
Beta release stream testing

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Please help test out the Beta release stream if you can.

You will notice that you receive two updates. The first will bring you across to the beat stream, which will check whether you have .NET Framework v4 installed (and prompt you to complete the installation if not). The second one will bring you across to the new beta stream, running our cutting-edge opengl only code.

Leave all feedback about the update process in this thread please.

Current update path:

b20150514.9beta (.NET 2.0 migration build)
b20150514.10beta (.NET 4.0 final)
Forced 60hz for some reason and lower than native resolution doesn't scale to monitor canvas when using OpenGL (Atleast with ways i normally use). Won't be using this.

No problems encountered in update process.
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Multtari wrote:

Forced 60hz for some reason and lower than native resolution doesn't scale to monitor canvas when using OpenGL (Atleast with ways i normally use). Won't be using this.

No problems encountered in update process.
This is the future of osu! (coming in a week or two). You may want to give more details if you are having issues.

- Second update process reset osu! to full screen and reset frame limiter settings (unsure if intended).
- Supporter background doesn't re-adjust to fill post resolution change until entering song select and exiting back to menu.

peppy wrote:

Multtari wrote:

Forced 60hz for some reason and lower than native resolution doesn't scale to monitor canvas when using OpenGL (Atleast with ways i normally use). Won't be using this.

No problems encountered in update process.
This is the future of osu! (coming in a week or two). You may want to give more details if you are having issues.
Does this mean that osu! will be forced to run at 60Hz in the future?
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No, it means we have things to fix. And you have more details to report so we can fix it.
The update went smoothly, but after the second update, the resolution was reset to borderless and frame limiter to 120 fps. The splash had no transparency (it was a white square).
I couldn't replicate the background issue though, tried with both fullscreen and borderless.

peppy wrote:

No, it means we have things to fix. And you have more details to report so we can fix it.
[quote="":1337]Adapt to monitor's refresh rate instead of limiting many things to 60 frames per second.The refresh rate issue is probably because my desktop is running in native 60hz and game runs in 1776x1000 75hz fullscreen.

The scaling problem is a mystery and probably monitor specific. But i think it's because when running in OpenGL the game still thinks i'm on desktop even while in fullscreen (since the monitor settings provide same kind of scaling options on desktop as ingame opposed to DirectX which can be changed invidually)

Issues are fixed now. Thanks for your time!
The second update reset some of the settings as others said (frame limiter to 120 and the resolution to fullscreen)

Other than that, I noticed that the game is a bit choppy during gameplay, I have moments when it stutters. Used to be really smooth before the update. (my PC is pretty good so I don't think it's hardware fault - i7-4790K, GTX 760, 8GB RAM)

No other issues found so far.
The second update gave me a white bg with osu! logo.
My game was running at 1fps. I think that is because the game is using OpenGL now.
The Beta build is awesome, i have very high fps and everything is so smooth, I haven't encountered any problems *yet*.
Update 2:
a) in taiko mode the framerate drops significantly as more objects are on the playfield. when I was on DX it was around 350-400 but now I'm topping around 260, goes down to 200 and below if there's a long stream. small occasional tearing happens but not extremely gameplay-breaking.

b) user panel preferences were reset. unsure if intended or even related.

small edit: c) testplaying a taiko map = immense stuttering that is gameplay-breaking
When i click osu direct from the website, it doesn't open in game, nor does double clicking a osz file load up the beatmap in game, i have to drag it in to open the map.
My update went smoothly aswell. Now I have slightly more fps (from ave 1300fps to ave 1400fps) in the menus and a lower mouse latency (from max 6ms latency to max 2ms latency). However, during gameplay my fps began to vary more (from 950-1300fps to 600-2000fps). Except that, everything is fine.
Update went smooth (2nd Update from 92% to 99% took ages, but I think thats because of my shitty internet).

General other stuff:
- The window always resets itself into the middle of the screen when opening/closing editor, as well as entering the Testplay mode.

will update as soon as I notice sth
All in all this current beta version works well and runs smooth for me even on my old outdated hardware ( a 2009 Gateway desktop), It actually ran smoother than our current stable version on open GL mode.
The updater downloaded a file called osu!ui.dll. Does that mean it preloaded the upcoming osu!next?
And speaking of osu!next, does peppy treat it as an entirely separate game rather than a huge update?
Why no more DirectX?
Gets massive lagspikes with opengl, literally cannot play with it, So this is kinda a big problem for me.

Stefive wrote:

Why no more DirectX?
well dotnet went open source...


no problems so far on the beta branch.
went from cutting-edge to beta, no problem encountered
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Mateux wrote:

The second update gave me a white bg with osu! logo.
My game was running at 1fps. I think that is because the game is using OpenGL now.
What graphics card?
Went from cutting-edge to beta, no issues.
Getting higher fps and greatly reduced loading times. (loading times from ~1 second to nothing and from 1100 fps average to 1250 fps average)
Update ran smoothly with no hiccups. Everything plays well and actually noticeably better than when I ran opengl on stable. The white boxes that seemed to appear often in opengl on stable are nonexistant now, so I can finally play and map on the same release stream :') (boxes appeared in stable, not in cutting edge).
Update runs better, but with minor lag spikes (dropped around 10-20 fps). When fps is set to limited (180), it causes heavy tearing.
On my PC, after getting update osu!beta, I don't get the minor lag spikes during play osu!, although the graphics card or sound card rarely gets an update (If I turn off the storyboard in the Options). Runs smoothly, faster response, and better than the version beta earlier. But, I want to ask, why is there no option DirectX? When I open the osu! by pressing the SHIFT key, in the Renderer, there is no option DirectX. Why osu! delete option DirectX?
I'm not sure if i'm just noticing it more because of looking for problems but i seem to be getting much more frequent frame drops whilst playing mania maps with videos than usual.

I know that turning the video off fixes that problem, its just that it seems to be happening more often and i don't play on a potato so its something that shouldn't happen as often as it seems to be (which is around 1 in 5 maps, sometimes at multiple points).
The update process occurred smoothly here. And I haven't noticed any lag problem.

The only thing different I noticed was the performance graph that became ugly.
Update Went smooth and the game runs fine so far (except for one major lag spike, but i'm not 100% sure it was osu's fault)

love the song select sliders! and i'm certainly looking forward to osu!next 8-)
I got this while osu was running: The NVIDIA OpenGL driver lost connection with the display
driver due to exceeding the Windows Time-Out limit and is unable to continue.
The application must close.

Error code: 7

I'm sure this will apply to everyone with a nvidia graphics card, it has been a huge problem with games who are using opengl as their renderer (like Minecraft)

(I only had osu! open)

Latest drivers are installed. GPU: Gtx 750

Windows 7 64-bit Ultimate
Been running for 3 hours straight. No update problems, no lag, no freeze, no problem whatsoever, video or not.
Works like a charm :)

Cpu: i5 760 quad core @2.8 ghz
Gpu: GTX 660
8gb ram
Running Windows 7
The update process went fine, but any beatmaps with background video causes gameplay to lag and stutter slightly (even with 500+ fps). I don't know what's causing that but it wasn't there before the update.

Reesespuffs wrote:

The update process went fine, but any beatmaps with background video causes gameplay to lag and stutter slightly (even with 500+ fps). I don't know what's causing that but it wasn't there before the update.
same but mine when watching a map with SB in Cinema mod, it suddenly freezes the game and then the application closed by itself. also when minimizing the app, it suddenly freezes and closed by itself too.
The update did go without error even if it was a bit long (But that was probaably because of my internet which is very buggy tooday I guess). It did update twice even if I already was on Bêta stream.
Going back to stable after it (Because I can't play with these high input lag open GL builds) after it had no issues too.
Updates went without a hitch (now on b20150514.10beta). However, my frame rate dropped from ~200 FPS to ~41 FPS probably due to OGL (1920x1080, fullscreen) but when I go borderless it jumps back to 187 FPS. It's not very smooth though. Scrolling the song list and cursor movement is quite juddery. GPU is GeForce 840M.

EDIT: Just tried playing, found out there's quite a bit of input lag. Can barely SS a Hard map.
well since i'm losing this rig in a few days, might as well dump results here

fps results:

Stable (ogl renderer, fullscreen borderless):
menu - 145
song select - 120
play - 190

lol this pc sucks cock

b20150514.10beta (fullscreen borderless):
menu - 171
song select - 233
play - 300

updates didn't have any problems.

sysinfo dump:
Game now starts on whichever monitor the cursor is on instead of main monitor - is this intended?

Relatively same FPS as before using ATI Radeon 7970 GHZ.
It really smoooth, Now i become better in AR10, but some laging and cause my break combo
My Angel Gordon
framerate in general increased but story-board heavy maps make me lose a lot of frames
Got problem with minimize osu runing on integrated intel hd graphic
Since the new update sometimes when I restart the map the osu! auto-close.
I have delayed the cursor to 240 FPS, as set 60 FPS.
Direct X was much better. :(
No noticeable change apart from a few reset video settings. Working nicely.

Felt just like a normal update except I had to do it twice which was slightly confusing before I read this thread.
Update process was perfect.

The game feels sort of laggy, input-wise (in Catch The Beat, at least for me), but framerate is much smoother and I no longer have any lag spikes.

I did encounter a bug when switching resolutions though, it made sliders halfway disappear though, as seen below:

There is another issue when switching resolutions that I noticed, and that would be the mod icons disappearing.
osu! crashed randomly without producing logs ("program have stopped responding"). Only happened twice on the new beta, don't know how to reproduce. Will switch to CE and see if the crash occurs the same way.

Windows 7 64-bit Professional
Intel i7 2600K with 16G RAM
ATI Radeon HD6870 (Catalyst 14.12 with OpenGL
.Net Framework 4.5.2

EDIT: Don't know if this info has any significance but I'll throw it in:
When the beta became unresponsible, the game screen freezes and windows cursor (busy animation) takes over. But there is this small area of approx 128x128px on screen (centred around frozen osu cursor) where the windows cursor returns to "normal" as opposed to 'busy."

Oinari-sama wrote:

osu! crashed randomly without producing logs ("program have stopped responding"). Only happened twice on the new beta, don't know how to reproduce. Will switch to CE and see if the crash occurs the same way.

Windows 7 64-bit Professional
Intel i7 2600K with 16G RAM
ATI Radeon HD6870 (Catalyst 14.12 with OpenGL
.Net Framework 4.5.2
This is related to video backgrounds. It occurs when retrying a map a random number of times when they are enabled. Disable them for now.
Don't worry, it's been a known issue for quite some time :p
I've been playing on beta due to some problems I've been having with the stable. Strangely my sliders have been disappearing spontaneously until i close and reopen client.
One thing I went to mention here is that my Editor issues seem to be gone now. I didnt have a single crash on the beta client yet (I had one every ~15 minutes on the stable before I switched).
Frames are fine on beta but overheats computer and causing it to turn off
(this is indeed a problem with my fan, but this has never happened with Directx or on stable for that matter.)
Random Specs I could find.

I run osu! with all detail settings off. 1920x1080 Fullscreen.
Dunno why osu! OpenGL in windowed mode gets a black screen (or sometimes freezing screen) everytime UAC kicks in. I need to restart the client for it to go back to normal. It doesn't happen on DirectX. (if this is a known issue please do tell me.)

(fullscreen/windowed) FPS - same as stable
(windowed) Disabled Desktop Composition: Yep, that osu! logo inside a white box, no input delays (ofc lol)
(windowed) Enabled Desktop Composition: the usual osu! logo, slight input delay but better than stable
(windowed) osu! stops responding as I minimize or hide (via bosskey) the game while in autoplay mod.
(fullscreen) osu! stops responding as I switch to another running application or hide (via bosskey) the game while in autoplay mod.

GFX: Mobile Intel(R) 4 Series Express Chipset Family (yeah my pc sucks T_T)

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