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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2015年3月26日 at 23:27:36

Tags: WHITE BOX Opening P.A. Works TV Size musashino animation musani exodus wakeshima kanon 分島花音
BPM: 161
Filesize: 17126kb
Play Time: 01:28
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1.34 stars, 89 notes)
  2. Hard (2.9 stars, 217 notes)
  3. Insane (4.07 stars, 282 notes)
  4. Normal (2.01 stars, 159 notes)
Download: ISHIDA YOKO - COLORFUL BOX (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

Please redownload the beatmap due to the change of mp3. (Special Thanks to Shad0w1and)
Thank You For Your Modding&Suggestions,guys:
Sky Trias
Lapis Aoki
Kagamine Ren
Nerova Riuz GX
Megurine Luka
Kamio Misuzu
No Dap
Alex Li
Thank you very much! :)
Adol Christin
Hi from your queue. from PM.





比如这两根根滑条:00:17:840 (2,4) - 跟旁边的圈放一起,感觉就不好看。
  1. 00:08:151 (1,2) - 这里的话,感觉不是特别好看(但节奏和flow都不坏,一时也想不出怎么改)
  2. 00:09:921 (1) - 这个圈感觉没有必要,背后的音乐没有对应的节奏。
  3. 00:10:760 (4,5) - 这两个调换下位置,让圈去盖2拍的重音。现在的状况是5的滑条头既没有节奏的重音也没有旋律。除非是跟旋律契合很好,不然尽量避免滑条尾盖到2拍的重音。相应的像00:12:809 (1,2) - 就很好。
  4. 00:13:741 (4,5) - 同上,滑条尾盖了重音,请调换位置。
  5. 00:15:232 (8) - 像这样折返多次的滑条是数年前才会出现的了,现在的人大多都不喜欢。00:22:499 (1) - 00:23:617 (4) 都同理。
  6. 00:20:635 (5,6,7,8) -我个人不反对这种排法。但相应的,两根滑条请保持完美对称(复制粘贴,左右翻转)。然后5、6的距离和7、8的距离保持一致会好一些。
  7. 00:23:617 (4) - 节奏太稀松了。是不是感觉音效很难下?
  8. 00:29:207 (5,6,7) - 物件与物件间的距离大致保持一个平衡。比如这里,中间的圈与两根滑条的距离保持一致的话就好看的多。然后两根滑条平行。现在这样很难看的。
  9. 00:34:424 (4) - 像这根滑条,滑条尾跟后面那个圈碰到了,显得很不整洁。不知你玩的时候有没有这种感觉:一个物件虽然消失了,但感觉它曾存在于那个地方(我语文不太好)。
  10. 00:34:424 (4,6) - 这两根滑条如果都长一样会整洁的多,推荐复制前面那根
  11. 00:35:915 (8,9) - 我猜它们都不平行,果然。。。
  12. 00:39:269 (4,5,6,7) - 完全不加音效吗?(后面相同节奏的地方同理)
  13. 00:43:927 (3,4,5,6) - 这个四边形不是很标准啊。。。这里最好用正方形
  14. 00:44:673 (7,2) - 压上了
  15. 01:00:325 (1,2,3,4) - 两个圈叠起来,然后滑条把它们包好。包裹是否包好可以用缩圈检查,像这样:
  16. 01:15:232 (1,3) - 这两个碰到了,不太好看。试试把三角形旋转下?(滑条身体不旋转)
  17. 01:18:027 (2,3) - 可以考虑ctrl+g,比较爽
  18. 01:26:598 (6,7) - 这里我更倾向跟vocal。(你的节奏也完全没问题)
  19. 01:27:343 (1) - 这个转盘建议跟其它难度保持一致


  1. 00:12:250 (7,1) - 包一下呗
  2. 00:15:045 (7) - 建议减少一次折返,现在这样有些难读
  3. 00:17:840 (5,6) - 这两个,要么就包好,要么就不要有包的意思。
  4. 00:18:958 (1,2) - 可以包的更好
  5. 00:19:517 (2) - 现在很多人不喜欢两个折返的滑条 00:22:499 (1) - 00:51:753 (1) (特别是这根,对读图影响很大)- 01:25:294 (8) - 同理。
  6. 00:21:567 (6,7,1) - 这三根滑条太挤了,不太好看。
  7. 00:25:480 (1,2) - 没有音效?
  8. 00:28:648 (3,4) - 可以包的更好
  9. 00:30:884 (8,2) - 不平行,怎么看怎么不对啊
  10. 00:31:629 (2,1) - 包裹一下
  11. 00:32:188 (1,3) - 这两个滑条的whistle建议加到头上(而不是尾上)
  12. 00:34:424 (1,2,3,4,5) - 这一堆也有些挤
  13. 00:36:847 (1,2,3,4) - 试试加上finish?
  14. 00:37:965 (4,5) - 要么包,要么避免这样的排列
  15. 00:39:083 (1,2) - 跟上一个难度一样
  16. 00:48:027 (1,2,3) - 我建议这里不要加间距,间距在3之后再加都可以。比较难预判到。
  17. 00:58:461 (1,2,3,4) - 1和2,3和4包上呗,后面的同理。
  18. 01:08:151 (4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3) - 这一段的间距是怎么回事。。。。开DS修下
  19. 01:13:368 (1,2,3) - 这个圈跟两根滑条外观上的距离看着不太对,不太好看,稍微修一下。
  20. 01:14:486 (4,5) - 包
  21. 01:15:232 (6,1,2,3,4) - 不太好看,特别是1和3压上了。建议整体往下移动后再来修,这样就不会找不到地方了
  22. 01:20:822 (1,2,3,4) - 怎么突然没音效了?
  23. 01:21:381 (4,5) - 叠上了
  24. 01:22:871 (8,9) - 活用复制粘贴翻转等功能
  25. 01:23:989 (1,2,3,4,5) - 无论玩多少次都会栽在这里。。。。
  26. 01:24:548 (6,7,8,1,2,3) - finish有些滥用了。感觉除了这个 01:24:548 (6) - 的头和这个 01:26:039 (1) - 的头,其他都不要用finish
  27. 01:26:039 (1,2) - 包好
  28. 01:27:157 (3) - 这个的尾可以加finish


  1. 00:15:232 (6) - 00:22:499 (1) - 00:25:480 (1) - 00:42:064 (1) - 00:46:536 (2) - 01:10:387 (2) - 01:20:822 (1) - ;)
  2. 00:17:468 (3,4,5) - 4的前后两根滑条,选一根好好包上吧
  3. 00:27:343 (5) - 我自己也在Normal用了这种滑条,结果10个人有9个都说不好。。。
  4. 00:29:952 (6,7,8) - 如果前面是因为节奏比较松不好下音效,那这里总可以吧。。。
  5. 00:09:269 (9) - 感觉容易读错,读到前一拍去
  6. 00:51:753 (10) - 我个人不太喜欢这样的滑条,多放几个物件以示诚意吧。
  7. 01:12:623 (6,2) - 这两个叠上了,看的见的。
  8. 01:15:604 (1,2,3) - 这里感觉填满比填白线好,因为音乐还在最高的地方没下来。
  9. 01:17:840 (1,2,3,4) - 没音效了
  10. 01:24:362 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - 同上一个难度,finish有些滥。

Topic Starter

zj0924 wrote:

Adol Christin wrote:

Hi from your queue. from PM.





比如这两根根滑条:00:17:840 (2,4) - 跟旁边的圈放一起,感觉就不好看。
物件与物件间视觉上的距离也多注意一下。是的,泡泡也这么说。之前我完全没注意到 :lol:
  1. 00:08:151 (1,2) - 这里的话,感觉不是特别好看(但节奏和flow都不坏,一时也想不出怎么改) :)
  2. 00:09:921 (1) - 这个圈感觉没有必要,背后的音乐没有对应的节奏。去掉了
  3. 00:10:760 (4,5) - 这两个调换下位置,让圈去盖2拍的重音。现在的状况是5的滑条头既没有节奏的重音也没有旋律。除非是跟旋律契合很好,不然尽量避免滑条尾盖到2拍的重音。相应的像00:12:809 (1,2) - 就很好。
  4. 00:13:741 (4,5) - 同上,滑条尾盖了重音,请调换位置。
  5. 00:15:232 (8) - 像这样折返多次的滑条是数年前才会出现的了,现在的人大多都不喜欢。00:22:499 (1) - 00:23:617 (4) 都同理。
    这个地方的话,直接少去一次折返,留个空拍感觉挺好 好吧我的观念有点古老了
  6. 00:20:635 (5,6,7,8) -我个人不反对这种排法。但相应的,两根滑条请保持完美对称(复制粘贴,左右翻转)。然后5、6的距离和7、8的距离保持一致会好一些。 老问题还是排列太随便了
  7. 00:23:617 (4) - 节奏太稀松了。是不是感觉音效很难下? 是的,但想要创新一下于是就这样了
  8. 00:29:207 (5,6,7) - 物件与物件间的距离大致保持一个平衡。比如这里,中间的圈与两根滑条的距离保持一致的话就好看的多。然后两根滑条平行。现在这样很难看的。
  9. 00:34:424 (4) - 像这根滑条,滑条尾跟后面那个圈碰到了,显得很不整洁。不知你玩的时候有没有这种感觉:一个物件虽然消失了,但感觉它曾存在于那个地方(我语文不太好)。 只可意会不可言传,我懂你意思。就像
  10. 00:34:424 (4,6) - 这两根滑条如果都长一样会整洁的多,推荐复制前面那根 嗯我又是随手脱了一根 :P
  11. 00:35:915 (8,9) - 我猜它们都不平行,果然。。。 :cry:
  12. 00:39:269 (4,5,6,7) - 完全不加音效吗?(后面相同节奏的地方同理)vocal不怎么想加 :lol:
  13. 00:43:927 (3,4,5,6) - 这个四边形不是很标准啊。。。这里最好用正方形 会调整的
  14. 00:44:673 (7,2) - 压上了
  15. 01:00:325 (1,2,3,4) - 两个圈叠起来,然后滑条把它们包好。包裹是否包好可以用缩圈检查,像这样:
  16. 01:15:232 (1,3) - 这两个碰到了,不太好看。试试把三角形旋转下?(滑条身体不旋转)ok
  17. 01:18:027 (2,3) - 可以考虑ctrl+g,比较爽 ok
  18. 01:26:598 (6,7) - 这里我更倾向跟vocal。(你的节奏也完全没问题)
  19. 01:27:343 (1) - 这个转盘建议跟其它难度保持一致


  1. 00:12:250 (7,1) - 包一下呗 fixed
  2. 00:15:045 (7) - 建议减少一次折返,现在这样有些难读 这个我是根据鼓的节奏,读图可以用音效引导
  3. 00:17:840 (5,6) - 这两个,要么就包好,要么就不要有包的意思。fixed
  4. 00:18:958 (1,2) - 可以包的更好 fixed
  5. 00:19:517 (2) - 现在很多人不喜欢两个折返的滑条 00:22:499 (1) - 00:51:753 (1) (特别是这根,对读图影响很大)- 01:25:294 (8) - 同理。有些还是不想改,那第三根确实需要改但是还没想法……
  6. 00:21:567 (6,7,1) - 这三根滑条太挤了,不太好看。确实有点急但还没有想好怎么改
  7. 00:25:480 (1,2) - 没有音效?fixed
  8. 00:28:648 (3,4) - 可以包的更好 fixed
  9. 00:30:884 (8,2) - 不平行,怎么看怎么不对啊fixed
  10. 00:31:629 (2,1) - 包裹一下 fixed
  11. 00:32:188 (1,3) - 这两个滑条的whistle建议加到头上(而不是尾上)有想法!改了
  12. 00:34:424 (1,2,3,4,5) - 这一堆也有些挤 改成包住了
  13. 00:36:847 (1,2,3,4) - 试试加上finish? fixed
  14. 00:37:965 (4,5) - 要么包,要么避免这样的排列 fixed
  15. 00:39:083 (1,2) - 跟上一个难度一样
  16. 00:48:027 (1,2,3) - 我建议这里不要加间距,间距在3之后再加都可以。比较难预判到。fixed
  17. 00:58:461 (1,2,3,4) - 1和2,3和4包上呗,后面的同理。 fixed
  18. 01:08:151 (4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3) - 这一段的间距是怎么回事。。。。开DS修下 fixed
  19. 01:13:368 (1,2,3) - 这个圈跟两根滑条外观上的距离看着不太对,不太好看,稍微修一下。fixed
  20. 01:14:486 (4,5) - 包 还是老问题555
  21. 01:15:232 (6,1,2,3,4) - 不太好看,特别是1和3压上了。建议整体往下移动后再来修,这样就不会找不到地方了 是的重新来过这里
  22. 01:20:822 (1,2,3,4) - 怎么突然没音效了? 觉得vocal就用ci了
  23. 01:21:381 (4,5) - 叠上了 好的
  24. 01:22:871 (8,9) - 活用复制粘贴翻转等功能 fixed
  25. 01:23:989 (1,2,3,4,5) - 无论玩多少次都会栽在这里。。。。 确实冲得太快了,虽然我适应得了,但是只要有人觉得不顺我就应该改了
  26. 01:24:548 (6,7,8,1,2,3) - finish有些滥用了。感觉除了这个 01:24:548 (6) - 的头和这个 01:26:039 (1) - 的头,其他都不要用finish 有道理
  27. 01:26:039 (1,2) - 包好 嗯
  28. 01:27:157 (3) - 这个的尾可以加finish 有点违和还是算了


  1. 00:15:232 (6) - 00:22:499 (1) - 00:25:480 (1) - 00:42:064 (1) - 00:46:536 (2) - 01:10:387 (2) - 01:20:822 (1) - ;)
  2. 00:17:468 (3,4,5) - 4的前后两根滑条,选一根好好包上吧 有点难包 :o
  3. 00:27:343 (5) - 我自己也在Normal用了这种滑条,结果10个人有9个都说不好。。。 握手,可是我觉得这样挺好,改成三连击才有点奇怪
  4. 00:29:952 (6,7,8) - 如果前面是因为节奏比较松不好下音效,那这里总可以吧。。。忘加了,加加加
  5. 00:09:269 (9) - 感觉容易读错,读到前一拍去 删了滑条 改成圈了
  6. 00:51:753 (10) - 我个人不太喜欢这样的滑条,多放几个物件以示诚意吧。嗯让我再想想
  7. 01:12:623 (6,2) - 这两个叠上了,看的见的。ok
  8. 01:15:604 (1,2,3) - 这里感觉填满比填白线好,因为音乐还在最高的地方没下来。没看懂
  9. 01:17:840 (1,2,3,4) - 没音效了 vocal需要理由同上
  10. 01:24:362 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - 同上一个难度,finish有些滥。想了想确实少点比较好

总之,多谢了! :) :) :)
  1. 如果你在AR9下无法把握排列的话,改成AR8作图。现在的排列可以说是一团糟,大部分相邻note无法建立联系。
  2. 把所有滑条弯曲程度改成一致的。
  3. 对任意相邻5个note的组合,干以下事:改掉互相重叠、距离小于标准DS的情况(除了特殊梗);改掉距离太远互相八竿子打不着的情况(除了跳)。
Topic Starter

popner wrote:

  1. 如果你在AR9下无法把握排列的话,改成AR8作图。现在的排列可以说是一团糟,大部分相邻note无法建立联系。
  2. 把所有滑条弯曲程度改成一致的。
  3. 对任意相邻5个note的组合,干以下事:改掉互相重叠、距离小于标准DS的情况(除了特殊梗);改掉距离太远互相八竿子打不着的情况(除了跳)。
好的我会努力改进的 :) 多谢泡泡大大
Sorry if I'm a bit rude, but this is my second time typing this out because I pressed back by accident and lost my mod. Sorry... ;-;

Title should be COLORFUL BOX in all caps

add tv_size size opening
remove OP PA
because they are less than 3 characters, so you can't search them.

Timing: I timed the offset to -396 but you should get a pro timer to do it for you. It was quite off.

It was really hard to mod your map because there are a lot of problems in it. I'll give you general tips and some good and bad examples so you can improve.

First you need to make sure that the rhythm follows the song. I place circles on the same spot for the entire song first, then go back and add sliders. This way I know the rhythm while I'm mapping. Secondly is to make sure that the sliders are good. Good sliders usually start on very important beats and end on important beats, while circles can be on any type of strong beat (though if the beat is very important, I would use a slider).

Good examples:
00:02:561 - from 3 to 7 is good
00:05:542 - from 1 to 7 is good

Bad examples:
00:07:033 - the 8 slider end is a weak beat, so extending it to 9 would make the rhythm feel a lot more balanced.
00:09:548 - these triples aren't in the music in the first place!
00:29:766 - from 1 to 5 is good, but the 7 slider is very bad
00:32:375 - from 3 to 8 doesn't match the song at all.

Your spacing needs to be more consistent. This means stick with DS unless you're making a jump, and make sure when you start a jump is appropriate.

Good examples:
00:05:542 - from 1 to 7 is good

Bad examples:
00:32:188 - the sliders have small spacing, but then there's a jump to the 3 circle without any warning. a new phrase starts at the 1 slider, so if you increased the DS at 1 instead of at 3, it'll be better.
00:41:319 - the spacing between 5 and 6 is the almost the same, but the rhythm slows down
Topic Starter

gracefu wrote:

Sorry if I'm a bit rude, but this is my second time typing this out because I pressed back by accident and lost my mod. Sorry... ;-;

Title should be COLORFUL BOX in all caps

add tv_size size opening
remove OP PA
because they are less than 3 characters, so you can't search them.

Timing: I timed the offset to -396 but you should get a pro timer to do it for you. It was quite off.

It was really hard to mod your map because there are a lot of problems in it. I'll give you general tips and some good and bad examples so you can improve.

First you need to make sure that the rhythm follows the song. I place circles on the same spot for the entire song first, then go back and add sliders. This way I know the rhythm while I'm mapping. Secondly is to make sure that the sliders are good. Good sliders usually start on very important beats and end on important beats, while circles can be on any type of strong beat (though if the beat is very important, I would use a slider).

Good examples:
00:02:561 - from 3 to 7 is good
00:05:542 - from 1 to 7 is good

Bad examples:
00:07:033 - the 8 slider end is a weak beat, so extending it to 9 would make the rhythm feel a lot more balanced.
00:09:548 - these triples aren't in the music in the first place!
00:29:766 - from 1 to 5 is good, but the 7 slider is very bad
00:32:375 - from 3 to 8 doesn't match the song at all.

Your spacing needs to be more consistent. This means stick with DS unless you're making a jump, and make sure when you start a jump is appropriate.

Good examples:
00:05:542 - from 1 to 7 is good

Bad examples:
00:32:188 - the sliders have small spacing, but then there's a jump to the 3 circle without any warning. a new phrase starts at the 1 slider, so if you increased the DS at 1 instead of at 3, it'll be better.
00:41:319 - the spacing between 5 and 6 is the almost the same, but the rhythm slows down
Thank you for your advice especially on details like tag and title.I almost ignore those elements.The problem of spacing will be taken into account.Good Luck :)
Adol Christin
Sky Trias
Hi! From -[Trias's STD Modding Queue]-


  1. 1. Background :
    ( bg.jpg ) is 1280x720 . ( bg2.jpg ) is 1365x768 . ( bg3.jpg bg4.jpg ) is 1365x767 .
    Change to same pixel to 1024x768 . Cause bg.jpg is 1280x720 .

  2. 2. Audio Lead-in :
    Easy : There is only 1070 ms of audio lead-in, which is less than the minimum of 2000 ms.
    Normal , Hard , Insane : There is only 511 ms of audio lead-in, which is less than the minimum of 2000 ms.

  3. 3. Remove :
    Widescreen Support : Cause you don't have SB here.
    Letterbox during break : Cause this map doesn't have break.

  4. 4. Timing :
    BPM : ( 161.000 ) -> 161.014 . Seems fine
    Offset : ( -420 ) -> 348 . You should change the offset to 348.

  5. 5. Extra :
    What mp3 you choose ? there's 2 mp3 inside . ( Colorful Box.mp3 & Colorful Box1.mp3 ) You must remove 1

Sorry i just check the metadata . Ii'm not good in Japan tags . Should ask Japan Modder about Tags and Title
GL! zj0924 :D
Topic Starter

Sky Trias wrote:

Hi! From -[Trias's STD Modding Queue]-


  1. 1. Background :
    ( bg.jpg ) is 1280x720 . ( bg2.jpg ) is 1365x768 . ( bg3.jpg bg4.jpg ) is 1365x767 .
    Change to same pixel to 1024x768 . Cause bg.jpg is 1280x720 .

  2. 2. Audio Lead-in :
    Easy : There is only 1070 ms of audio lead-in, which is less than the minimum of 2000 ms.
    Normal , Hard , Insane : There is only 511 ms of audio lead-in, which is less than the minimum of 2000 ms.

  3. 3. Remove :
    Widescreen Support : Cause you don't have SB here.
    Letterbox during break : Cause this map doesn't have break.

  4. 4. Timing :
    BPM : ( 161.000 ) -> 161.014 . Seems fine
    Offset : ( -420 ) -> 348 . You should change the offset to 348.

  5. 5. Extra :
    What mp3 you choose ? there's 2 mp3 inside . ( Colorful Box.mp3 & Colorful Box1.mp3 ) You must remove 1

Sorry i just check the metadata . Ii'm not good in Japan tags . Should ask Japan Modder about Tags and Title
GL! zj0924 :D
Thank You for your advice :)

00:01:084 (2) - NC?

00:04:066 (8) - 还是觉得和00:03:693 (7) - 做一个blanket好一些?

00:05:184 (2) - ctrl+G?

00:06:302 (4,5) - 这两个拉开放?

00:09:656 (1,2,3) - 这里开始连打似乎不太好?00:09:469 - 应该从这里开始?

00:09:842 (3) - 大白线这样摆的话似乎有点浪费?改成1/2折返?后面同理?

00:14:314 (4,5) - blanket?

00:17:295 (6,7,8,9) - 全都是这种直线滑条似乎少了点什么?另外滑条尾放白线似乎不太好?

00:19:531 (1,2,3,4) - 00:31:457 (1,2,3,4) - 放一些跳出来?

00:23:631 (2) - 00:24:376 (4) - ctrl+G再拉大一点间距?

00:26:239 (3,4,5) - 重音似乎都不在白线上?

00:27:357 (1,2,3,1) - blanket?

00:29:034 (4) - 和后面的00:29:221 (5) - 叠一起似乎会好一点?

00:36:488 (2,3) - 这两个可以摆出和00:36:861 (4) - 叠一起?

00:46:177 (6,6) - 这两个音效有点奇怪?用用自定义音效?

01:19:345 (7) - NC?

01:27:544 (1) - 音量试试逐渐减弱?


00:07:792 (3) - ctrl+G?

00:12:264 (3,1) - 可以相互之间平行的更加严格一点?

00:26:239 (5,6,7) - 音效有点太响?

00:32:948 (5) - 可以跟00:32:575 (4) - 一样再转一些角度?

00:37:979 (10,11) - 间距似乎有点太大?

00:46:550 (1,2,3) - 为啥看上去的间距和00:45:059 (1,2,3) - 不太一样?

00:48:786 (8,9) - 往上移一点?

00:49:345 - 漏音?

01:00:339 (7,1) - 没有叠好?

01:22:699 (5,6) - blanket?

01:24:003 (1) - 似乎只需要折返4遍就够了而不是6遍?

01:27:357 (1) - 为什么转盘结束的时间和Insane不一样的?



00:05:184 (2,3) - blanket?

00:32:202 (3) - 似乎可以换成5个单点?

00:51:767 (10) - 换成别的梗?而且似乎应该在00:53:258 - 这里结束?

00:54:749 - 这里是重音,似乎放个note更好些?


Topic Starter

tm1209 wrote:


00:01:084 (2) - NC?fixed

00:04:066 (8) - 还是觉得和00:03:693 (7) - 做一个blanket好一些?我觉得直线更有表现力,前面有了blanket换个花样吧

00:05:184 (2) - ctrl+G?嗯不错

00:06:302 (4,5) - 这两个拉开放?我觉得半重叠是为了强调重音,不知道理解的对不对,让我再想想吧

00:09:656 (1,2,3) - 这里开始连打似乎不太好?00:09:469 - 应该从这里开始? 确实很违和,取消了连打

00:09:842 (3) - 大白线这样摆的话似乎有点浪费?改成1/2折返?后面同理?前面的我还是想坚持自己的,后面的确实简单了点可以改下

00:14:314 (4,5) - blanket?感觉没必要

00:17:295 (6,7,8,9) - 全都是这种直线滑条似乎少了点什么?另外滑条尾放白线似乎不太好?想玩梗的,这里跟着vocal,所以滑条尾放白线上了,抱歉。

00:19:531 (1,2,3,4) - 00:31:457 (1,2,3,4) - 放一些跳出来?确实,不过这四个音一样就重叠了,具体怎么放让我再想想后面那个因为有梗所以不方便改

00:23:631 (2) - 00:24:376 (4) - ctrl+G再拉大一点间距?再想想,不知道怎么改更好

00:26:239 (3,4,5) - 重音似乎都不在白线上?这里想跟着vocal的,但是不知道怎么下音效,所以用了finish降了音量

00:27:357 (1,2,3,1) - blanket?包了

00:29:034 (4) - 和后面的00:29:221 (5) - 叠一起似乎会好一点?感觉没什么变化好像我还是喜欢自己的

00:36:488 (2,3) - 这两个可以摆出和00:36:861 (4) - 叠一起?改了,不过距离要拉大一点了

00:46:177 (6,6) - 这两个音效有点奇怪?用用自定义音效?嗯被这么一说确实有点……换成whistle了
01:19:345 (7) - NC?fixed

01:27:544 (1) - 音量试试逐渐减弱?是音乐减弱吗?转盘怎么设置减弱啊,不懂


00:07:792 (3) - ctrl+G?我觉得对称更好,而且两拍比较紧凑,所以加了点距离

00:12:264 (3,1) - 可以相互之间平行的更加严格一点?改了,只是有点难改,我的狗眼啊 :o

00:26:239 (5,6,7) - 音效有点太响? fixed

00:32:948 (5) - 可以跟00:32:575 (4) - 一样再转一些角度?转了

00:37:979 (10,11) - 间距似乎有点太大? 好吧,ctrl+g了

00:46:550 (1,2,3) - 为啥看上去的间距和00:45:059 (1,2,3) - 不太一样? 因为没对称,其实都是1.2左右

00:48:786 (8,9) - 往上移一点?我把下面四个往下移了

00:49:345 - 漏音?fixed

01:00:339 (7,1) - 没有叠好?fixed

01:22:699 (5,6) - blanket?fixed

01:24:003 (1) - 似乎只需要折返4遍就够了而不是6遍?我50%速度又听了一遍,是六次没错

01:27:357 (1) - 为什么转盘结束的时间和Insane不一样的? fixed



00:05:184 (2,3) - blanket?fixed

00:32:202 (3) - 似乎可以换成5个单点?fixed

00:51:767 (10) - 换成别的梗?而且似乎应该在00:53:258 - 这里结束? 都说这里不好……还是改吧

00:54:749 - 这里是重音,似乎放个note更好些?fixed


抱歉确认晚了 :D 多谢MOD :)
hi, m4m:

  1. 00:18:972 (4) - try not to make the start and end touch 00:18:227 (3)
  2. 00:36:861 (4,5) - try adding repeat to slider and then position circle accordingly
  3. 01:01:084 (4,5) - line these up nicer
  4. 01:27:357 (1) - extend this by 1/2 to be consistent with the other diffs
  1. 00:18:227 (4,5) - try not to make these touch
  2. 00:58:475 (1) - add repeat to match vocals?
  3. 01:24:190 - you might want to map this circle
  4. various alignment/design issues (imo) throughout the whole map: 00:07:047 (5,6,7), 00:08:538 (8,9), 01:22:140 (3,4,5), etc
  5. try stacking 00:31:457 (1) on 00:31:643 (2), and of course rearranging the position
  6. 00:32:202 (3,4,5,6,7) - try using two full beat sliders and then a circle
  1. 00:05:556 (3) - make it a little more distant from 00:05:184 (2). example: try moving 00:05:184 (2) to (172,284) and then shift-snap 00:05:556 (3) to around (122,150)
  2. 00:07:606 (2,4) - move to (288,204)
  3. 00:11:333 (1,2) - does not look very nice. maybe move 00:11:892 (2) to the center of the curve
  4. 00:15:805 (6,1) - try curving the slider more
  5. 00:22:513 (1) - put circle here instead, move slider by 1/2 and make the slider only 1 repeat
  6. 00:23:258 (1) - remove nc
  7. 01:02:016 (2) - curve it slightly more
  8. 01:04:997 (5) - curve it slightly more
  9. 01:06:674 (9) - curve it slightly more
  10. 01:14:687 (4) - curve it slightly more, or move 01:14:500 (3) if you want to keep the same slider style
  11. 01:16:177 (7) - make it curve around the tail of 01:15:618 (6) better
  12. 01:16:923 (9) - make it curve around the tail of 01:16:177 (7) better
  13. 01:22:885 (6) - try to center the curve here, maybe by moving down a little
  14. 01:23:444 (7) - if you did previous ^, move this down use a slightly weaker curve
  15. 01:24:562 (2,3,4) - maybe make this one either line up nicely (tail-circle-head) or curve around the circle
  16. 01:24:003 (1) - i have a feeling people (like me) will be confused here and miss. try something like this:
  1. 00:03:693 (6) - move the end point to (344,264)
  2. 00:04:066 (7) - finish at the slider start
  3. 00:54:749 (1) - finish at the slider start
  4. 01:09:656 (9) - finish at slider end
  5. 01:13:010 (10) - finish at slider start
  6. 01:18:600 (5) - finish at slider start
  7. 01:22:885 (9) - finish at slider start
  8. 01:27:357 (5) - finish
  9. 01:06:674 (7) - finish
  10. 01:25:308 (3) - remove finish from slider start
  11. 01:13:941 (3) - finish at slider start
  12. 01:14:687 (5) - finish at slider start
  13. 00:27:916 (1) - might want to make that rounded better around 00:27:357 (1,2,3) (or move it slightly so that the curve is centered)
make sure to check those hitsounds on other diffs as well to keep consistency :)

i enjoyed this song on insane, good work :)
Hi hi :3~~~~ M4M from my queue~~~

  1. 01:28:848 - sound here feels weird... consider to change the volume to 5%
  1. 00:01:084 (1,2,3) - make them NC. Since this part stacked in this long delay....
  2. 00:18:972 (4) - I better like the way if (4) blanket (3)'s tail
  3. 00:32:389 (3) - i don't like the way using 2x repeated slider in Easy diff. That will confuse the new player
  4. 00:36:861 (4,5) - this pattern isn't good for easy IMO. how about change it to
  5. 00:39:097 (1,2) - a bad blanket
  6. 00:42:823 (2) - no more 2x repeated slider
  7. 01:11:519 (6,7,8,1,2,3,4) - why no hitsound ?
  8. 01:15:618 (5) - too many repeated slider T.T... it's too much
  9. 01:27:357 (1) - why this spinner end at 01:28:848 - ??? in other diff it ended at 01:29:034
  1. 00:18:227 (4,5) - check distance please.... and this part is confusing too. First time I see I think 00:18:227 (4) - was 2x repeated
  2. 00:27:357 (5) - please don't use 1/4 in normal T.T
  3. 00:27:916 (1) - It flows straight to 00:29:221 (4) - not to 00:28:475 (2) - . So i suggest to change the curve more like this to get a better flow
  4. 00:32:202 (3,4,5,6,7) - not a good time to stack IMO
  5. 00:51:767 (1) - awww.... the distance.... too far different from before
  1. 00:05:184 (2,3) - different distance with 00:04:811 (1,2) - that are not good in this part
  2. 00:18:041 (3,4,6) - their tail wasn't stacked properly
  3. 00:20:277 (3) - remove the whistle on the slider
  4. 00:22:513 (1) - I don't really get it... why you make it 2x repeated slider ?
  5. 00:32:202 (3,4,6,7) - lose their hitsound T.T
  6. 00:36:861 (7,8,9,10) - ^^
  7. 00:43:569 (6) - stack the tail properly
  8. 01:01:457 (1) - ^^
  9. 01:08:910 (5) - ^^
  10. 01:13:382 (1,2) - This flow is weird suggest to change 01:13:382 (1) - more like that the slider flow to (2)'s head
  11. 01:14:687 (4) - stack properly it's head
  1. 00:21:395 (4) - ctrl+g ? to make a clockwise flow with 00:21:022 (3) -
  2. 00:19:531 (1,2,3,4) - there's nothing special at this part in the song. Can you explain me why did you make them stacked ?
  3. 00:31:457 (1,2,3,4) - same as above
  4. 00:55:494 (3) - ctrl+g to make a flow like 00:55:867 (4,5) -
  5. 01:13:382 (1,2) - give them more distance. at least bigger than 01:13:755 (2,3) - since 01:13:755 (2,3) - was 1/2 and 01:13:382 (1,2) - 1/1

Okay that's all :3
This mapset need more work (for NC)
I didn't mod about the NC because full of mapset need repair it's the NC
ask someone that good in NC for this mapset
Good luck :D :D
Topic Starter

Nekomata wrote:

hi, m4m:

  1. 00:18:972 (4) - try not to make the start and end touch 00:18:227 (3)
  2. 00:36:861 (4,5) - try adding repeat to slider and then position circle accordingly
  3. 01:01:084 (4,5) - line these up nicer
  4. 01:27:357 (1) - extend this by 1/2 to be consistent with the other diffs

  1. 00:18:227 (4,5) - try not to make these touch
  2. 00:58:475 (1) - add repeat to match vocals?
  3. 01:24:190 - you might want to map this circle
  4. various alignment/design issues (imo) throughout the whole map: 00:07:047 (5,6,7), 00:08:538 (8,9), 01:22:140 (3,4,5), etc
  5. try stacking 00:31:457 (1) on 00:31:643 (2), and of course rearranging the position
  6. 00:32:202 (3,4,5,6,7) - try using two full beat sliders and then a circle
  1. 00:05:556 (3) - make it a little more distant from 00:05:184 (2). example: try moving 00:05:184 (2) to (172,284) and then shift-snap 00:05:556 (3) to around (122,150) fixed
  2. 00:07:606 (2,4) - move to (288,204)
  3. 00:11:333 (1,2) - does not look very nice. maybe move 00:11:892 (2) to the center of the curve
  4. 00:15:805 (6,1) - try curving the slider more
  5. 00:22:513 (1) - put circle here instead, move slider by 1/2 and make the slider only 1 repeat
  6. 00:23:258 (1) - remove nc
  7. 01:02:016 (2) - curve it slightly more
  8. 01:04:997 (5) - curve it slightly more
  9. 01:06:674 (9) - curve it slightly more
  10. 01:14:687 (4) - curve it slightly more, or move 01:14:500 (3) if you want to keep the same slider style
  11. 01:16:177 (7) - make it curve around the tail of 01:15:618 (6) better
  12. 01:16:923 (9) - make it curve around the tail of 01:16:177 (7) better
  13. 01:22:885 (6) - try to center the curve here, maybe by moving down a little
  14. 01:23:444 (7) - if you did previous ^, move this down use a slightly weaker curve ALL FIXED!
  15. 01:24:562 (2,3,4) - maybe make this one either line up nicely (tail-circle-head) or curve around the circle I choose the latter
  16. 01:24:003 (1) - i have a feeling people (like me) will be confused here and miss. try something like this: Yeah!Really Nice Idea!I love it![/color]
Thank you for your modding on my hard diff,it really helps me a lot!
  1. 00:03:693 (6) - move the end point to (344,264) fixed!
  2. 00:04:066 (7) - finish at the slider start
  3. 00:54:749 (1) - finish at the slider start
  4. 01:09:656 (9) - finish at slider end
  5. 01:13:010 (10) - finish at slider start
  6. 01:18:600 (5) - finish at slider start
  7. 01:22:885 (9) - finish at slider start
  8. 01:27:357 (5) - finish
  9. 01:06:674 (7) - finish
  10. 01:25:308 (3) - remove finish from slider start
  11. 01:13:941 (3) - finish at slider start
  12. 01:14:687 (5) - finish at slider start I fixed most of the problems that you mentioned above but I stick to my own opinion somewhere
  13. 00:27:916 (1) - might want to make that rounded better around 00:27:357 (1,2,3) (or move it slightly so that the curve is centered)[color=#FFBF00]ur right but let me consider it again about how to make it better
make sure to check those hitsounds on other diffs as well to keep consistency :)

i enjoyed this song on insane, good work :)
I'm glad you like it!Thank you for your nice modding! :)
Topic Starter

Fantastica wrote:

Hi hi :3~~~~ M4M from my queue~~~

  1. 01:28:848 - sound here feels weird... consider to change the volume to 5% Well,I almost forget that thank you for reminding me!
  1. 00:01:084 (1,2,3) - make them NC. Since this part stacked in this long delay....ur right
  2. 00:18:972 (4) - I better like the way if (4) blanket (3)'s tail Very Nice Idea
  3. 00:32:389 (3) - i don't like the way using 2x repeated slider in Easy diff. That will confuse the new player Sorry I really like 2x sliders with my sound effect...If more and more modder are not satisfied with this kind of slider I‘ll change it,THX!
  4. 00:36:861 (4,5) - this pattern isn't good for easy IMO. how about change it to!
  5. 00:39:097 (1,2) - a bad blanket fixed
  6. 00:42:823 (2) - no more 2x repeated slider
  7. 01:11:519 (6,7,8,1,2,3,4) - why no hitsound ? fixed
  8. 01:15:618 (5) - too many repeated slider T.T... it's too much I really like repeat sliders :cry: It's rhythmic with my sound effect isn't it?
  9. 01:27:357 (1) - why this spinner end at 01:28:848 - ??? in other diff it ended at 01:29:034
  1. 00:18:227 (4,5) - check distance please.... and this part is confusing too. First time I see I think 00:18:227 (4) - was 2x repeated
  2. 00:27:357 (5) - please don't use 1/4 in normal T.Tsorry for not knowing rule well fixed :)
  3. 00:27:916 (1) - It flows straight to 00:29:221 (4) - not to 00:28:475 (2) - . So i suggest to change the curve more like this to get a better flow I've adjusted the curve of slider
  4. 00:32:202 (3,4,5,6,7) - not a good time to stack IMO
  5. 00:51:767 (1) - awww.... the distance.... too far different from before Yes ur right
Nice Modding on Easy and Normal! :)
  1. 00:05:184 (2,3) - different distance with 00:04:811 (1,2) - that are not good in this part
  2. 00:18:041 (3,4,6) - their tail wasn't stacked properly
  3. 00:20:277 (3) - remove the whistle on the slider
  4. 00:22:513 (1) - I don't really get it... why you make it 2x repeated slider ?
  5. 00:32:202 (3,4,6,7) - lose their hitsound T.T
  6. 00:36:861 (7,8,9,10) - ^^ all fixed
  7. 00:43:569 (6) - stack the tail properly
  8. 01:01:457 (1) - ^^
  9. 01:08:910 (5) - ^^
  10. 01:13:382 (1,2) - This flow is weird suggest to change 01:13:382 (1) - more like that the slider flow to (2)'s head sorry I don't think my flow is weird and that array may seems random
  11. 01:14:687 (4) - stack properly it's head
Though I don't think that will have a big effect on my map. :lol: Thx for your stack sugeestion!really attentive!

  1. 00:21:395 (4) - ctrl+g ? to make a clockwise flow with 00:21:022 (3) - fixed
  2. 00:19:531 (1,2,3,4) - there's nothing special at this part in the song. Can you explain me why did you make them stacked ?
  3. 00:31:457 (1,2,3,4) - same as above because the tone is same here
  4. 00:55:494 (3) - ctrl+g to make a flow like 00:55:867 (4,5) - sorry,I don't want to make oval flow here
  5. 01:13:382 (1,2) - give them more distance. at least bigger than 01:13:755 (2,3) - since 01:13:755 (2,3) - was 1/2 and 01:13:382 (1,2) - 1/1 OKay!I move up 2 and4.Curved two sliders.

Okay that's all :3
This mapset need more work (for NC)
I didn't mod about the NC because full of mapset need repair it's the NC
ask someone that good in NC for this mapset
Good luck :D :D
Blue problems have fixed by previous modder :oops: I neglected the NC problem and fixed by myself
Thank you for your modding!


  • [Rhythm]
  1. -

  2. -

    Meh xD

  • [Rhythm]
  1. 00:26:798 - you dont really need an object on this quiet vocal

  2. 01:02:761 (4) - Almost overlapping with hp bar, Try to avoid that


  • [Rhythm]
  1. -

  2. 00:11:892 (2) - Its barrely readable also you should avoid such overlaps in Hard difficulties
  3. 00:01:084 (2) - Very close to HP bar, it doesnt overlap but still close
  4. Blanket
    1. 00:18:972 (6) -
    2. 00:45:805 (3) -
    3. 00:49:531 (9) -
    4. 00:54:749 (1) -
    5. 00:56:239 (1) -
    6. 01:04:252 (3) -
    7. 01:12:637 (8) -
    8. 01:14:687 (4) -
  5. NC's
    1. 00:36:861 (1) -
    2. 00:48:041 (4) -
    3. 01:05:929 (7) -
    4. 01:15:618 (6) -

  • [Rhythm]
  1. 00:26:239 (3,4,5) - You should try to make the loud Finish sounds clickable, like this
  2. 01:10:401 (2,3) - You should replace them with Circles, these are Strong loud vocals and you are following vocals ( I think you also did circles before)

  3. Blankets
    1. 00:27:916 (1) -
    2. 00:28:662 (3) -
    3. 00:30:712 (9) -
  4. 00:33:879 (6) - How about Spacing it a bit to emphasize the loud finish?
  5. 00:45:059 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - If you are already using such a jump pattern, why not like this?
    1. 00:46:550 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - ^
  6. 00:52:513 (1) - You should atleast add one NC here and how about rotating or a bit more spacing instead of directly overlapping
  7. 00:55:494 (3) - ctrl+g for consistency with 00:55:867 (4,5) -
  8. NC's
    1. 00:56:239 (1) - ^
    2. 00:59:221 (5) - ^
    3. 01:08:165 (1) - ^
    4. 01:11:146 (1) - ^
    5. 01:16:736 (4) - ^
    6. 01:21:581 (5) - ^
That cut in the end is soooo ugly qqq

i think you can see, iam not that good at lower difficulties lol
M4M from your queue
  1. Artist: Ishida Yoko feat. Shirobako Seiyuu, and title should be COLORFUL BOX ... etter.html

    1. 00:05:556 (3) - NC here, there's a finish here, so an NC will be better
    2. 00:07:047 (3) - ^, and also, I suggest that you do a blanket with (4)
    3. 00:11:333 (3) - Blanket with (2), it will make a better flow
    4. 00:12:823 (1) ^ with (4)
    5. 00:14:314 (3) - ^ with (2)
    6. 00:15:618 (5) - Move it up a little bit since its touching (1)'s head
    7. 00:23:444 (2) - I dont see the point of adding a finish her, I suggest you replace it with a whistle
    8. 00:24:935 (3) - ^
    9. 00:26:239 (4) - NC ?
    10. 00:33:879 (4) - The NC should start here, since you added the finish here
    11. Needs some more improvements, especially the sliders at the end x.x
    1. 00:01:084 (2) - NC here since you added a finish
    2. 00:02:575 (4) - ^
    3. 00:04:066 (6) - ^ and remove the NC at (1)
    4. 00:05:556 (3) - NC here, same as first reason
    5. 00:07:047 (5) - ^
    6. 00:07:792 (7) - ^
    7. 00:09:842 (1) - Improve blanket with 00:09:283 (9)
    8. 00:11:892 (5,6) - Improve blanket
    9. 00:31:643 (2,3) - ^
    10. There're some NC problem like I pointed out in Easy, you should add NC in beats like in: 00:18:972 (5)
    1. At the first beginning add the NC's that I pointed out in Normal at the beginning
    2. 00:11:892 (2) - Move it to x:320 y:120 its really confusing to add it inside the slider slide
    3. 00:32:575 (4,5) - What with the drum whistle? I dont think they fit in this part IMO
    4. 00:39:842 (3) - I suggest you remove that clap which is at the end of the slider and add a whistle, I dont think the clap fits
    5. 00:41:333 (3) - ^
    6. 00:45:805 (3) - ^
    7. 00:47:295 (3) - ^
    8. I suggest you use the hitsound I suggested for Easy and Normal
    1. Same thing I first said in the beginning in hard

gl ~
Topic Starter

Lapis Aoki wrote:

M4M from your queue
  1. Artist: Ishida Yoko feat. Shirobako Seiyuu, and title should be COLORFUL BOX ... etter.html

    1. 00:05:556 (3) - NC here, there's a finish here, so an NC will be better
    2. 00:07:047 (3) - ^, and also, I suggest that you do a blanket with (4)
    3. 00:11:333 (3) - Blanket with (2), it will make a better flow
    4. 00:12:823 (1) ^ with (4)
    5. 00:14:314 (3) - ^ with (2)
    6. 00:15:618 (5) - Move it up a little bit since its touching (1)'s head
    7. 00:23:444 (2) - I dont see the point of adding a finish her, I suggest you replace it with a whistle
    8. 00:24:935 (3) - ^
    9. 00:26:239 (4) - NC ?
    10. 00:33:879 (4) - The NC should start here, since you added the finish here
    11. Needs some more improvements, especially the sliders at the end x.x
    All fixed
    1. 00:01:084 (2) - NC here since you added a finish
    2. 00:02:575 (4) - ^
    3. 00:04:066 (6) - ^ and remove the NC at (1)
    4. 00:05:556 (3) - NC here, same as first reason
    5. 00:07:047 (5) - ^
    6. 00:07:792 (7) - ^
    7. 00:09:842 (1) - Improve blanket with 00:09:283 (9)
    8. 00:11:892 (5,6) - Improve blanket
    9. 00:31:643 (2,3) - ^
    10. There're some NC problem like I pointed out in Easy, you should add NC in beats like in: 00:18:972 (5)
    All fixed
    1. At the first beginning add the NC's that I pointed out in Normal at the beginning
    2. 00:11:892 (2) - Move it to x:320 y:120 its really confusing to add it inside the slider slide
    3. 00:32:575 (4,5) - What with the drum whistle? I dont think they fit in this part IMO
    4. 00:39:842 (3) - I suggest you remove that clap which is at the end of the slider and add a whistle, I dont think the clap fits
    5. 00:41:333 (3) - ^
    6. 00:45:805 (3) - ^
    7. 00:47:295 (3) - ^
    8. I suggest you use the hitsound I suggested for Easy and Normal
    All fixed
    1. Same thing I first said in the beginning in hard
gl ~
Thanks for your modding especially NC Suggestions :)

FlobuFlobs wrote:



  • [Rhythm]
  1. -

  2. -

    Meh xD

  • [Rhythm]
  1. 00:26:798 - you dont really need an object on this quiet vocal has been removed

  2. 01:02:761 (4) - Almost overlapping with hp bar, Try to avoid that


  • [Rhythm]
  1. -

  2. 00:11:892 (2) - Its barrely readable also you should avoid such overlaps in Hard difficulties
  3. 00:01:084 (2) - Very close to HP bar, it doesnt overlap but still close
  4. Blanket
    1. 00:18:972 (6) -
    2. 00:45:805 (3) -
    3. 00:49:531 (9) -
    4. 00:54:749 (1) -
    5. 00:56:239 (1) -
    6. 01:04:252 (3) -
    7. 01:12:637 (8) -
    8. 01:14:687 (4) - All fixed
  5. NC's
    1. 00:36:861 (1) -
    2. 00:48:041 (4) -
    3. 01:05:929 (7) -
    4. 01:15:618 (6) -All fixed

  • [Rhythm]
  1. 00:26:239 (3,4,5) - You should try to make the loud Finish sounds clickable, like this ur right
  2. 01:10:401 (2,3) - You should replace them with Circles, these are Strong loud vocals and you are following vocals ( I think you also did circles before)Sorry,I stick to my opnion

  3. Blankets
    1. 00:27:916 (1) -
    2. 00:28:662 (3) -
    3. 00:30:712 (9) -
  4. 00:33:879 (6) - How about Spacing it a bit to emphasize the loud finish?Sorry,I stick to my opnion
  5. 00:45:059 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - If you are already using such a jump pattern, why not like this? Good Idea
    1. 00:46:550 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - ^
  6. 00:52:513 (1) - You should atleast add one NC here and how about rotating or a bit more spacing instead of directly overlapping Brilliant!That's awesome!I rotate 45。looks cool!
  7. 00:55:494 (3) - ctrl+g for consistency with 00:55:867 (4,5) - sorry,If i do that the flow between 3,4 will be weird ,4 is the downbeat needs more fluent flow
  8. NC's
    1. 00:56:239 (1) - ^
    2. 00:59:221 (5) - ^
    3. 01:08:165 (1) - ^
    4. 01:11:146 (1) - ^
    5. 01:16:736 (4) - ^
    6. 01:21:581 (5) - ^All fixed
That cut in the end is soooo ugly qqq

i think you can see, iam not that good at lower difficulties lol
However,Your Modding ability on insane is awesome!!!!Love it!Thank you very much :) :) :)
Hi ZJ! M4M on your queue.
I'll put the NC suggestion in a separate part because I don't want to make it confusing.

00:05:184 (2,1) - stacking is hard for easy players. They're not used to it yet. I won't point out every stack though.
00:07:047 (3,1,1) - rotate this a bit to avoid overlapping with (1)
00:10:774 (2,3) - this is bad polarity. To fix it, try to make a rhythm like this. This will require reworking the section a bit.
00:10:774 (2,3) - This probably won't be the same if you took my last suggestion, but if you do place notes like this then try to blanket them. It will make your map look cleaner.
00:17:482 (2,3) - It looks unclean to have slider directly next to each other, try to fix this.
00:29:407 (3,4,5) - These all point directly up/down and left/right which is kinda like the old mapping style. You could fix this by pointing the slider other ways, or curving some of them. Try something like this.
00:32:389 (3) - If you did ^^^ that, then also make this curved.
00:34:625 (2,3,4,5) - Try something like this and this for flow.
01:10:215 (2) - This looks uneven, try snapping it to a lower ds like this. (This doesn't take long at all.)
01:15:618 (3) - sooooo many reverses. The easy player may not expect this.
Easy NC's
These are just suggestions! You don't have to do all of them. 00:05:556 (3) - NC
00:06:302 (2) - no NC
00:07:047 (4) - NC
00:07:792 (5) - no NC
00:08:538 (3) - no NC
00:18:972 (1) - NC
00:20:463 (2) - no NC
00:30:898 (5) - NC
00:31:643 (1) - no NC
00:36:861 (5) - NC
00:45:059 (4) - NC
00:45:805 (2) - no NC
00:05:184 (3,1) - blanket
00:07:047 (1,2,3) - Making (1) and (3) identical would probably make this look cleaner, and it's the same thing for other parts like 00:12:264 (6,1) - these two.
I'm not going to list all of them though.
00:08:538 (4,5,6) - I don't really get this rhythm, try this or this.
00:15:246 (6) - I think this should have only one repeat.
00:54:749 (2,1) - blanket
01:10:401 (2) - I think this looks better straight.
01:15:246 (5) - ^^^
01:19:718 (3,4) - I like slider like this to be the same, but when you put (3) over (4) (like this, but look closely) you can tell that they aren't.
Normal NC's
00:01:084 (2) - no NC
00:07:792 (3) - no NC
00:26:985 (1) - no NC
00:33:693 (5) - NC
00:34:438 (3) - no NC
00:54:749 (2) - no NC
I'll stop suggesting NC's now because the other diffs are just the same as normal.
00:06:302 (3,1) - blanket?
00:15:059 (3) - move the reverse to prevent overlap with (1)
00:18:041 (3,4) - I don't think the stack is correct, try snapping (4) on it's end by reversing it, then bringing it back. Same thing with (6).
00:26:239 (1,2,3) - Try to spread this out a tiny bit more, about as far apart as 00:36:861 (1,2,3,4) - these. It confused me at first.
00:45:432 (2,3) - blanket, if you do then also try to blanket 00:46:923 (2,3) - this
01:24:562 (4,5,6) - ^^^
00:27:544 (3,1) - blanket
01:06:115 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - this could be confusing because you usually spread out the slower notes and stack the faster ones.
01:22:140 (2) - stack
I suggest a lot for easy/normal, but I think that hard/insane are really good.
Good Luck! :D

看到我在mod的时候你也在edit了所以如果指代内容有所出入请勿见怪 :P
  1. 图本身不难,BPM也不至于太高,因此AR可以考虑减个0.3
  2. 00:08:351 (1,2,3,4,5) - 为了稍微加强3、4间的人声,弱化4、5间人声鼓点转换的突兀感,因此建议在这里放弃等距,这样试试:
  3. 00:11:333 (1,2,3) - 虽然这里的确没有音,但1、2、3摆成规则等距的话可能会被误读,建议把2往1靠近些
  4. 00:17:295 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 2、4试试Ctrl+G并向右弯曲,然后1、3、6向左弯曲?
  5. 00:19:531 (1,2,3,4) - 虽然这里是要弱一些但是试试这样可能会有感觉一些?
  6. 00:20:649 (2) - Ctrl+G试试?另外如果是要和 (00:18:786 (5) )做blanket的话稍微包拼好一点
  7. 00:21:767 (5,1) - 和前面(00:18:786 (5,6) )保持一致的节奏比较舒服吧。另外5可以试试Ctrl+G。
  8. 00:27:357 (1,2,3,1) - 包好一点,
  9. 00:30:339 (4) - 滑条换成两个单点和后面滑条5的头组一个正三角型试试,但不要太跳
  10. 00:30:339 (4,5) - 包好一点
  11. 00:30:712 (5,6) - 滑条中间的音忽略掉了,怪可惜的,和前面(00:18:786 (5,6) )保持一致的节奏吧。
  12. 00:33:879 (6) - 可以试试把5包起来的感觉:
  13. 00:38:165 (5) - 试试把4从左到右包起来
  14. 00:39:842 (3,1) - 这两个之间的距离远一些比较好
  15. 00:42:078 (1,2,3,4) - 随着音调升高试试改成规则的形状或/并逐渐扩大间距?仅供参考
  16. 00:42:823 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 这一组是加强打击感的不错的时机(啥),试试参考这样:,1、2、3是相对着的三个滑条,4、5、6、7组成X字跳,(7叠在2的滑条头上)
  17. 00:55:121 - 这条绿线似乎没有改变任何设置,建议删去
  18. 00:55:494 (3,2) - 2要把3的滑条头包起来的话稍微调好一下
  19. 00:57:730 - 这条绿线似乎没有改变任何设置,建议删去
  20. 00:57:357 (4) - 滑条换成两个单点和后面滑条5的头组一个正三角型试试,但不要太跳
  21. 00:59:221 (1,2,3) - 试试这个:
  22. 01:01:457 (2) - 换一个形状吧,这个不太好打也不太好看
  23. 01:06:115 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - 只跟鼓点的话,建议从弯曲的移动连打换成相对着的直的连打,或者两个原地三连吧,只是建议。
  24. 01:15:991 (2) - 这里的滑条尾有个应该强调的音,建议滑条换 成两单点
  25. 01:21:395 (4,2) - 叠好些
  26. 01:22:420 - 唔...这里有个音。可以放三连,有建议见下一条↓
  27. 01:22:140 (2,3,4,5) -这样感觉滑条5的头能够强调一下,三连只是提供了一些紧迫感(啥),也可以换成单点
  28. 01:26:053 (1,2) - 唔...包起来?
  1. 00:01:084 (1,3) - 叠好,可以通过滑条1 ctrl+G然后比较1、3坐标来检查是否叠好
  2. 00:09:283 (2) - 前后都是跟人声,这里跟鼓点有点让人措手不及
  3. 00:09:283 (2,1) - 对于Hard来说或许有点难读,试试:
  4. 00:11:892 (2,2) - 考虑叠一起?
  5. 00:16:736 (3,1) - 理顺一下?
  6. 00:18:041 (3) - 尾巴没跟后面两叠好
  7. 00:21:395 (6) - 跟3、4比间距变大了一些,似乎没有特别的原因的话和3、4一样,5、6距离一致吧
  8. 00:42:823 (5,6) - 稍微调整一下尾巴,安在一起
  9. 00:45:432 (2,3) - 看slider circle可以检查到,blanket包好些
  10. 00:49:531 (2) - 也是人声换跟鼓点问题,易误读,建议间距(稍微)拉大些
  11. 00:57:357 (4,5) - 包好
  12. 01:00:712 (5,1) - 稍微叠好
  13. 01:04:997 (5) - ctrl+G或许会顺手些
  14. 01:08:165 (4,5) - 稍微没叠好
  15. 01:12:451 (7,8) - 包好
  16. 01:14:500 (3,4) - 包好
  17. 01:15:618 (1,2,3,4) - 稍微分开一些,这个blanket挺难处理,不过处理好了也挺美观的
  18. 01:24:562 (4,5,6) - 考虑blanket?啊呀我也没包好,该抽
  1. 00:02:575 (1) - 考虑远远地把前面的单点2或者后面的滑条2包起来以美观些
  2. 00:05:184 (3,1) - 包好
  3. 00:09:283 (3) - 从跟人声换成跟鼓点问题,有点怪怪的,建议把3拉到前面的红线上
  4. 00:11:892 (5,1) - 离远一些或者包起来
  5. 00:29:221 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3) - 建议间距统一(前面1x后面1.3x
  6. 00:48:041 (1,2) - 太弯以至于不大好看了
  7. 00:54:749 (1,1,2) - 考虑blanket
  8. 01:17:854 (1,2,3,4,5) - 对于Normal有点难,而且似乎没有特别的原因这里需要跳唔...
  1. 00:14:314 (3) - 考虑包起前面的单点2 或后面的滑条1
  2. 00:45:059 (4,1) - 考虑blanket
  3. 01:03:693 (1) - 试着考虑换个滑条形状,不过在slider kick转弯的手感挺不错,
  4. 01:10:215 (2) - 滑条头从这里(01:10:401)开始吧
  5. 01:11:146 - 绿线100%音量或许太刺耳了?
  6. 01:13:382 (2) - 呃...换个形状吧
  7. 01:23:258 (5) - 考虑换成这里(01:23:444)结束的滑条加一个单点(01:23:817)
  8. 01:27:544 (1) - 转盘这里(01:27:357)开始
Topic Starter

jonawaga wrote:

Hi ZJ! M4M on your queue.
I'll put the NC suggestion in a separate part because I don't want to make it confusing.

AR~3 ok
00:05:184 (2,1) - stacking is hard for easy players. They're not used to it yet. I won't point out every stack though.
00:07:047 (3,1,1) - rotate this a bit to avoid overlapping with (1) fixed
00:10:774 (2,3) - this is bad polarity. To fix it, try to make a rhythm like this. This will require reworking the section a bit.
00:10:774 (2,3) - This probably won't be the same if you took my last suggestion, but if you do place notes like this then try to blanket them. It will make your map look cleaner. ok,I will try to blanket it cuz aimod always warn me of the distance problem. :(
00:17:482 (2,3) - It looks unclean to have slider directly next to each other, try to fix this.fixed
00:29:407 (3,4,5) - These all point directly up/down and left/right which is kinda like the old mapping style. You could fix this by pointing the slider other ways, or curving some of them. Try something like this.Good Idea!
00:32:389 (3) - If you did ^^^ that, then also make this curved.fixed
00:34:625 (2,3,4,5) - Try something like this and this for flow.Thanks!the former looks good!
01:10:215 (2) - This looks uneven, try snapping it to a lower ds like this. (This doesn't take long at all.)sorry,I can't understand why the slider ends on the 1/4(blue)line that's weird.Also,if I do that aimod will warn me of the distance problems
01:15:618 (3) - sooooo many reverses. The easy player may not expect this.
Easy NC's
These are just suggestions! You don't have to do all of them. 00:05:556 (3) - NC
00:06:302 (2) - no NC
00:07:047 (4) - NC
00:07:792 (5) - no NC
00:08:538 (3) - no NC
00:18:972 (1) - NC
00:20:463 (2) - no NC
00:30:898 (5) - NC
00:31:643 (1) - no NC
00:36:861 (5) - NC
00:45:059 (4) - NC
00:45:805 (2) - no NC
All Fixed except the last two suggestions.
00:05:184 (3,1) - blanket fixed
00:07:047 (1,2,3) - Making (1) and (3) identical would probably make this look cleaner, and it's the same thing for other parts like 00:12:264 (6,1) - these two.ok, i move a little but still want them overlap a little because the rhythm is consistent.
I'm not going to list all of them though.
00:08:538 (4,5,6) - I don't really get this rhythm, try this or this.
00:15:246 (6) - I think this should have only one repeat.fixed
00:54:749 (2,1) - blanket fixed
01:10:401 (2) - I think this looks better straight.fixed
01:15:246 (5) - ^^^fixed
01:19:718 (3,4) - I like slider like this to be the same, but when you put (3) over (4) (like this, but look closely) you can tell that they aren't.Sorry don't want to change this
Normal NC's
00:01:084 (2) - no NC
00:07:792 (3) - no NC
00:26:985 (1) - no NC
00:33:693 (5) - NC
00:34:438 (3) - no NC
00:54:749 (2) - no NC
Most of them are amended
I'll stop suggesting NC's now because the other diffs are just the same as normal.
00:06:302 (3,1) - blanket?sorry,it will ruin the structure of the following pattern
00:15:059 (3) - move the reverse to prevent overlap with (1) fixed
00:18:041 (3,4) - I don't think the stack is correct, try snapping (4) on it's end by reversing it, then bringing it back. Same thing with (6).Right,but it's really hard to adjust I ctrl+g many times to snap it but there 's always a bit overlapped,I'm almost crazy!
00:26:239 (1,2,3) - Try to spread this out a tiny bit more, about as far apart as 00:36:861 (1,2,3,4) - these. It confused me at first.Maybe,but i stick to my own
00:45:432 (2,3) - blanket, if you do then also try to blanket 00:46:923 (2,3) - this
01:24:562 (4,5,6) - ^^^Sorry,I don't want to blanket all the time :(
00:27:544 (3,1) - blanket Most modder suggest i blanket here,fixed
01:06:115 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - this could be confusing because you usually spread out the slower notes and stack the faster ones.ur right.Many people don't like here including me.I change it into 3 stacks in two sets(3*2)
01:22:140 (2) - stack fixed
I suggest a lot for easy/normal, but I think that hard/insane are really good.
Good Luck! :D
Thank you for your modding! Especially on easy and normal!:)
Topic Starter

Sauziteoi wrote:


看到我在mod的时候你也在edit了所以如果指代内容有所出入请勿见怪 :P 没关系 :)
  1. 图本身不难,BPM也不至于太高,因此AR可以考虑减个0.3 说的很对,别人也建议我这图确实可以不用这么高的ar,我试试看8.5吧
  2. 00:08:351 (1,2,3,4,5) - 为了稍微加强3、4间的人声,弱化4、5间人声鼓点转换的突兀感,因此建议在这里放弃等距,这样试试: 你说的很有道理,我之前打到这里的时候也有点不爽,说不上来是什么感觉但是感觉可以更好,你做到了!
  3. 00:11:333 (1,2,3) - 虽然这里的确没有音,但1、2、3摆成规则等距的话可能会被误读,建议把2往1靠近些 很有道理!
  4. 00:17:295 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 2、4试试Ctrl+G并向右弯曲,然后1、3、6向左弯曲?请问是这个意思吗 之前有一个modder这么建议我做,他只建议单个滑条ctrl+g而且没说弯曲,只是这样的话我觉得还是我原来的那种更有韵律感,其实我很讨厌整首歌都是椭圆flow,没有意思,但是你的意思如果是24同时选中ctrl+g的话我觉得还是很好的,不仅24换了头尾还换了位置,使得这个椭圆flow有着一种细微的变化,然后一下子加距离反向flow到滑条5,弯曲的建议我接受。我个人认为结合这里的意境选择这种上下上下(交叉)更好。
  5. 00:19:531 (1,2,3,4) - 虽然这里是要弱一些但是试试这样可能会有感觉一些?别人也说原地四连很无聊。本来我想说这里音调一样所以没打算改,但是确实也不好。你的改法也不突兀,我可以接受但是如果这样的话,到下一个滑条的距离会变大,所以我做了如下一系列调整
  6. 00:20:649 (2) - Ctrl+G试试?另外如果是要和 (00:18:786 (5) )做blanket的话稍微包拼好一点 虽然我不讨厌椭圆flow,但是由于上面一步已经采取了这种方法,我想这里保持一致也许更好。[b]后面那个不是很明白[/b]
  7. 00:21:767 (5,1) - 和前面(00:18:786 (5,6) )保持一致的节奏比较舒服吧。另外5可以试试Ctrl+G。你耳朵真尖,这个错误差点被我忽视了,ctrl+g感觉更顺了
  8. 00:27:357 (1,2,3,1) - 包好一点,包好了
  9. 00:30:339 (4) - 滑条换成两个单点和后面滑条5的头组一个正三角型试试,但不要太跳 又是一个极好的建议,我会试试看的
  10. 00:30:339 (4,5) - 包好一点 好的
  11. 00:30:712 (5,6) - 滑条中间的音忽略掉了,怪可惜的,和前面(00:18:786 (5,6) )保持一致的节奏吧。又是一个极好的建议,我会试试看的
  12. 00:33:879 (6) - 可以试试把5包起来的感觉: 不错,我太死板了,只注意了图形对称
  13. 00:38:165 (5) - 试试把4从左到右包起来 这个我觉得可以和右边的四连击一起改,可以考虑
  14. 00:39:842 (3,1) - 这两个之间的距离远一些比较好 对称太无脑了,不过你说的没错,我在调整一下对称让两者距离变大
  15. 00:42:078 (1,2,3,4) - 随着音调升高试试改成规则的形状或/并逐渐扩大间距?仅供参考 看上去不错我会试试的。
  16. 00:42:823 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 这一组是加强打击感的不错的时机(啥),试试参考这样:,1、2、3是相对着的三个滑条,4、5、6、7组成X字跳,(7叠在2的滑条头上)看上去很高端的样子我会试试的。
  17. 00:55:121 - 这条绿线似乎没有改变任何设置,建议删去 好的
  18. 00:55:494 (3,2) - 2要把3的滑条头包起来的话稍微调好一下
  19. 00:57:730 - 这条绿线似乎没有改变任何设置,建议删去 好的
  20. 00:57:357 (4) - 滑条换成两个单点和后面滑条5的头组一个正三角型试试,但不要太跳 和之前的差不多咯,不过我会选一个地方改的,都这样就没意思了
  21. 00:59:221 (1,2,3) - 试试这个: 可以考虑
  22. 01:01:457 (2) - 换一个形状吧,这个不太好打也不太好看 确实可以更漂亮
  23. 01:06:115 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - 只跟鼓点的话,建议从弯曲的移动连打换成相对着的直的连打,或者两个原地三连吧,只是建议。怎么说你呢……真的是超级棒,之前我也觉得这里别扭,问了群里的人,人家说原地三连好,于是我现在已经改成了原地三连,但没有更新,让我再叫你一声大神!!! :) 于是就被你发现了这个问题
  24. 01:15:991 (2) - 这里的滑条尾有个应该强调的音,建议滑条换 成两单点 这里可能我不会改,看情况吧
  25. 01:21:395 (4,2) - 叠好些 好吧
  26. 01:22:420 - 唔...这里有个音。可以放三连,有建议见下一条↓
  27. 01:22:140 (2,3,4,5) -这样感觉滑条5的头能够强调一下,三连只是提供了一些紧迫感(啥),也可以换成单点 我会考虑的
  28. 01:26:053 (1,2) - 唔...包起来?好的

不得不说你的insane mod 能力已经吊破天际了,基本没有一句废话也没有一个无用改法,虽然有那么点想颠覆我整张图的意思,不过并不是乱改,都是对我的图有很大帮助的建议。看得我都已经感动的落泪了,从来没有收到过像你这么好的一份insane mod了。也许需要改的地方太多,我可能只是口头回复表示接受你的建议(橙色字表示可能会改,怕回复你晚了所以暂时还没改,绿色字表示已经改了或者一定会改,看到后面要改那么多我吓尿了),但可能为了整体性最终选择放弃你的某些建议,因为经过一番大改之后就有点不是自己的风格了,不过我会好好参考你的建议并结合自己理解重新修改一番的。之前我总觉得这张图缺少了些什么,但是不知道究竟是什么,现在我得到答案了,谢谢你!

  1. 00:01:084 (1,3) - 叠好,可以通过滑条1 ctrl+G然后比较1、3坐标来检查是否叠好 懂你意思,但是总感觉有一点不能完全重叠,好奇怪啊
  2. 00:09:283 (2) - 前后都是跟人声,这里跟鼓点有点让人措手不及 有音效引导我觉得问题不大
  3. 00:09:283 (2,1) - 对于Hard来说或许有点难读,试试: 超赞 :)
  4. 00:11:892 (2,2) - 考虑叠一起?好的,我顺便用滑条包了一下
  5. 00:16:736 (3,1) - 理顺一下? Nice!
  6. 00:18:041 (3) - 尾巴没跟后面两叠好 这个真的超级难弄,我ctrl+g无数次了因为那中心点不在4的倍数所以每次都差一点,前面那位也建议我改,好吧看样子不对齐真对不住大家了 已经改好了。:D
  7. 00:21:395 (6) - 跟3、4比间距变大了一些,似乎没有特别的原因的话和3、4一样,5、6距离一致吧 34 56都是1.1-1.2啊,45可能大一点没办法是为了梗原来是图形间距啊,好吧
  8. 00:42:823 (5,6) - 稍微调整一下尾巴,安在一起 搞定
  9. 00:45:432 (2,3) - 看slider circle可以检查到,blanket包好些 超赞又学到一招!
  10. 00:49:531 (2) - 也是人声换跟鼓点问题,易误读,建议间距(稍微)拉大些 你说的没错但是我用两个滑条来过渡应该不会有太大的问题,我会听你的意见稍微拉远一点
  11. 00:57:357 (4,5) - 包好 用你教的方法真是太实用了
  12. 01:00:712 (5,1) - 稍微叠好
  13. 01:04:997 (5) - ctrl+G或许会顺手些 不错,不过还需要相应调整下个note
  14. 01:08:165 (4,5) - 稍微没叠好
  15. 01:12:451 (7,8) - 包好
  16. 01:14:500 (3,4) - 包好 全部搞定
  17. 01:15:618 (1,2,3,4) - 稍微分开一些,这个blanket挺难处理,不过处理好了也挺美观的 选了blanket,智商不够用真难包
  18. 01:24:562 (4,5,6) - 考虑blanket?啊呀我也没包好,该抽 让我叫你声师傅吧!我以前真的不会blanket直到你教会了我这个方法,实在是太吊了!
    这个Hard挺好玩的XDD 谢谢

  1. 00:02:575 (1) - 考虑远远地把前面的单点2或者后面的滑条2包起来以美观些 嗯包了
  2. 00:05:184 (3,1) - 包好 之前修复了
  3. 00:09:283 (3) - 从跟人声换成跟鼓点问题,有点怪怪的,建议把3拉到前面的红线上 感觉我的也没有错,因为后面两个重叠提醒了接下来的节奏
  4. 00:11:892 (5,1) - 离远一些或者包起来 竟然可以包?又被ds坑了
  5. 00:29:221 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3) - 建议间距统一(前面1x后面1.3x 间距这方面我不大懂,可不可以理解成12345x1.0 123x1.3虽然不知道你的意图但是感觉很厉害的样子,试着改成你说的那样了
  6. 00:48:041 (1,2) - 太弯以至于不大好看了 稍微改平一点是这个意思吗?不过我觉得问题不大,比平的好看 :P
  7. 00:54:749 (1,1,2) - 考虑blanket 之前修复了
  8. 01:17:854 (1,2,3,4,5) - 对于Normal有点难,而且似乎没有特别的原因这里需要跳唔...是这样的,我做了easy难度,如果只有normal的话我会考虑去掉这种组合,而且整体难度才2星出头我觉得很合适,需要一点挑战性,并且没有一直在跳,就这一个地方,后面换成滑条了。
  1. 00:14:314 (3) - 考虑包起前面的单点2 或后面的滑条1 有点难办aimod会提示距离问题
  2. 00:45:059 (4,1) - 考虑blanket 没有这个打算 :(
  3. 01:03:693 (1) - 试着考虑换个滑条形状,不过在slider kick转弯的手感挺不错,暂时没想到好的形状,如果有请告诉我
  4. 01:10:215 (2) - 滑条头从这里(01:10:401)开始吧 嗯说得对
  5. 01:11:146 - 绿线100%音量或许太刺耳了?想强调钢琴的key,不觉得刺耳因为是whistle不是finish :(
  6. 01:13:382 (2) - 呃...换个形状吧 同第三条
  7. 01:23:258 (5) - 考虑换成这里(01:23:444)结束的滑条加一个单点(01:23:817)没必要,会破坏前面的连贯性 :(
  8. 01:27:544 (1) - 转盘这里(01:27:357)开始懂你的意思,但是前面modder说要保持所有难度转盘时间的一致性,所以迫不得已只能这样 :(
你的mod实在是太赞了尤其是hard 和insane,这次我又大改了一波,再次感谢!
Adol Christin
No kudosu
有件事要解决下:在各个难度打开song setup,在Design一栏,关掉Widescreen Support和Letterbox During Break。
以上,祝你好运 :)
Topic Starter

Adol Christin wrote:

No kudosu
这效率太可怕了,吓的不轻。。。。由于我的那个modding queue,很多都是m4m,现在暂时关了最近就没啥mod了。觉得别人也很难找出问题了,反倒是通过不停的mod和被摸,自己也加深了对作了图的理解,逐渐能发现这张图的问题并改善
有件事要解决下:在各个难度打开song setup,在Design一栏,关掉Widescreen Support和Letterbox During Break。好像后者关不掉,不知道为什么
以上,祝你好运 :)
hiya you requested m4m from my queue, here it is

  1. The backgrounds need to be resized to 1366x768 or 1024x768, also it would probably be better to have all backgrounds the same resolution just for consistency
  2. Romanised artist should be Yoko Ishida instead
  3. Needs combo colours, also for each difficulty since they all have different bg's
  4. 00:15:991 - Could have another timing point here, also decrease volume here to 60%~ hitsounds are a bit loud

  • I recommend avoiding any stacking at all on easy difficulties, it's pretty confusing for new players
  1. 00:07:047 (4,5) - The double blanket here is just a tiny bit off, might need to lighten the curve a bit to fix it
  2. 00:09:842 (1) - Missing finish on head?
  3. 00:11:333 (3) - ^
  4. 00:12:823 (1) - ^
  5. 00:14:314 (3) - ^
  6. 00:39:842 (2) - ^
  7. 00:41:333 (4) - ^
    Ok this difficulty is missing a lot of finishes compared to the other difficulties
  1. 00:02:202 (2,1) - Blanket needs to be fixed
  2. 00:05:556 (1) - This could be a bit further from 00:05:184 (3) so the approach circle from 00:05:184 (3) blankets better
  3. 01:12:637 (6) - Add a finish on the tail
  4. 01:13:941 (2) - Add a finish on the head
  5. 01:14:687 (4) - ^
  6. 01:15:618 (1) - ^
  7. 01:27:357 (5) - ^
  1. 00:08:351 (4) - This ends on a strong drum note downbeat, try to modify the rhythm so it's clickable
  2. 00:39:842 (3) - Missing a finish on head, you had these finishes in the normal difficulty owo
  3. 00:41:333 (3) - ^
  4. 00:42:823 (5) - ^
  5. 00:45:805 (3) - ^
  6. 00:47:295 (3) - ^
  7. 01:13:941 (2) - ^
  8. 01:14:687 (4) - ^
  9. 01:15:618 (1) - ^
  10. 01:27:171 (5) - Try to make the tail of this clickable and add a finish to it, it feels awkward ending with a slider going into a spinner
All in all you're really missing a lot of finishes in certain difficulties, it's very inconsistent ;w;
I didn't quite point out all of them, so my recommendation is to follow the patterns of normal since it's the most complete in regards to hitsounds
Also you might find this hitsound copier of use in the future

Good luck with your map~
I'll be waiting for my mod >w<
Topic Starter

sukiNathan wrote:

hiya you requested m4m from my queue, here it is

  1. The backgrounds need to be resized to 1366x768 or 1024x768, also it would probably be better to have all backgrounds the same resolution just for consistency OK
  2. Romanised artist should be Yoko Ishida instead I don't think so,other mappers who did this song is as same as mine,that‘s Ishida Youko
  3. Needs combo colours, also for each difficulty since they all have different bg's OK
  4. 00:15:991 - Could have another timing point here, also decrease volume here to 60%~ hitsounds are a bit loudMaybe, but I'm not going to do this.

  • I recommend avoiding any stacking at all on easy difficulties, it's pretty confusing for new players
  1. 00:07:047 (4,5) - The double blanket here is just a tiny bit off, might need to lighten the curve a bit to fix it
  2. 00:09:842 (1) - Missing finish on head?
  3. 00:11:333 (3) - ^
  4. 00:12:823 (1) - ^
  5. 00:14:314 (3) - ^
  6. 00:39:842 (2) - ^
  7. 00:41:333 (4) - ^
    Ok this difficulty is missing a lot of finishes compared to the other difficulties
all fixed
  1. 00:02:202 (2,1) - Blanket needs to be fixed
  2. 00:05:556 (1) - This could be a bit further from 00:05:184 (3) so the approach circle from 00:05:184 (3) blankets better
  3. 01:12:637 (6) - Add a finish on the tail
  4. 01:13:941 (2) - Add a finish on the head
  5. 01:14:687 (4) - ^
  6. 01:15:618 (1) - ^
  7. 01:27:357 (5) - ^
fixed most of them

  1. 00:08:351 (4) - This ends on a strong drum note downbeat, try to modify the rhythm so it's clickable.Maybe ur right,give me your modification or I don't think mine has some problem.
  2. 00:39:842 (3) - Missing a finish on head, you had these finishes in the normal difficulty owo I don't think so.cuz notes in hard are more than ez/nm that means the rhythm are different.
  3. 00:41:333 (3) - ^
  4. 00:42:823 (5) - ^
  5. 00:45:805 (3) - ^
  6. 00:47:295 (3) - ^
  7. 01:13:941 (2) - ^
  8. 01:14:687 (4) - ^
  9. 01:15:618 (1) - ^
  10. 01:27:171 (5) - Try to make the tail of this clickable and add a finish to it, it feels awkward ending with a slider going into a spinner.I don't think so,give me your modification or I don't think mine has some problem.
sorry I can't accept all of the suggestions on hard
All in all you're really missing a lot of finishes in certain difficulties, it's very inconsistent ;w;
I didn't quite point out all of them, so my recommendation is to follow the patterns of normal since it's the most complete in regards to hitsounds
Also you might find this hitsound copier of use in the future

Good luck with your map~So how about the flow and spacing,did you be aware of that?If there's no big problem on my flow and spacing,plz let me know.Honestly speaking,I don't like to be modded on only NC,Blanket and sound effect and I usually mod others map in flow and spacing,sometimes even give him my modification adding a picture to help understanding my meaning. I think it's the flow and spacing that decide a map is ranked or not so I really want everyone mod my map like this.
Anyway,thanks for your mod!

I'll be waiting for my mod >w<okay,but I may not help you out at all indeed
00:12:823 (1,3) - 这两个对称一下会更好吧
00:56:239 (1,2,3,4) - 这几个做成一朵花一样的不更美观么
00:18:041 (3,4) - 两个的间距弄远一点...
00:20:277 (3,4,5,6) - 个人感觉这里首尾相连比较好...
00:49:531 (2) - 我怎么觉得这里用不到clap啊...
00:00:525 (1,1) - blanket
00:06:674 (2,3,4,5) - 做2组blanket吧
01:23:444 (6,1) - 是不是有点太远了?
Topic Starter

blueloniess wrote:

00:12:823 (1,3) - 这两个对称一下会更好吧 好主意,改好了
00:56:239 (1,2,3,4) - 这几个做成一朵花一样的不更美观么 试试看吧,因为距离要控制好,有点难度
00:18:041 (3,4) - 两个的间距弄远一点...不是很明白,如果拉得比12远会破坏整体性,暂时不打算改
00:20:277 (3,4,5,6) - 个人感觉这里首尾相连比较好...是不是3456互相首尾相连?感觉不错哎Good!
00:49:531 (2) - 我怎么觉得这里用不到clap啊...抱歉为了过渡vocal用了clap,如果不能说出理由的话恕我拒绝 :(
00:00:525 (1,1) - blanket
00:06:674 (2,3,4,5) - 做2组blanket吧 个人不怎么喜欢blanket :(
01:23:444 (6,1) - 是不是有点太远了?1.04真心不远……
不过好像也没有什么问题了吧(基本上) 希望如此吧,看BN怎么看了
这图确实改了很多,不过你还是能发现些小问题并建议我改善,很赞!总之多谢摸图! :)
  1. 128kpbs的mp3是不行的,有人因为用128被dq,一般用192
  2. 关掉letterbox
  3. TAG加上opening,然后关于这个metadata建议再找人查一下,以官方为准,并不是随便加上TV Size就可以
  1. 00:05:556 (1) - Easy里不能放这种完全的遮挡,对新手很不友好
  2. 00:32:389 (4) - 低难度不能放超过一次的折返
  3. 01:10:028 (1,2) - 低难度不要放过于扭曲的滑条,对新手不友好
  4. 新人mapper做低难度时强烈建议全程DS,你这图有很多地方不按DS摆,不是说这样不可以,但是非常非常的不建议这样,希望你根据上面那些必须改的东西再做一定修改

  1. Normal中可以适当放遮挡,然后其他的比如折返滑条不能超过一次的规定和Easy差不多,当然也是建议全程DS,你这个图好像全程都没用DS.-.只是比Easy节奏要更丰富一些,参考Easy里我给出的建议再修改
  2. 我觉得SV有点高

  1. 00:25:494 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - 这东西实在有点坑,前面是原地1/2单点,后面突然又不是了,然后也是类似于原地,这种比较激烈的地方并不适合antijump
  2. 00:37:979 (4,5) - 这两个听起来显然是连在一起的,把4放在5上面吧
  3. 00:42:078 (1,2,3,4) - 这东西打起来感觉很不舒服的
  4. 00:48:041 (1,2,3,4) - 这个就比上面那个好一点
  5. 00:49:345 - 这个音不建议漏掉

  1. 00:06:302 (2,3) - 这个原地不好,建议分开
  2. 01:23:910 - 这个地方没音,虽然overmap也是可以的但是01:24:003 - 这里开始有段很特殊的音,很适合放短折返啊,即
  3. 这个图间距是个大问题,感觉没有控制好,比如00:08:910 (3,4,5) - 为什么这三个间距是不一样的,像这种不是跳的过渡用的物件,建议确定一个固定的DS来摆,比如1.2,1.0等等,这样显得图不乱。然后是关于重音,比如00:11:333 (1) - 明显是一个比较重的音,这种地方一般都是跟前面明显拉大间距来表现这个音,而00:10:774 (4,5,6,1) - 却是一样的间距。该大跳的时候就大胆一点,比如00:51:767 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - 太小气了。最后一个问题,01:00:712 (6,1) - 这两个之间空了一拍,但是间距反而比01:00:525 (5,6) - 这个还要小,显然是不合理的,注意时间和空间的间距的平衡.
  4. 当然上面也都是例子,整个图这样的问题还有不少。还需要适当的remap,建议找一些有经验的mapper/modder来看图,这样才能进步很快。

Topic Starter

Kagamine Ren wrote:

  1. 128kpbs的mp3是不行的,有人因为用128被dq,一般用192
  2. 关掉letterbox
  3. TAG加上opening,然后关于这个metadata建议再找人查一下,以官方为准,并不是随便加上TV Size就可以
  1. 00:05:556 (1) - Easy里不能放这种完全的遮挡,对新手很不友好
  2. 00:32:389 (4) - 低难度不能放超过一次的折返
  3. 01:10:028 (1,2) - 低难度不要放过于扭曲的滑条,对新手不友好
  4. 新人mapper做低难度时强烈建议全程DS,你这图有很多地方不按DS摆,不是说这样不可以,但是非常非常的不建议这样,希望你根据上面那些必须改的东西再做一定修改

  1. Normal中可以适当放遮挡,然后其他的比如折返滑条不能超过一次的规定和Easy差不多,当然也是建议全程DS,你这个图好像全程都没用DS.-.只是比Easy节奏要更丰富一些,参考Easy里我给出的建议再修改
  2. 我觉得SV有点高

  1. 00:25:494 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - 这东西实在有点坑,前面是原地1/2单点,后面突然又不是了,然后也是类似于原地,这种比较激烈的地方并不适合antijump
  2. 00:37:979 (4,5) - 这两个听起来显然是连在一起的,把4放在5上面吧
  3. 00:42:078 (1,2,3,4) - 这东西打起来感觉很不舒服的
  4. 00:48:041 (1,2,3,4) - 这个就比上面那个好一点
  5. 00:49:345 - 这个音不建议漏掉

  1. 00:06:302 (2,3) - 这个原地不好,建议分开
  2. 01:23:910 - 这个地方没音,虽然overmap也是可以的但是01:24:003 - 这里开始有段很特殊的音,很适合放短折返啊,即
  3. 这个图间距是个大问题,感觉没有控制好,比如00:08:910 (3,4,5) - 为什么这三个间距是不一样的,像这种不是跳的过渡用的物件,建议确定一个固定的DS来摆,比如1.2,1.0等等,这样显得图不乱。然后是关于重音,比如00:11:333 (1) - 明显是一个比较重的音,这种地方一般都是跟前面明显拉大间距来表现这个音,而00:10:774 (4,5,6,1) - 却是一样的间距。该大跳的时候就大胆一点,比如00:51:767 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - 太小气了。最后一个问题,01:00:712 (6,1) - 这两个之间空了一拍,但是间距反而比01:00:525 (5,6) - 这个还要小,显然是不合理的,注意时间和空间的间距的平衡.
  4. 当然上面也都是例子,整个图这样的问题还有不少。还需要适当的remap,建议找一些有经验的mapper/modder来看图,这样才能进步很快。

已将eznm影响rank的问题全部修复了,ds也固定好了。insane让我在改改吧,改不了就remap,间距问题并不是一天就能搞定的,让我再多感受一下。谢谢你的建议! :)
新年好,刚回到家,这么晚才来不好意思. :L


00:09:842 (1,2,3) - 上面提到的
00:12:823 (1,2,3) - ^ 剩下的自己检查吧
00:32:389 (4) - 这种多次折返对新手很不友好,后面貌似还有蛮多.
01:15:059 (1,2) - 不太友好 试试删掉1 然后把2和后面的滑条头重叠 然后保持ds.
01:13:382 (2) - 不好看
01:21:581 (3) - ^
01:26:053 (2) - nc
我个人觉得Easy 全程1/1就行了,easy normal不要出现1/2和1/1堆叠切换
就是01:15:059 (1,2) - 和 01:17:854 (1,2) - 这种,新人会很难受的 :3

00:17:295 (1,3,6) - 并没有叠好
00:21:767 (7,8) - 避免这种overlap不好看
00:25:494 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - 略难打 考虑前面4个note改成两个滑条
00:33:879 (8) - nc
00:34:438 (1) - remove nc
00:48:786 (1,2) - 怪异的clap
00:37:979 (4,5) - 走远了
00:59:034 (3,1) - 不要变距
01:02:016 (2) - 并没包好
01:04:997 (5) - ^

个人感觉你摆的比较随意,没有整体感,还有就是有的地方你想摆好,但是没摆好..最明显的就是00:45:059 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6) -
我个人觉得insane非跳的单点部分的间距变化不要突然变换,比如 01:22:513 (3,4,5) - 01:09:283 (4,5,6) -
有的地方跳的很莫名比如00:23:072 (4,1) - 这里vocal比较轻就不推荐放跳,但是00:20:090 (4,1) - 这里放跳就没问题.
00:04:811 (1,2) - 两个长一样比较好.
00:29:221 (1,2,3) - 向右下靠一点,让00:28:662 (3,1) - blanket,
00:31:457 (1,2,3,4) - 不建议这样,可以考虑放跳
00:39:842 (3,1) - 不用挨这么近
00:42:451 (3,4,1) - flow并不好.
00:48:041 (1,2,3,4) - 间距太大了,建议1.6-1.7
00:55:494 (3,1) - 避免这样的overlap
01:09:656 (6,2) - ^
00:57:730 (5) - 并不好看,flow没问题,但是建议圆弧大点
01:00:712 (6) - 272,260

美丽,比我第一张图好多了 加油:3
Topic Starter

Pururut wrote:

新年好,刚回到家,这么晚才来不好意思. :L 没关系的,能帮我看图我已经很感激了! :cry: 新年好

Easy和Normal保持DS不要变,我个人觉得大于0.03都不行.我下次一定注意,本来还以为aimod没有提示距离问题就可以了呢 :lol:
nc好像有点问题...不是辅助读图就一节节的NC,建议长白NC 好的

00:09:842 (1,2,3) - 上面提到的
00:12:823 (1,2,3) - ^ 剩下的自己检查吧 全部修复了
00:32:389 (4) - 这种多次折返对新手很不友好,后面貌似还有蛮多.嗯,不知ranking规则就滥用了,已全部修复类似滑条
01:15:059 (1,2) - 不太友好 试试删掉1 然后把2和后面的滑条头重叠 然后保持ds. 嗯,我自行更改了节奏,现在不会这么仓促了
01:13:382 (2) - 不好看 换成只折一次了,应该好一点了
01:21:581 (3) - ^ fixed
01:26:053 (2) - nc fixed
我个人觉得Easy 全程1/1就行了,easy normal不要出现1/2和1/1堆叠切换
就是01:15:059 (1,2) - 和 01:17:854 (1,2) - 这种,新人会很难受的 :3 好的下次一定注意,我又忽视了这些细节 :P

00:17:295 (1,3,6) - 并没有叠好 没看懂……
00:21:767 (7,8) - 避免这种overlap不好看 真仔细!已修复
00:25:494 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - 略难打 考虑前面4个note改成两个滑条 好主意,已改
00:33:879 (8) - nc
00:34:438 (1) - remove nc 修复
00:48:786 (1,2) - 怪异的clap 很多人也这么说,那只能换回鼓了
00:37:979 (4,5) - 走远了 好吧都这么说,只能改了
00:59:034 (3,1) - 不要变距 嗯,调整了
01:02:016 (2) - 并没包好
01:04:997 (5) - ^ 已修复

个人感觉你摆的比较随意,没有整体感,还有就是有的地方你想摆好,但是没摆好..最明显的就是00:45:059 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6) - 是的,想了这个梗但打起来并不顺,我自己再好好想想吧
我个人觉得insane非跳的单点部分的间距变化不要突然变换,比如 01:22:513 (3,4,5) - 01:09:283 (4,5,6) -
有的地方跳的很莫名比如00:23:072 (4,1) - 这里vocal比较轻就不推荐放跳,但是00:20:090 (4,1) - 这里放跳就没问题.好的我会注意的
00:04:811 (1,2) - 两个长一样比较好.fixed
00:29:221 (1,2,3) - 向右下靠一点,让00:28:662 (3,1) - blanket,好主意哎,我怎么就没想到呢……还能减少间距
00:31:457 (1,2,3,4) - 不建议这样,可以考虑放跳 有点难办啊,周围都被包住了,再让我想想
00:39:842 (3,1) - 不用挨这么近 由于无脑对称,就靠这么近了,这里我会改的
00:42:451 (3,4,1) - flow并不好. 试着把4往左边一点应该会好吧
00:48:041 (1,2,3,4) - 间距太大了,建议1.6-1.7 确实,跳太远了
00:55:494 (3,1) - 避免这样的overlap
01:09:656 (6,2) - ^又碰到了那么一点,我真是
00:57:730 (5) - 并不好看,flow没问题,但是建议圆弧大点 嗯,试着改了,至少好看一点了
01:00:712 (6) - 272,260 我的失误

美丽,比我第一张图好多了 加油:3谢谢!
多谢前辈的摸图,我又学到了不少。非常感谢你的star,虽然我的图并不好,但我会努力完善它的! :)
m4m reverse here!
00:12:823-remove NC
00:30:898-remove NC
00:31:643-NC here
01:03:693-this is just ugly change it
01:13:010-remove NC
00:07:792-remove NC
00:08:538-NC here
00:25:494-try this
00:04:066-remove NC
00:35:929-dont flow well with the others try roundy slider
01:01:271-put a circle here for blanket
01:08:724-put a circle here and stack it with the end of 4
00:04:066-REMOVE NC
00:23:631 2-ctrl g
00:24:376 4-ctrl g

我摸图一般顺带送视频,这个拿去用,质量和体积都好不少。 offset -207ms

00:11:333 (1,2,3) - 视觉上反人类,注意Insane的图美观靠的是物件之间的距离而不是ds。你想要达成难度的话,考虑23重合,1,2DS提升到2.0左右
00:12:823 (1,2,3) - ^
00:16:923 (4,5,1) - 视觉反人类,拉成正三角形排列
00:19:531 (1,2,3,4) - 保证两个正三角形:
00:34:438 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - 此pattern用在这个节奏不合适
00:48:786 (1,2,3,4) - 个人建议如今的风格,摆这种已经不再流行,当然你看着办。后面的一样

00:48:786 (1,2,1,2,3,4,1) - 突然变得太简单了,这是Hard建议应该难一点

个人感觉不出什么大问题,不过有些可以包好点,像00:45:059 (1,2) - 00:48:786 (3,4,5) -
00:16:736 (2) - 的flow应该这样摆00:26:985 (2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2) - 转圈转的太多了,一般是大半圈就换方向,最多一圈左右

Topic Starter

Shad0w1and wrote:

看到这张质量不错的图,难以置信是第一次做图,占位送摸 谢谢XD

删掉目录下所有.osb文件,你不需要。应该是你添加背景不小心弄出来的文件,结果是造成黑边 好的,之前还出现了玩到一半黑屏的情况
我摸图一般顺带送视频,这个拿去用,质量和体积都好不少。 offset -207ms
00:11:333 (1,2,3) - 视觉上反人类,注意Insane的图美观靠的是物件之间的距离而不是ds。你想要达成难度的话,考虑23重合,1,2DS提升到2.0左右
00:12:823 (1,2,3) - ^
00:16:923 (4,5,1) - 视觉反人类,拉成正三角形排列
00:19:531 (1,2,3,4) - 保证两个正三角形:
00:34:438 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - 此pattern用在这个节奏不合适 好不容易想出个梗,感觉确实不怎么合适,哎
00:48:786 (1,2,3,4) - 个人建议如今的风格,摆这种已经不再流行,当然你看着办。后面的一样 这个我坚持自己的想法,作图要有主见,偶尔搞个对称也没啥我觉得

00:48:786 (1,2,1,2,3,4,1) - 突然变得太简单了,这是Hard建议应该难一点 个人觉得没有问题,如果要改会影响其他note的排布,抱歉

个人感觉不出什么大问题,不过有些可以包好点,像00:45:059 (1,2) - 00:48:786 (3,4,5) -fixed
00:16:736 (2) - 的flow应该这样摆
00:26:985 (2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2) - 转圈转的太多了,一般是大半圈就换方向,最多一圈左右 好吧试试换个方向

多谢你的mod和建议,我现在又有干劲remap insane了,间距问题我会努力改善的! :)
Topic Starter

ohad1881 wrote:

m4m reverse here!
00:12:823-remove NC
00:30:898-remove NC
00:31:643-NC here
01:03:693-this is just ugly change it
01:13:010-remove NC
normal- :)
00:07:792-remove NC
00:08:538-NC here
00:25:494-try this
00:04:066-remove NC
00:35:929-dont flow well with the others try roundy slider
01:01:271-put a circle here for blanket
01:08:724-put a circle here and stack it with the end of 4
00:04:066-REMOVE NC
00:23:631 2-ctrl g
00:24:376 4-ctrl g
Sorry,I don't want to amend all of your suggestions.Anyway,THX for your mod :)

00:44:314(1) 你确定要在这个EASY里用这个反跳么,我觉得DS1.0挺好的……
01:01:457(1,2) 节奏好像真的不怎么对诶……因为中间故意留的空拍的原因么?


00:26:239 好顶赞的反跳!
01:06:302 可以被摆放到一个更好的位置,遮罩或者不要。



  1. 00:01:830 (2) - 移到224,156附近貌似手感更好
  2. 00:03:693 (3) - 然后可以用这个跟上面的做个blanket
  3. 00:04:811 (2,3) - 总是一种方向跟弧度的滑条略显单调,试试这样,顺便把后面的滑条也改一下。
  4. 00:17:295 (1,2,3,4) - 建议其中一对改成直的或者折线,增加点变化。
  5. 00:18:786 (5) - 摆在顺着前一个滑条flow的地方比较好,顺便就做了一个小跳,现在这样感觉怪怪的
  6. 00:19:531 (1,2,3,4) - 做个形状比较好吧,随便乱摆了一个 =w=
  7. 00:21:022 (3,4) - 这两个考虑改成直的然后让尾巴跟之前两个弯的blanket起来?
  8. 00:28:662 (3) - 减小点弧度
  9. 00:38:165 (5) - 逼死强迫症系列,建议blanket?
  10. 00:45:059 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - 这种跳总是让我想起2012或者竹取。。总之是很老套的梗。。 相比之下后面的00:48:041

    (1,2,3,4) 就更加现代化,建议换梗。。【其实不换也不是什么大问题
  11. 00:50:277 (1,2,3,4) - 考虑下做成两两平行但是不在一条直线上?然后也不要总是摆成直角啥的。。
  12. 00:51:767 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - 两组的大小变一下然后加个旋转?
  13. 01:02:016 (3,4,5) - 这个梗改成这样试试?
  14. 01:17:854 (1,2,3,4) - 2 改到120,88,4改到392,88,之前的形状感觉挺乱的。。
  15. 01:19:159 (1,2,3,4,5) - 改成这种顺序不知道你喜不喜欢

  1. 00:20:277 (3,4,5,6) - 同样把一对改成直的或者折线的增加点花样
  2. 00:50:090 (1) - 建议跟之前这个00:48:413 (3)的blanket保持一致
  3. 01:02:016 (2) - 01:03:693 (2) - 01:04:997 (5) - 01:13:103 (9) - 01:14:687 (4) - 跟要blanket的物件拉远一点
  4. 01:16:177 (2) - 前半段的弧线建议拉好一点,然后中间用个红点,比如这样
  5. 01:16:923 (4) - 同上,我拉了一个这样的
  6. 01:27:171 (5) - 448,132



Good luck XD
刚刚那个是从你的M4M QUEUE来的 =w=


Topic Starter

qxqd_1993 wrote:


00:44:314(1) 你确定要在这个EASY里用这个反跳么,我觉得DS1.0挺好的…… 1.0偏远了……
01:01:457(1,2) 节奏好像真的不怎么对诶……因为中间故意留的空拍的原因么?


00:26:239 好顶赞的反跳!这……是合适还是不合适呢?
01:06:302 可以被摆放到一个更好的位置,遮罩或者不要。如果为了美观拉开距离,会有点远的还是算了


谢谢你的摸图,在eznm细节方面上做的很赞 :)
Topic Starter

Remilia_CO wrote:


  1. 00:01:830 (2) - 移到224,156附近貌似手感更好 good
  2. 00:03:693 (3) - 然后可以用这个跟上面的做个blanket 不错哎
  3. 00:04:811 (2,3) - 总是一种方向跟弧度的滑条略显单调,试试这样,顺便把后面的滑条也改一下。
  4. 00:17:295 (1,2,3,4) - 建议其中一对改成直的或者折线,增加点变化。理由同上,这个梗选一组变成直线滑条就不好看了
  5. 00:18:786 (5) - 摆在顺着前一个滑条flow的地方比较好,顺便就做了一个小跳,现在这样感觉怪怪的 确实有点怪,把他移到上面去感觉好点了
  6. 00:19:531 (1,2,3,4) - 做个形状比较好吧,随便乱摆了一个 =w= good
  7. 00:21:022 (3,4) - 这两个考虑改成直的然后让尾巴跟之前两个弯的blanket起来?赞!
  8. 00:28:662 (3) - 减小点弧度 感觉好点了
  9. 00:38:165 (5) - 逼死强迫症系列,建议blanket?好吧,试着包的远了点
  10. 00:45:059 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - 这种跳总是让我想起2012或者竹取。。总之是很老套的梗。。 相比之下后面的00:48:041

    (1,2,3,4) 就更加现代化,建议换梗。。【其实不换也不是什么大问题 我想给人一种从老梗过渡到新梗的感觉(被打死)
  11. 00:50:277 (1,2,3,4) - 考虑下做成两两平行但是不在一条直线上?然后也不要总是摆成直角啥的。这里整体性比较强,不大好改。况且虽然是老梗,却是我这张图想到的第一个梗,很舍不得改这里
  12. 00:51:767 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - 两组的大小变一下然后加个旋转?之前有人提醒过旋转,但这部分remap之后我没有保留,果然还是转下比较好
  13. 01:02:016 (3,4,5) - 这个梗改成这样试试?不错哎
  14. 01:17:854 (1,2,3,4) - 2 改到120,88,4改到392,88,之前的形状感觉挺乱的。。好的修复了
  15. 01:19:159 (1,2,3,4,5) - 改成这种顺序不知道你喜不喜欢 一般般感觉没有太大提升

  1. 00:20:277 (3,4,5,6) - 同样把一对改成直的或者折线的增加点花样 怎么说,有点难办,这样图就不整齐了,泡泡告诉我要尽量保持一组滑条弧度的统一性。这里改直折线的有点违和
  2. 00:50:090 (1) - 建议跟之前这个00:48:413 (3)的blanket保持一致 好的
  3. 01:02:016 (2) - 01:03:693 (2) - 01:04:997 (5) - 01:13:103 (9) - 01:14:687 (4) - 跟要blanket的物件拉远一点 blanket间距不一对吧,试着改一波吧
  4. 01:16:177 (2) - 前半段的弧线建议拉好一点,然后中间用个红点,比如这样
  5. 01:16:923 (4) - 同上,我拉了一个这样的 拉的比我好XD
  6. 01:27:171 (5) - 448,132做了类似拉间距的调整



Good luck XD

00:30:339 (4,5,6) - 包好

00:43:941 (4,5,6,7) - 做个形状出来,比如467构成一个30-60-90的直角三角形,然后6到4,5的距离一样,5到6,7的距离一样,看图

00:45:059 (1,2,3,4,5) - 想到一个梗,不知道你喜不喜欢,右边直接翻转过去就行

00:10:774 (4) - 往上放到高过前一个滑条顶端的位置
Hey just check :3

The metadata should be Ishida Youko - COLORFUL BOX(TV Size)

And I have a suggestion for hard diff : 00:06:302(3)- Snap from 1/4 to 1/2 I mean to remove the repeat and add a note after the slider but place the note on 407|273 for a jump cuz a diff without jumps and stream ( some stream =/ ) is not an hard diff and to follow the vocal and instruments much better

Good Luck ~
Topic Starter

Remilia_CO wrote:


00:30:339 (4,5,6) - 包好


00:43:941 (4,5,6,7) - 做个形状出来,比如467构成一个30-60-90的直角三角形,然后6到4,5的距离一样,5到6,7的距离一样,看图

00:45:059 (1,2,3,4,5) - 想到一个梗,不知道你喜不喜欢,右边直接翻转过去就行

00:10:774 (4) - 往上放到高过前一个滑条顶端的位置fixed

ByBy_ChAn wrote:

Hey just check :3

The metadata should be Ishida Youko - COLORFUL BOX(TV Size)Ok,I'll fix it later.

And I have a suggestion for hard diff : 00:06:302(3)- Snap from 1/4 to 1/2 I mean to remove the repeat and add a note after the slider but place the note on 407|273 for a jump cuz a diff without jumps and stream ( some stream =/ ) is not an hard diff and to follow the vocal and instruments much better Nice idea !but the distance maybe confusing so I decide to add a circle and stack on the next slider that's good

Good Luck ~
[ Zzz ]
Hi~ zj0924 ( My modding queue t/142356/start=150 )

  1. 00:39:097 (1,2) - Swap NC
  2. 00:42:078 (1,2) - Same
  3. 00:49:904 - Add Circle 00:49:904 - Same
  4. 01:00:712 (4,1) - Swap NC
  5. 01:02:389 (4) - Add Whistle 01:03:320 - Add Clap
  6. 01:04:625 (2) - Add Whistle 01:06:302 (4) - Change Whistle > Clap :3
  7. 01:11:146 (3) - 01:15:618 (2) - Remove the green line
  8. 01:11:519 (3,5) - Whistle Change Clap
  9. 01:13:010 (1) - Finish Change Clap
  10. 01:13:941 (3) - Add Whistle
  11. 01:15:246 - Add Clap
  12. 01:15:618 (2,3) - Correct
  13. 01:21:954 - Add Clap

  1. 00:19:531 (2) - Delete Circle
  2. 00:20:836 - Add Circle , Clap
  3. 00:23:817 - Same
  4. 00:24:749 (6) - 00:24:562 - Here , Add Clap
  5. 00:32:016 - Add Clap
  6. 00:42:451 (2) - Add Whistle
  7. 01:02:761 - Add Finish
  8. 01:03:320 (5) - Finish Change Clap :3
  9. 01:20:463 - Add Clap
  10. 01:24:562 (3,5) - Add Clap ( End )

  1. 00:06:302 - Clap > Whistle Change
  2. 00:18:041 (3) - Delete Clap
  3. 00:26:053 - Add Clap
  4. 00:31:085 (9) - Delete Clap
  5. 00:32:761 - 00:33:507 - Add Clap
  6. 00:37:233 (2,4) - Whistle Change Clap :3

Good Luck~
Topic Starter

[ Zzz ] wrote:

Hi~ zj0924 ( My modding queue t/142356/start=150 )

  1. 00:39:097 (1,2) - Swap NC
  2. 00:42:078 (1,2) - Same
  3. 00:49:904 - Add Circle 00:49:904 - Same
  4. 01:00:712 (4,1) - Swap NC
  5. 01:02:389 (4) - Add Whistle 01:03:320 - Add Clap
  6. 01:04:625 (2) - Add Whistle 01:06:302 (4) - Change Whistle > Clap :3
  7. 01:11:146 (3) - 01:15:618 (2) - Remove the green line
  8. 01:11:519 (3,5) - Whistle Change Clap
  9. 01:13:010 (1) - Finish Change Clap
  10. 01:13:941 (3) - Add Whistle
  11. 01:15:246 - Add Clap
  12. 01:15:618 (2,3) - Correct
  13. 01:21:954 - Add Clap

  1. 00:19:531 (2) - Delete Circle
  2. 00:20:836 - Add Circle , Clap
  3. 00:23:817 - Same
  4. 00:24:749 (6) - 00:24:562 - Here , Add Clap
  5. 00:32:016 - Add Clap
  6. 00:42:451 (2) - Add Whistle
  7. 01:02:761 - Add Finish
  8. 01:03:320 (5) - Finish Change Clap :3
  9. 01:20:463 - Add Clap
  10. 01:24:562 (3,5) - Add Clap ( End )
great mod all fixed.Thanks For Your Mod :)
Nerova Riuz GX
Hi, From my Queue

要不要把Preview設在線上? 00:54:749 - 或是 00:55:028 - (如果你非常要求要從人聲開始)


00:00:525 (1) - 或許換成兩個HC? 打起來感覺不一樣。
00:21:767 (5) - 三連打?
00:33:693 (5) - ^
00:40:960 (2) - 試著移動讓整個物件都在Grid裡面。
00:51:767 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - 這整串的跳好像不是那麼必要? 如果因為某些原因一定要這樣子放的話,一次就夠了,第二次換別的樣式吧。
00:54:003 (2,3) - 考慮看看把這兩個換成一個滑條? 如果不要的話,也請把這兩個點的距離再拉大點。
01:23:817 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - 試試看,把2和6去掉,變成一個HC和兩個三連,可能會好點(?)

00:09:656 (1) - 可以考慮下一個再NC
01:04:997 (7) - NC
01:05:929 (1) - continue combo

00:00:525 (1) - 同Insane,考慮下換成兩個HC
00:09:842 (1) - 滑條開頭再往下一點點?
00:56:798 (2) - 往左邊一點點。推薦x=252 y=60

加油! 我很期待!
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