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CatzerTM's Modding History

audio should be fine, no need to debloat judging by cutoff
same for 03:44:252
also muzu and futsuu/kantan are using two different rhythms making this rather part confusing. Suggest just making everything identical to top diff since it makes the most sense
50/50 on this atm. will keep for simplicity for now
this part is very similar to 00:55:679, supposedly the difference in key adds some intensity but I'd prefer to keep for consistency.
didn't want to make this part too overwhelming by having multiple different snappings so close to one another but ok
should be 1/3, fixed
to be fair not much really happens here. strings weren't priority either here mainly vocals and drums. could buff this part a little I suppose.
applied most
It's intended to be improv for the held vocals
changed finisher to K
vocals don't seem very worth mapping here, they very soft and loose in terms of timing
I don't hear any vocals there
I seems to conflict with 02:10:498 unnecessarily. It's fine as is imo
can work
wanted to go with a more unorthodox approach here by focusing more on the bass, don't think it takes too much from the piano either way but I can maybe change it if it needs to
I want keep the consistency of balancing vocals and kicks similar to the section at around 01:06:551
I don't hear any piano notes here just a silent drum snare which weren't a high priority at this point of the song.
I assume you meant vocals but I tweeked 00:55:761 to be more accurate
But I'm following vocals?
It made more sense to me rhythmically as it puts stronger emphasis on the piano. there is a faint drum kick so the next best option would be to delete 🤷
00:26:288 - a little contrast with 00:25:498 (lower note in vocals) 00:30:235 - ok 01:38:524 - I guess it can work 01:48:590 - I think it's fine, plays of the change in tone of vocals from 01:48:393 01:52:340 - I prefer current pattern, it better highlights the snare 02:42:669 - sort of a similar premise as 01:48:590
more of a byproduct of the piano and vocals being played together. prefer sticking to vocals here
I think it still loud enough to be reasonably heard.
Sounds more like held vocals with maybe a slight pitch change the same syllable but I'm fine keeping as is.
I do not hear any vocals but I'll add if you insist
removed 00:04:710 00:06:638 - & 00:08:352 00:06:210 - contrasts with 00:05:352 so keep 00:07:924 - this is for the drum kick that sets up emphasis for 00:08:567. not too much happens at 00:08:352
I had no intention of doing so.
I think it's fine as is