
EBICO - Persephone [OsuMania]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Tuesday, June 21, 2016 at 4:14:11 PM

Artist: EBICO
Title: Persephone
Source: Hachi Hachi
Tags: UNDERWORLD RENAISSANCE Dynamix PyaKura MEGAtive Rivals_7 -Kamikaze-
BPM: 185
Filesize: 4219kb
Play Time: 02:04
Difficulties Available:
  1. Enecstacy - 7Key (7.16 stars, 2030 notes)
  2. Hyper - 7Key (3.44 stars, 1182 notes)
  3. Maki'nother - 7Key (5.82 stars, 2025 notes)
  4. MEGA's Insane - 7Key (4.65 stars, 1554 notes)
  5. Pyanother - 7Key (5.7 stars, 1867 notes)
  6. Rivals_7's Beginner - 7Key (1.46 stars, 329 notes)
  7. Standard - 7Key (1.97 stars, 662 notes)
Download: EBICO - Persephone
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Ene is back with another mappu o.<)b
<<< EBICO - Persephone >>>

Special diff From Crackers ♥ <<< not for rank :'v

Ready for mod :D

Mod : modded by 28 players
Beginner : Rivals_7 > 8/8 -- (Hitsounded)
Standard : 13/10 -- (Hitsounded)
Hyper : 13/12 -- (Hitsounded)
Insane : MEGAtive > 16/15 -- (Hitsounded)
Another : -Kamikaze- > 4/15 -- (Hitsounded)
Another : Pyakura > 8/15 -- (Hitsounded)
Enecstacy : 17/15 -- (Hitsounded)

1. Eternalie >>> Standard
2. Takane6 :v >>> MEGA's Insane
3. MEGAtive >>> Enecstacy
4. Aste- >>> Enecstacy
5. -BANGKE- >>> Rivals_7 Beginner , Standard , Hyper , MEGA's Insane , Pynother, Enecstacy
6. SpectorDG >>> Standard
7. Davin Fortune >>> Enecstacy , Pyanother , MEGA's Insane , Rivals_7
8. [ C r a c k ] >>> Enecstacy
9. Shinzo- >>> Enecstacy , Pyanother , MEGA's Insane
10. _FrEsH_ChICkEn_ >>> Enecstacy , Pyanother
11. DixonBlackwing >>> Enecstacy , Hyper , MEGA's Insane
12. Ryu Sei >>> Standard , Hyper
13. -Kamikaze- >>> Pyanother , Enecstacy
14. Lenfried >>> Enecstacy , Pyanother , Maki'nother
15. Rivals_7 >>> Standard , Hyper
16. -[Apple]- >>> Standard , Hyper , MEGA's Insane
17. -[ AmiShici ]- >>> MEGA's Insane
18. [Baim] >>> Rivals_7's Beginner , Standard , Hyper , MEGA's Insane
19. [profile:1337][ a v a l o n ][profile] >>> Rivals_7's Beginner , Standard , Hyper
20. [profile]shawnachu[/profile:1337] >>> Standard , Hyper
21. ArcherLove >>> Rivals_7's Beginner , Standard , Hyper , MEGA's Insane, Enecstacy
22. Verniy_chan >>> Rivals_7's Beginner , Standard , Hyper , MEGA's Insane, Maki'nother
23. Raediaufar >>> Rivals_7's Beginner , Maki'nother
24. Adinata28 >>> Standard , Enecstacy
25. FreeezeForward >>> Rivals_7's Beginner , Standard , Hyper , MEGA's Insane, Enecstacy
26. Niks >>> Pyanother, MEGA's Insane
27. Kuroshiki >>> Hyper , MEGA's Insane, Enecstacy
28. FrenzyLi >>> Rivals_7's Beginner , Standard , Hyper , MEGA's Insane, Pyanother , Maki'nother
29. Amethyst507 >>> Pyanother , Maki'nother, Enecstacy
30. Ichigaki >>> Enecstacy
MEGA's Insane (4,56*)

How this song's sound familiar....
Topic Starter

MEGAtive wrote:

MEGA's Insane (4,56*)

How this song's sound familiar....

-[ AmiShici ]-
Wow stars 7
Topic Starter
"EZ" 7 star *u*
Enecstacy is very good !
Simple mod~ as rqs
Everything is suggestion~
collumn = 1/2/3/4/5/6/7
00:27:586 (27586|0,27586|5) - move to another collumn to follow the previous pattern theme , it feels special to suddenly (jack) it's not really that fast but just to give the image of the pattern
00:27:911 (27911|1,27911|6,28235|6,28235|1) - same for them ^ since it would jack if you don't change others
00:37:154 (37154|2,37478|4) - I think thoose notes are ghosting (or maybe you used them since there is that piano roll ) so actually feel free
00:39:749 (39749|2) - same suggestion ^
other ones seems fine since they follow drums
00:44:938 - you could add a note here according to previous patterns
00:49:478 - add note for piano
00:52:397 (52397|3,52559|5,52722|3) - thoose are probably ghosting as well , except if you follow violin but then you need a note here 00:51:911 -
01:06:181 (66181|6) - move to 6 I think this note is same pitch as the previous one and jacking a simple note is not that hard imho

Good Luck~ hab nice day ^^'/
Topic Starter
mod GD for owner and owner for GD \:D/
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
MEGA's Insane
00:17:532 (17532|4) - move to 3 for hand balance (and because quite hard to tap this note 00:17:532 (17532|4,17532|6,17613|5) - :v)
00:20:127 (20127|3) - move to 2 (same reason as ^ ) and 00:19:965 (19965|2) - move to 4
00:23:370 - can add LN here... (same as 00:46:722 (46722|6) - )
00:24:668 (24668|4) - move to 4
00:25:641 (25641|1,25722|2) - 1 collumn to the left
00:54:181 (54181|3,54262|4,54343|5) - ctrl+h for pitch
01:14:776 - add note? (01:15:911 - , 01:16:235 - and 01:16:559 - as reference)
01:15:100 - add note? (same reason as ^)
from 01:19:803 - to 01:21:749 - a bit too heavy in the right collumn (more likely this makes it even heavy 01:21:749 (81749|2) - )
^ maybe move the 01:20:127 (80127|3,80776|3,81424|3) - to collumn 1 for present clap? and move 01:21:100 (81100|0) - to 5
01:25:478 - there is a kick here, add 2 note at 1 and 2
01:33:911 - there is a finish sound here, maybe add 1 more note (01:32:613 - as reference)
01:36:019 - and 01:36:668 - add note? (01:36:992 - as reference)
01:52:397 - delete 1 note for consistency (since the overall pattern at this part are not using 3 note )
01:52:722 - ^
02:00:749 - add note for piano (same as 02:00:911 (120911|2,120911|5,120992|3,120992|4) - )
02:00:668 - 02:01:965 - the pattern in here is hard to read... (but i can read it :v)
Naisssu diffu <3

Eternalie wrote:

Simple mod~ as rqs
Everything is suggestion~
collumn = 1/2/3/4/5/6/7
00:27:586 (27586|0,27586|5) - move to another collumn to follow the previous pattern theme , it feels special to suddenly (jack) it's not really that fast but just to give the image of the pattern
00:27:911 (27911|1,27911|6,28235|6,28235|1) - same for them ^ since it would jack if you don't change others
00:37:154 (37154|2,37478|4) - I think thoose notes are ghosting (or maybe you used them since there is that piano roll ) so actually feel free
00:39:749 (39749|2) - same suggestion ^
other ones seems fine since they follow drums
00:44:938 - you could add a note here according to previous patterns
00:49:478 - add note for piano
00:52:397 (52397|3,52559|5,52722|3) - thoose are probably ghosting as well , except if you follow violin but then you need a note here 00:51:911 -
01:06:181 (66181|6) - move to 6 I think this note is same pitch as the previous one and jacking a simple note is not that hard imho

Good Luck~ hab nice day ^^'/

Mwalls Ho wrote:

Enecstacy is very good !
really? thanks :D
Same-mapset M4M.... First time seeing this lol

EBICO - Persephone


  1. 00:04:559 - 00:09:749 - D sini pitch Biola udh berubah.
  2. 00:04:884 - 00:10:073 - D sini pitch Biola juga berubah.
  3. 00:04:559 - D sini single sendiri. Padahal d 00:07:154 sm 00:09:749 Double. D bikin sama, soalnya jumlah instrumennya sama persis.
  4. 00:15:181 - 00:15:424 - D sini ad suara Piano. Tambah not d bagian2 ini. Soalnya di 00:17:532 atau 00:20:127 Pianonya d cover.
  5. 00:22:722 - 00:23:046 - 00:23:370 - Hrusnya ini Quad soalnya suaranya sama kyk 00:20:127 - 00:20:451 - 00:20:776 -
  6. 00:27:586 - 00:27:911 - 00:28:235 - Ini gk Triple? Kan d 00:24:992 - 00:25:316 - 00:25:641 - Juga Triple patternnya.
  7. 00:42:830 (42830|1,44127|3) - Random LNs? Soalnya gk dengerin instrumen apa yg pas sm LN2 ini. Sebelumnya juga gk pke LN gini. Malah LNnya kyk 00:37:641 buat Impulse. Sebenernya rekomen klo LNnya d apus. Bagian 00:42:830 biar rearrange lg trus pas d 00:44:776 Kick sm Snarenya bsa d map sekalian sm Glissando Pianonya.
  8. 01:01:884 - Ketinggalan suara Pianonya.
  9. 01:02:938 (62938|6) - Seharusnya ini LN kyk 01:00:343 (60343|0) atau 00:57:100 (57100|0)
  10. 00:57:749 - Gk tau knp ini sendiri yg LNnya double, tpi yg lain buat stringnya pd pke satu LN doang.
  11. 01:08:776 - Sebenernya lead yg d cover d sini mulai dri 01:08:451 klo d denger lg.
  12. 01:19:154 - Sebenernya nyaranin ini Quad biar kerasa emphasis Impulsenya.
  13. 01:31:965 - D sini ad suara lead juga. D map ya pke LN.
  14. 01:29:695 - D sini lead ganti pitch. Jdi LNnya bikin lg baru buat Leadnya.
  15. 01:30:019 (90019|2) - D sini gk kedengeran Lead, jdi mending delete aja.
  16. 01:32:451 - D sini Lead udh stop jdi LNnya putus smp sini.
  17. 01:34:559 - D sini ad suara Lead juga, d tambah ya pke LN.
  18. 01:42:668 - Seharusnya Double klo d liat d 01:40:073
  19. 01:43:073 - D sini juga hrusnya ad not kyk d 01:40:478
  20. 01:42:992 - D sini hrusnya Triple kyk 01:40:397
  21. 01:46:884 - Hrusnya ad LN buat Lead synth kyk 01:46:397 (106397|0,107046|0,107370|2)
  22. 01:51:262 (111262|5) - Impulse baru mulai dri 01:51:100 dominannya.
  23. 01:55:235 - Knp double? Padahal d 01:52:965 Single

Hmm, nice map. (#'w')b

Takane6 wrote:

mod GD for owner and owner for GD \:D/
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
MEGA's Insane
00:17:532 (17532|4) - move to 3 for hand balance (and because quite hard to tap this note 00:17:532 (17532|4,17532|6,17613|5) - :v) Okay, Moved
00:20:127 (20127|3) - move to 2 (same reason as ^ ) and 00:19:965 (19965|2) - move to 4 Moved them
00:23:370 - can add LN here... (same as 00:46:722 (46722|6) - ) Hmm.... Okay
00:24:668 (24668|4) - move to 4 Since I extend the |4| into LN, I moved this to |3| instead.
00:25:641 (25641|1,25722|2) - 1 collumn to the left Moved
00:54:181 (54181|3,54262|4,54343|5) - ctrl+h for pitch Applied
01:14:776 - add note? (01:15:911 - , 01:16:235 - and 01:16:559 - as reference) Added
01:15:100 - add note? (same reason as ^) Added
from 01:19:803 - to 01:21:749 - a bit too heavy in the right collumn (more likely this makes it even heavy 01:21:749 (81749|2) - )
^ maybe move the 01:20:127 (80127|3,80776|3,81424|3) - to collumn 1 for present clap? and move 01:21:100 (81100|0) - to 5 Okay, Applied
01:25:478 - there is a kick here, add 2 note at 1 and 2 Oh, Missed that. Added.
01:33:911 - there is a finish sound here, maybe add 1 more note (01:32:613 - as reference) Added
01:36:019 - and 01:36:668 - add note? (01:36:992 - as reference) Both don't have any finish sound.
01:52:397 - delete 1 note for consistency (since the overall pattern at this part are not using 3 note ) Deleted
01:52:722 - ^ Deleted
02:00:749 - add note for piano (same as 02:00:911 (120911|2,120911|5,120992|3,120992|4) - ) I'm actually aiming at the Drum sounds. The part you're pointing just have a piano sound.
02:00:668 - 02:01:965 - the pattern in here is hard to read... (but i can read it :v) Haha rearranged
Naisssu diffu <3
Okay, Update

MEGA's Insane (Update)
MOD Here

Yha yang lain lom selesai.. ku mod based on Pattern Insanity nya ya

-Eneapalah wa juga ngga ngerti-

00:10:073 (10073|0,10073|2,10073|1,10073|5) - hooy.. same sound like this 00:05:046 (5046|1,5046|5,5046|6,5208|0,5208|6,5208|5) - ko jumlah Pressed nya beda ya?

00:07:641 (7641|5,7641|6) - ni juga

00:07:154 (7154|6,7154|2,7478|0,7478|1) - ini sama kek 00:04:559 (4559|6,4884|0) - kenapa jumlah note beda?

00:09:749 (9749|5,9749|2) - ni juga

00:14:532 (14532|2,14532|5) - ngga tambahin 1 lagi? snare aku denger dapet 3 lho, 00:14:127 (14127|0,14127|4,14127|2) - bukti nya

00:14:776 (14776|2,14776|5,14776|0,14938|6,14938|3,14938|1,14938|4) - ni sound sama.. Impact sama.. Pilih.. mo 4 ato 3 note, kalo 4 you know what to do, kalo 3 00:15:262 (15262|2,15262|5,15262|0,15262|4,15586|6,15586|3,15586|1,15586|5) - ini juga di samain jadi 3

00:17:127 (17127|4,17127|1) - ni juga snare.. you know what to do

00:19:722 (19722|1,19722|5) - ^ (kalo buat kek gini.. kasi aja 1 di Column ke 4

nte for you.. jujur, ini aku bingung soal sound di 00:20:776 (20776|5,20776|1,20776|0,20776|6) - sama 00:21:262 (21262|2,21262|6,21262|4) - soalnya di tempat lain juga kek gitu.. jumlah sama, impact sama, tapi jumlah note beda..

00:32:613 (32613|2,32938|2,33262|2,33586|1) - tambahin 1 note lagi

00:42:262 (42262|5,42262|2,42343|3,42343|6,42343|0,42424|4,42424|1,42505|6,42505|3,42505|0,42586|1,42586|4,42668|3,42668|0,42668|6,42749|2,42749|5) - balance gagal, 00:42:586 (42586|1) - coba di move ke 3rd Column

00:44:127 (44127|4,44127|5,44127|0,44208|2,44208|1,44289|5,44289|4,44370|2,44370|1,44370|0,44451|4,44451|5,44532|2,44532|1,44613|4,44613|6,44613|5,44695|2,44695|1,44776|6,44776|0) - wa bingung sama ini.. ngikut apaan.. kan sama kek bawahnya kan.. cuman di tambahin Long sound

00:49:965 (49965|6) - panjangin sampe 00:50:208

00:49:316 (49316|5) - panjangin sampe 00:49:478

00:51:911 (51911|1,51911|0) - panjangin sampe 00:52:235 (52235|5) - dan SN itu tambahin or jadiin LN sampe 00:52:559 (52559|6) -

00:52:559 (52559|4) - panjangin sampe 00:52:722 (52722|1) -

00:54:505 (54505|5,55154|6) - you know what to do

01:01:803 (61803|5) - i don't know what this LN for. could you please explain me ?

01:04:073 (64073|2,64559|3,64884|1) - Chord here.. kasi 1 note lagi

01:05:370 (65370|2,65857|3) - this too

01:06:830 (66830|0,67478|4,68127|6) - You know what to do

01:19:965 (79965|4,80289|4,80613|4,80938|4,81262|4,81586|4) - ni buat apa ?

01:22:559 (82559|2,82884|2,83208|2,83532|2) - ni juga

01:28:235 (88235|4,88235|5,88235|6,88316|0,88316|2,88316|1,88397|4,88397|6,88397|5,88478|1,88478|0,88478|2,88559|5,88559|6,88559|4,88641|1,88641|2,88641|0,88722|5,88722|4,88722|6,88803|2,88803|1,88803|0,88884|5,88884|6,88884|4,88965|1,88965|2,88965|0,89046|5,89046|6,89046|4,89127|0,89127|2,89127|1,89208|4,89208|5,89208|6,89289|0,89289|1,89289|2,89370|4,89370|5,89370|6,89451|2,89451|0,89451|1) - too Extreme.. susah mencet Space sambil Spam 3 Chord 1/4 beat

01:34:884 (94884|2) - missing LN

and i found soo many inconsistence in this part.. kau ngikut apaan buat LN nya.. coba konsisten 1 jenis suara panjang aja

overall.. Consistensi nya coba di check lagi

Topic Starter

MEGAtive wrote:

Same-mapset M4M.... First time seeing this lol

EBICO - Persephone


  1. 00:04:559 - 00:09:749 - D sini pitch Biola udh berubah.
  2. 00:04:884 - 00:10:073 - D sini pitch Biola juga berubah.
  3. 00:04:559 - D sini single sendiri. Padahal d 00:07:154 sm 00:09:749 Double. D bikin sama, soalnya jumlah instrumennya sama persis.
  4. 00:15:181 - 00:15:424 - D sini ad suara Piano. Tambah not d bagian2 ini. Soalnya di 00:17:532 atau 00:20:127 Pianonya d cover. // part itu di cover karena memang mau ngikut piano di situ... tapi cuma situ doang... part yg sebelumnya di fokusin ke clap kick dulu buat variasi
  5. 00:22:722 - 00:23:046 - 00:23:370 - Hrusnya ini Quad soalnya suaranya sama kyk 00:20:127 - 00:20:451 - 00:20:776 -
  6. 00:27:586 - 00:27:911 - 00:28:235 - Ini gk Triple? Kan d 00:24:992 - 00:25:316 - 00:25:641 - Juga Triple patternnya.
  7. 00:42:830 (42830|1,44127|3) - Random LNs? Soalnya gk dengerin instrumen apa yg pas sm LN2 ini. Sebelumnya juga gk pke LN gini. Malah LNnya kyk 00:37:641 buat Impulse. Sebenernya rekomen klo LNnya d apus. Bagian 00:42:830 biar rearrange lg trus pas d 00:44:776 Kick sm Snarenya bsa d map sekalian sm Glissando Pianonya. // alasannya sih simpel... sengaja dbuat gitu biar variasi... part sebelum sengaja gk ada LN... terus yang ada LN sengaja dibikin gitu biar jadi "peak" nya karena paling akhir and tensionnya meningkat juga
  8. 01:01:884 - Ketinggalan suara Pianonya.
  9. 01:02:938 (62938|6) - Seharusnya ini LN kyk 01:00:343 (60343|0) atau 00:57:100 (57100|0)
  10. 00:57:749 - Gk tau knp ini sendiri yg LNnya double, tpi yg lain buat stringnya pd pke satu LN doang.
  11. 01:08:776 - Sebenernya lead yg d cover d sini mulai dri 01:08:451 klo d denger lg.
  12. 01:19:154 - Sebenernya nyaranin ini Quad biar kerasa emphasis Impulsenya.
  13. 01:31:965 - D sini ad suara lead juga. D map ya pke LN.
  14. 01:29:695 - D sini lead ganti pitch. Jdi LNnya bikin lg baru buat Leadnya.
  15. 01:30:019 (90019|2) - D sini gk kedengeran Lead, jdi mending delete aja.
  16. 01:32:451 - D sini Lead udh stop jdi LNnya putus smp sini.
  17. 01:34:559 - D sini ad suara Lead juga, d tambah ya pke LN.
  18. 01:42:668 - Seharusnya Double klo d liat d 01:40:073
  19. 01:43:073 - D sini juga hrusnya ad not kyk d 01:40:478
  20. 01:42:992 - D sini hrusnya Triple kyk 01:40:397
  21. 01:46:884 - Hrusnya ad LN buat Lead synth kyk 01:46:397 (106397|0,107046|0,107370|2)
  22. 01:51:262 (111262|5) - Impulse baru mulai dri 01:51:100 dominannya.
  23. 01:55:235 - Knp double? Padahal d 01:52:965 Single

Hmm, nice map. (#'w')b
selain yg di reply itu w accept!!! Nice mod >///<

MEGAtive wrote:

Takane6 wrote:

mod GD for owner and owner for GD \:D/
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
MEGA's Insane
00:17:532 (17532|4) - move to 3 for hand balance (and because quite hard to tap this note 00:17:532 (17532|4,17532|6,17613|5) - :v) Okay, Moved
00:20:127 (20127|3) - move to 2 (same reason as ^ ) and 00:19:965 (19965|2) - move to 4 Moved them
00:23:370 - can add LN here... (same as 00:46:722 (46722|6) - ) Hmm.... Okay
00:24:668 (24668|4) - move to 4 Since I extend the |4| into LN, I moved this to |3| instead.
00:25:641 (25641|1,25722|2) - 1 collumn to the left Moved
00:54:181 (54181|3,54262|4,54343|5) - ctrl+h for pitch Applied
01:14:776 - add note? (01:15:911 - , 01:16:235 - and 01:16:559 - as reference) Added
01:15:100 - add note? (same reason as ^) Added
from 01:19:803 - to 01:21:749 - a bit too heavy in the right collumn (more likely this makes it even heavy 01:21:749 (81749|2) - )
^ maybe move the 01:20:127 (80127|3,80776|3,81424|3) - to collumn 1 for present clap? and move 01:21:100 (81100|0) - to 5 Okay, Applied
01:25:478 - there is a kick here, add 2 note at 1 and 2 Oh, Missed that. Added.
01:33:911 - there is a finish sound here, maybe add 1 more note (01:32:613 - as reference) Added
01:36:019 - and 01:36:668 - add note? (01:36:992 - as reference) Both don't have any finish sound.
01:52:397 - delete 1 note for consistency (since the overall pattern at this part are not using 3 note ) Deleted
01:52:722 - ^ Deleted
02:00:749 - add note for piano (same as 02:00:911 (120911|2,120911|5,120992|3,120992|4) - ) I'm actually aiming at the Drum sounds. The part you're pointing just have a piano sound.
02:00:668 - 02:01:965 - the pattern in here is hard to read... (but i can read it :v) Haha rearranged
Naisssu diffu <3
Okay, Update

MEGA's Insane (Update)
wat 2 mod at once ? ;w;
pls wait pharos ;w;
Topic Starter

Pharos21 wrote:

MOD Here

Yha yang lain lom selesai.. ku mod based on Pattern Insanity nya ya

-Eneapalah wa juga ngga ngerti-

00:10:073 (10073|0,10073|2,10073|1,10073|5) - hooy.. same sound like this 00:05:046 (5046|1,5046|5,5046|6,5208|0,5208|6,5208|5) - ko jumlah Pressed nya beda ya? // lah? jumlahnya sama kok... ada 4 note :3

00:07:641 (7641|5,7641|6) - ni juga

00:07:154 (7154|6,7154|2,7478|0,7478|1) - ini sama kek 00:04:559 (4559|6,4884|0) - kenapa jumlah note beda? // (harusnya ngikut yang paling banyak)udah di mod sama mega tadi sih... :3

00:09:749 (9749|5,9749|2) - ni juga // ^

00:14:532 (14532|2,14532|5) - ngga tambahin 1 lagi? snare aku denger dapet 3 lho, 00:14:127 (14127|0,14127|4,14127|2) - bukti nya

00:14:776 (14776|2,14776|5,14776|0,14938|6,14938|3,14938|1,14938|4) - ni sound sama.. Impact sama.. Pilih.. mo 4 ato 3 note, kalo 4 you know what to do, kalo 3 00:15:262 (15262|2,15262|5,15262|0,15262|4,15586|6,15586|3,15586|1,15586|5) - ini juga di samain jadi 3 // ada yg 4 karena suara synth... yang 3 note ada synth tpi ga jelas kayak yg jadi 4 note

00:17:127 (17127|4,17127|1) - ni juga snare.. you know what to do

00:19:722 (19722|1,19722|5) - ^ (kalo buat kek gini.. kasi aja 1 di Column ke 4

nte for you.. jujur, ini aku bingung soal sound di 00:20:776 (20776|5,20776|1,20776|0,20776|6) - sama 00:21:262 (21262|2,21262|6,21262|4) - soalnya di tempat lain juga kek gitu.. jumlah sama, impact sama, tapi jumlah note beda..

00:32:613 (32613|2,32938|2,33262|2,33586|1) - tambahin 1 note lagi // hmm.... re-aranged >:D

00:42:262 (42262|5,42262|2,42343|3,42343|6,42343|0,42424|4,42424|1,42505|6,42505|3,42505|0,42586|1,42586|4,42668|3,42668|0,42668|6,42749|2,42749|5) - balance gagal, 00:42:586 (42586|1) - coba di move ke 3rd Column

00:44:127 (44127|4,44127|5,44127|0,44208|2,44208|1,44289|5,44289|4,44370|2,44370|1,44370|0,44451|4,44451|5,44532|2,44532|1,44613|4,44613|6,44613|5,44695|2,44695|1,44776|6,44776|0) - wa bingung sama ini.. ngikut apaan.. kan sama kek bawahnya kan.. cuman di tambahin Long sound // ini alasennya kayak yang aku reply ke mega tadi : "alasannya sih simpel... sengaja dbuat gitu biar variasi... part sebelum sengaja gk ada LN... terus yang ada LN sengaja dibikin gitu biar jadi "peak" nya karena paling akhir and tensinya meningkat juga"

00:49:965 (49965|6) - panjangin sampe 00:50:208

00:49:316 (49316|5) - panjangin sampe 00:49:478

00:51:911 (51911|1,51911|0) - panjangin sampe 00:52:235 (52235|5) - dan SN itu tambahin or jadiin LN sampe 00:52:559 (52559|6) - // nope.. agak gk jelas jadi LNnya

00:52:559 (52559|4) - panjangin sampe 00:52:722 (52722|1) -

00:54:505 (54505|5,55154|6) - you know what to do

01:01:803 (61803|5) - i don't know what this LN for. could you please explain me ?

01:04:073 (64073|2,64559|3,64884|1) - Chord here.. kasi 1 note lagi

01:05:370 (65370|2,65857|3) - this too

01:06:830 (66830|0,67478|4,68127|6) - You know what to do

01:19:965 (79965|4,80289|4,80613|4,80938|4,81262|4,81586|4) - ni buat apa ? // ada suara wub wub

01:22:559 (82559|2,82884|2,83208|2,83532|2) - ni juga // ada suara wub wub

01:28:235 (88235|4,88235|5,88235|6,88316|0,88316|2,88316|1,88397|4,88397|6,88397|5,88478|1,88478|0,88478|2,88559|5,88559|6,88559|4,88641|1,88641|2,88641|0,88722|5,88722|4,88722|6,88803|2,88803|1,88803|0,88884|5,88884|6,88884|4,88965|1,88965|2,88965|0,89046|5,89046|6,89046|4,89127|0,89127|2,89127|1,89208|4,89208|5,89208|6,89289|0,89289|1,89289|2,89370|4,89370|5,89370|6,89451|2,89451|0,89451|1) - too Extreme.. susah mencet Space sambil Spam 3 Chord 1/4 beat // belum pernah main maniera?

01:34:884 (94884|2) - missing LN

and i found soo many inconsistence in this part.. kau ngikut apaan buat LN nya.. coba konsisten 1 jenis suara panjang aja

overall.. Consistensi nya coba di check lagi // consistency-nya itu bukan kayak yg biasanya sih... lebih ke arah power soundnya... dan consistency di map ini sengaja diuba ubah biar ada variasi... kayak kalo kamu liat map rumia

7 star, hoha
oke saya mindblock
mod req via in game
tavvur bouz

extacy apa lah itu

00:15:154 - miss
00:48:668 (48668|0,51911|6) - change to normal note
00:02:614 (2614|2) - pindah ke 1?
01:06:668 - 01:06:992 - kyk masih ada suara piano nya
01:35:046 - ok miss synth
00:15:424 - miss
00:57:586 (57586|5,57749|6) - swap this
nothing to do, nice

00:54:262 (54262|4) - nyangkut?
01:32:127 (92127|3) - nih end di 01:32:451 -
01:00:343 (60343|2,60343|0) - 2 note? suaranya ga keras di sini

00:23:370 - add?
00:49:316 (49316|2) - move to 00:49:478 -

-BANGKE- wrote:

7 star, hoha
oke saya mindblock
mod req via in game
tavvur bouz
00:54:262 (54262|4) - nyangkut? Rearranged. Lagian maksudnya nyangkut apaan XD
01:32:127 (92127|3) - nih end di 01:32:451 - Nice catch. Extended.
01:00:343 (60343|2,60343|0) - 2 note? suaranya ga keras di sini Ad Biola. Denger lg.
Thanks for Mod

MEGA's Insane (UPDATE)
Davin Fortune
Hello M4M here with my map

Can't find 1366x768 resolution, you can use these (Recommended)
^diambil dr hachi wikia, jd gk perlu visit dan dl di hachi wiki

MP3 : Nice already correct

Source : you can add cytus fanmade(find it at youtube) here, if u want
the real mp3 at soundtrack is missing -_-

you can add bms as the resource from twitter --> EBICO ICBM
and real mp3 from ebico at this zip -->

Little source :

i will mod tomorrow
Topic Starter

Davin Fortune wrote:

Hello M4M here with my map

Can't find 1366x768 resolution, you can use these (Recommended)
^diambil dr hachi wikia, jd gk perlu visit dan dl di hachi wiki

MP3 : Nice already correct

Source : you can add cytus fanmade(find it at youtube) here, if u want
the real mp3 at soundtrack is missing -_-

you can add bms as the resource from twitter --> EBICO ICBM
and real mp3 from ebico at this zip -->

Little source :

i will mod tomorrow
kok formatnya .wav ?
sizenya juga kebesaran :<

btw i decided to choose -Hachi Hachi- as source and UNDERWORLD RENAISSANCE Dynamix as tags

-BANGKE- wrote:

7 star, hoha
oke saya mindblock
mod req via in game
tavvur bouz

extacy apa lah itu

00:15:154 - miss // i do this on purpose to not follow piano to create more flow
00:48:668 (48668|0,51911|6) - change to normal note
00:02:614 (2614|2) - pindah ke 1?
01:06:668 - 01:06:992 - kyk masih ada suara piano nya // // i do this on purpose to not follow piano to create more flow
01:35:046 - ok miss synth
00:15:424 - miss // i do this on purpose to not follow piano to create more flow
00:57:586 (57586|5,57749|6) - swap this// no for pitch
nothing to do, nice

00:23:370 - add?
00:49:316 (49316|2) - move to 00:49:478 - // aaa decided to add note at 00:49:478 -
no reply means accepputo

UPDATED w/ mega's diff too \:D/
[ C r a c k ]
Hi Ene ^^/
Here as your request in chat!

Click me !
BPM: 185
Offset: I think you should put offset at 00:02:606 -
Background: WIP, I think ?
.mp3 file: 192kbps
AiMod: all ok

Columns: |1|2|3|4|5|6|7|


  1. 00:02:614 (2614|6) - Move to 1 ? Just for hand balance
  2. 00:04:559 - What do you think about "this" ? I think 00:04:559 (4559|2) - is note necessary. Deleted LN at 00:05:046 -: I can listen only at 00:04:884 - a similar sound like 00:04:559 -
  3. 00:07:154 - Delete 00:07:154 (7154|2) - & other stuff to be more coherent with suggestion up ? If yes, you should not add a note on at 00:07:641 -, no piano sound here
  4. 00:09:749 (9749|2,10073|2,10235|2) - Delete ? Unnecessary for me
  5. 00:10:073 - Delete 00:10:235 (10235|4) - , move 00:10:073 (10073|5) - to 5 up to 00:09:992 -. Or something else
  6. 00:14:938 - up to 00:15:586 - Why here there are not any notes on 1/4 for drum ? The reason is probably because above this part for similar you have followed piano, but.. I don't know. It seems weird to me no note at 00:14:938 -
  7. 00:23:370 (23370|2) - What do you think to start this LN at 00:24:019 - ?
  8. 00:34:478 - Something to add here ? Piano notes?
  9. 00:35:046 - Why these LNs?
  10. 00:37:641 - ^
  11. 00:39:911 - What do you think about "this" ?
  12. 00:48:830 - Add a note like before at 00:48:668 - , probably on 2
  13. 01:09:424 (69424|2) - Move to 3 ?
  14. 01:26:208 (86208|1) - ^
  15. 01:39:343 - Missing note
  16. 01:39:586 - ^
Overall, that map seems mapped well, but for me it lacks a schematic. Let me explain:
here there are some hard & funny patterns, but what I feel missing is the position accuracy of notes, especially for double notes.
Since it is a problem that I matched in many maps (only my maps @.@), I do not know how to help you in this case. But this is just my opinion.

I hope my few suggestions helped you; sorry if I do not checked other maps but I had no time :(
The best of luck! Bye~ ♥
Topic Starter

[ C r a c k ] wrote:

Hi Ene ^^/
Here as your request in chat!

Click me !
BPM: 185
Offset: I think you should put offset at 00:02:606 -
Background: WIP, I think ?
.mp3 file: 192kbps
AiMod: all ok

Columns: |1|2|3|4|5|6|7|


  1. 00:02:614 (2614|6) - Move to 1 ? Just for hand balance
  2. 00:04:559 - What do you think about "this" ? I think 00:04:559 (4559|2) - is note necessary. Deleted LN at 00:05:046 -: I can listen only at 00:04:884 - a similar sound like 00:04:559 -
  3. 00:07:154 - Delete 00:07:154 (7154|2) - & other stuff to be more coherent with suggestion up ? If yes, you should not add a note on at 00:07:641 -, no piano sound here
  4. 00:09:749 (9749|2,10073|2,10235|2) - Delete ? Unnecessary for me
  5. 00:10:073 - Delete 00:10:235 (10235|4) - , move 00:10:073 (10073|5) - to 5 up to 00:09:992 -. Or something else // decided to keep :>
  6. 00:14:938 - up to 00:15:586 - Why here there are not any notes on 1/4 for drum ? The reason is probably because above this part for similar you have followed piano, but.. I don't know. It seems weird to me no note at 00:14:938 -
  7. 00:23:370 (23370|2) - What do you think to start this LN at 00:24:019 - ?
  8. 00:34:478 - Something to add here ? Piano notes?
  9. 00:35:046 - Why these LNs?
  10. 00:37:641 - ^
  11. 00:39:911 - What do you think about "this" ? // aa... decided to keep that >w<
  12. 00:48:830 - Add a note like before at 00:48:668 - , probably on 2
  13. 01:09:424 (69424|2) - Move to 3 ?
  14. 01:26:208 (86208|1) - ^
  15. 01:39:343 - Missing note // nope :p
  16. 01:39:586 - ^ // // nope :p
Overall, that map seems mapped well, but for me it lacks a schematic. Let me explain:
here there are some hard & funny patterns, but what I feel missing is the position accuracy of notes, especially for double notes.
Since it is a problem that I matched in many maps (only my maps @.@), I do not know how to help you in this case. But this is just my opinion. // I quite dont get the point ;w; u hve to tell me directly in irc with me somehow then ;w;

I hope my few suggestions helped you; sorry if I do not checked other maps but I had no time :(
The best of luck! Bye~ ♥
aaa no reply means accepted >w<
really helped actually >w<

21:44 Takane6: coogan >w<
21:44 *SpectorDG is listening to [ EBICO - Persephone]
21:44 SpectorDG: bakane
21:44 SpectorDG: i will IRC now
21:45 Takane6: aaaa ;w;
21:45 Takane6: w-wait
21:45 SpectorDG: oke :V
21:45 Takane6: i hve a big changes in standard @,@
21:46 SpectorDG: what changes :V
21:46 *Takane6 is editing [ EBICO - Persephone [Standard]]
21:46 SpectorDG: just change HP OD - 7
21:46 SpectorDG: why 8.2 ? it's eaiser diff
21:47 Takane6: aaa wt
21:47 Takane6: wut i forget to edit
21:47 SpectorDG: oke
21:47 SpectorDG: lets start
21:47 SpectorDG: are you ready ?
21:48 Takane6: wait >w<
21:48 Takane6: ill update again
21:49 SpectorDG: done ?
21:49 Takane6: okay ! done :d
21:49 Takane6: :D
21:50 SpectorDG: 00:13:795 (13795|0) - move to 6
21:50 SpectorDG: 00:16:389 (16389|1) - move to 5
21:50 Takane6: w-wait ;w;
21:50 Takane6: what diff?
21:50 SpectorDG: standart
21:50 Takane6: okeoke >w<
21:50 SpectorDG: 00:14:768 (14768|0,15254|1) - Why jack ? ctrl+g ???
21:51 SpectorDG: lol jack keep this
21:51 SpectorDG: just Ctrl+G
21:51 Takane6: u should update ;w;
21:51 SpectorDG: updated :O
21:51 SpectorDG: 00:16:065 (16065|2,16389|2) - it's fine. :)) people like white notes, not like before
21:52 SpectorDG: 00:14:768 (14768|0,15254|1) - CTRL+G ?
21:52 SpectorDG: LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL
21:52 Takane6: ctrl+g really>
21:52 Takane6: ctrl+g really?
21:52 Takane6: zzz
21:52 *Takane6 slap cogan
21:52 SpectorDG: 00:18:984 (18984|2) - move to 6
21:53 Takane6: oke :d
21:53 Takane6: :D
21:53 SpectorDG: 00:16:389 (16389|2) - move to 5
21:54 SpectorDG: 00:22:714 - and 00:23:038 - maybe you can add LN because it's very strong Piano beat
21:55 SpectorDG: 00:24:660 -
21:56 Takane6: oke
21:57 SpectorDG: 00:26:281 -
21:58 SpectorDG: 00:41:362 (41362|2) - move to 2
21:58 SpectorDG: 00:43:957 (43957|2) - ^
22:00 SpectorDG: 00:45:416 - add LN 4 and 00:47:687 - end here
22:00 Takane6: oke arranged :d
22:00 Takane6: :D
22:00 SpectorDG: 00:51:903 - ?
22:00 SpectorDG: add note?
22:02 Takane6: wait wait ;w;
22:02 SpectorDG: 01:03:578 - 01:04:876 - 01:06:173 - add notes here ?
22:03 SpectorDG: 01:18:822 (78822|3) - Delete this it's easier diff not Hard
22:04 SpectorDG: 01:18:822 (78822|3) - Delete this it's easier diff not Hard
22:04 SpectorDG: 01:21:741 (81741|1) - Move to 1 ? why not :3
22:05 Takane6: done :D
22:05 Takane6: oke :D
For Bakane
#1 01:39:903 (99903|0,99903|6,100146|5,100227|0,100389|4,100551|0,100551|3) - what is that ?
#2 01:40:876 (100876|0,101200|0,101524|0,101849|0,102173|0) - Move to 2
01:42:497 (102497|6,102497|3,102741|2,102822|6,102984|1,103146|6,103146|0,103470|6,103795|6,104119|6,104443|6,104768|6) - Same of before 2 mods

goodluck <3
Topic Starter

SpectorDG wrote:

21:44 Takane6: coogan >w<
21:44 *SpectorDG is listening to [ EBICO - Persephone]
21:44 SpectorDG: bakane
21:44 SpectorDG: i will IRC now
21:45 Takane6: aaaa ;w;
21:45 Takane6: w-wait
21:45 SpectorDG: oke :V
21:45 Takane6: i hve a big changes in standard @,@
21:46 SpectorDG: what changes :V
21:46 *Takane6 is editing [ EBICO - Persephone [Standard]]
21:46 SpectorDG: just change HP OD - 7
21:46 SpectorDG: why 8.2 ? it's eaiser diff
21:47 Takane6: aaa wt
21:47 Takane6: wut i forget to edit
21:47 SpectorDG: oke
21:47 SpectorDG: lets start
21:47 SpectorDG: are you ready ?
21:48 Takane6: wait >w<
21:48 Takane6: ill update again
21:49 SpectorDG: done ?
21:49 Takane6: okay ! done :d
21:49 Takane6: :D
21:50 SpectorDG: 00:13:795 (13795|0) - move to 6
21:50 SpectorDG: 00:16:389 (16389|1) - move to 5
21:50 Takane6: w-wait ;w;
21:50 Takane6: what diff?
21:50 SpectorDG: standart
21:50 Takane6: okeoke >w<
21:50 SpectorDG: 00:14:768 (14768|0,15254|1) - Why jack ? ctrl+g ???
21:51 SpectorDG: lol jack keep this
21:51 SpectorDG: just Ctrl+G
21:51 Takane6: u should update ;w;
21:51 SpectorDG: updated :O
21:51 SpectorDG: 00:16:065 (16065|2,16389|2) - it's fine. :)) people like white notes, not like before
21:52 SpectorDG: 00:14:768 (14768|0,15254|1) - CTRL+G ?
21:52 SpectorDG: LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL
21:52 Takane6: ctrl+g really>
21:52 Takane6: ctrl+g really?
21:52 Takane6: zzz
21:52 *Takane6 slap cogan
21:52 SpectorDG: 00:18:984 (18984|2) - move to 6
21:53 Takane6: oke :d
21:53 Takane6: :D
21:53 SpectorDG: 00:16:389 (16389|2) - move to 5
21:54 SpectorDG: 00:22:714 - and 00:23:038 - maybe you can add LN because it's very strong Piano beat
21:55 SpectorDG: 00:24:660 -
21:56 Takane6: oke
21:57 SpectorDG: 00:26:281 -
21:58 SpectorDG: 00:41:362 (41362|2) - move to 2
21:58 SpectorDG: 00:43:957 (43957|2) - ^
22:00 SpectorDG: 00:45:416 - add LN 4 and 00:47:687 - end here
22:00 Takane6: oke arranged :d
22:00 Takane6: :D
22:00 SpectorDG: 00:51:903 - ?
22:00 SpectorDG: add note?
22:02 Takane6: wait wait ;w;
22:02 SpectorDG: 01:03:578 - 01:04:876 - 01:06:173 - add notes here ?
22:03 SpectorDG: 01:18:822 (78822|3) - Delete this it's easier diff not Hard
22:04 SpectorDG: 01:18:822 (78822|3) - Delete this it's easier diff not Hard
22:04 SpectorDG: 01:21:741 (81741|1) - Move to 1 ? why not :3
22:05 Takane6: done :D
22:05 Takane6: oke :D
For Bakane
#1 01:39:903 (99903|0,99903|6,100146|5,100227|0,100389|4,100551|0,100551|3) - what is that ?
#2 01:40:876 (100876|0,101200|0,101524|0,101849|0,102173|0) - Move to 2
01:42:497 (102497|6,102497|3,102741|2,102822|6,102984|1,103146|6,103146|0,103470|6,103795|6,104119|6,104443|6,104768|6) - Same of before 2 mods

goodluck <3

Davin Fortune
Hello ene o/

M4M as request

7K column : 1-2-3-4-5-6-7

Requested diff~

00:10:389 (10389|1,10389|2,10389|0) - you better make it in other column cause it has diiferent beat, or idk shold say what, like this 00:11:849 -

00:34:470 (34470|4,34551|5) - delete it and add LN start from 00:34:389 - until 00:34:714 - , cause dat beat isn't really connect i think

00:51:903 (51903|6) - i think the LN should end at 00:52:065 - so 00:52:065 (52065|3) - delete, it look more sensable if you do as i say

01:19:795 - 01:21:411 - dat jack D:

02:00:822 - make it 3 notes

Overall good!

Next time for other diff i guess
Nice song, star for you ;)
Topic Starter

Davin Fortune wrote:

Hello ene o/

M4M as request

7K column : 1-2-3-4-5-6-7

Requested diff~

00:10:389 (10389|1,10389|2,10389|0) - you better make it in other column cause it has diiferent beat, or idk shold say what, like this 00:11:849 -

00:34:470 (34470|4,34551|5) - delete it and add LN start from 00:34:389 - until 00:34:714 - , cause dat beat isn't really connect i think // because im following piano here >w<

00:51:903 (51903|6) - i think the LN should end at 00:52:065 - so 00:52:065 (52065|3) - delete, it look more sensable if you do as i say // i decided to delete the LN :v

01:19:795 - 01:21:411 - dat jack D: // aaa okeoke =w=

02:00:822 - make it 3 notes // aaa... no finish... so its only 2 note there, i make 3 note here 02:01:308 - because it has finish sound >w<

Overall good!

Next time for other diff i guess
Nice song, star for you ;)
i did some little self mod tho because of the point u pointed out >w<


(updated from the link I sent in-game earlier today, so if you added it then, replace it with this)
Topic Starter
Davin Fortune
Okay let's continue this mod

7k column : 1-2-3-4-5-6-7

MEGA's Insane's mod inside
00:03:092 (3092|4,3578|4,4065|4) - this is ghost note, you can take a look at Enestacy as the reference for this
00:05:687 (5687|3,6173|3,6660|3) - ^


Davin Fortune wrote:

Okay let's continue this mod

7k column : 1-2-3-4-5-6-7

MEGA's Insane's mod inside
00:03:092 (3092|4,3578|4,4065|4) - this is ghost note, you can take a look at Enestacy as the reference for this It's clearly a Piano -_-
00:05:687 (5687|3,6173|3,6660|3) - ^ ^

Can I do beginner lel xD
Topic Starter

Rivals_7 wrote:

Can I do beginner lel xD
sure >w<
Rivals_7's Beginner = 1,83* 1,47*

Go rank this, ene >w<b
Mod coming soon (TM)

Edit: nerfed
Topic Starter
UPDATED Rivals_7's Beginner and Pyanother
and little self mod from me at Standard :v
(waiting for Kami's Another and we ready to go!!)

edit : And BG :v
ya, my diff is 69% done (xddddd), 135 notes more and 0,1* less than pya's diff after deleting notes past where I'm at now nice
Davin Fortune
Okay i continue my mod :3

7K column : 1-2-3-4-5-6-7

Kiai Help :
00:24:660 - until 00:45:416 -
01:51:578 - until 02:01:957 -
This bit hard for kiai, but both place that i say almost has same sound

MEGA's Insane
okay since last time i got rejected i will hear clearly, and just to make sure no any ghost note XD

00:13:146 - okay actually this only advice that, this part is inconsistent with the beginning part which using LN and this part isn't keep it :'

00:15:254 - this part actually have deeper beat sound than 00:15:578 - , idk why u put 00:15:578 - as more deeper one and if it isn't trade amount note, why dont make it same?

00:16:065 - make this consistent with 00:15:578 -

00:16:065 - make it 3/4 note like 00:15:254 - or 00:15:578 -

00:16:389 - okay this also have same problem
actually 00:13:470 -00:18:658 - (i just feel lazy to point one by one) this also have same problem with differeniation notes, please rearrange all stuffs that connect with these same beats

00:18:660 - ^ problem, make like this 00:18:173 -

00:19:065 - make it like00:16:389 -

00:21:092 - just make it 1 only

00:23:362 - 4 is too much make 3 like 00:23:038 -

00:35:200 - i think start from this part, you should make it similar like 00:32:930 -, the beats are diferrent with 00:34:714 -

00:35:687 (35687|1,35687|0) - this part also ^
NOTE : if you don't want follow ^ advice, it is still okay

00:34:714 - okay if you dont want to make double note after this part become 1 note then u should mkae these parts become 3 notes

00:46:714 (46714|6) - i don't hear any new voice get into the song, just delete it

00:54:497 (54497|2,54497|1) - ghost notes?

00:56:119 (56119|1,56281|3,56443|5,56768|4,56930|2) - i think it's better for you to change it into LN, cause not a beat but little long beat

01:01:876 (61876|3) - ghost note? and then you can add LN from 01:01:633 - to 01:02:281 - to fulfill the long beat while it's empty
01:04:227 (64227|3) - ^
01:05:524 (65524|3) - ^

01:09:254 - 01:09:254 - 01:10:887 - add a note here
after this already good i think

00:10:227 - make it consistent like 00:10:065 - and 00:10:389 -

00:11:362 - uncocistent too, make it 3

00:11:849 - ^

00:17:524 - until 00:18:173 - many unsnapped note here, so don't make burst pattern at this time cause the snap is unsupported, you also can't just change the snap which different from others, just advice that make it like 00:14:930 - until 00:15:578 - toi avoid unsnapped objects

00:19:038 (19038|4,19092|6) - unsnapped!

00:29:849 (29849|6) - move to other column, no little jack :P

00:30:497 (30497|4) - ^

00:31:146 (31146|2,31795|0) - ^

00:34:714 (34714|0) - i guess it's better to be deleted, while there's stair pattern that cover the song

00:45:416 (45416|3) - why you don't use LN?

01:03:578 - make it 2 notes and make sure it place at column 1 /3

01:04:876 - make it 2 for differentiation

01:19:308 - until 01:21:416 - OMG! please rearrange it into other column, that so hard, dat jack!

01:21:741 - plz ^ -_-

01:20:362 - 01:20:038 - 01:19:389 - must consistent like 01:19:714 -
01:21:984 - 01:22:633 - ^

01:21:011 (81011|5,81497|5) - deleted and if you want to keep it same then beside^, will be consistent like this
01:23:605 (83605|1,84092|1) - ^

01:40:227 - make it consistant like 01:40:551 -

01:41:200 - until 01:42:497 - you should make it come from different column, the song just change sound (sound like dat)

01:50:281 (110281|3) - make it end at 01:51:578 - so 01:51:578 (111578|3) - delete or chnage columnfor consistency

01:53:524 - make it 4, for cosistency

Rivals_7's Beginner
00:14:281 - make it 2 notes constant like 00:12:984 -

00:17:119 (17119|6) - move to 00:17:038 - (toi make it look like small stair)

00:50:605 (50605|0) - move to column 4, actually this only advice to make the map easier to play by someone that just want play 7k, they must be always cant really use column 1

01:32:119 - 01:33:416 - 01:37:308 - you can make it into 3 notes to make a differentiation

01:50:281 - make it 3 to make it same like 00:23:362 - and 1 place i forgot

Overall Good!

Okay thats all my modding

Davin Fortune wrote:

Okay i continue my mod :3

7K column : 1-2-3-4-5-6-7

Kiai Help :
00:24:660 - until 00:45:416 -
01:51:578 - until 02:01:957 -
This bit hard for kiai, but both place that i say almost has same sound For kiai, I'll let Ene decides.

MEGA's Insane
okay since last time i got rejected i will hear clearly, and just to make sure no any ghost note XD

00:13:146 - okay actually this only advice that, this part is inconsistent with the beginning part which using LN and this part isn't keep it :' Haha

00:15:254 - this part actually have deeper beat sound than 00:15:578 - , idk why u put 00:15:578 - as more deeper one and if it isn't trade amount note, why dont make it same? Applied

00:16:065 - make this consistent with 00:15:578 - Why? It's clearly different.

00:16:065 - make it 3/4 note like 00:15:254 - or 00:15:578 - They have a significantly different instruments.

00:16:389 - okay this also have same problem
actually 00:13:470 -00:18:658 - (i just feel lazy to point one by one) this also have same problem with differeniation notes, please rearrange all stuffs that connect with these same beats Listen to the snares. I don't want to put notes so the pattern are connected.

00:18:660 - ^ problem, make like this 00:18:173 - Listen to the Snares.

00:19:065 - make it like00:16:389 - Nice catch

00:21:092 - just make it 1 only No, it's practically the same as 00:13:308 - 00:15:903 -

00:23:362 - 4 is too much make 3 like 00:23:038 - Actually they're meant as quad, not triple.

00:35:200 - i think start from this part, you should make it similar like 00:32:930 -, the beats are diferrent with 00:34:714 - That way I am like just like copy pasting from the hardest diff. Not all of the instruments should be mapped. In this case, this actually got the same rhythm as 01:51:578 . I differentiate it so the pattern aren't monotonous to play.

00:35:687 (35687|1,35687|0) - this part also ^
NOTE : if you don't want follow ^ advice, it is still okay Well, already answered

00:34:714 - okay if you dont want to make double note after this part become 1 note then u should mkae these parts become 3 notes You should listen to the Lead again. I make 00:34:714 (34714|1,34714|2,34795|5,34795|4,34876|2,34876|1,34957|4,34957|5) into double since they don't have the piano. When they have the piano, it became triple like 00:35:524 - 00:35:849 -

00:46:714 (46714|6) - i don't hear any new voice get into the song, just delete it Reversed Cymbal. Hear it more carefully.

00:54:497 (54497|2,54497|1) - ghost notes? Piano and Violin.

00:56:119 (56119|1,56281|3,56443|5,56768|4,56930|2) - i think it's better for you to change it into LN, cause not a beat but little long beat Wut, they're for pianoes. Just like 00:56:605 (56605|6)

01:01:876 (61876|3) - ghost note? and then you can add LN from 01:01:633 - to 01:02:281 - to fulfill the long beat while it's empty Piano
01:04:227 (64227|3) - ^ You just made me realized it's unsnapped
01:05:524 (65524|3) - ^ Violin

01:09:254 - 01:09:254 - 01:10:887 - add a note here I'm not following Bass.
after this already good i think

Okay thats all my modding
MEGA's Insane
Topic Starter
+ HS at Rivals_7's Beginner, Standard, Pyanother, Enecstacy
+ MEGA's Insane
+ Self mod at Standard
+ add kiai time

Davin Fortune wrote:

[Pyanother]00:10:227 - make it consistent like 00:10:065 - and 00:10:389 - uh yeah nice catch

00:11:362 - uncocistent too, make it 3 ^

00:11:849 - ^ ^

00:17:524 - until 00:18:173 - many unsnapped note here, so don't make burst pattern at this time cause the snap is unsupported, you also can't just change the snap which different from others, just advice that make it like 00:14:930 - until 00:15:578 - toi avoid unsnapped objects really not sure what you mean by unsnapped as they're 1/8. Fixed some hidden chords which shouldn't have been there however.

00:19:038 (19038|4,19092|6) - unsnapped! 1/6

00:29:849 (29849|6) - move to other column, no little jack :P that's not a jack

00:30:497 (30497|4) - ^ ^

00:31:146 (31146|2,31795|0) - ^ ^

00:34:714 (34714|0) - i guess it's better to be deleted, while there's stair pattern that cover the song uuuh no I'll keep it

00:45:416 (45416|3) - why you don't use LN? I want this part to be as empty as possible

01:03:578 - make it 2 notes and make sure it place at column 1 /3 ?_?

01:04:876 - make it 2 for differentiation sort of respecting pr here

01:19:308 - until 01:21:416 - OMG! please rearrange it into other column, that so hard, dat jack! not really, if anything that might be the easiest meaningful part of the song

01:21:741 - plz ^ -_- plz ^ -_-

01:20:362 - 01:20:038 - 01:19:389 - must consistent like 01:19:714 - ?
01:21:984 - 01:22:633 - ^
Anyhow removed some notes which weren't supposed to be there

01:21:011 (81011|5,81497|5) - deleted and if you want to keep it same then beside^, will be consistent like this
01:23:605 (83605|1,84092|1) - ^ ? The note I'm mapping here and there are present in the song, and not anywhere else.

01:40:227 - make it consistant like 01:40:551 - good catch

01:41:200 - until 01:42:497 - you should make it come from different column, the song just change sound (sound like dat) Not sure what you mean

01:50:281 (110281|3) - make it end at 01:51:578 - so 01:51:578 (111578|3) - delete or chnage columnfor consistency this is intended

01:53:524 - make it 4, for cosistency added also arranged the patterns
Updated Pyanother + a bit of self-modding
Topic Starter

Davin Fortune wrote:

Okay i continue my mod :3

Rivals_7's Beginner
00:14:281 - make it 2 notes constant like 00:12:984 - Keep. 00:12:984 -This are single press not double. also there's no noise that lead for LN like the part you mentioned - 00:12:984 -

00:17:119 (17119|6) - move to 00:17:038 - (toi make it look like small stair) There's an obvious kick there, why do i have to move it?

00:50:605 (50605|0) - move to column 4, actually this only advice to make the map easier to play by someone that just want play 7k, they must be always cant really use column 1 Oke

01:32:119 - 01:33:416 - 01:37:308 - you can make it into 3 notes to make a differentiation too hard actually

01:50:281 - make it 3 to make it same like 00:23:362 - and 1 place i forgot Keep, avoid diff spike

Overall Good!

Okay thats all my modding
Thanks mz :3

Ene Pindahin, LN ini - 00:50:605 (50605|0) - ke tengah. (gue males copy code xD
Topic Starter
oke vals :p

MEGA's Insane (HS'ed)

Somehow, the SR's increases too when I made the HSes more consistent.
Rank le mappu >.<
Here, take le star
di suruh re-mod, ok =w=

tavvur bouz

pyon pyon another
01:50:281 (110281|3) - end in here 01:51:578 - ? terus ini 01:51:578 (111578|3) - move to 1
02:00:660 - this part, more harder than enecstacy :/
00:10:227 (10227|2) - move to 4? hand balance maybe
00:48:011 (48011|0) - why not end in here 00:48:173 - ? and etc
00:50:443 (50443|3) - ghost

01:32:605 (92605|2) - ga kepanjangan nih? :/ end di 01:34:065 -
01:00:984 - kenapa ga di bikin mirror nya? kyk ini 00:58:389 - cuma saran

00:34:227 (34227|1,34227|5) - nih lebih enak ambil di bagian cymbal val, 00:34:389 - di sini
00:50:605 (50605|3,50605|2) - 1 LN cukup dah
01:45:092 (105092|2,105092|6) - move 1 col to left

-BANGKE- wrote:

00:50:605 (50605|3,50605|2) - 1 LN cukup dah Suara pianonya lebih "deep" xD

Thx for mod xD
Ryu Sei
Kasian ini, modnya campur bahasanya ya lek

Buat diff Hard ke atas, tambah slowdown SV di sekitar 00:46:714 - 01:08:119 - buat penekanan, kek di Pyanother
Kalau mau ditambah ke diff E-N juga, jangan di bawah 0,9x biar nggak kaget
Hitsound: Peletakan HSnya jelek. Jangan taruh hitsound finish di LN kalau itu buat representasi biola, kecuali kalau kepepet. \5
00:04:876 - 00:05:200 - Tambah not, kan pattern sebelumnya follow piano
00:07:146 - 00:07:470 - 00:07:795 - Sama say
00:09:741 - 00:10:065 - Ini juga
00:12:335 - Lebih bagus kayak gini imo (jangan lupa lihat samplenya)

00:25:633 (25633|6,25633|3) - Tuker lane, biar konsisten peletakan suaranya
00:25:957 (25957|5,25957|2) - 00:26:605 (26605|5,26605|2) - 00:28:551 (28551|2,28551|6) - ^
01:24:822 (84822|5,84822|1,84984|5,84984|1,85146|5,85146|1,85308|4,85308|2,85470|2,85470|4) - Samain aja lanenya, double jack di 1/2 1 bar no problem kan? Misal, di 17 semua
01:25:633 (85633|6,85633|0,85795|6,85795|0,85957|6,85957|0,86119|4,86119|2,86281|4,86281|2,86443|4,86443|2,86605|1,86605|5,86768|1,86768|5) - ^ tapi bedain dari jack sebelumnya
02:01:957 - End pakai grace note dah, kayak di diff A. Kalau bisa last notenya dibuat LN.
00:28:227 (28227|1,28227|6) - Awas jack
00:28:551 (28551|0,28551|2,28876|3,28876|0,29200|0,29200|3) - ^
00:36:578 (36578|1,36822|4) - Double?
00:39:173 (39173|2,39416|4) - 00:41:768 (41768|2,42011|1) - 00:44:362 (44362|1,44605|6) - ^
00:59:687 (59687|2) - 01:02:281 (62281|4) - Pecah jadi 2 LN
01:23:038 (83038|6,83200|4,83687|6,83849|4) - Tuker lane buat bedain dari part sebelumnya
01:23:362 (83362|0,83524|2,84011|0,84173|2) - ^
01:24:335 (84335|0) - Move somewhere, if that 2 mods applied
01:27:578 (87578|2) - Late start, LN should start at 01:27:416 -
01:53:362 (113362|4) - 01:55:957 (115957|3) - 01:58:551 (118551|4) - Double?

Cuma bisa gitu aja sih say <3 >w<)/



M4M with Takane6



Mod Inside

  1. No problem
  1. Fine
  1. Nice Spread
  1. Fine
Metadata/Song Setup
  1. Fine
  1. Clear

00:04:551 (4551|5,4876|4) - wrong snap if you're following the violin. 00:04:876 (4876|4) - should start 00:04:795 - so 00:04:551 (4551|5) - should end 00:04:795 -
00:13:633 - 00:16:227 - 00:18:822 - 00:21:416 - might want to add note since there is a snare and piano, just like you do on 00:14:443 (14443|6,14443|3,14605|0,14605|4) - 00:17:038 (17038|3,17038|0,17200|2,17200|6) - 00:19:633 (19633|0,19633|4,19795|2,19795|6) - 00:22:227 (22227|2,22227|6,22389|4,22389|0) -
00:15:173 - might want to add note for the piano, dem the piano is loud tho
00:17:524 (17524|0,17578|1,17633|2,17687|3,17741|4,17795|5,17849|6) - wrog snap plz, it should be 1/4 . but you can make it double stair since there is piano and drumroll. but 00:17:849 (17849|2,17903|1,17957|2,18011|3) - you can consider since there is some 1/6 confusingly idk.
00:20:119 (20119|6,20119|3,20119|0,20119|2,20200|5,20281|4,20362|3,20443|2,20443|0,20443|6,20443|5,20524|4,20605|3,20687|2,20768|1,20768|6,20768|0,20768|5) - 00:22:714 (22714|1,22714|6,22714|4,22714|0,22795|2,22876|3,22957|4,23038|2,23038|6,23038|5,23038|0,23119|3,23200|4,23281|5) - can be 2 note stair for the drumroll + piano, look Pya's diff.
00:27:578 (27578|6,27660|4,27741|6,27822|4,27903|6,27984|4,28065|6) - very not fit with the piano pitch, try to make somehing like
00:29:038 (29038|2,29119|1) - Ctrl J for pitch.. this is better imo
00:32:443 - maybe something like for pitch. also you don't have the balance part for 00:32:443 (32443|0,32524|1,32605|2,32687|1,32768|0,32849|1,32930|2,33011|1,33092|0) -
00:34:470 - add note for the sound that i don't hat what's the name
00:49:146 - should be 2 note just like 00:48:660 (48660|0,48822|1) -
00:49:876 - you missing a note. you should follow these kind of sound because you layer it on 00:48:660 (48660|0,48660|2,48822|1,48822|3) -
00:52:065 (52065|3) - 00:53:038 (53038|0) - 00:54:660 (54660|1) - ghost note, what sound that you layer ?
00:55:470 - should be 2 note for consistency, also 2 kind of sound there
01:19:633 - add 1 more note for the synt/piano/snare. it so many kind of sound there plz
01:24:011 - 01:24:173 - add note for the synt, just like you do on 01:23:687 (83687|1,83687|0,83687|6) - since 01:23:849 (83849|3,83849|1) - has no synt
01:27:011 (87011|3,87011|1,87173|4,87173|1,87335|1,87335|4,87497|1,87497|4) - what about 1 note only ? since the stream sound is increasing so it start to be 2 in 01:27:578 -
01:31:957 - delete the LN, no synt there
01:31:308 (91308|0) - change to LN for the synt, since there is just synt, no piano
01:34:551 (94551|3) - delete, no synt
01:48:173 (108173|5,108173|1,108173|3) - consider reducing 1 note since no cymbal/kick
01:55:146 - maybe add note since the piano is so damn loud
02:01:065 (121065|4,121065|2) - 02:01:551 (121551|4,121551|2) - please delete 1 note and move 1 to 4th collumn since there is no snare like 02:00:822 (120822|2,120822|4) - so they are not supposed to be same

00:28:551 - inb4 should be jst 2 note ?
00:29:200 - it just not fair when you add all piano sound but not on here
00:34:227 - better be 3 note just like 00:33:741 (33741|2,33741|0,33741|4,33984|2,33984|4,33984|6) -
00:34:714 (34714|0,34714|6) - i think it's definietly uncomfortable, consider make them same
00:45:416 - might want to add 1 more note since there is still a kick sound
00:49:308 (49308|2) - idk what sound that you layer, since there is no similar sound to 00:48:011 (48011|0) - also those 00:57:741 (57741|4) - LN are just inconsisten
01:18:984 (78984|5) - isn't this should be on 01:18:822 - ? since the cymbal is 01:18:822 - not 01:18:984 -
01:31:308 - missing LN for the synt
01:32:443 - should be 2 note for consistency with 01:31:795 (91795|0,91795|6) -
01:32:605 - consider reducing 1 note since there is no kick like 01:32:119 (92119|3,92119|1,92119|5,92119|6,92119|0) - this part
01:35:038 - reduce 1 note please, if you are following the piano then you missed 1 note on 01:36:335 -
01:39:578 (99578|1,99741|1) - maybe move to 1, so empty there
01:40:146 - maybe add note here for the violin/synt
01:47:038 - might want to balance the pattern on here since 01:46:389 (106389|5,106470|4,106551|5,106633|6,106714|5,106795|4,106876|5,106957|6,107038|5) - is enough
01:48:011 - should be 3 note for consistency with the other cybal
02:01:308 (121308|5,121308|6,121308|0,121308|2,121308|4,121308|1) - might cconsider this.. there is just kick and cymbal on here. its REALLY RECOMENDED to reduce the note since there is no piano like 02:00:741 (120741|4,120741|6,120984|2,120984|0,121227|4,121227|5,121389|2,121389|1) -
02:01:470 (121470|5,121470|2,121470|4,121470|0,121470|6,121470|1) - shouldn't be 6 note, this is fkin overmapped, there is no piano and no cymbal. just kick ONLY i really recomended to reduce the note. since it's no diffrent with 02:01:714 (121714|2,121714|3,121714|4,121876|2,121876|3,121876|4) -
02:01:795 (121795|1,121795|6,121795|5,121795|0) - also this shouldn't be 4 note since no cymbal like 02:01:633 (121633|5,121633|6,121633|1,121633|0) -

[MEGA's Insane]
00:04:551 (4551|5,4876|4) - just like what i said on Enectacy, 00:04:876 (4876|4) - if you following the violin, then it should be star on 00:04:795 - so do 00:04:551 (4551|5) - should end 00:04:795 -
00:07:633 (7633|4) - delete please, it even no diffrent with 00:05:038 (5038|0,5038|1) -
00:22:714 - suggesting for the pitch
00:36:497 (36497|6,36578|5,36578|3,36578|4,36660|6) - this is f*ck for and right hand space user
00:51:254 (51254|0,51254|3) - consider delete 1 of it since it just an echo
00:54:254 (54254|4) - if you layer it then you missed it on 00:54:416 -
00:57:416 (57416|4) - move to 1 for hand balance
00:58:389 (58389|2,58389|1,58633|5,58633|6) - Ctrl J and then 00:58:876 (58876|3,58876|2,59038|4,59038|5) - Ctrl J for pitch
01:13:633 - inb4 should be 1 more normal note, but idk..
01:21:416 (81416|6,81497|5,81578|6,81660|5) - you shouldn't layer it here since it's inconsisten with what you do on 01:19:633 - 01:20:930 - which you didn't layer it. also that's the only part that you layer that sound

Good Luck =w=)b
Here's the mod as you requested to me on in-game PM




▶BG: 1366x768 Good
▶Spread: Seems you didn't make Another. Please make sure about it.
▶AI mod: No problem
▶Audio and Hitsound: No problem
▶Timing: Good
▶Etc: Turn off the Widescreen Support in Rivals_7's Beginner difficulty.

Maybe you need some mods in hardest difficulties. I'll focus on your hardest difficulties.

    1. 00:02:606 - I think you can use the five notes in here. for emphasis first start also it has some powerful sounds enough. I just want suggest to add on column 2 also it's really powerful sound compared with 00:05:038 - 00:05:200 - these points.
    2. 00:07:633 (7633|2) - Here's the shot what I want suggest to you. I can't feel this LN sound when I was playing it also I felt some uncomfortable due to 00:07:714 (7714|0,7714|1) - these notes. but I don't think it should be fix, depend on you.
    3. 00:13:633 - I think you missed the notes. Here's the reason. Your Pyanother difficulty has two chords on here, this is more easier difficulty right? the main problem is not this because it's not unrankable issue also the chord quantity doesn't be a problem. but I don't think you used only a one chord due to playing issue. I just felt you missed it. Check yourself.
    4. 00:16:227 - The same reason as above. Check it.
    5. 00:17:524 - ~ 00:18:173 - Wrong snap. Your Pyanother difficulty has 1/8 snap on here but this difficulty isn't also I think here must be 1/8 snap. The piano sounds are mainly on 1/4 snap but the lingering imagery has 1/8 snap. but I just want suggest to use 1/4 on here. Can't feel 1/8 well. for playable, also 00:22:714 - here has same snapping but you used 1/4 snap. I thought it's more be better.
    6. 00:18:822 - Same reason with 00:13:633 - here before I caught before.
    7. 00:21:416 - Same as above.
    8. 01:24:335 (84335|4,84335|5,84497|5,84497|4,84660|5,84660|4,84822|5,84822|4,84984|5,84984|4) - I highly recommend to change it to other columns. It's kinda uncomfortable for playing but I thought it can has more improvement for playing. Change it to in columns for more comfortable to playing, why I chose column, the reason are for use other hands without LN.
    9. 01:29:768 (89768|2) - This is ghost note. on the flow of this song, yeah it should has some sounds on here but I never heard any sounds on here. If you don't want to remove it, add the hitsound. Also it doesn't have any piano sounds too. I thought you had mistaken due to here 01:32:362 (92362|1) -
    10. 01:34:957 (94957|1) - Same reason as above. Ghost note.
    11. 01:39:335 - I think you can add the some note in here. Actually you have to add the note in here because it has distinct sound. I suggest to add some note on here.
    12. 01:50:281 - I think your LN is more be better if you start on here. or add a one more LN also should be good I think. also Pyanother difficulty has LN in here.
    13. 02:01:957 (121957|1,121984|2,122011|3,122038|4,122065|5,122092|6) - I don't think it's correct snap. your other difficulties has different snap also I just heard only four sounds on here. Choose yourself.
      1. 00:07:633 (7633|0,7633|2,7714|1,7795|0,7795|2) - It's really uncomfortable also awkward. Not fix with this sound. I want to suggest to add a one more note in 00:07:714 - here. also swap your 00:07:714 (7714|1) - this note to other column, for more comfortable to playing also reduce some awkwardness.
      2. 00:17:524 - ~00:18:173 - As I said on your Enecstacy difficulty modding. I just want to suggest it to use 1/4 snap. If you don't want to change it. just make sure here with Enecstacy difficulty. But I'm feeling this pattern is just for making harder star rating.
      3. 00:19:038 (19038|4,19092|6) - What is this? Wrong snap. No have any 1/6 sounds or some miscellaneous sounds, here is 1/4 snap.
      4. 00:30:822 - Here's my little suggestion for improve patterns. how do you think about this pattern?
      5. 00:34:227 - I think it more be better if you make jack pattern like 00:33:741 (33741|0,33741|2,33822|0,33822|2,33984|6,33984|4,34065|4,34065|6) - these notes. The sounds stream make this fit with jacks. Here's the shot from me.
      6. 00:39:903 - ~ 00:40:227 - I have some suggestion on here. I don't think this pattern is matching with this songs. on stream this part, You can change it to like 2-3-2-3 pattern or something else. Just my suggestion for making fit patterns.
      7. 01:03:578 - Just want to say it. Two chords are more fit with this sounds. It's kinda one of little suggestion but I highly recommend it to add a one note.
      8. 01:08:443 (68443|5,68484|4,68524|1,68565|2,68605|5,68646|4,68687|1,68727|2) - Enecstacy difficulty is using 1/2 LN chord but use 1/8 on here, I can know your intention because the Enecstacy difficulty has long note so should be uncomfortable pattern if that is with 1/8 stream, that's your intention maybe but why I picked up this, this 1/8 notes are really really not fit on here. Also you felt it maybe... I don't think it has distinct sound. I just want recommend to change it to 1/4 stairs stream or 1/2 long notes like Enecstacy difficulty. (Start to 01:08:443 - here and finish it 01:08:605 - here. and start to a one more long note on 01:08:605 - here and finish that 01:08:768 - here.)
      9. 02:00:660 - ~02:01:957 - This pattern is definitely overmapped I think. more hard thanEnecstacy difficulty. Ah nah, most hardest pattern I think. It should be change I think.Agonize about it.
      My mod have finished on here.

      Here's the my a word. I hope you will take this on bad way.

      Please do not obsession only make hardest map. Your Enecstacy difficulty carry out nicely. But I felt this on Pyanother difficulty. Please consider about it.

      I hope this mod could be help to you. Good luck with your beatmap.
Topic Starter

_FrEsH_ChICkEn_ wrote:

Here's the mod as you requested to me on in-game PM




▶BG: 1366x768 Good
▶Spread: Seems you didn't make Another. Please make sure about it. //because im waiting for KAMI.. take a look at creators word pls
▶AI mod: No problem
▶Audio and Hitsound: No problem
▶Timing: Good
▶Etc: Turn off the Widescreen Support in Rivals_7's Beginner difficulty.

Maybe you need some mods in hardest difficulties. I'll focus on your hardest difficulties.

    1. 00:02:606 - I think you can use the five notes in here. for emphasis first start also it has some powerful sounds enough. I just want suggest to add on column 2 also it's really powerful sound compared with 00:05:038 - 00:05:200 - these points. //lel no... it not consistent.. and its not emphasis the music so hard that worth for another note
    2. 00:07:633 (7633|2) - Here's the shot what I want suggest to you. I can't feel this LN sound when I was playing it also I felt some uncomfortable due to 00:07:714 (7714|0,7714|1) - these notes. but I don't think it should be fix, depend on you.
    3. 00:13:633 - I think you missed the notes. Here's the reason. Your Pyanother difficulty has two chords on here, this is more easier difficulty right? the main problem is not this because it's not unrankable issue also the chord quantity doesn't be a problem. but I don't think you used only a one chord due to playing issue. I just felt you missed it. Check yourself. //Already Explained by shinzo
    4. 00:16:227 - The same reason as above. Check it. //Already Explained by shinzo
    5. 00:17:524 - ~ 00:18:173 - Wrong snap. Your Pyanother difficulty has 1/8 snap on here but this difficulty isn't also I think here must be 1/8 snap. The piano sounds are mainly on 1/4 snap but the lingering imagery has 1/8 snap. but I just want suggest to use 1/4 on here. Can't feel 1/8 well. for playable, also 00:22:714 - here has same snapping but you used 1/4 snap. I thought it's more be better. //Already Explained by shinzo
    6. 00:18:822 - Same reason with 00:13:633 - here before I caught before. //Already Explained by shinzo
    7. 00:21:416 - Same as above. //Already Explained by shinzo
    8. 01:24:335 (84335|4,84335|5,84497|5,84497|4,84660|5,84660|4,84822|5,84822|4,84984|5,84984|4) - I highly recommend to change it to other columns. It's kinda uncomfortable for playing but I thought it can has more improvement for playing. Change it to in columns for more comfortable to playing, why I chose column, the reason are for use other hands without LN.
    9. 01:29:768 (89768|2) - This is ghost note. on the flow of this song, yeah it should has some sounds on here but I never heard any sounds on here. If you don't want to remove it, add the hitsound. Also it doesn't have any piano sounds too. I thought you had mistaken due to here 01:32:362 (92362|1) -
    10. 01:34:957 (94957|1) - Same reason as above. Ghost note.
    11. 01:39:335 - I think you can add the some note in here. Actually you have to add the note in here because it has distinct sound. I suggest to add some note on here. // no.. it will ruined the consistency in this part...
    12. 01:50:281 - I think your LN is more be better if you start on here. or add a one more LN also should be good I think. also Pyanother difficulty has LN in here.
    13. 02:01:957 (121957|1,121984|2,122011|3,122038|4,122065|5,122092|6) - I don't think it's correct snap. your other difficulties has different snap also I just heard only four sounds on here. Choose yourself.
    My mod have finished on here.

    Here's the my a word. I hope you will take this on bad way.

    Please do not obsession only make hardest map. Your Enecstacy difficulty carry out nicely. But I felt this on Pyanother difficulty. Please consider about it.

    I hope this mod could be help to you. Good luck with your beatmap.
no reply means accept

Shinzo- wrote:



M4M with Takane6



Mod Inside

  1. No problem
  1. Fine
  1. Nice Spread
  1. Fine
Metadata/Song Setup
  1. Fine
  1. Clear

00:04:551 (4551|5,4876|4) - wrong snap if you're following the violin. 00:04:876 (4876|4) - should start 00:04:795 - so 00:04:551 (4551|5) - should end 00:04:795 -
00:13:633 - 00:16:227 - 00:18:822 - 00:21:416 - might want to add note since there is a snare and piano, just like you do on 00:14:443 (14443|6,14443|3,14605|0,14605|4) - 00:17:038 (17038|3,17038|0,17200|2,17200|6) - 00:19:633 (19633|0,19633|4,19795|2,19795|6) - 00:22:227 (22227|2,22227|6,22389|4,22389|0) -
00:15:173 - might want to add note for the piano, dem the piano is loud tho
00:17:524 (17524|0,17578|1,17633|2,17687|3,17741|4,17795|5,17849|6) - wrog snap plz, it should be 1/4 . but you can make it double stair since there is piano and drumroll. but 00:17:849 (17849|2,17903|1,17957|2,18011|3) - you can consider since there is some 1/6 confusingly idk.
00:20:119 (20119|6,20119|3,20119|0,20119|2,20200|5,20281|4,20362|3,20443|2,20443|0,20443|6,20443|5,20524|4,20605|3,20687|2,20768|1,20768|6,20768|0,20768|5) - 00:22:714 (22714|1,22714|6,22714|4,22714|0,22795|2,22876|3,22957|4,23038|2,23038|6,23038|5,23038|0,23119|3,23200|4,23281|5) - can be 2 note stair for the drumroll + piano, look Pya's diff.
00:27:578 (27578|6,27660|4,27741|6,27822|4,27903|6,27984|4,28065|6) - very not fit with the piano pitch, try to make somehing like
00:29:038 (29038|2,29119|1) - Ctrl J for pitch.. this is better imo
00:32:443 - maybe something like for pitch. also you don't have the balance part for 00:32:443 (32443|0,32524|1,32605|2,32687|1,32768|0,32849|1,32930|2,33011|1,33092|0) -
00:34:470 - add note for the sound that i don't hat what's the name
00:49:146 - should be 2 note just like 00:48:660 (48660|0,48822|1) -
00:49:876 - you missing a note. you should follow these kind of sound because you layer it on 00:48:660 (48660|0,48660|2,48822|1,48822|3) -
00:52:065 (52065|3) - 00:53:038 (53038|0) - 00:54:660 (54660|1) - ghost note, what sound that you layer ?
00:55:470 - should be 2 note for consistency, also 2 kind of sound there
01:19:633 - add 1 more note for the synt/piano/snare. it so many kind of sound there plz
01:24:011 - 01:24:173 - add note for the synt, just like you do on 01:23:687 (83687|1,83687|0,83687|6) - since 01:23:849 (83849|3,83849|1) - has no synt
01:27:011 (87011|3,87011|1,87173|4,87173|1,87335|1,87335|4,87497|1,87497|4) - what about 1 note only ? since the stream sound is increasing so it start to be 2 in 01:27:578 -
01:31:957 - delete the LN, no synt there
01:31:308 (91308|0) - change to LN for the synt, since there is just synt, no piano
01:34:551 (94551|3) - delete, no synt
01:48:173 (108173|5,108173|1,108173|3) - consider reducing 1 note since no cymbal/kick
01:55:146 - maybe add note since the piano is so damn loud
02:01:065 (121065|4,121065|2) - 02:01:551 (121551|4,121551|2) - please delete 1 note and move 1 to 4th collumn since there is no snare like 02:00:822 (120822|2,120822|4) - so they are not supposed to be same

Good Luck =w=)b

Shinzo- wrote:



M4M with Takane6



Mod Inside

  1. No problem
  1. Fine
  1. Nice Spread
  1. Fine
Metadata/Song Setup
  1. Fine
  1. Clear

[MEGA's Insane]
00:04:551 (4551|5,4876|4) - just like what i said on Enectacy, 00:04:876 (4876|4) - if you following the violin, then it should be star on 00:04:795 - so do 00:04:551 (4551|5) - should end 00:04:795 - Applied
00:07:633 (7633|4) - delete please, it even no diffrent with 00:05:038 (5038|0,5038|1) - Deleted
00:22:714 - suggesting for the pitch Applied, though I didn't follow the Piano actually
00:36:497 (36497|6,36578|5,36578|3,36578|4,36660|6) - this is f*ck for and right hand space user Lol rearranged
00:51:254 (51254|0,51254|3) - consider delete 1 of it since it just an echo Deleted one
00:54:254 (54254|4) - if you layer it then you missed it on 00:54:416 - Nice catch. Added.
00:57:416 (57416|4) - move to 1 for hand balance Moved
00:58:389 (58389|2,58389|1,58633|5,58633|6) - Ctrl J and then 00:58:876 (58876|3,58876|2,59038|4,59038|5) - Ctrl J for pitch Applied
01:13:633 - inb4 should be 1 more normal note, but idk.. Added
01:21:416 (81416|6,81497|5,81578|6,81660|5) - you shouldn't layer it here since it's inconsisten with what you do on 01:19:633 - 01:20:930 - which you didn't layer it. also that's the only part that you layer that sound Added the missing notes instead

Good Luck =w=)b
Okay, Thanks for Modding
MEGA's Insane
Hi ene >w<
Mod here :D
Note that i didn't see mods before this, so i'm sorry if somehow there's a mod / couple of mods that's the same as previous mod.

00:50:119 - there's still melody here for you to add. similar with 00:52:714 (52714|1) -
00:59:524 - somehow, melody here is pretty loud, you can add here.
01:30:335 - why is this 2 notes? while 01:30:660 - only one.
01:32:605 - are you sure this sound worths 3 notes ? it sounds like 01:32:930 -
01:39:578 - add one here? same sound as 01:38:930 -
01:39:984 - why is this only one note while 01:40:146 - double? i can sort of understand that 01:40:065 - is double due to that hithat sound
01:41:038 - add one? same sound as 01:41:362 -
01:43:308 - 01:43:633 - why not add at these place? same sound as 01:43:957 - ,although maybe you focused on stream, but at LN stream before this, you also double like 01:40:714 -
01:46:876 (106876|0) - make this into LN, and move it to 2? because it has some kind of synth sound there.

[MEGA's Insane]
00:21:092 - why is this double? there's no beat sound.
00:33:984 - add one here? cymbal sound like 00:33:741 -
00:52:714 - add one? same melody as 00:52:389 -
01:13:633 - feel a bit weird with this, because at the section after this, you add 3 chords + LN, while only this that has double +LN around the section.
01:24:335 - add for cymbal? similar with 01:25:633 -
01:34:389 - why is this triple? while 01:35:687 - and other similar sounds only 2.
01:37:795 (97795|4,97795|6) - somehow these notes are too cramped for me, consider move one of them?
01:39:092 - add one? make this consistent as 01:38:605 -
01:46:389 - add cymbal?
02:00:335 - why triple? o.o

00:05:038 - same sound as 00:05:200 - ;w; , but different notes.
00:27:254 - add one for cymbal?
01:19:470 - somehow you purposely didn't add here and 01:22:065 - ?
01:33:416 - you can add here for that strong cymbal beat sound.
01:36:660 (96660|6) - move this to 1, and move 01:36:984 (96984|4) - to 7? more nice to play imo.
01:44:524 - add one here? you add doubles at 01:42:173 -
02:01:389 - the cymbal starts at 02:01:308 -
02:01:470 - you can add notes here for beat.

ok, Good luck for the map :D
sorry if it doesn't help.
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