
not a big fan of the (presumably unskinnable) star fountain sfx playing. in stable we already have combobursts for this sort of thing (fixed in lazer when?) so adding more similar effects seems like

B a g e l kaedori

i might aswell play with no fucking sound

kaedori kaedori

it took me this map to figure this out but i don't really like how this turns the start of the kiai section into one discrete event rather than having a continuous kiai section highlight the "intense" part of beatmaps (i.e. imo effects during kiai time should be more intense than effects at the start of kiai time(

kaedori kaedori

apparently even if you disable star fountains effects still play in title screen so if you want to afk listening to chill songs you better not do it in the menu. i am quite upset about this "feature" and will be voicing my complains for the next hour


apparently even if you disable star fountains effects still play in title screen so if you want to afk listening to chill songs you better not do it in the menu. i am quite upset about this "feature" and will be voicing my complains for the next hour