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Mango0307's Modding History

저는 1/8 인지 1/12인지 사운드가 명확하지 않아서 1/12를 사용했습니다. 여기서부터 저는 1/8인지 1/12인지 상관이 없다고 적어놓긴 했습니다만 이 글에서는 1/12이 확실함?? 이런 내용만 있고 이 소리가 1/8이라는 내용은 없네요. 이 소리가 1/8로 들리는데 1/12로 쓴 이유가 있는가? 라고 물어보시면 제가 아 이소리는 1/8이군요 수정하겠습니다. 라고 말하지 않았을까요? 제 입장에서 생각도 안해보시고 이런글은 좀 심하다고 생각합니다. 여기 사운드가 1/8이라고 생각하신다면 다시 답변 달아주시고, 그럼 수정하겠습니다. + 02:02:759
03:38:367 이부분 col5에 밀도가 조금 있어서 롱놋이랑 조금 수정했습니다.
03:38:226 이부분이 더블인 이유는 03:38:367 / 03:38:647 여기 5노트를 강조하기 위해서입니다. 만약 3노트를 쓴다면 3/1/5로 03:38:927이부분 4/2/3 순간밀도와 비슷해집니다. 그리고 03:38:226 / 03:38:507 이부분을 2노트로 두면서 5노트가 표현이 잘된다고 생각합니다. 나머지 밀도는 쌉고수님 말이 맞습니다.
한국인이시니 한국어로 답변하겠습니다. 일단 전 개인적으로 위에 말한 것처럼 1/8이든 1/12이든 상관이 없습니다. 1/12를 사용한 이유는 ![]( 이부분과 노트수 맞추기 위함입니다. 1/12를 사용했을때 닉스님이 말씀하신 것처럼 배치가 이쁘게 나오기도 합니다. 1/12 부분을 1/8로 바꾸면 03:01:077 ~ 03:01:357 여기가 03:00:797~03:01:077 이곳보다 밀도가 낮아지지 않을까? 라는게 제 생각입니다.
Of the issues Monoseul mentioned, I fixed the ones that needed to be fixed. (Which ones I fixed and which ones I didn't are detailed in the comments by MadBrickTree and Niks, thanks). -Translated by Deepl Translator.
I don't care if it snaps, so I snapped it. But then the sr increased. I'm not sure why the SR increased slightly. I would like to say that I intentionally did not raise the sr
00:18:040 This is where notes with pitch exist 00:17:759 This is a pitchless synth? sound, so I didn't put any notes on it.
00:15:376 (15376|1,15376|4,15656|3,15656|6) - To make this long note flow, I made it double note
ur right, I'll fix it, thanks
You're right. my mistake. Thank you :D
If you have any complaints, please reopen the discussion
the drums are represented with 4/5 notes. The rest used LN for streams. For example, like the tiefsee kiai pattern
03:26:170 ~ 03:27:011 03:27:292 ~ 03:28:133 I think sounds should be viewed part by part, not piece by piece. For example, when creating a stream, it doesn't matter if it sounds the same but is placed differently. So I think it's okay to have short LN in a different position, as long as it doesn't make them less playable.
I'll fix it
Drums are simply a count of notes. so the way I represent the drums in both sections is the same.
I think that's the best pattern in that part
it would be more awkward to use a short note.
What I'm saying is that I put that long note in because there's nothing to express while there's no pitch change
03:04:161 (184161|4) - This sound will only last for the length of this LN 03:08:367 (188367|5) - This sound is more than three times as long.
03:26:170 (206170|3,206240|4,206311|5,206381|1,206451|2,206521|3,206591|4,206661|3,206731|2,206801|1) - 03:27:292 (207292|3,207362|4,207432|5,207502|0,207572|1,207642|2,207712|3,207782|4,207853|5,207923|3,207993|1) - 03:28:413 (208413|3,208483|2,208554|1,208624|2,208694|3,208764|4,208834|5,208904|4,208974|3,209044|2,209114|1) - I created a shape based on these notes. I don't think the short longnose breaks playability.
03:38:226 (218226|3,218226|1,218367|1,218367|6,218367|4,218367|0,218367|5,218507|4,218507|2,218647|0,218647|5,218647|4,218647|1,218647|6) -
ctrl c error haha
I didn't represent that part because it has a lot of pitch changes
I don't think it matters if it's a 1/8 snap or a 1/12 snap. The important thing is that I chose 1/12 snap ,and I've made it consistent 02:02:759 / 03:01:077
03:26:381 (206381|0,206381|1,206451|2,206521|3,206591|4,218226|1,218226|3,218367|0,218367|6,218367|5,218367|4,218367|1,218507|2,218507|4,218647|5,218647|6,218647|4,218647|1,218647|0) - I used a double to emphasize the five notes.
03:26:381 (206381|0,206381|1,206451|2,206521|3,206591|4) - 03:28:554 (208554|0,208554|1,208624|2,208694|3,208764|4,208834|5) - I used short LN to represent this shape
03:21:544 ~ 03:35:002 Same as the first kiai, but with LN added. 03:35:002 ~ 03:51:825 this is the final highlight, I've used mostly LN
03:03:600 Since we're using LN here, I think it would be awkward to use rice And I think it's a good balance
03:03:600 (183600|4,183635|5,183670|6) - There is a pitch increase 03:04:161 (184161|0,184161|3,184161|4,184161|5) - a clear sound 03:04:582 (184582|3,184652|4,184722|5) - The sound is timed to 1/4 of a snap The reason for the large number of notes is to balance the difficulty
The pattern is similar, but I used that one to vary the difficulty
02:13:133 단노트로 수정했습니다
저 파트는 피치가 존재하는 소리에만 노트를 넣었습니다.
심벌즈 소리를 롱놋으로 표현하는것은 앞에 썼던 그리고 01:04:722부분 롱놋과 달라 어색하다고 생각합니다. 그리고 잭의 시작부분이므로 깔끔함을 더하고 싶습니다. 이와 같이 5노트 / 4노트로 수정했습니다.
단놋더블로 수정했습니다.
00:14:254 /00:15:376 둘다 5노트로 변경했고 00:17:058 . 00:18:180 등 강한음들은 5노트로 일관성있게 변경했습니다.
3/1/2/1/2/1/2/1/3 is better
imo 225bpm 1/8 snap double is too hard
05:11:946 / 05:12:394 / ... etc