
The M1kel Open

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2v2 Teams of 4
Score v2
Rank Range: 1000-10,000 BWS
Double Elimination RO32 Bracket
No bans for any round.
Roll Winner will get Second pick
The main gimmick of this tournament revolves around the map pools and will be explained in its own section
Each week from RO32 to Semifinals each team will have to select one player to be benched for that week, teams can not bench a player twice, and the decision must be dmed to the ref before the first pick of the match.
All players will be allowed to play in Qualifiers, Finals, and Grandfinals.

The pools were created by me putting 100 maps I enjoy into a collection and f2ing for what maps would go into each round.

There is no star rating, mod, or length balance put into any of these pools, it is simply a list of maps I like.

The only exception being that the 6 longest maps were chosen as the tiebrakers, with them being in ascending star rating week by week (the hardest of the 6 longest maps is GF TB and the easiest is RO32 TB).

Map lenghts range from under 30 seconds to over 12 minutes.

Star ratings range from under 4.5 to over 8.5 local.

The mods that are in the tournament are NM, HD, HR, HDDT, EZDT, DT, EZ, HDHR, with Tiebrakers being Freemod.

The match lobby will be created by the referee, and the team captains of both teams will be invited. The captain is then responsible for inviting the rest of their team. If the captain of a team is not online, the referee will invite any other player from that team, and that player will be responsible for inviting their team.

Teams have a 10 minute grace period to have at least 2 players in the lobby. If 10 minutes pass and a team does not have enough players to play the match, the other team will receive a win by default.

All matches must be played as a 2v2.

Warmups will not be allowed.

Once all players have joined the lobby, captains will be asked to !roll; the winner of the roll will get the second pick.

Neither team will have any bans.

Players are allowed to pick maps from the same mod pool twice in a row.

Teams have 90 seconds to select a map; if they fail to choose in the allotted time, the map choice will pass to the other team. This will have no effect on the order of picks afterward; for example, if Team 1 failed to pick within the timer, Team 2 would get to pick a map, then Team 1 would pick the next map.

Once the map choice is locked in, players will have 60 seconds to ready up. The referee will start the match when all players are ready. If the 60 second timer ends, the referee will force an !mp start 15 command, and the match will start with whoever is in the lobby.

No Fail will be required on all maps.

In the case of a genuine disconnection, if the map result was ambiguous (uncertain), the map will be replayed. However, if the map was already clearly decided and there is substantial evidence of the fact, the referee may apply common sense to give the point to whoever would have won the map.

Easy has a 2.5x multiplier on tiebraker.

I reserve the right to blacklist anyone I feel is being rude or unsportsmanlike throughout the course of the tournament.

There will be BWS applied

  1. Registration: January 2 - January 14
  2. Qualifiers: January 20 - 22 | 10 maps
  3. Round of 32: January 27 - 29 | Best of 11
  4. Round of 16: February 3 - 5 | Best of 11
  5. Quarterfinals: February 10 - 12 | Best of 13
  6. Semifinals: February 17 - 19 | Best of 13
  7. Finals: February 25 - 26 | Best of 15
  8. Grandfinals: March 3 - 5 | Best of 15
*Should screening not come by January 26th, the dates on here will change to compensate.
Qualifiers will be played regardless if screening does not come in time and teams with screened out players that played the qualifiers will not be allowed to play.

Badge for the winning team (Design TBD)
Banners for the top three (Design TBD)
260 USD split between the first place team
40 USD split between the second place team
1 used paper clip split between the third place team

Host/Pooler: Evan1
Refs: Aidown, Raoul, A Secret, Keyz, xDiEJuNgfRAu, namirin1, -Pekora-
it here
i didnt approve of my name being used in this what
i have no friends to play with what do i do
marathon pool letsgo
Interesting idea, why M1kel tho

M1keL wrote:

i didnt approve of my name being used in this what
ur kinda bald
Shiny head it means
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