Top 15 player Crysis 1 2012 Best Crysis 1 and Crysis wars player of NL 2012-still counting.. Best Player Europe/Worldwide Crysis 1 , place no.1 tied with "BlackcaT" 2014-2015. Best player in duels(1v1's) and deathmatch Crysis 1 2015-2018(SO to my boy RebeLLioN for overtaking me when i quit in 2018)
Gravified 1 Month |❀ Thx mn bloempje c: ! ❀ Liuth 6 Months | Holy shit thanks(but no thanks hehe) for the half year OSSS supporter ;DD Kwertie 6 Months | Only because i rolled 727 in multi, LEGEND!!
-RO16- WTWT 2019 Team Netherlands: Gravified, Fogsfles, Rokusho, Tdaotje, Nik, NigHTWALK3R. -My first tourney ever ^^ -Quarter finals- PnK 2019 Team Utrecht A: Mr HeliX, Lilily, Synchrostar, Emperium, R3laX3R, Kut, NigHTWALK3R. -Semi Finals- BoT 2019 : NigHTWALK3R. -lost 3-6 vs OldEclipse in loserbrackets(4th match) -Quarter finals- FnFT Winter 2019 Team :wrestlers: : PatyYe, FogsFles, Rory Mercury, NigHTWALK3R. -Quarter finals- RSN Wintertide Team Netherlands: Swerro,Just Lucan, GoatStuckInTree, UC2, OldEclipse, Synchrostar, Vizzigman, NigHTWALK3R. -1st Place- BST 2020 Team Joep poggies: Jackylam5, Cavoeboy, Dolter, Joep, Oldeclipse, Bas_dv, Vinnie741, NigHTWALK3R. Also my first win yay \o/ s.o to all my teammates ;D- -Lost in LB Round 2- Lobby 42: Big Carry Tournament 2v2: Entered with Mr Helix but we misunderstood a scheduled time and lost because of that (loser bracket round 2) -1st Place- PNK 2020 Team Utrecht A: Mr HeliX, Lilily, taku, Kushper, Synchrostar, R3laX3R, NigHTWALK3R. -My "second win" i did fk all cuz of tablet issues. Still very grateful for the performance of my teammates! -Finals- NVC 2021 Team UNIon: iepie122, UC2, NigHTWALK3R. cant believe we made it that far :') -Semi finals- PNK 2021 Team Utrecht A: Mr HeliX, Kushper, knoe, Axeanz, Rory Mercury, R3laX3R, NigHTWALK3R. -Semi finals-5WC Team Netherlands (Main Tier): Goose King, Koopiezi, UC2, Quinten, Cheesyeet, TheCoolJfp, Axeanz, NigHTWALK3R.
(People who i look up to and amazed me or have impacted my osu career and/or social life in some way) Swerro || You are da man who got me to play tourneys and approached me out of the blue while i knew only a handful of dutch osu players, ever since then i played some more tournaments and got to know ALOT of people and expanded my friendcircle . Lots of tourney experience and fun to talk to in vc and irl aswell ^.^ . Great guy overall!! I prolly wont be where i am in my "osu carreer" today without you! UC2 || Just one word man... : OsuHOW , amazing mouse/gimmick/tech/high sr/hidden player. Cute nickname, Dangerous player! taku || Long time irl friend by now, very good full alt TECHGOD player without even tryharding. From the first time we talked about osu at school in 2013 to the unforgetful meetup night at amsterdam and afterwards my home, even though we live like 5mins away from eachother we rarely meet up x)! THIS HAS CHANGED HEHEHEHE Rokusho || DTEZ MUSCULAR MOUSE-ONLY SEXGOD and Shared interest in medabots(>pokemon). Dutch osu mouse-only OG wooz || Matsmaker yes?))) Nah seriously without you i probably directly and indirectly wont have met and befriended (Irl + Online) at least half of the people listed in the next section. Easy going and very hospitable not only to me but to alot of other people aswell c:! Spare || This madlad took me indoor skydiving spontaneously, never thought that i would do such a thing in my life! Thanks alot for the unforgettable experience you've given me :0 !! Mr Helix || MY PERSONAL LAN TAXI! UTREGGG HEU HEU! Goose King || MY SON ! P E P E L A F F