00:00:000 - 00:17:181 - this part seems a bit messy in terms of consistency and patterning; since most of the sounds are the same, try to keep parts rather similar to each other, examples can include:
extra notes & patterning (00:04:397 (5) - such as 00:08:727 (8) & 00:10:909 (6) uses)
unmapped sounds (00:04:090 - 00:13:636 - 00:14:727 - 00:16:090 can keep
consistent with 00:06:000 (1,2,3,4,5) - & 00:08:181 (4,5,6,7,8))
spacing for gaps (00:13:909 (3,4) to space out like at 00:15:272 (3,1))
& nc (00:04:363 (4) - 00:10:363 (4) - 00:08:181 (4))
reworked some,
ex. pattern such as 00:08:181 (1,2,3,4,5) - feels underwhelming compare to insane
00:21:545 (2) - wouldn't making these sliders 1/4 or higher SV value gameplay aspect so much more? Now for a low intensity section, you're issueing low SV's with pretty high 1/8 spacing, which with low sv's is a bit annoying to play.
00:23:181 (3) - 00:27:545 (3) - not sure why those are not 3/4 sliders same as 00:21:000 (3) -
00:31:636 (4,5,1,1) - The NC felt kinda random I think. Could've NC'ed all of them or just 00:31:636 (4) imo
kinda did it as a way to contrast between 00:31:636 - 00:32:181 - but prob doesnt work
00:32:181 (1,1) - ctrl+g'd
00:31:636 (1,1) - nc'd
00:32:181 (1,1) - can bring closer together or red tick them, too far spacing to hit rn
00:32:727 (1) - can use slider end on white tick and remove 00:33:000 (2) to make cursor movement and rhythm readability a little more comfortable
00:33:545 (1,2) - 00:34:090 (1,2) - given intensity is growing, I would've just spaced those out, to emphasize the buildup perhaps?
01:18:000 (1) - that clap sound sounds too quiet which is not good if u try to emphasize the drum chords there, make it louder as other claps u do, while u can making quiet sounding here: 01:18:136 -
the same applied to the insane
01:18:409 (3) - put this somewhere like x:283 / y:278? I mean some higher spacing for the finish would be a good idea
01:24:954 (2,3) - 01:31:363 (5,6,1) - etc. ^ do something simlar with this
01:20:454 (1) - seems like a random place to have a relatively large jump (even though it's out of a sliderend), maybe just move the whole 01:19:363 (1,2,3,4,5) over to the right
01:33:545 (3) - would make this a prolonged slider instead because there are no sounds for the reverse slider and could be jarring
emphasis on bird sound on intense section, sama thing is done in 01:16:090 (3) - and insane diff
01:33:818 (1,2) - careful with the spacing here, try to adhere to the decrease within the section
01:34:636 (1,2,1,2,1,1,1,2,3) - after a certain time, clicking overlaps is just straight boring, honestly, wouldn't spam so much overlaps, or atleast so much in the short amount of time, it gets quite tiresome
01:37:090 (3,4) - might be nice to bring out the background vocals with something like this instead
01:37:363 (4,5,6) - these prolly dont have to touch since the kick sliders are doubled on top of each other, could safely move to the side or smthn
01:37:909 (1,2) - could overlap more here as well
01:42:545 - also can end on a circle here
02:09:818 (1,2,3) - Could make spacing a bit higher to create contrast with 02:08:727 (1,2,3) - and match the melody pitch
02:24:818 (1,2,3) 02:27:000 (2,3,4) - would sharpen these angles, think it fits your patterning more
moving 02:24:818 (1) onto the end of 02:25:636 (5) and moving 02:27:000 (2) between 02:27:136 (3,1) could work
02:25:772 (1,2,3) - i think wiggle movement would be more interesting here
could just ctrl-g 02:25:772 (1) and 02:26:045 (3) each individually
02:34:500 (1,2,3) - same here but would ctrl-g only 02:34:637 (2) -
02:30:545 (1,1,2,3) - after such a high SV value, I would honestly space these out, combined with #4520055 I believe it hurts your song reflection issueing 0 movement here either for the snare too, even though the song intensity is pretty high here
02:34:773 (3,1) - spacing here seems way too big, especially when you compare it to 02:26:045 (3,1) -, even if the latter is a bit less intense
02:50:727 (2,3,1) - honestly, this could be hard to read due to how small the reverse is, and given this is a low intensity section, as a player that'd be annoying to lose your combo after going all the complex SV manipulations. Either would overlap, or space out
03:07:364 (2,3,1) - these visuals dont seem to be the best in this situation, try something like 03:05:454 (1,2,3,4) - or 03:08:182 (1,2,3) - to space them out or overlap them not as messy
03:21:272 (1,2) - wouldn't this be kinda annoying to play? Or at the very least in the section intensity as low as this? I honestly would just remove the 2 here and keep the simplified version of the pattern to enchance the gameplay
03:34:227 (1) - it seems like it's a bit larger than these kick-sliders: 03:34:636 (1,2) - 03:35:181 (1,2) - i'd suggest to make them larger to properly fit the idea of emphasizing the sound volume u use on the entire map
04:13:909 (1,2,3,4) - there're no sound on 04:14:113 - this blue tick to do 5-burst, same for this patterning 04:22:636 (3,4,5,6,1) - it seems inconsistent while u do the same 5-burst here: 04:23:727 (2,3,4,5,1) - where're synth sounds on all ticks u use there, so i'd recommend to just continue making triples like u did before with deleting 04:14:113 (4) - and 04:22:840 (6) -
oops accidentally pressed enter
04:13:909 (1,2,3,4,5) - there is no sound on 04:14:113 but there are more instruments being used here slightly different from 03:53:454
however, I think it would make it more consistent with the patterning in the section such as 04:22:636 (3,4,5,6,1) and 04:23:727 (2,3,4,5,1)
also there is a slight noticeable sound at 04:22:840 (6)
if so, i'd recommend to increase the spacing here 04:23:727 (2,3,4,5,1) - or make it kick-sliders or triple with kick-slider... well it's about to differ it from these parts: 04:13:909 (1,2,3,4) - 04:22:636 (3,4,5,6,1) -
Honestly, the suggestion is good, just the whole wording feels very confusing, I think the SV buff would honestly make sense, because your SV's are usually very high, and the sound here in particular is really abrupt, and acts like a bridge between choruses (3rd chorus halves), right now, it doesn't get that much emphasis because SV isn't that high to give impact on it
04:22:636 (3,4,5,6,1) - i think rotating this 90 degrees counterclockwise would be nice, to match vertical movement with 04:22:090 (1,2,1,2) -