00:04:947 (8) -00:07:839 (16) - could make these kans to represent the coin effect or whatever it is in the background aswell as spice it up a bit cuz rn its 4 dkkd in a row
and for 00:32:930 (1,2) i chose the spacing to be the way it is cuz its kinda like this 00:29:843 (1) - is setting this sound up 00:30:186 (1) - compared to 00:32:757 (5,1) - which seems way more spontaneous for me
well first of all theres a 3/2 gap so it doesnt rly matter that much gameplaywise and also i think its fine cuz i spaced it this way to emphasize on 00:31:215 (4) , which i cant do in another way rly with this rhythm but i chose this rhythm specifically to emphasize on this so ig its better to stay the way it is