Mapping Why I map? I want people to enjoy the game as I did for many many years. I try to give players a good playing experience, basically I would map something I think I would enjoy myself as a player.
Mentorship Program: Former Mentee of Cycle #6 - Lasse taught me how to walk Former Mentee of Cycle #15 / #16 - Zelq taught me how to dance Former BN Mentee of Cycle #0 - Dada taught me how to judge
Modding Queue: My Modding Queue. Mutuals just PM me for any request. Feel free to talk or ask me questions about mapping.
My music taste is broad but when it comes to mapping I have a preference towards fast-paced J-Rock or J-Pop songs with female vocals. I mostly map music from Touhou, Doujin, Utaite, and Anime.
Vocalists I really like: Sana, Yuiko, yanaginagi, Nagi (Felt), Aizawa (TUYU), Zakuro, Rita, Diao Ye Zong, Minami
Favourite mappers: Mythol, Frostmourne, DarknessAngel, cRyo[iceeicee], val0108, RLC, Skystar (2012-2014), Kite, captin1, Delis, Mirash, Jounzan, and more.