01:34:055 (2,3,4) - this pattern felt weird to tap. i think unequal spacing is probably the cause here
01:37:721 (4) - the same with above though i suggest flipping the slider around like this https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/18703735/05d0 to make it look symetrically nicer as well as adding emphasis to the beat it's supporting
Lack of variety in patterns makes the map somewhat uninteresting while playing. Since this is a bursty map, I think you can add diversity to the bursts and streams like different shapes and angles, not just linear alone.
Low contrast and similar intensity between sections also amplify the blandness in the gameplay but you probably aware of that alr so ye
02:03:985 - 02:04:485 - I really dislike how the pattern just ignore proper emphasis of these sounds for the sake of patterning
02:14:151 (1,2,3,4) - the same problem
there are more cases like these in the gameplay but you get the idea
02:09:818 - this sound should be most strongly emphasised but the spacing of the jump 02:09:651 (6,7) is shorter than the last one