mapped by TsumugiP
last updated
This beatmap wasn't updated since 14 February 2024 so it was graveyarded...
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. 03:11:621 - 03:19:993 - this spot in general i feel like kinda ignores the bass pretty heavily when its a key part of the music, spots like 03:12:145 -03:13:191 - 03:17:726 - 03:18:772 - i feel should be a slider head to emphasize it and spots like 03:13:714 (7,1,2,3,4,5,6) - completely ignore it when u could do rhythm like to still follow the piano and bass at the same time


in general i would probably mute slider ends on a few spots considering theres a ton of them especially in spots like the kiai on 01:16:069 - and spots like 00:22:697 - are littered throughout the map that would benefit a ton from having the feedback muted

and some other spots like 03:36:650 - are 100% asking for one cuz they just feel so weird feedback wise without one
