00:18:249 (3,4) - not really a fan of this rhythm here, in particular 00:18:947 - just feels a bit forced, doing a longer slider like would show more emphasis on the vocals
00:33:598 (6,7) - i would make this a slider to emphasize the hihat a bit more and give an ending to the piano notes
01:58:714 - same
00:41:796 (1,2,3) - not really a fan of how this was stacked here, i think just keeping it consistent with 00:39:005 (1,2,3) - would be the play
00:53:133 (2,3) - might wanna space here higher than 00:52:435 (3,4) & differentiate their spacing because it's transitioning to a new music phrase/stronger downbeat.
00:58:191 (6,1) - imo the gap here is a bit too large considering there's barely a change in emphasis here but a major change in play would definitely suggest flipping it and lowering it like
01:02:203 (3,4) - spacing here is too large considering theres not really a loud sound on 4 would definitely suggest changing it to
01:09:005 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - imo lower down the spacing here or increase spacing for these 1-2s 01:10:226 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) because giving all the same spacing makes it rather confusing which one should stand out despite having the difference in combos and flow
then lower 01:11:621 (1,2,3) these ones too so u could make 01:12:145 (4,5) higher because the stronger/higher-pitched vocals land there
01:11:970 (3,4,5,1) - flow here in general could be improved a bit since all the sharp angles here makes it feel a bit cramped, i think widening it out a bit and making the kickslider flow into the stream would be nicer
01:28:714 (5) - kickslider here doesnt really work well for the emphasis, i would just make it a triple instead here
+1 u used kicksliders on 01:29:063 (1,2) to show the sudden drums there, jsut having reverse here would take those emphasis away
01:40:749 (5,6) - would just 1/1 slider this, overmapping 6 over no vocals take the rest of vocal emphasis away
01:42:319 (1,2,3,4,1) - should probs undermap this a bit more to be consistent with 00:17:203 -
01:50:953 (2,3) - might just be me but i don't hear a triple at all here and imo its kinda unfitting out of nowhere so i suggest removing it
02:19:296 (3,4) - imo this jump is a bit large for how the buildup is, i suggest lowering spacing a bit to be more consistent with 00:54:005 -
02:36:738 (1,2,3,4) - not really a fan of this flow here, considering this is where the music gets most intense from the buildup having a bit of anti flow here doesn't really work, especially in comparison to 01:11:621 - where it was a spacing increase i think rearranging it a bit like makes the most sense
02:41:970 (4,5,6) - would make this a 1/2 slider to follow the vocals similar to how it was done on 01:16:854 (4) -
02:43:017 (3,4) - would make this a 1/2 slider to emphasize the vocals here a bit better as they would stand out more
02:59:674 - would definitely make the triple here to give a bit more impact to 02:59:761 (4) - cuz rn it feels a bit underwhelming
03:10:226 (1,2,3,4) - would lower the spacing on these notes a bit more so the spacing buildup is a bit more noticeable something like maybe?
03:23:307 (2,3) - would flip the rhythm here so the loud sound on 03:23:307 - is where the slider starts
03:53:482 - the slow slider here feels a bit jarring considering this is the start of where the song gets more intense again after the big buildup on 03:52:086 (1,2,3,4,5) - so i suggest just making it a normal speed slider tbh
03:58:540 (1,2) - imo this flow is a bit janky especially the odd angle you have to go into the stream from this kickslider jump, i think doing something like would be better