00:51:660 (4,5) - The spacing could be misleading, because it's 1/4 jumps spaced as if they were 1/2, so maybe reduce it a bit? Same thing at 01:04:660 (1,2)
01:11:160 (3,4) - The wave slider could be changed to better wrap around the circle - something like this (https://i.imgur.com/w62Tmm3.png)
It's fine imo, because they are different sounds (02:02:451 (1) has a high guitar note while 01:59:451 (2) doesn't)
agree that the map feels more like an extra, I'll probably make a new diff. The low bpm really deflates the star rating
should be better now, I completely removed the 2/4 stacks, and the 1/3 and 1/4 ones should be easily told apart from the 4/4 stacks because of the big difference in the approach circles