GO Transit 520-568 are GMDD F59PHs. They were built in four batches starting in 1988, and other than the four sold to TRE in Texas, all remained on the roster until the beginning of 2009, when the units in the first order began to be retired and sold. They were the mainstay of GO Transit's locomotive fleet in the 1990's and into the mid 2000's.
Their purchase in 1988 marked a return to having a single unit having a separate HEP engine and generator, as opposed to the shaft-driven HEP system of the F40PH. As well, they were GO's first units equipped with computerized systems, and thus allowed for a substantial increase in performance and reliability. Because of HEP generator limitations, they could only supply power to a maximum consist of 10 cars.
After the initial F59PH order in 1988, follow-up orders arrived in 1989, 1990, and 1994, resulting in GO replacing its entire fleet of older locomotives and APCU/APU units, that were retired and sold off or scrapped. GO GP40's 720-726 were traded in to EMD on the final F59PH order (562-568)
Due to service cuts, GO Transit retired and sold off a number of surplus locomotives and cars in the mid-90's. F59PH's 565-564 were sold to Trinity Railway Express along with a number of early bilevels in 1997, the logic being GO would receive a higher return by selling off newer locomotives. The remaining 45 units (520-564) would reliably serve as GO's primary commuter power into the late 2000's.
In the early 2000's, the fleet would be rebuilt and overhauled at CLN in Capreol and CAD Rail in Montreal. The most visible exterior changes include new numberboards (except 529) and dual rooftop-mounted RV-style air conditioner units.
Despite having been rebuilt twice (and receiving upgraded HEP engines and generators), by the late 2000's the units were becoming troublesome, with frequent failures necessitating a second unit being added to all weekend trains (some sources indicate this was to maintain tighter weekend schedules). The first order of units (520-535) were retired and sold off by April 2009, once all of the first order of new MPI MP40PH-3Cs (600-626) were in service. The second F59 order and the majority of units in the third were retired when MP40 units 627-656 were delivered on 2010-2011.
Gradually over 2010, a number of remaining units received electronic bells (e-bells) in place of their mechanical ones. Not all units received them however (an example being 564 which retained its mechanical bell).
Plans to rebuild some of the existing units again were put through in 2010. By early 2011, 558 and 559 returned to service after an overhaul and repaint; all units from 557 to 564 were eventually rebuilt for continued service, with the remaining units scattered below 557 retired and sold.
All GO F59PH's that were retired have been sold off, and many enjoy second careers under AMT/EXO, Metra, NC-Dot, Trinity Railway Express, and other agencies. Some were leased to AMT, VIA and Metrolink from RB Leasing. A handful of RB Leasing units were later rebuilt as unpowered cab control units for NC-Dot. Two of the RBRX (later LTEX) units that had been leased to Metrolink were later resold to Ferrocarril Interoceanico in Mexico.
GO #562 was refurbished during January 2011 for continued service.
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