Turn off Grid Snap. It's for the most part impossible to make evenly-spaced streams with it.
I can work it out.GeneralDecimal points in your BPM's usually are not right.
Well, they work, so it doesn't really matter. Don't get OCD over it.Insane? It's a marathon, naming the difficulty that isn't bad, but I think you should make some use of the freedom you have!
Yeah, I don't know what to name it tho!Consider mapping that bit at the start. Might save you from this not counting as a marathon.
Pretty sure the qats will accept it00:13:970 (2) - is this supposed to be like this? I don't think it sounds good.
not sure what you mean00:18:970 (1) - What's this timing point doing here?
fixed00:37:122 (1) - Try replacing this with a mirrored 00:35:170 (1) -
Eh00:41:756 (2) - Move it a little away from the slider.
no, I blanketed it.00:50:675 (1,2,3,4) - Try and make these evenly spaced.
ok00:52:610 (1,2,3,4) - This pattern doesn't look good, or really fun to be honest.
umm, that wasn't even a pattern.00:57:933 (1) - Sounds like a circle is missing 1/2 before this.
the time is used to stress the downbeat of the drum00:58:537 (2) - SV change here feels random.
many people complain but as I said before, I think it matches and is ok.01:00:836 (1) - Either overlap the slider more, or not at all.
this makes no difference in gameplay.01:06:884 (2) - The way this overlaps the last slider is ugly.
stop having ocd. this is NOT a slider art map, I don't like slider art as a matter of fact.01:07:247 (3,4,5,1) - Make these evenly spaced.
but they are01:10:029 (2,3,4,1) - Don't let them touch eachother.
Not sure what you mean 01:14:626 (2,3,4,7,8,9) - Why are these so spaced?
style01:16:320 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - The shape of this stream is not pretty.
I know, but I've tried soooo many things01:16:924 (7,9) - These aren't mapped to anything.
wow, that was surprising.01:21:521 (2) - Why is this (inconsistently) so close to the slider?
Because, it is a double. Not a triple as many would think.01:32:287 (2,3,4,5,6) - This also doesn't look pretty
you a girl or somethin'. We men like it ugly and raw and rough.01:35:190 (4) - It's too far away.
it is a accentuated note, so it deserves a jump.01:39:545 (2) - Overlap looks ugly.
blanket01:40:997 (9) - Why not map this to the vocals?
I don't wanna stress the vocals then switch to bg music again.01:42:932 (1) - The way this overlaps the last slider as well as how its starting direction doesn't line up with the last slider looks ugly.
ugly mcfugly sugly mcdugly01:51:642 (6) - Not pretty overlap.
no01:54:545 (1,2) - Close, you're hugging the circle too tightly.
what do you mean?01:58:295 (1) - What is this circle doing there under that slider?
same type of note, belongs in the same place02:06:884 (4) - Ew overlap.
This is the last one I will post on, no I don't care about your stupid pretty, girly ocd on circles. I really don't02:12:448 (5) - ^
02:12:690 (6,7,8) - Not evenly spaced.
there02:24:769 (3,4,5) - It's being strangled (by 02:24:260 (1,2) - ). RIP.
yes R.I.P inanimate circle 2015-2015. Oh wait, they are just circles I forgot.02:26:040 (3,2,2,2) - They're placed so closely together, why not just put them right on top of eachother?
where do you think they are placed?02:27:820 (1,2,3,4,5) - Make this actually star-shaped
tried but I don't really think it works.02:29:091 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^
ok02:32:396 (2) - Sudden jump in SV
it's for drums02:33:413 (4,5,6) - What's with this spacing?
there02:35:955 (1,2,3) - Now if this could just be perfectly straight.
#straighthitler02:37:989 (1,2,3) - What shape is this supposed to be?
no shape xD02:41:294 (3) - 2 and 3 are in a bit of a long-distance relationship, don't you think?
it makes buildup to 3 which is a downbeat and accentuated note02:44:981 (1,2) - 1 and 2 here, too.
both are accentuated02:46:633 (1) - Touching the triple, don't like that.
it should be fine with ar 9.202:46:633 (1,2,3,4,1) - Another case of strangulation here.
feels like L.A Noire02:47:904 (3,4,5) - Not nice overlapping here.
02:47:904 (3,4,5,6,7) - Straight, curved? It's both and neither.
umm, I'm starting to worry about you03:00:870 (3,4,5) - Make it evenly spaced.
no thank you03:05:446 (3,4,5,6,7) - It's almost an evenly-spaced star. Almost.
which one do you mean?03:10:150 (7) - What's this mapped to?
self generated rhythm03:10:747 (2) - Uninherited timing point here is wrong. BPM:118 Offset:190747 is what I ended up with.
I tried that, and it didn't work03:13:545 (6) - Overlap.
03:14:548 (1,2,3,4) - This is some awkward spacing.
guitar is random spacing03:14:799 (2) - Put it right under 03:14:172 (8) - or not at all.
you can only see that in editor, gameplay is not effected 03:16:806 (1) - That finish does not belong.
ok03:35:192 (1) - Please have someone better at timing than me look at the few uninherited timing points here and following this.
It works, so I don't need any better03:45:514 (1,2,3) - Make it a real curve, or straight.
no different gameplay03:47:213 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - Spacing here feels random.
his voice gets louder, so it emulates that03:49:398 (1,2) - They look like they should be in one line, but they're not.
and what about it?03:50:369 (3,4) - Hiding these under the repeat, are we?
approach circles can't hide. They can't run either03:52:554 (2,3,4,5) - Make it a square, or something else evenly-spaced that you like.
they face the same point so I'm fine with that03:54:496 (1,2,3) - Even spacing!
ok03:57:591 (1,1) - Why are these both new combos
ok, and why is 03:58:258 (1) - getting a hug of death?
blankets keep them warm03:58:783 (2) - Don't overlap it with the slider like that.
03:58:783 (2,3,4,5) - Even spacing please.
yeah that's what they have04:00:111 (2) - Overlap!
04:01:318 (2) - It'd look nicer if you moved it a bit down
ok whatever04:01:922 (3) - More ugly overlap
04:01:922 (3,4,5) - Even spacing is wanted here.
and we have even spacing04:06:631 (1,2,3,4) - Looks wonky.
this is true fun04:15:324 (1,2,3,4,5) - Also looks wonky. Space it evenly, or make it consistently uneven.
it goes with drums' down and up beat04:18:221 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Nothing wrong here. Just wanted to point out that this looks nice.
why, thank you!04:19:670 (7,8) - This, however, doesn't. 8 overlaps and the angle here looks kinda awkward.
:( 04:21:602 (1,2,3,4) - Wonky.
just what I like04:23:051 (1,2,3,4) - Willy
Wonka wonky.
^04:25:466 (3,4) - Make the spacing consistent with 04:24:983 (1,2) -
listen for downbeat and upbeat04:32:227 (2) - Woah why is this so fast?!
for the drum04:34:400 (1) - Even spacing is not here.
it should be fine, since it is readable, your map does the same04:34:763 (3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - Even spacing and is not a curve nor a straight line.
even spacing is here04:35:970 (2) - Not mapped to anything.
it helps to merge04:37:298 (1) - Does there really need to be a spinner here?
it causes no stress04:41:462 (3,4,5) - It's almost an evenly spaced triangle.
it wasn't supposed to be a equilateral triangle.04:48:343 (2,3) - Overlap with 04:47:498 (6) -
no thanks04:50:636 (1,2,3,4,5) - Almost an evenly sided pentagon.
it's fine04:55:465 (1,2,3,4,5) - Almost an evenly sided star.