Removed this section for long time but I guess I want to write something before I quit.
Standard Mapping:
People from BMT, including Nepu, Koiyuki, smallboat, Fycho, IamKwaN, Atrue, Crystal, Flask, Mafumafu... Thank you for leading me into standard mapping and helped me rank my first standard set. (Actually more than 40 mappers helped me though my newbie phase, really appreciate that)
ignorethis: My precious senior, although he already quit osu when I started mapping, he still helped me a lot. Autumn: Also my senior, he helped me with my mapping and storyboarding when I started mapping. Lavender: My good friend irl, he did much better mapping than I do lol. pw384: Amazing mapper and really good at research. We talked more on CS topics than mapping. yf_bmp: 傻逼杨帆 Great mapper and storyboarder. We talked a lot on storyboarding in old days.
yukinohara: Only god who inspired me start storyboarding, he/she created one of the best storyboards in osu: ClariS - Don't Cry. _lolipop: Another god, everyone should check out the pv remake storyboard IOSYS feat. 3L - Miracle-Hinacle. He/She also did several early 3D/Other game experiments into osu. yf_bmp: God (are we having too many gods here...). Created a lot of useful tools and helped me develop my python sb creation tool. [Mahua]: One of the lazy sbers like me, but also capable of creating god storyboards. He helped me develop my python sb creation tool.
Catch Mapping: Minato Yukina: The ruler of osu!catch mapping before 2017. He has really solid mapping style and affected the whole generation of catch mappers. He helped and introduced me into catch mapping. Spectator: Best catch mapper of all time. Capable of doing all different mapping styles and trying new things. He encouraged me a lot when I'm a new catch mapper! Ymiir: She's like a mapper from heaven. mingmichael: Old catch mapper and BAT, he helped me ranked my first catch map. We also discussed a lot in catch mapping in 2016. alienflybot: Best Chinese catch mapper, good at creating flow maps. It always feels cool when I'm playing his maps. Sinnoh: Amzaing catch mapper. When the whole community was "duplicating" CLSW/Spectator styles, he created his own catch mapping style and sped up the changes to the whole catch community. F D Flourite: A good standard mapper but step into catch mapping shortly after. She loves doing strange maps like I do lol. -Luminate: First time I found someone map something similar to my style and mapped better than me. We're eroge tomotachi!
As you see, I'm capable of doing everything inside osu!. For me in irl, I'm a cs student and currently walking into the game industry as a graphics programmer, osu! really changed my life a lot.
Former BN, former member of Spotlight Team & former member of Loved Team
Catch mapping: I can create an anime set in 4hrs (including audio/video compressing, 4 solid difficulties, and hitsounding). But I can't speedrank a map XD. If I'm interested I can create a GD in 24hrs no matter its length.
Catch modding: I suck at modding! I only mod weird things and patterns that doesn't fit the map. I'm not interested in forcing the mapper to change his/her mapping style.
Storyboarding: I love creating full storyboards and express the melodies. I'm not creative but I'm trying my best. I create storyboards with python. Also I never take sb reqs, I only ask for creating sbs by my own.
My opinions about catch community:
Catch mappers have already passed 3 generations (2010-2013, 2013-2016, 2016-2020), and now passed to 4th generation now. As I can see the catch maps are more structual and fun to play these days, but we're also blinding our horizons and ignoring the really fun old maps. I'm still hoping to see more maps with old mapping styles.
People are afraid of making high cs and edge dash maps. This could be caused by modding/rc, but I think mapping should have more freedom. One good example is Sinnoh, check out his maps!
As a mapper, you should be able to create hitsounds by yourself! Refering to std maps' hitsounds is fine but you should be able to create your own hitsounds for maps.
For modders, remember people have their own mapping styles, don't try to add your style onto their maps while modding.
Some of my suggestions for new catch mappers:
Never make strange settings when you start mapping (super high sv/low ar/high cs e.t.c.). Solidify your mapping ability first, then try to make different patterns.
Always follow music itself, don't make patterns just out of fun.
Though I don't suggest copy&paste for mapping, learn from other mappers' patterns is always a good idea. (In old days we just say copy CLSW or Spectator lol)
Create maps that you can play and fc. Don't reach out for maps that you can't control.
Don't hesitate to ask other mappers' opinions. osu!catch is a small community and most experienced mappers are more than willing to help. (Including bns, they receive way fewer requests than other modes)
For patterns, if you can answer "why there're jumps and why there're hypers", then it should be a good map. Remember if you only make jumps at downbeats, it will already be a good map.
My opinions about storyboard community:
With god Damnae's tool storybrew, we see more and more storyboards created these days. But 80% of them I'd say they're NOT actual storyboards. They're just overlay of dizzy effects. For no offense, one example from my storyboards is EOS, the overlay of spectrums and particles is pretty boring tbh. (Doesn't mean spectrums or particles are weird, as long as they fit the map/song well) Storybrew is not the promise for good storyboards,idea is.
Few full storyboards have actual stories/express the song really well. Some of players' favorite storyboarders they only put random effects everywhere and people just shout out for these sbs. Really disappointed about that. :c e.g. Some storyboards just have 3D models from nowhere and scrolling, I have no idea why they exist.
My fav genres of storyboards: pv-like storyboards, and storyboards with correct usage of effects.
Some of my suggestions for new storyboarders:
1. Get used to all sb commands with editor storyboarding first. After all sb is a collection of 2D sprites doing animations around. 2. Storybrew is not the only tool you could choose, you can even invent your own tool. 3. Do not spam spectrums and particles and particles following your notes everywhere. That's not fun.