
00:14:460 (5) - ^
00:16:885 (5) -
00:19:310 (7) - etc. I think it would be better to put NC every measure, rather than every other measure.
00:24:313 (6,7) - I feel like this is a wrong place to put an emphasis with large distance
00:39:927 (1,1) - I think you've done other diffs better. Two spinners there looks lazy

well yeah, I was lazy by that time. Finally in the mood and I got a better hang of lower diffs.
gl~ thanks!
from q

  1. 00:14:460 (1,2,3) - no antijump pls its too hard
  2. 00:18:553 (2,3,4,5,6) - bpm197 single tap is too hard pls add 1/2 sliders instead
  3. 00:24:465 (6) - what about avoiding that overlap with 7?
  4. 00:24:768 (7,1,2) - same as above. it makes me cut myself
  5. 00:26:587 (3) - i think this slider should be starts at 00:26:435 -
  6. 00:29:012 (9,10) - and 00:32:651 (1,2) - ..... and so on
  7. 01:01:453 (10,11) - WAT

  1. 01:13:883 (1) - what
so many anti jumps in here. pls

add hitsounds and copy makes awesome. try?
Hey, from Warfu & Alepat's Timing Queue
First of all I have to apologize for the time, I was busy this past weekend :'v

The Offset doesn't even sound good for the first circle and often has parts that are heard early and later from the song's rhythm.
You must have the following Timing Points:
  1. 00:01:151 - BPM: 197.900 (Offset: 1,151).
  2. 00:03:572 - BPM: 198.300 (Offset: 3,572). The Offset change here is needed but the BPM change... I thought it would need it because the whole band kinda goes faster but it's probably not neccessary xD
  3. 00:05:992 - BPM: 197.900 (Offset: 5,992). This Offset should have been like -5ms more but I didn't want to give a player some confusion.
  4. 00:08:422 - BPM: 197.900 (Offset: 8,422).
- - The Offset changes were made there because the use of just one BPM couldn't have made them sound more exactly.
  1. 00:10:833 - BPM: 198.680 (Offset: 10,833). A higher BPM fits better here even for the streams.
  2. 00:14:469 - BPM: 198.100 (Offset: 14,469). BPM going back to normal and Offset change.
  3. 00:15:690 - BPM: 198.085 (Offset: 15,690). ^
  4. 00:22:954 - BPM: 197.900 (Offset: 22,954). ^
  5. 00:32:650 - BPM: 197.900 (Offset: 32,650). Drums sound a bit earlier.
  6. 00:39:908 - BPM: 197.900 (Offset: 39.908). The drums sound earlier than usual in this part.
  7. 00:42:338 - BPM: 197.900 (Offset: 42:338). Offset goes back to normal.
- - From here, I didn't see any BPM or Offset changes... because the freaking drums sound quieter than most of the band and makes it hard for a better timing >:c (better EQ please...)
  1. 01:08:404 - BPM: 197.900 (Offset: 68,404). Offset change again, feels more comfortable when playing that part.
  2. 01:09:018 - BPM: 197.000 (Offset: 69,018). Goes back to normal
  3. 01:25:991 - BPM: 197.000 (Offset: 85,991). Offset comes a bit confusing here because all the band sounds un-synced from each other but I decided to follow the vocals so the player doesn't get confused on its first try :'v
It's just that these bands need to follow a metronome with a bit more of attention...
I tested all the Timing Points on every diff and didn't have any complications when playing them. Good luck with the map.
Topic Starter

Len wrote:

from q

  1. 00:14:460 (1,2,3) - no antijump pls its too hard
  2. 00:18:553 (2,3,4,5,6) - bpm197 single tap is too hard pls add 1/2 sliders instead
  3. 00:24:465 (6) - what about avoiding that overlap with 7?
  4. 00:24:768 (7,1,2) - same as above. it makes me cut myself
  5. 00:26:587 (3) - i think this slider should be starts at 00:26:435 -
  6. 00:29:012 (9,10) - and 00:32:651 (1,2) - ..... and so on
  7. 01:01:453 (10,11) - WAT

  1. 01:13:883 (1) - what
so many anti jumps in here. pls

add hitsounds and copy makes awesome. try?
thanks! did all. I'm ur fan :>
Topic Starter

Warfu wrote:

Hey, from Warfu & Alepat's Timing Queue
First of all I have to apologize for the time, I was busy this past weekend :'v

The Offset doesn't even sound good for the first circle and often has parts that are heard early and later from the song's rhythm.
You must have the following Timing Points:
  1. 00:01:151 - BPM: 197.900 (Offset: 1,151).
  2. 00:03:572 - BPM: 198.300 (Offset: 3,572). The Offset change here is needed but the BPM change... I thought it would need it because the whole band kinda goes faster but it's probably not neccessary xD
  3. 00:05:992 - BPM: 197.900 (Offset: 5,992). This Offset should have been like -5ms more but I didn't want to give a player some confusion.
  4. 00:08:422 - BPM: 197.900 (Offset: 8,422).
- - The Offset changes were made there because the use of just one BPM couldn't have made them sound more exactly.
  1. 00:10:833 - BPM: 198.680 (Offset: 10,833). A higher BPM fits better here even for the streams.
  2. 00:14:469 - BPM: 198.100 (Offset: 14,469). BPM going back to normal and Offset change.
  3. 00:15:690 - BPM: 198.085 (Offset: 15,690). ^
  4. 00:22:954 - BPM: 197.900 (Offset: 22,954). ^
  5. 00:32:650 - BPM: 197.900 (Offset: 32,650). Drums sound a bit earlier.
  6. 00:39:908 - BPM: 197.900 (Offset: 39.908). The drums sound earlier than usual in this part.
  7. 00:42:338 - BPM: 197.900 (Offset: 42:338). Offset goes back to normal.
- - From here, I didn't see any BPM or Offset changes... because the freaking drums sound quieter than most of the band and makes it hard for a better timing >:c (better EQ please...)
  1. 01:08:404 - BPM: 197.900 (Offset: 68,404). Offset change again, feels more comfortable when playing that part.
  2. 01:09:018 - BPM: 197.000 (Offset: 69,018). Goes back to normal
  3. 01:25:991 - BPM: 197.000 (Offset: 85,991). Offset comes a bit confusing here because all the band sounds un-synced from each other but I decided to follow the vocals so the player doesn't get confused on its first try :'v
It's just that these bands need to follow a metronome with a bit more of attention...
I tested all the Timing Points on every diff and didn't have any complications when playing them. Good luck with the map.
i'm ded lost
are those all timing pts?

if so yay

if not

kill me

but thanks, got me shocked how exact it is hohoho

Nevermind, I used this thing called common sense and it was effective. thanks
Yes, they're all Timing Points.
I can give you a diff with all of them and you just can Select them all, copy and paste in your diffs Timing Setup Panels so you can do it faster :P ... Timing.rar
Diff file is inside the .rar
Topic Starter

Warfu wrote:

Yes, they're all Timing Points.
I can give you a diff with all of them and you just can Select them all, copy and paste in your diffs Timing Setup Panels so you can do it faster :P ... Timing.rar
Diff file is inside the .rar
iz fine, I thinked and realized how to sort things out. Well, I just copy-pasted and resnapped all notes then moved some points.
Hello !, from #modreqs. Whooo, another anime map ?. I hope I can be helpful here.

General :
I'm not a BPM expert, but I think the BPM is wrong. Please re-check, I might be wrong too.

Easy :
Most of notes unsnapped, check AI Mod ( Ctrl +L.Shift+A)
00:22:954 (1) - Remove New Combo
00:30:230 (5) - New Combo here
00:35:075 (9) - New Combo for a big slider
00:49:008 (4) - Here feels a bit empty
01:25:991 (4) - Change this to a spinner will be lovelier. Yours to decide :)

Normal :
01:07:805 (6) - Unsnapped here
00:30:230 (8) - New Combo here
00:32:650 (4) - Remove New Combo
00:49:765 (1) - Spaced Tempo ( Didn't makes the rhythm)
01:11:443 (5) - New Combo here

Hard :
Most of notes unsnapped, check AI Mod ( Ctrl +L.Shift+A)
00:14:923 (2) - Will be nicer if it's stacked with the slider end before
00:52:646 (2) - Maybe blanketing the slider next to it will be nice :)
I'm confused, starts from here 00:59:316 (1) - the combos kept up until around 8. But before it, kept up until around 4. Please equalize ! :)
01:00:528 (5) - 01:02:954 (5) - Smoother the blanketing
01:02:651 (4) - Re-curve !

Insane :
Here's the start of the New Combo 00:10:833 (2) -
Keep the combos until around 8-11 will be nice, just saying
00:43:550 (1,2,3,4) - Here, I heard the sound of stream, maybe you'll change them :)
01:09:018 (1) - Before this, you've made difficulty by slider velocity. Nah start from here, I still feel the rhythm suit that SV until here 01:16:218 (8) -

Extra :
Most of notes unsnapped, check AI Mod ( Ctrl +L.Shift+A)
Keep the combos until around 8-13 will be nice, just saying

Nah, I guess that's all. I hope I'm helpful and not changing your style XD. Good luck ! :)
Topic Starter

O-Moei wrote:

Hello !, from #modreqs. Whooo, another anime map ?. I hope I can be helpful here.

General :
I'm not a BPM expert, but I think the BPM is wrong. Please re-check, I might be wrong too. I'm fine with the bpm settings, well I do think the bpm is also wrong but for an instance I also feel it's more on the right side. Well I'll also recheck :)

Easy :
Most of notes unsnapped, check AI Mod ( Ctrl +L.Shift+A) fix
00:22:954 (1) - Remove New Combo fix
00:30:230 (5) - New Combo here fix
00:35:075 (9) - New Combo for a big sliderfix
00:49:008 (4) - Here feels a bit emptyfix
01:25:991 (4) - Change this to a spinner will be lovelier. Yours to decide :) idk, I don't exchange circles for sliders, but i'll see

Normal :
01:07:805 (6) - Unsnapped here fix
00:30:230 (8) - New Combo here fix
00:32:650 (4) - Remove New Combo fix
00:49:765 (1) - Spaced Tempo ( Didn't makes the rhythm) fix didn't notice I moved that
01:11:443 (5) - New Combo here fix

Hard :
Most of notes unsnapped, check AI Mod ( Ctrl +L.Shift+A) Idk.. I'm having trouble on snapping a slider's end. help
00:14:923 (2) - Will be nicer if it's stacked with the slider end before fix
00:52:646 (2) - Maybe blanketing the slider next to it will be nice :) fix
I'm confused, starts from here 00:59:316 (1) - the combos kept up until around 8. But before it, kept up until around 4. Please equalize ! :) fix
01:00:528 (5) - 01:02:954 (5) - Smoother the blanketing fix
01:02:651 (4) - Re-curve ! Idk what you mean but I just copy pasted it instead.

Insane :
Here's the start of the New Combo 00:10:833 (2) -
Keep the combos until around 8-11 will be nice, just saying
00:43:550 (1,2,3,4) - Here, I heard the sound of stream, maybe you'll change them :)
01:09:018 (1) - Before this, you've made difficulty by slider velocity. Nah start from here, I still feel the rhythm suit that SV until here 01:16:218 (8) - Well I did do it, but I end it at 01:14:778 (2) - since it would feel too weird for me to make 01:14:778 (2) - 1.5 after a 0.5 sv change.But heck did I think I forgot to fix that

Extra :
Most of notes unsnapped, check AI Mod ( Ctrl +L.Shift+A) I don't know what happened but I got "no problems were found in this map!" Finally, found that one message that makes me feel relaxed
Keep the combos until around 8-13 will be nice, just saying lmao I suck at looking at combos

Nah, I guess that's all. I hope I'm helpful and not changing your style XD. Good luck ! :) Ah, thanks! But I doubt I'd change my style since I basically mashed up the styles I learnt from Cyllinus, Skystar and other people I look up to. Heck do Cyllinus make fluid and flowy maps, and ofc our well known Skystar and his (or her) mapping :> Thanks for the mod! I feel so happy that people are doing nms on their own will :>> M4M feels forced, but I always think that it could benefit both people, except for the fact it is forced. aaaa this is too long, don't mind it all. Thanks!
Hey from my queue, my name is Max 100bit, and this is my mod!
Well, opinion of modder is opinion of modder.
Do not judge strictly, I could be wrong.
And yep, I am just learning. My english is bad, so sorry for googletranslate.

Song and beatmaps

  1. I think you don't need all this timing points. But... It's your right.
  2. Change "Brian The Sun" to "ブライアンザサン" in Artist


  1. Fix all mistakes with Distance Spacing: Ctrl+Shift+A -> Check distance snap.
  2. Fix all non-snapped objects.
  3. 00:10:833 (1) - sliderpoint in the middle in x=140 y=264, 00:11:738 (2) - in x=188 y=188 for better blanket
  4. 00:20:536 (1) - Ctrl+H for better flow imo
  5. 00:28:714 (5,6) - try to move a bit up because 00:27:804 (4,6) is close to each other
  6. 00:38:713 (7,2) - try to fix this strange overlap
  7. 01:06:289 (3) - move to x=208 y=280 for better flow
  8. 01:07:805 (6,1) - strange overlap, try to stack or move 1
  9. 01:25:991 (1,2,3) - build by Ctrl+Shift+D
  1. 00:14:923 (2) - this note looks very awful. Make stack or move it far away from 00:14:456 (1) .
  2. 00:17:810 (4) - Ctrl+G for better flow, i think
  3. 00:19:930 (3,2) - stack
  4. 00:23:560 (3,4) - don't make jump here because you have right jump in 00:24:166 (5,6)
  5. 00:25:379 (1,2) - move 2 away from 1, don't stack because it's hard to reading
  6. 01:13:868 (1,2) - ^
  7. 00:35:681 (3,4) - fix flow :!:
  8. 00:37:500 (3) - don't make sliderpoints so close to end of slider, it's looks weird (if you don't make flow)
  9. 00:38:107 (4,5) - looks weird too, idk why
  10. 00:41:120 (3,4) - ^
  11. 00:48:098 (4) - Ctrl+G for better flow
  12. 01:00:225 (4) - move to x=240 y=216 for better blanket
  13. 01:02:348 (3,4) - stack here isn't good idea, i think; it's hard but need to fix
  14. 01:12:504 (1,2) - don't stack because you don't have this stacks before this moment
In Insane you need more jumps, i think.
Good luck!~
{end of mod}
Topic Starter

100bit wrote:

Hey from my queue, my name is Max 100bit, and this is my mod!
Well, opinion of modder is opinion of modder.
Do not judge strictly, I could be wrong.
And yep, I am just learning. My english is bad, so sorry for googletranslate.

Song and beatmaps

  1. I think you don't need all this timing points. But... It's your right.
  2. Change "Brian The Sun" to "ブライアンザサン" in Artist


  1. Fix all mistakes with Distance Spacing: Ctrl+Shift+A -> Check distance snap. fixed a few since most of them.. Doesn't really make sense to me since they look fine by what there are. though I accepted some :)
  2. Fix all non-snapped objects. I don't know how to snap parts of a song that ends on another timing point, but I just fixed it ;)
  3. 00:10:833 (1) - sliderpoint in the middle in x=140 y=264, 00:11:738 (2) - in x=188 y=188 for better blanket
  4. 00:20:536 (1) - Ctrl+H for better flow imo
  5. 00:28:714 (5,6) - try to move a bit up because 00:27:804 (4,6) is close to each other
  6. 00:38:713 (7,2) - try to fix this strange overlap
  7. 01:06:289 (3) - move to x=208 y=280 for better flow
  8. 01:07:805 (6,1) - strange overlap, try to stack or move 1
  9. 01:25:991 (1,2,3) - build by Ctrl+Shift+D
  1. 00:14:923 (2) - this note looks very awful. Make stack or move it far away from 00:14:456 (1) .
  2. 00:17:810 (4) - Ctrl+G for better flow, i think
  3. 00:19:930 (3,2) - stack
  4. 00:23:560 (3,4) - don't make jump here because you have right jump in 00:24:166 (5,6)
  5. 00:25:379 (1,2) - move 2 away from 1, don't stack because it's hard to reading
  6. 01:13:868 (1,2) - ^
  7. 00:35:681 (3,4) - fix flow :!:
  8. 00:37:500 (3) - don't make sliderpoints so close to end of slider, it's looks weird (if you don't make flow)
  9. 00:38:107 (4,5) - looks weird too, idk why
  10. 00:41:120 (3,4) - ^
  11. 00:48:098 (4) - Ctrl+G for better flow
  12. 01:00:225 (4) - move to x=240 y=216 for better blanket
  13. 01:02:348 (3,4) - stack here isn't good idea, i think; it's hard but need to fix
  14. 01:12:504 (1,2) - don't stack because you don't have this stacks before this moment
In Insane you need more jumps, i think.
Good luck!~
{end of mod}
Accepted most :>
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