01:14:584 (8,9) - make this a no-reverse 1/2 slider with 2 circles on blue and white tick or a 1/4 slider on blue tick. the 3/8 slider repeat makes no sense and the vocal ends on the sliderend which makes me sad :(
00:45:503 (6,7,8) - 7 doesnt need to be there, you can put a slider instead of the 2 circles on blue ticks
metadata stuff : https://calumbowen.bandcamp.com/track/free-money
background : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mrnipxEveG8
01:31:427 (1,1,2,3) - u followed a weird rhythm if u followed one at all. maybe this pattern would work out https://prnt.sc/Bi5d1oBh7iNB
01:31:205 (2,3,1) - this jump doesn't emphasise anything, get rid of circle 3, it has no purpose. this part is too calm for this kind of jump
01:08:302 (1) - why skip the loud sounds? i understand u follow the vocals but it's underwhelming. if you don't want to make more 1/4 slider jumps you can use sth like 01:09:192 (4) (here's an example https://prnt.sc/V-b-7-5EOc58 ). same goes for the 01:10:971 (4)
i believe i shouldn't. (i'll talk about the first 2 kiais since it applies to the last kiais too)
i believe the kiai marks on those parts are important because these parts stand out from the rest of the song and it's kind of like a bridge between the rest of the song and the intense drum part. if they stand out, they should have a kiai mark.