00:26:191 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - this is too hard for what the song does here, even if the vocal layer is dense since this is essentially transition into 00:31:132
considering you also use a really not dense pattern for the beginning of that section (00:31:132 (1,2,3,4,5,6)), its better off nerfed for better representation
maybe you can delete 00:26:897 (4) or 00:27:602 (6)?
i want to emphasize the strength of 03:09:099 more instead of progression, although i want both represented in some extent, completing pattern properly takes away from the former
although current version doesn't do any of these, so i increased spacing on 03:09:270 (2,3), which also justifies 03:09:099 (1) since it contrasts more w/ the high cursor speed right after
i like the pauses, they make 01:18:305 (1) and 02:27:167 (2) shine better and they r recognizable when compared to other long 1/4
although previous kinda just made you rest cursor during so changed them around