I'm a Spanish osu! player that specializes in the standard mode. Mostly likes to play gimmick things, but can play a great variety of maps and I can use a lot of mods combinations. Would like to participate in a tourney but I am too timid to make a team with someone I don't know.
FCing a ranked 7*: Passing a TAG4 map with HR: Done in U.N Owen Kanojo no Nanoka [TAG4] +HR A 300pp I'm proud of: Deus ex Machina and United. A 300pp with (HD)HRDT: miniministop hdhrdt. A 300pp with no mods: United! A 300pp with HR: Tsukinami choke A 300pp with HDHR: Mission ASCII A 300pp with HD: Fair Wind [Extra] HD 99.80% FC 331pp (offline) A 300pp with EZ(HD)DT: Offline Hidamari. A not Hidden 300pp score: Done in Tsukinami [Nostalgia] +HR FCing a 3000+ combo map with at least 5*: Done in Songs Compilation [lolis] FCing a 4000+ combo map with at least 5*: FCing a 5000+ combo map with at least 5*: