I agree with your reasoning, but I'm trying to match the song's intensity here. Someone could have even gone a step further and mapped these two sections as two big 1/4 + 1/6 streams and I would completely agree with that all the same. It would feel very awkward as a player to have "break-ish", quiet gameplay while the guitar is going much more denser than that in the background.
I'll bear the possiblity of replacing some streams with 1/2 vocals or similar elsewhere. Thank you for your mod, and thank you for your time o7
Tried something else. I hope it works out nicely despite mixing both guitar and drums here.
Thank you for helping me spot this awkward part of the map~
I have omitted these notes you're suggesting for the sake of structure and keeping the density low in this section (density balance when compared to the rest of the section and overall map, if you will).
However, your suggested notes and timestamps convinced me otherwise. Applied! Thanks fuwamoco <3
You are not showing me the timestamp you're sitting at in your image, so it's confusing for me where to put 1/6 doublets and where not.
I have put some 1/6 doublets where the snares reverberate the most in my view but I will be open to further suggestions about there usage in this section "o.o
Ah I see. Then maybe leave the inherited point at 60747 but delete all the others nonetheless. And yes SV and kiais lag a lot on crappy PCs, at least from my experience (I played taiko in a Pentium PC for 4 years, but I know many players with worse setups than mine)
oh yeah ddddkkkkk is also a possibility here - I think the most accurate to your intentions "o.o would play a bit a*s but it does work and fit xd so I'll leave it up to you!!! :saluting_face:
 maybe this can do. I will need extra help for this part here... "^^
A lot of these are unneeded. Specially the ones at the beginning and the end of the map (since there are no notes there...)
If there's any reason to put volume changes there please let me know. I don't see any use to it other than the player ghosttapping. But I feel like it would be a silly tiny plus to the detriment of players with bad PCs lagging here when loading nigh unneccessary inherited points.
I know it's a different markdown here than in me!section + beatmap comments + forums. Why? I don't know. Most likely time of implementation (this "discussion" section in beatmaps is kinda recent... !o.o or at least was implemented like 10 years after the others xd)
I am assuming you might have missheard the timestamp/snap for the triplet there. Otherwise I don't really know what that triplet is supposed to be mapped to where it is currently placed... whether it's structure or improv, or something else entirely, I have no idea kekw
PS: maybe 1/8 + 1/4 is a possiblity too, but maybe that would sacrifice gameplay/playability... up to you ":3
I'm just trying to give ideas, really. It's not too bad as is "^^



Solo soy una mapper novatita que trata de ayudar ^-^ <3 Te recomiendo usar una tool (¿BN Checker se llamaba, o algo así...? Cualquier cosa le preguntamos a alguien) que checkee estas cositas de SV duplicados y demás ^-^
03:31:531 - Acá lo mismo :3

Oh, you did do this in the top diff "^^ well, if it's mapped as a "non-finisher" on purpose to avoid overwhelming Oni players, then I guess that's not necessarily wrong, really... "^-^
If you really are unwilling to map 1/3 for the lower diffs, aside of mapping them as 1/1, some 1/3 might instead be avoided by mapping the homogeneous 1/2 sounds in their place... but I personally don't think this would fit. And improvising the background 1/2 as 1/4... I don't see that working either. But again, just my opinion... ":3
Hello once again. Please consider making the same thing you did for Futsuu ({xx} y) in the Muzukashii diff at parts like 00:02:092 and 00:05:856 (here you can do either {xx} x, or {xx} y, or {xxxx} or {xxxy})
Still plenty of 1/3 inconsistencies across the mapset. Let me know if you can manage on your own or if you need me to look for them one by one like this ^-^
Also sorry I apologise, after paying closer attention and taking other parts of the song as reference, the synth was NOT 1/5.
I'm sorry for the confusion ;w;
So, here is what you can do:
* Map a 1/6 burst to match the synth
* Improv the vocals as 1/4 as you had in the first place ":3
Nah you're fine, the 1/4 quintuplets here are quite homogeneous and somewhat low in volume so you don't really miss on much by leaving them out :p ohhhh you mapped it low in density in purpose... ok! All good then ^-^ ☆
* 00:30:712 (195) - d ---> k
00:36:750 (226) - k ---> d
* Reasoning: May support the song slightly better (it also makes more sense at the time of playing, at least imo)