02:31:200 (132,133,134,135,136,137,138,139) - the pattern gap between muzu, oni, inner oni is strange.
muzu even have some triples while oni don't have any. also inner oni have 2 5-streaks.
i mean't a fix for 1/2.
muzu : 02:31:200 (89,90,91) 02:31:829 (94,95,96)
oni : yet, no any 1/4
inner oni : 02:31:671 (124,125,126,127,128) 02:32:143 (129,130,131,132,133)
03:23:740 - Consider adding a k here for the drop.
Changing 03:23:818 (471) - into a k is also an (optional and up to personal preference) idea ^^