I'm really sorry to ssapgosu and MadbrickTree. The first version of seiga itten's star rating was around 10.5 stars and I used a lot more LN releases with 1/12 and 1/16 snaps than I do now like any other high-level rank map. I spoke with ssapgosu here and we decided to add some consistency and visual flair, so we aligned all of our LN releases to 1/8 snap.
By the process, We've found that ending a long note neatly with a snap increases star rating. We didn't think this was bad or violated the ranking criteria cause it was byproduct of tries to make map cleaner, so we didn't pay much attention to it. This was my greed. The map went from qualified to pending and a veto came in.
I get that they don't like the second kiai part, but I don't understand most of the rest. I think there can be many different patterns in a single part as long as music change its phase, theme or mood. But lot of people were telling me that only one pattern was the right answer.
Including timelines, most of the people who have modded for me here have never mapped or played 7k LN before, and most of it has been question based modding with no suggestions although it is written as 'Formulating points as questions is generally impolite and a bad habit.' on common modding mistakes posts. I think I've been ignored by others because I'm new to ranked maps and haven't been around the mapping community very long. This is where I learned the limitations of current osu modding community.
If you're a 7k LN mapper, you'll know this map's quality and how much it polished. Even asked for collab from famous 7k LN mappers like Nakano Yuko. Many mappers did agree with its quality. Most of the rankers were also positive with its playablity and joyness comes from natural gameplay itself.
I carefully think madbricktree quit NAT because he became skeptical of the endless modding. I'm of a similar mindset. I'm skeptical that I tried to make this ranked.
I'm sure the osu! Mapping community will mock this post, but think about it. Don't you think you are just disagreeing to disagree? I started mapping when lost interest in playing, but I think I've also lost interest in mapping. I can't nomore push my efforts to rank this map and no one is going to nominate it. And I apologize again to ssapgosu and madbricktree who were affected by my map. Thanks for reading this long post. I don't think I'll ever do osu! again because of the guilt to ones who supported me and emptiness to the result of my efforts and passion. Thank you for reading this long post.
00:15:969 (15969|6,16130|5,16453|0,16614|1) - I think these LN should end when the sound fade
저는 1/8 인지 1/12인지 사운드가 명확하지 않아서 1/12를 사용했습니다. 1985695#3837710/10270335
여기서부터 저는 1/8인지 1/12인지 상관이 없다고 적어놓긴 했습니다만 1985695#3837710/10274736
이 글에서는 1/12이 확실함?? 이런 내용만 있고 이 소리가 1/8이라는 내용은 없네요. 이 소리가 1/8로 들리는데 1/12로 쓴 이유가 있는가? 라고 물어보시면 제가 아 이소리는 1/8이군요 수정하겠습니다. 라고 말하지 않았을까요?
제 입장에서 생각도 안해보시고 이런글은 좀 심하다고 생각합니다.
여기 사운드가 1/8이라고 생각하신다면 다시 답변 달아주시고, 그럼 수정하겠습니다. + 02:02:759