I will join your osu lazer tournament team I am no longer scared of osu stable If you add me feel free to use this site so I can mutual you without needing to stalk everywhere
2025.01.01 good map but holy shit forced alternate makes this the worst daily so far for me. moderately infuriating (enough to motivate me to start writing my thoughts on dailies)
2025.01.02 2025 is off to a great start with the 2 worst dailiy challenges so far. Hate mania. Thankfully no hold mod exists to make it reasonable.
2025.01.21 nice stream map I got 1x100 unfortunate 8/10
2025.01.22 abababababababa I don’t have time to warm up on wednesdays D: 7.5/10
2025.01.23 cool 7/10
2025.01.30 Fucking 10/10 this is exactly what I want to see in daily challenges
2025.02.01 12/10 bill wurtz daily hell yeah bubbles traceable goes hard
2025.02.03 My mod xd 9/10 This map’s really fun with strict tracking Unfortunately choked ss at the end
2025.02.05 Fall in the dark daily I’ve been waiting for this since day 1. 15/10 bill wurtz daily has already been dethroned I love whoever found repel does this to the perfect stacks. Maybe april 1 daily will top this : PauseChamp:
2025.02.07 2/10 boring asf
2025.02.12 7/10 second chance at the song this map's cool.
2025.02.24 3/10 GREAT FUCKING MAP completely ruined by forced hr.
2025.03.04 1/10 9/10 map this would’ve been so much more fun without forced hr I would’ve partial dt’d it this is actually sad. Thankfully got top 10% first try didn’t have to retry this mod
2025.03.14 10/10 grinded this for 1.5 hours and enjoyed it the whole time very fun daily CHANGED TO 11/10 IT WAS MY FIRST DAILY #1 LFGGGGGGGGGGG
ababababababa im like asocial asf saying nothing is my default if i say anything im having a great time bro
Kansha Odoroki: Done Still needs hitsounds and many changes to the map but it's basically done
98.12.28: Timing and will take 5000 years In the California End Status: funny It’s Pizza Time!: future Walking in the Rhythm: Started Peppermint Gum: Future Zu2 Baby: finished main diff Justin’s Background Sound Effects: Future Dog Nightmare: Future Iosys how is the progress going: future HiLo: in progress
Ranked Fishmans song Get my own map ranked osu! completion Become rounded top player tournament player Kill osu stable. osu lazer propaganda install osu dictator all maps are now ranked peppy cult 100000 hours playtime Become #1 in all gamemodes pp and score 100% medal completion ss every map ss every map again with each mod combination d rank fc on every map 2000 pp play with ez 30000 pp each gamemode 1 trillion ranked score 100 trillion total score 1 billion total hits 8 billion followers Trillionaire All olympic sports gold medal Win OWC by creating my own country and playing on multiple computers at once learn to read ar 10 Win the Super Bowl 500 million subscribers Play osu! in space Ranked funky kong map Oddloop DTFL fc 280 bpm stream speed play osu! in 2100 America 2 Painters EZHTFL Ranked Free Bird Convert new players to ezmod osuhouse
First 100 pp: No idea I think it was about 2 weeks after I started focusing on this game specifically. Ik it was after April 2022 and before October 2022. First 200 pp: 2023.02.18 beatmapsets/952409#osu/1988753 + HD on my old laptop + cheap wireless mouse First 300 pp: 2023.04.27 on my old laptop + cheap wireless mouse beatmapsets/859783#osu/1797544 + HDDT First 400 pp: 2023.12.28 new setup beatmapsets/1961109#osu/4064320 First 500 pp: 2024.06.27 First 600 pp: 2024.02.20 beatmapsets/947162#osu/2067473 + EZHDDT
I haunt every corner of pp farm maps. you are not safe from me, dirty farmer. think about what you have done, and find out how you can fix your past vile mistakes. 100pp on a 40 second map, 200pp on cbcc, 300pp on how to create the weeknd's "blinding lights". what's next? 400pp on some random 30 second pp farm map that requires hundreds of retrys? I know a perfect map for that. try psyqui - hikari no hou e (lapix & cranky remix). oh, you can't pass that map? too bad. it is the most farmable 400pp map ever, and since you can't pass it, you are stuck. in limbo. a high 5 digit with an ss on how to create the weeknd's "blinding lights". you cannot progress any further. goodbye to your dreams of becoming whitecat, flyingtuna, mrekk, etc. you enjoy pp farming and retrying maps to insanity? how about go outside and farm some actual pp (hint: go to some funny clubs for most efficient pp farming). you'll enjoy that more.
It is a dark and cold night. The steady sound of you tapping on your keyboard echoes through the empty house.
As you're sitting in front of a computer screen which is faintly flickering at 144 Hertz, you appear frustrated.
"Damn it, why cant I FC this? I must have retried this map a thousand times by now."
You look over at your body pillow, lying lifeless on your bed.
"Oh Miku, if only I had a tablet. Aim would be so much easier."
You turn back at to your monitor, bracing yourself for the onslaught of circles and sliders.
Just as you're about to click retry, you notice some movement from the corner of your eye. The curtains are moving slightly, as if touched by the wind. You dont remember leaving the window open.
Suddenly you hear it. "Dandan". The sound, although quiet, startles you. As you turn around, you can feel your pulse racing.
He's standing there. The #1 osu! player in the world. His presence fills the room with warmth. You can feel a wave of pp wash over you as he moves closer to you.
His face looks even better closeby than it does on stream. In his eyes you see images of chokes, of A's and Fails, but also images of glory, of S's and +1's, thousands of PogChamps blinking past.
You feel tiny, insignificant in this world like a grain of sand in a galaxy. Your cursor starts to move without your mind telling it to. As it creeps slowly towards the retry button, you start to panic.
How could you ever perform under this amount of pressure?
Thats when you feel it. His hand, graciously placed on your mouse hand. You feel his soft skin, his thin fingers feel strong enough to move mountains.
The song has started, and you feel a strange sense of tranquility, as the rest of the world seems to fade away.
His subtle but confident movements guide your cursor to every beat, perfectly following the rhytm of the music.
As you SS the map with his aid, you can feel a warmth moving from your right hand to your body.
You look at him and say "Mouse truly can everything"
He stares into your eyes, leans in close, and whispers; "No, YOU can everything"
osu! almost killed me and ruined my life
Discovered osu at 19 yo in 2016 via youtube, a random video recommended about "The Scale is right", yeah I was playing Rhythm heaven then.
Give it a go. Learned the basic. On the second day I was playing only Multiplayer. 8-12 hours per day. Addiction started to strike .
Since I was unemployment, I had no money to buy a mecha keyboard and tablet. My parent was tight with the money that month. I couldn't resist.. I wanted to become good in osu..
Stole some money (50$) and went to the casino for the first time. Managed to win 265. I put back the 50$ and bought the cheapest wacom tablet and a mecha keyboard
Since I couldn't control my emotions during gameplay, when I had a FC during gameplay, at the end, my heart started rise up in BPM. I didn't paid attention, I said it is normal. Started to drink energy drinks while playing up to 12 hours. Since I was too tired after, I often skipped school in the morning because I stoop up to 2 am
I reached 2k in 4 months. My obsession strike even harder. I was not happy about my bpm tap / stream. I started to play those long stream maps practice. I even took keyboard unplugged in bed and training myself. I even went to the church to holy up my hand and some keycaps. I started to take anti-nervous pills without consulting the doctor.
The combination of energy drinks, lack of sleep and pills sent me into a heart attack in one night. I drank 8 energy drinks that night. My mom was scared as fk, called the ambulance. I survived. I was so scared from that day that I had panic attacks every night.
Days passed, I was mad but also scared to play osu even again. Wanted to become a 3 digit and I was close.. I said, ok I take a small break. But I had so much time, I didn't know what to do. So I continued into this gambling hobby because I remembered how easy is to make some money
Today, I am a gambling addict. Osu can make people addicted as hard as gambling, so be careful and enjoy the game as a game.
Lock in. Lock in.
Get it twisted— if you lock in, you can do anything. Motherfucker...get it twisted, your actions impact nothing. Your fate is predetermined, the only thing that you can change is your reaction to it. You can do anything you set your mind to. The world is a playground designed for you, and only you, to achieve your highest level ambitions. If you wait ninety minutes to wake up before you drink your first cup of coffee, nothing can stop you. If you duct tape your mouth... when you fall asleep, nothing can st— okay, GET IT TWISTED, you are a pawn in a universe chess match. You mean nothing to God, if they even exist, you're a— a rounding error, you're two pennies on a Fortune 500 company's balance sheet. They don't care about you in the slightest— get it twisted, everybody gets what they deserve in this life. If you put in effort, you can achieve anything. Successful people are better people— GET IT TWISTED, THE CIRCUMSTANCES SURROUNDING... YOUR BIRTH... DETERMINE WHERE YOU ARE GOING TO GO. NOTHING ELSE MATTERS, AT ALL. YOUR OWN LEVEL OF EDUCATION, YOUR ATTITUDE, Y- YOUR LEVEL OF EFFORT, YOUR FRIENDS, YOUR NETWORK, YOUR BUSINESS, YOUR CREDENTIALS... MOTHERFUCKER!! :3 :3 :3 :4 :5 :6 :7 :8 :9 :0 :1 :1 :2 :3 :5 :8 :13 :21 :34 :55 :89 :144 :234 :378
How to fix pp: Elo based ranking system
Goals: get accused of cheating
How to enjoy game: born slippy How to warm up: born slippy How to get stamina: born slippy How to improve aim control: born slippy How to improve consistency: born slippy Get it twisted.
Motherfucker. Lock in. Lock in. Get it slippy, if you lock in you can slip anything. Get it slippy, your slipping impact nothing, your slip is predetermined, the only thing that you can change is your reaction to it. You can slip anything you set your mind to, the world is a playground designed for YOU and only YOU to achieve your highest level slipping. If you wait 90 minutes to wake up until you play born slippy, nothing can stop you. If you slip your mouth when you fall asleep, nothing can stop you. GET IT slippy. YOU ARE A PAWN IN A UNIVERSE SLIP MATCH. YOU MEAN NOTHING TO GOD (IF THEY EVEN EXIST). YOU'RE A SLIPPING ERROR. YOU ARE TWO PENNIES ON A FORTUNE 500 COMPANY'S BALANCE SHEET, THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT YOU IN THE SLIGHTEST. GET IT SLIPPY. EVERYBODY GETS WHAT THEY DESERVE IN THIS LIFE, IF YOU PUT IN SLIP, YOU CAN ACHIEVE ANYTHING. SLIPPY PEOPLE ARE BETTER PEOPLE. GET IT SLIPPY. THE CIRCUMSTANCES SURROUNDING YOUR BIRTH DETERMINE IF YOU ARE SLIPPY NOTHING ELSE MATTERS AT ALL. YOUR OWN LEVEL OF EDUCATION, YOUR ATTITUDE, YOUR LEVEL OF EFFORT, YOUR FRIENDS, YOUR NETWORK, YOUR BUSINESS, YOUR CREDENTIALS. Motherfucker.
I really love Born Slippy. Like, a lot. Like, a whole lot. You have no idea. I love it so much that it is inexplicable, and I'm ninety-nine percent sure that I have an unhealthy obsession. I will never get tired of listening that sweet, angelic 680 bpm hardcore. It is my life goal to meet up with TheKushVanMan and just say thank you.
I fall asleep at night dreaming of Born Slippy finally getting loved, and then I fc the map with hd. If I could just A rank the top diff, I could die happy.