05:51:803 (1) - Love this slider
02:36:285 (9,10,2,3) - Not perfect stack 🤓
Imcreblieble Map!!!
i'd lower to ar9-9.2
00:09:177 (3,4,5,6,7) - this should be 1/6
Let's go frenz!!!!!!!!!
02:07:491 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - you could have each triple decrease in spacing to represent the song more
01:25:658 (1,2) - maybe center the red anchors
Thx brah
K buddy
i disagree bc its actually not annoying or hard to play whatsoever
to do that makes the pattern look ugly and it plays fine anyway so nty
That is actuallyt a good idea
No because the slider is very fast and mapping a stream wouldn't fit rhythmically