Decent effort for your very first map. Though I'm not gonna lie it feels like a low quality map. But this is to be expected given that you don't have much play experience in the game. I commend that you tried mapping in your first few moments with the game. Having said that, I suggest you play the game more to get a feel for how maps are made! You simply lack the game experience to have a sense of what makes sense in a map.
Though if you really want to try mapping now, I suggest giving these two video series a watch! They'll help guide you through the fundamentals of mapping:
I won't be giving mods to your map because it shows you need to learn more fundamental aspects of mapping in order to progress. Having said all this, I still commend your effort. It's decent for a first map with little play experience in the game.
Good luck on your mapping journey and never forget "plz enjoy game" :)
01:28:468 (3) - like i said with the normal diff, if you want the sound of the slider tail to line up perfectly with the sound, the slider should end at 01:30:287 precisely, you can line it up using 1/16 beatsnap divisor
01:25:821 (1,2,3) - the shape of (1) and (3) could be improved further in order to blanket (2) better