Deorum, this guy introduced me to the osu! Community, everyone respects him because he is such a kind and great guy, because of him i know a lot of osu! players that he introduced to me.
Skydiver, Skydiver is such a great player, he's the OWC Indonesian Captain that is so good on what he's doing, he's also a great and fun guy to talk to, and he bought me a gift on my birthday wtf so kind, so much respect to this guy.
Mashima Himeko, H*dden Main eww, also a very kind and funny guy, i respect him because he's so welcoming to new people, what a great guy.
i love uma, Another H*dden Main, HE'S SO GOOD LIKE IDK WHAT TO SAY ANYMORE, MUCH RESPECT TO THIS GUY, im a big fan >///<
Hakui Koyori, this guy plays on laptop like i do, but he's soo gooodd, i wanna be like him one day, a god laptop player that i respect.
ModerNoder, this guy is my earlier tourney mates, literally a god at playing HR, but due to IRL Situations, he's taking a break on osu! now, i miss you duckie.
Franchouchou, Franch is also one of my earlier tourney mates, he's the expert analyst of our team, he's doing the research and all that stuff, he used to play consistency and HD, but now he's a high AR (HR and DT) player like wtf, changed so quickly, love this guy.