6 March 2025
Prevent closing team chat channels via Ctrl-W (osu#32111)by spaceman_atlas

They're not closeable via any means anywhere else, so this is just matching that.

Limit number of allowed beatmap combo colours to 8 (osu#32110)by spaceman_atlas

Matching stable.

Fix sliders not being selectable if the body is hidden but the head is still visible (osu#32130)by spaceman_atlas
Adjust preview time display to not conflict with bookmarks (osu#32149)by peppy

osu! 2025-02-28 at 05 05 12

Always zoom timeline to centre rather than focus point (osu#32197)by peppy
Fix possible crash when scaling objects in editor (osu#32158)by spaceman_atlas
Attempt to preserve sample control point bank when encoding beatmap (osu#32098)by spaceman_atlas

Fixes "green line" sample specifications being lost when exporting a beatmap which was created in stable and then edited in lazer.

Fix differential submission process crashing when no files have changed (osu#32248)by spaceman_atlas
Add "discard unsaved changes" operation to beatmap editor (osu#32240)by spaceman_atlas

Apparently useful in modding workflows when you want to test out a few different variants of a thing.

Re-uses Ctrl-L binding from stable. Some folks may argue that the dialog makes the hotkey pointless, but I really do want to protect users from accidental data loss, and also if you want to power through it quickly, you can hit the 1 key when the dialog shows, which will bypass the hold-to-activate period (which wasn't intentional, but so many people want a bypass at this point that we're probably keeping that behaviour for power users).

Fix PlayerTeamFlag skinnable component not showing team details during replay (osu#32107)by peppy
January 2025 difficulty calculation & performance points updates (osu#31595)by osu!team

Please read today's newspost for an in-depth description of what changed!

Add SFX for kiai/star fountain activation (osu#32162)by nekodex

Went back and forth quite a bit on how audible to make this. I felt that adding low-end to the impact helped it cut through better on louder/busier beatmaps, resulting in something that sounds closer to 'fireworks' than the original 'confetti cannon' direction I started with.

Doesn't play if "Star fountains" are disabled under options. As usual, will monitor feedback and adjust as necessary.

Show current beatmap info in window title when in gameplay / editor (osu#32222)by Zihad2002
Gameplay (osu!mania)
Add support for legacy osu!mania barline skinning (including height and colour spec) (osu#32151)by peppy
Fix multiplayer results screen displaying same beatmap for all users (osu#32109)by smoogipoo
Fix being unable to join multiplayer rooms with many users (osu#32210)by smoogipoo
Adjust scale and display of rooms in multiplayer lounge (osu#32219)by peppy

Just a quick pass because the rooms were definitely larger than they should be.

Before After
osu! 2025-03-04 at 06 57 19 osu! 2025-03-04 at 06 56 52

Also made scrolling feel a bit better by replacing the hard masking with a gradient:

Flash taskbar when a multiplayer game is starting (osu#32180)by GioSDA
Add back Alt + mouse wheel volume adjustment on results screens (osu#32075)by Kunologist
Fix playlists results screens potentially displaying negative score positions (osu#32199)by spaceman_atlas
Fix navigating to global offset adjustment slider from player loader not working if previous search query was present (osu#32135)by Zihad2002
Song Select
Fix double-clicking difficulty adjust sliders not resetting the value to default correctly (osu#32077)by spaceman_atlas
Adjust leaderboard score design slightly (osu#32108)by peppy

This design is about to get replaced, so I'm just making some minor adjustments since a lot of people complained about the font size in the last update.


Fix "use these mods" context menu option doing broken things with system mods (osu#32235)by spaceman_atlas

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why did combo colors got limited instead of unlimited as it used to be in lazer?

really curious why the kiai/star fountain sound is on by default?. i thought something in my house exploded and my PTSD from fire set in. I legit thought something happened with my house cause the sound is way too loud.

am i the only one who's not winning any pp's

thanks nekodex, but the kiai sfx is annoying as fuck

I‘m sorry, but, why do all my songs sound like Tchaikovsky’s Overture 1812?

kiai/star fountain is too loud not gonna lie
please add option to disable kiai/star fountain sound only

Why am I hearing the explosion sound with kiai fountain disabled? Dear lord...

hey look guys thats me in the last screenshot

unfortunately this same version is the one that added kiai fountain sound effects

Why are the map difficulties no longer sorted by star rating but by name??

OninD yinglr

Have you waited until SR recalculation finished?

I need a toggle to turn off kiai fireworks

fsht12345 fsht12345

okay disable "star fountain" in settings works

Just3453 fsht12345

They do still happen in main menu though, even when the option is disabled.

bruh, how do i disable the firework thing?

fsht12345 nixiexxx

disable "star fountain" in the settings

Please Add Horizontal/landscape mode for phone players. I hate portrait mode, im losing my skill right now.

TheKaiser_OwO W1zy360360


W1zy360360 TheKaiser_OwO


why would anyone want that sfx on any song ever, i beg for a toggle

I like the kiai fireworks, but it doesn't work on all maps especially one that implements the kiai section like this: https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/2281018#osu/4886650

Senserese Tinutuan

Bro carried away with this beatmap ^^

This version works very well on my computer, but there is a problem that continues to occur in the APK version and that is that there is a lot of lag and a lot of delay with the pointer.

kiai fireworks needs to be removed

fawwaz32 zesteas

can we remove it?

zesteas fawwaz32

The only way is is disable star fountains. Im sure they will update this later

multiplayer/playlists are very hard to read now bru its the same problem as with chat
why these small text changes. who's benefiting from this

the multiplayer ui text is too small, you're right about them being too long before, but now things are just hard to read because of how small text is

i thought something exploded outside when i heard the star fountain sfx

W updates as per usual peppy ftws'!!!!!!

L update for me

Peppy please bring back the tiles I cant even play on tiles anymore my muscle memory is gone now im too used to portrait i hate portrait please at least next update

W1zy360360 TwizzyRich444

am 100% agreeing with you, i cannot hold like that anymore too, lost my skills, cant read rn I also hate portrait mode aswell. I dont know why you've got 2 likes but you are telling facts.

W1zy360360 W1zy360360

I might quit osu btw

I had a fucking heart palpitation when that sfx in the welcome track happened

look, i like the idea of kiai fountains having a sound, but maybe consider changing it with something less obnoxious? like maybe a light cymbal crash? this is just too much. also consider keeping it disabled by default cause i think most players would want to turn it off.

this sfx blowed me up

Can anybody tell me how to turn off the "firework" sound pls :<

JianR TGHgaming

Based on the comment below you, you can disable Star fountain in the settings

nvm just disable star fountain and the canons in our heads will stop

how do i disable this kiai sfx

when hearing that new kiai sfx I thought my headphone was broken


Skip intro in Multiplayer when?

Joehu [-Frix-]

there's a setting to automatically skip intro when you create the room


thank you updates for

Anyone happens to know when will osu lazer support beatmap descriptions? When I press details on a beatmap it's always empty.

spaceman_atlas WalachCZ00

not anytime soon, it's very annoying to make happen because of all the weird bbcode that beatmap descriptions support

WalachCZ00 spaceman_atlas

Oh okay

please traceable giving hd score multipliers


osu! is starting to lose its reputation as an aim trainer. In order to broaden the game's appeal, the osu! team has decided to make the game more familiar to FPS players - now you don't have to close osu! to experience a warzone! This should help grow the userbase, or, more importantly, bring osu!jet funds.

ama_asdk chayleaf


I hope this isn't a major release for lazer. I'm not waiting until April for mania landscape tiles

W1zy360360 ILXD_osu

fr bro i might quit osu

TwizzyRich444 W1zy360360

Maybe try other games that have tiles like roblox fnf, 02jamnew and there are probably others i dont'tknow them maybe something like deemo also

not a big fan of the (presumably unskinnable) star fountain sfx playing. in stable we already have combobursts for this sort of thing (fixed in lazer when?) so adding more similar effects seems like

B a g e l kaedori

i might aswell play with no fucking sound

kaedori kaedori

it took me this map to figure this out but i don't really like how this turns the start of the kiai section into one discrete event rather than having a continuous kiai section highlight the "intense" part of beatmaps (i.e. imo effects during kiai time should be more intense than effects at the start of kiai time(

kaedori kaedori

apparently even if you disable star fountains effects still play in title screen so if you want to afk listening to chill songs you better not do it in the menu. i am quite upset about this "feature" and will be voicing my complains for the next hour

could sudden death default to restart on fail like perfect does? or maybe a way to change default settings for individual mods pretty please

Hatsune Migu Hatsune Migu

wait i just remembered presets

Bro suddenly i hear a firework first time on a map i play often and i thought it was irl, scared me so much

hearing that kiai sfx on the title screen gets annoying after a while

please add a toggle for the damn sfx, i want the star fountains without the sfx

Saraistupid Saraistupid

or at least disable it in taiko, there's already way too many indications in taiko for kiai time, we don't need yet another indication

PowerDaniex Saraistupid

Just disable star fountains in settings


the fireworks ingame are hysterical

kiai fountains scared me in the main menu :(

the kiai sfx is going to be usually turned off but it's kinda cool, just add combo fire too it's time to get serious here

z0z Wieran


BunnyTub Wieran

I need my combo fire :crying:

I just spent 30mn investigating why there were annoying explosion sounds in lazer, thanks I hate it.

BayGamerJJ Lesbea

how tf i disable that lmao

Lesbea BayGamerJJ

Disable in the options > Gameplay > General > Star Fountains.


Disable in the options > Gameplay > General > Star Fountains.