after effects fucked up ugh, i still think it's barely noticeable so i'm fine with it as is rn (lost the AE project file so can't export again rn)
For sb/l1.png sb/l2.png sb/l3.png yes they should be removed, i thought i'd use them but then i just added them into other assets.
For the sb/g/ folder, yea, these shouldn't be removed as I use them, but MV detects them as unused files cuz osu has this weird thing where it puts the frameCount on animations to 0 sometimes cuz of memory. I will be fixing that in osb, but don't remove those files.
sb/g.png should be removed.
oh and for the date, it's just something i put on a lot of my SBs for me to lookback to in the future.
it's usually either the date of the day I start the project, do the concept art or start coding the storyboard
so like that when i check the SB in a few years i'll know what era i was in lel
Sadly my particle script uses OsbLoops for optimization purposes, they may appear random but I just generate one random 20s cycle at the beginning of the map for each particle and repeat the behavior for the rest of the map, so I can't do section specific edits on the particles
sadly the free font version doesn't have apostrophe, I would like to change but I couldn't find one I liked like this one, I'd like to keep it tho, still very readable