
July - Somewhere

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 03 Januari 2015 at 23:48:29

Artist: July
Title: Somewhere
Tags: Piano Hip hop In Love
BPM: 74
Filesize: 2376kb
Play Time: 01:21
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1,48 stars, 84 notes)
  2. Galau (2,39 stars, 161 notes)
  3. Normal (1,88 stars, 118 notes)
Download: July - Somewhere
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

To celebrate our anniversary, for my beloved bf
If you looking for the Piano Score, you can download here
~Let's share the joy~
(another July's beatmaps click here!)
for modreqs
cheat kds
This song is very quiet and this beatmap too:3
So I very love this beatmap:3

I m new mapper.Perhaps some of the comments don't write well.
Please ignore it /w\

your beatmap every notes,sliders are equivalence.
01:03:412 (5,6,7,8) - 6 and 7 maybe too close.But I could not find a better idea than this.try to→
Maybe the other can check out this↗

:? that all(what! you take this cheat to kds?
GJ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :)
Topic Starter

[Kamiya] wrote:

for modreqs
cheat kds
This song is very quiet and this beatmap too:3 I love this song too~
So I very love this beatmap:3

I m new mapper.Perhaps some of the comments don't write well.
Please ignore it /w\

your beatmap every notes,sliders are equivalence.
01:03:412 (5,6,7,8) - 6 and 7 maybe too close.But I could not find a better idea than this.try to→
Maybe the other can check out this↗ I think It's equivalent as you say, I can't find any trouble on that part so far

:? that all(what! you take this cheat to kds?
GJ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :)
Thanks for checking Kamiya :)
Hey from M4M queue~

  • [General]
  1. Maybe try limit yourself to just 4 combo colours, pink, blue, orange and yellow would be good.
  2. 00:22:503 (2) - Make this curve like that instead so lead in from previous slider is better
  3. 00:56:594 (4) - ^
  4. 01:03:412 (1,2,3) - Try not to have something like that for Easy
  5. 01:19:775 (1) - You can try extending the spinner and fading out the music nearer to the end, so the extended spinner is accounted for

    Nice Easy, very neat :) You can try to remove all notes on red line timing so the Easy will be easier

  6. 00:10:951 (2,1) - Shift slider 1 more to the right so 2 leads in better to 1
  7. 00:22:844 (3,4,1) - Try having a curved slider 1 so the flow of sliders don't seem boring
  8. 00:58:980 (5,6,1) - Feels a bit too fast for Normal
  9. Same spinner idea as Easy

    Nice Normal, all the beat placements were fine, and the flow was great. Very neat as well :)

  10. Ahh the diff name ;-;
  11. 00:04:667 (4,1,2,3) - Recheck distance snap, I believe 1-2 and 2-3 are too far apart
  12. 00:09:532 (2,3,4,5) - ^

    The only major issue present in this map is DS problems. Distance snap can get very confusing especially for a slow song like this. Things like 00:15:344 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - , where 1-2-3-4-5 are supposed to be more tightly spaced than 5-6-7, and your distance for all is the same. This can be rather confusing. Also, at around 00:20:969 (1,2,4,3,5,6) - , take note:
    The black lines show slider flow and the red crosses suggest that the flow was broken there. Try something like:
    The black lines again show flow and the green ticks suggest that flow is better and that sliders lead directly into each other, which is better in terms of gameplay since this is a rather slow song. There are quite a few instances of this in your map, so keep a look out. Again, this is only a suggestion~
Good luck, Easy and Normal seems perfect already, Galau still needs quite some refining. :D
Oh man what a peaceful song. Here because I'm a random


00:09:938 (3) - Move down 1 tick so slider end can be parallel with the last slider
00:18:412 (4) - Could be a new combo to represent the new part in the piano playing
00:57:957 - Note missing at such a big component here, sounds a lot smoother
01:03:412 (1,2,3) - I think this fits in normal better than it would be on easy (Beginner player preference)


Approach Rate 5 doesn't seem appealing to me. Try using 4 instead because that's what the basis or normal should be
I'm not sure what to say about the hitsound. I feel it is used repeatedly I would tone it down a bit and use it
00:16:707 (2) - Moved 1 tick ove to the rightr can be a better look
00:33:753 (3) - Same here 1 to the right out be best fit
00:57:957 - Piano plays here but there is no note to support it :(
01:04:434 (5) - Can be snapped back in place
Below is the hitsound changes I made you can copy and paste it and change it or you can keep it the same you had, but mine worked on flow without excessive whistles to keep it at a low and sounds clean :)
osu file format v13

AudioFilename: Somewhere (Cut Ver.).mp3
AudioLeadIn: 1500
PreviewTime: 14802
Countdown: 0
SampleSet: Soft
StackLeniency: 0.7
Mode: 0
LetterboxInBreaks: 0
WidescreenStoryboard: 0

DistanceSpacing: 1.4
BeatDivisor: 4
GridSize: 4
TimelineZoom: 1

Creator:Mako Sakata


//Background and Video events
//Break Periods
//Storyboard Layer 0 (Background)
//Storyboard Layer 1 (Fail)
//Storyboard Layer 2 (Pass)
//Storyboard Layer 3 (Foreground)
//Storyboard Sound Samples
//Background Colour Transformations


Combo1 : 145,229,103
Combo2 : 255,213,128
Combo3 : 242,121,97
Combo4 : 255,140,179
Combo5 : 187,103,229
Combo6 : 140,236,255


Great song and beatmap btw. I can see this ranked in the near future. So keep up the good work
Topic Starter

Estellia- wrote:

Hey from M4M queue~

  • [General]
  1. Maybe try limit yourself to just 4 combo colours, pink, blue, orange and yellow would be good. Sure, but I use orange, red, pink and violet instead
  2. 00:22:503 (2) - Make this curve like that instead so lead in from previous slider is better No need to, I prefer not to Ctrl+H that one
  3. 00:56:594 (4) - ^ Same
  4. 01:03:412 (1,2,3) - Try not to have something like that for Easy I'll ask bat latter
  5. 01:19:775 (1) - You can try extending the spinner and fading out the music nearer to the end, so the extended spinner is accounted for Nah, that one is better. I don't want to extend that spinner and insert green lines to adjust the fading volume

    Nice Easy, very neat :) You can try to remove all notes on red line timing so the Easy will be easier

  6. 00:10:951 (2,1) - Shift slider 1 more to the right so 2 leads in better to 1 Sure
  7. 00:22:844 (3,4,1) - Try having a curved slider 1 so the flow of sliders don't seem boring No, I use that to have same symetric as the previous slider
  8. 00:58:980 (5,6,1) - Feels a bit too fast for Normal I'll ask bat latter
  9. Same spinner idea as Easy Same reason then

    Nice Normal, all the beat placements were fine, and the flow was great. Very neat as well :)

  10. Ahh the diff name ;-; Sad ;(
  11. 00:04:667 (4,1,2,3) - Recheck distance snap, I believe 1-2 and 2-3 are too far apart I believe that's fine I already calculate the DS
  12. 00:09:532 (2,3,4,5) - ^ Same

    The only major issue present in this map is DS problems. Distance snap can get very confusing especially for a slow song like this. Things like 00:15:344 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - , where 1-2-3-4-5 are supposed to be more tightly spaced than 5-6-7, and your distance for all is the same. This can be rather confusing. Also, at around 00:20:969 (1,2,4,3,5,6) - , take note:
    The black lines show slider flow and the red crosses suggest that the flow was broken there. Try something like:
    The black lines again show flow and the green ticks suggest that flow is better and that sliders lead directly into each other, which is better in terms of gameplay since this is a rather slow song. There are quite a few instances of this in your map, so keep a look out. Again, this is only a suggestion~ Actually I do some calculate the DS on this diff, I want every notes have same spacing visualy (not based on DS). And yes it's a bit difficult, but I think it's ok since this is the hardest diff in the mapset and I don't intend to make or have Insane diff. Thanks for noticing Estelle and nice explaination there XD
Good luck, Easy and Normal seems perfect already, Galau still needs quite some refining. :D

Kocari wrote:

Oh man what a peaceful song. Here because I'm a random


00:09:938 (3) - Move down 1 tick so slider end can be parallel with the last slider I already do Ctrl+H on that one so it'll look symetrical, I think it's ok
00:18:412 (4) - Could be a new combo to represent the new part in the piano playing Sure, and fix the whole NC in Easy
00:57:957 - Note missing at such a big component here, sounds a lot smoother I follow drum sound instead on that part to make variant, Normal diff too
01:03:412 (1,2,3) - I think this fits in normal better than it would be on easy (Beginner player preference) I'll ask bat latter


Approach Rate 5 doesn't seem appealing to me. Try using 4 instead because that's what the basis or normal should be
I'm not sure what to say about the hitsound. I feel it is used repeatedly I would tone it down a bit and use it I think it's ok to balance the hardest diff
00:16:707 (2) - Moved 1 tick ove to the rightr can be a better look Actually it's placed well
00:33:753 (3) - Same here 1 to the right out be best fit Actually it's placed well
00:57:957 - Piano plays here but there is no note to support it :( Yeah I know and again I follow drum sound on this part
01:04:434 (5) - Can be snapped back in place The curent is ok
Below is the hitsound changes I made you can copy and paste it and change it or you can keep it the same you had, but mine worked on flow without excessive whistles to keep it at a low and sounds clean :) Thank you, but I want to keep it original as possible ;)
osu file format v13

AudioFilename: Somewhere (Cut Ver.).mp3
AudioLeadIn: 1500
PreviewTime: 14802
Countdown: 0
SampleSet: Soft
StackLeniency: 0.7
Mode: 0
LetterboxInBreaks: 0
WidescreenStoryboard: 0

DistanceSpacing: 1.4
BeatDivisor: 4
GridSize: 4
TimelineZoom: 1

Creator:Mako Sakata


//Background and Video events
//Break Periods
//Storyboard Layer 0 (Background)
//Storyboard Layer 1 (Fail)
//Storyboard Layer 2 (Pass)
//Storyboard Layer 3 (Foreground)
//Storyboard Sound Samples
//Background Colour Transformations


Combo1 : 145,229,103
Combo2 : 255,213,128
Combo3 : 242,121,97
Combo4 : 255,140,179
Combo5 : 187,103,229
Combo6 : 140,236,255


Great song and beatmap btw. I can see this ranked in the near future. So keep up the good work Thanks, I hope will get ranked in one month
Thank youuu too much for both Estelle and Kocari, it's very helping~
Sky Trias
Yahh!! o/
As request ;)

  • Galau
  1. 00:01:425 (2) - add whistle ?
  2. 00:04:667 (4) - ^
  3. 00:06:694 (4) - finish ?
  4. 00:07:911 (5) - move to X:144 , Y:332 / 320 ? try to make same like this 00:04:667 (4,1)
  5. 00:09:532 (2) - whistle here ?
  6. 00:11:559 - 00:13:992 add new timing ? reduce the volume to 10 ? 00:11:559 (1,2) - sound weird here
  7. 00:29:832 (3) - move to X:24 , Y:148 .. make flow better to 00:30:685 (4)
  8. 00:43:639 (4) - clap here ?
  9. 00:46:196 (4) - ^
  10. 00:57:616 (5,6,7,8) - err .. sound weird to me maybe remove 00:58:298 (7) ???
  11. 01:02:048 (3) - finish ?
err .. I hope this helping you ;)
Topic Starter

Sky Trias wrote:

Yahh!! o/
As request ;)

  • Galau
  1. 00:01:425 (2) - add whistle ? I guess no, I think that's a downbeat and better not put whistle there
  2. 00:04:667 (4) - ^ Same
  3. 00:06:694 (4) - finish ? If I use cymbal finish there, the sound so wrong and not fit
  4. 00:07:911 (5) - move to X:144 , Y:332 / 320 ? try to make same like this 00:04:667 (4,1) Sure
  5. 00:09:532 (2) - whistle here ? I guess no, I think that's a downbeat and better not put whistle there
  6. 00:11:559 - 00:13:992 add new timing ? reduce the volume to 10 ? 00:11:559 (1,2) - sound weird here No need to
  7. 00:29:832 (3) - move to X:24 , Y:148 .. make flow better to 00:30:685 (4) Nah, the curent one is ok
  8. 00:43:639 (4) - clap here ? It's already a clap there
  9. 00:46:196 (4) - ^ Same
  10. 00:57:616 (5,6,7,8) - err .. sound weird to me maybe remove 00:58:298 (7) ??? Actually it's play well imo with curent rhythm and nothing seems wrong
  11. 01:02:048 (3) - finish? I guess not fit the song if I put finish there
err .. I hope this helping you ;)
Maaaciiw kak udah diperiksa :)
Modding as request from #modreqs!


First a little note: 1/4 beat snapping is probably not necessary here. 1/2 beat snapping should be sufficient. 1/4 placed beats will probably be to strange to new players. Anyway...

00:13:181 (2) - I would change this silder to a just a hitcircle and skip the slider end beat. It fits better to the song (and the following pause)
00:57:957 - Add a hitcircle here. I't doesn't follow the beat but it feels like it's missing here anyway.
01:03:412 (2) - Extend this slider to the white tick here 01:04:094 ...
01:04:094 - ...and remove this slider (the 1/4 sliders does sound nice but doesn't belong to the easy difficulty. It's better to follow the beat here)


00:03:451 (1) - Remove NC here 00:06:694 (1) and here 00:09:938 (1) and here. Arent 1-2 a bit to short of a combo here (and for normal difficulty)?
00:13:181 (2) - Same as in easy. Still think you should replace it with just one hitcircle and skip the end beat.
00:57:616 (2) - I would follow the piano here instead and replace it with a 1/2 slider to next white tick (and maybe unstack it with this 00:58:298 (3) - )
01:18:071 (4) - Add NC here and remove it on 01:18:412 (1) - (the last two piano notes as one combo looks better to me)


Personally the AR is a bit to high. I would try lower it a bit to maybe 7-7.5?

00:13:181 (2) - Same as before. I would remove this and just have a hitcircle, but...
00:13:586 - ...then i would add a soft spinner here to 00:14:802 - (it would fill the silent gap while giving a nice "warm up" for the upcoming faster beat)
00:52:503 (4) - Reduce the slider length in half and reverse it once. I think this would be nicer since it follows the sweet piano "nibble" instead! ^^
00:53:014 (5) - Same as above...

Overall, It look's like a good beatmap and I also like the calm tune. ^^

I hope this was to any help for you!
This song needs to be ranked alrdy
Topic Starter

Thism2 wrote:

Modding as request from #modreqs! Thanks for coming!


First a little note: 1/4 beat snapping is probably not necessary here. 1/2 beat snapping should be sufficient. 1/4 placed beats will probably be to strange to new players. Anyway...

00:13:181 (2) - I would change this silder to a just a hitcircle and skip the slider end beat. It fits better to the song (and the following pause) Add green line volume 15% instead on the end of the slider
00:57:957 - Add a hitcircle here. I't doesn't follow the beat but it feels like it's missing here anyway. I follow the drum instead of piano on that part, same as Normal
01:03:412 (2) - Extend this slider to the white tick here 01:04:094 ... Will consider later, it's not that hard imo
01:04:094 - ...and remove this slider (the 1/4 sliders does sound nice but doesn't belong to the easy difficulty. It's better to follow the beat here) Will consider later


00:03:451 (1) - Remove NC here 00:06:694 (1) and here 00:09:938 (1) and here. Arent 1-2 a bit to short of a combo here (and for normal difficulty)? Fixed, thanks for noticing
00:13:181 (2) - Same as in easy. Still think you should replace it with just one hitcircle and skip the end beat. Same answer then
00:57:616 (2) - I would follow the piano here instead and replace it with a 1/2 slider to next white tick (and maybe unstack it with this 00:58:298 (3) - ) I follow the drum instead of piano on that part, same as Easy
01:18:071 (4) - Add NC here and remove it on 01:18:412 (1) - (the last two piano notes as one combo looks better to me) I think it's ok to have that NC on big tick instead


Personally the AR is a bit to high. I would try lower it a bit to maybe 7-7.5? Sure AR 7.0, HP and OD 6.0 someone tell me the drain too hard

00:13:181 (2) - Same as before. I would remove this and just have a hitcircle, but... Same answer then
00:13:586 - ...then i would add a soft spinner here to 00:14:802 - (it would fill the silent gap while giving a nice "warm up" for the upcoming faster beat) I don't feel that part should be put any spinner
00:52:503 (4) - Reduce the slider length in half and reverse it once. I think this would be nicer since it follows the sweet piano "nibble" instead! ^^ The current is ok imo, i'm not interesting to put that and beside not sound well for me
00:53:014 (5) - Same as above... Same

Overall, It look's like a good beatmap and I also like the calm tune. ^^

I hope this was to any help for you!
Thank you too much, very helpful. Updated!

Kocari wrote:

This song needs to be ranked alrdy
がんばります!Thanks Kocari for cheering me up :)
hi~ as requested
  1. Add some tags, please. Like "piano" and genre of this track.
  1. 00:27:957 (2) - Bend it to the other side?
  2. 00:30:685 (3) - ^
  3. 00:34:775 (1) - ^
  4. 00:40:230 (1) - ^
  5. 00:44:321 (2) - ^
  6. 01:03:412 (2,3,4) - It's too hard to understand for beginners. Try this.
  1. 00:43:980 (2,3,4,5,6) - This pattern is a bit hard to read. Try something like this. Part1, part2.
  1. I'm not sure about using the same spacing for jumps and non-jump objects. It's confusing. Think about it. The best I can suggest is to add soe NCs to make people warned (add NCs when spacing changes): 00:06:086 - , 00:06:694 - , 00:10:951 - , 00:15:684 (3) - , 00:17:048 - , 00:19:775 - , 00:22:503 - , 00:25:230 - , 00:27:957 - , 00:36:139 - , 00:38:866 - , 00:41:594 - , 00:44:321 - , 00:47:048 - , 00:49:775 - , 00:52:503 - , 01:03:412 - , 01:04:264 -
I am really not sure about these spacing changes in Hard diff, please, think about it. Or ask someone to help you with it. Good luck~
From My Modding Queue


  1. No tags? did you forget it?


  1. 01:03:412 (2,3,4) - Yes. It is nice timing. but easy player coludn't play it perfectly and read this note. No matter how speed is slow but they can not do so.


  1. 00:36:480 (3) - Try *this?
  2. 00:45:003 (5,6,1) - same as above, Click to this link

also, I couldn't find big problem in Galau diff. so I shoot kds.
Topic Starter

AlexaBM wrote:

hi~ as requested
  1. Add some tags, please. Like "piano" and genre of this track. Added
  1. 00:27:957 (2) - Bend it to the other side? I don't like if I bend that to the other side, well the flow also good to play imo, so I guess it's no need to change
  2. 00:30:685 (3) - ^ Same reason
  3. 00:34:775 (1) - ^
  4. 00:40:230 (1) - ^
  5. 00:44:321 (2) - ^
  6. 01:03:412 (2,3,4) - It's too hard to understand for beginners. Try this. Thank you, still considering that part. If a BAT told me to change, I'll try to use your sugestion
  1. 00:43:980 (2,3,4,5,6) - This pattern is a bit hard to read. Try something like this. Part1, part2.Fixed completely same as pict
  1. I'm not sure about using the same spacing for jumps and non-jump objects. It's confusing. Think about it. The best I can suggest is to add soe NCs to make people warned (add NCs when spacing changes): 00:06:086 - , 00:06:694 - , 00:10:951 - , 00:15:684 (3) - , 00:17:048 - , 00:19:775 - , 00:22:503 - , 00:25:230 - , 00:27:957 - , 00:36:139 - , 00:38:866 - , 00:41:594 - , 00:44:321 - , 00:47:048 - , 00:49:775 - , 00:52:503 - , 01:03:412 - , 01:04:264 - Will considering that. Well I still wait a BAT to answer, since in my opinion it's not that hard
I am really not sure about these spacing changes in Hard diff, please, think about it. Or ask someone to help you with it. Good luck~ Thank you so much Alexaa~

Artavia wrote:

From My Modding Queue


  1. No tags? did you forget it? Added, still not know what to put there XD


  1. 01:03:412 (2,3,4) - Yes. It is nice timing. but easy player coludn't play it perfectly and read this note. No matter how speed is slow but they can not do so. Thanks for reminding


  1. 00:36:480 (3) - Try *this? The curent one is ok imo, no need to change that curve into a straight one
  2. 00:45:003 (5,6,1) - same as above, Click to this linkFixed that for better readable

also, I couldn't find big problem in Galau diff. so I shoot kds. Thank you Artavia for mod and star~
Thanks for both Alexa and Artavia for the mod, Update!
thanks wrote at my thread :D
It is so hard at me.

00:58:298 (2) - change to kick slider for example:

00:53:014 (4) - change to note.
00:53:525 (5) - change to kick slider for example:

I think awesome :)

If you like,Thanks.
Hey there, nice map. Couldn't really find a lot of things to mention, cute song though.

Nothing, nice song. :)

00:57:616 (2) - Got confused here, might just be me though.


00:53:014 (5) - I wasn't expecting it to go right. Again. :o Retry count: 3
[ Joey ]

imo, you should stick to distance snap a lot more. It's a nice relaxing song, no need to make things complicated. If this was an insane, maybe it would be ok. But its so hard to read especially because it's ar7.
00:15:344 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - This combo is hard to read because the distance between the 1/4 notes and the distance between the 1/2 notes are the same. I recommend distance snapping more of the 1/4 notes:
The confusing distance between the 1/4 notes and the 1/2 notes is throughout this whole difficulty. I'll point out some more.
00:17:730 (7,1,2,3,4) - I would keep the same distance here:
00:20:457 (6,7,1,2) - See like this. It's comfusing because I am expecting the jump from 7 to 1 to be a 1/2 note away, but it is a 1/4 note, which makes it hard to read. Distance snapping would fix this.
00:23:866 (2,3) - This jump is really big. In fact, I wouldn't even put much of a jump here. There is no heavy beat in the music here.
00:24:548 - I wouldn't skip this white tick. I understand that you are going to the piano, but you can still start a slider on the piano and end a slider on this beat so you don't skip it:
00:26:253 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - More distance snapping issues
00:31:196 (5,6) - Jump is too large. Keep it the same distance as 4 and 5.
So ya, I think you understand what I mean with the distance snapping to differentiate the 1/4 notes and the 1/2 notes, so I won't keep pointing them out.
00:31:366 - Another white tick that shouldnt be skipped. Try this:
00:35:457 - Same thing here. Try this:
00:46:196 (4) - Stack the tail of this on hitcircle 1
00:51:821 - Another white tick skipped. Ofc this is just my opinion, it's not unrankable or anything
00:52:503 (4,5,6) - Wow huge jumps. Tone it down a bit :P
01:08:866 - This piano note should be the start of a slider to match your previous beat. Try something like this: 01:07:162 -
01:04:775 - ^ Note should start on this slider (And it should be a NC)
01:11:594 - Slider or hitcircle should start on this piano note also
01:19:946 (1) - I don't think a finish on the slider is necesary. It doesn't sound that good to me. (Same for all difficulties)
01:02:048 - NC here
01:07:503 - NC
01:10:230 - NC
01:12:957 - I think it's better to have these NC's start on these white ticks rather than the red

00:04:667 (4,1) - Can blanket better
00:30:003 - If you don't map this clap, put a clap hitsound on the slidertick.
00:57:957 - Definitely don't skip this white tick. It's the start of a piano beat, which is what you have been mapping to previously.
01:04:775 - I think it's important to have a note start here, because this is where a NC should be.
01:05:457 (2,3,4,1) - Maybe too many straight sliders in a row, kinda boring. Maybe make slider 1 more interesting.
01:10:230 - This beat matches the piano better:

00:57:957 - Add note here?
01:03:412 (2,3,4) - This might be unrankable for an easy. I'm not sure. I usually never see 1/4 notes used in an Easy diff.
Your combos are a little long in the kiai time. Might want to consider shortening them.
Reallllly good diff. Not much to say about this one.

Really peaceful song, I liked it a lot.
Thanks for t he m4m!
Good Luck!
El SolarBeam
14045 is an irony awkwk
anyway finishing off my job here :3


Kok jago sih kak nge-timing nya owo
  1. Hm, I'm not sure myself since the original mp3 is using (cut. ver) it's not written on the map title, which is the right one?
  2. You might want to use another hitsound sample beginning from 00:15:684 since it's consist of bass and snare, so the current sample might not suit there (and those hitsound-maniac BAT out there might make a fuss about it later so, I highly recommend it)

  1. 00:01:020 (1) - Following your hitsounding style from my reasoning, you often use whistle on the stong or high tone of the piano, so adding whistle on the head here might be a bit out of place
  2. 00:11:559 (1) - Whistle on the slider? To make it consistent with those previous sliders (it won't hurt anyway)
  3. 00:13:181 (2) - Hm, I'm a bit concerned with the length of the slider here. How about extending it until 00:14:802 so it can cover the onbeat (big white tick) as well
  4. 00:03:451 (3,4,1) - How about making a bit clearer triangle? The rest of the notes can follow up easily without that much movement anyway
  5. 00:22:503 (2,3,1) - Here as well
  6. 01:03:412 (2,3,4) - Commenting on the previous mod, this pattern is totally fine, there's no such rules to refrain from using 1/4 on easy diff (especially on low BPM)
  7. Well, but I just wanna say it's a bit a waste to let the onbeat on 01:04:435 (4) - to be emphasized by slider. It would be nice if the big white tick can be emphasized by a clickable note (two circle perhaps)
Yes, this is clearly a good diff


  1. 00:01:020 (1) - Maybe remove whistle, same reason with easy
  2. 00:04:667 (4,1) - This might sounds like noob, but blanket?
  3. 00:11:559 (1) - Maybe add whistle on the tail, same reason with easy
  4. 00:13:181 (2) - It would be hard for me to ask you to extend it since it would be a pain to consider the spacing of the rest of the map. Well, just be careful later
  5. 00:40:230 (1,2,3) - Yes, you can make a better triangle
  6. 00:51:650 (2) - How about curving it a bit more? The current one looks nah different from other sliders
  7. 01:07:503 (1,2,3) - Here, you can make a better triangle
  8. 01:08:866 (3,1) - I hate to say this phrase, but blanket?
  9. Ah yes, if there's someone ask you to put hitsound on the slidertick, don't follow it since it's not recommended to use those
Looks nice, but don't use slider starting on the offbeat (red tick) too often. It's a bad habit and might be a boomerang sometimes, since it feels off when clicked sometimes. No problem in this case though


The diff name only indonesian knows orz, nice one. Um well, frankly speaking these jump and antijump usement on hard diff might be too much for a player like me to handle (I know this style often being used in old maps, but still). Well, aside from personal opinion, I'll just do some follow-up.
  1. 00:01:020 (1) - Remove whistle? Like the good old day
  2. 00:15:344 (1,2,3) - A better triangle?
  3. 00:16:366 (5,6) - If I were you, I would put these two further apart since the jump is a mediocre compared with the piano tone which getting a transition from lower tone to higher tone, which might give quite a misunderstanding on the gameplay
  4. 00:18:923 (3,4) - Well, there's no reason to stack these two, the rhythm keeps going so stacking these might hurt the flow. Same cases on 00:21:650 (3,4) -
  5. 00:36:821 (6,1,2,3) - Ok, this one is way too tricky to be put in hard diff, since these kind of spacing can give a huge misunderstanding (and fixing this might help the diff spread as well, since it's being quite a hot topic lately)
  6. 01:02:730 (4,5) - You might want to fix the pattern, just in case
  7. 01:03:923 (6,7) - It's recommended to put this more apart, the current spacing and the same combo can make a huge misunderstanding
    There's some NC you have to add in order to reduce people who misunderstand the spacing
    00:06:694 (4) -
    00:17:048 (6) -
    00:19:775 (5) -
    00:22:503 (5) -
    00:25:230 (4) -
    00:27:957 (6) -
    and blahblah, I'm sure you understand the NC pattern from here on
I've just pointed out some major problem in the spacing you really have to fix. It doesn't mean the rest is perfectly fine, but just reduce the amount of spacing that may gives a huge misunderstanding if possible (since pointing it all might makes me sounds like a douchebag)

Topic Starter
Sorry late respon

SolrosRepica wrote:

thanks wrote at my thread :D
It is so hard at me.

00:58:298 (2) - change to kick slider for example:
The curent is ok, no changes

00:53:014 (4) - change to note. I want to keep it simple beat
00:53:525 (5) - change to kick slider for example:
. The curent is also ok

I think awesome :)

If you like,Thanks.


100Michael wrote:

Hey there, nice map. Couldn't really find a lot of things to mention, cute song though. Thanks~

Nothing, nice song. :)

00:57:616 (2) - Got confused here, might just be me though. Actually that part fine

THAT DIFFICULTY x_x :sad: :(

00:53:014 (5) - I wasn't expecting it to go right. Again. :o Retry count: 3
Thanks for your feedback :)


[ Joey ] wrote:


imo, you should stick to distance snap a lot more. It's a nice relaxing song, no need to make things complicated. If this was an insane, maybe it would be ok. But its so hard to read especially because it's ar7.
00:15:344 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - This combo is hard to read because the distance between the 1/4 notes and the distance between the 1/2 notes are the same. I recommend distance snapping more of the 1/4 notes:
The confusing distance between the 1/4 notes and the 1/2 notes is throughout this whole difficulty. I'll point out some more.
00:17:730 (7,1,2,3,4) - I would keep the same distance here:
00:20:457 (6,7,1,2) - See like this. It's comfusing because I am expecting the jump from 7 to 1 to be a 1/2 note away, but it is a 1/4 note, which makes it hard to read. Distance snapping would fix this.
00:23:866 (2,3) - This jump is really big. In fact, I wouldn't even put much of a jump here. There is no heavy beat in the music here.
00:24:548 - I wouldn't skip this white tick. I understand that you are going to the piano, but you can still start a slider on the piano and end a slider on this beat so you don't skip it:
00:26:253 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - More distance snapping issues
00:31:196 (5,6) - Jump is too large. Keep it the same distance as 4 and 5.
So ya, I think you understand what I mean with the distance snapping to differentiate the 1/4 notes and the 1/2 notes, so I won't keep pointing them out.
00:31:366 - Another white tick that shouldnt be skipped. Try this:
00:35:457 - Same thing here. Try this:
00:46:196 (4) - Stack the tail of this on hitcircle 1
00:51:821 - Another white tick skipped. Ofc this is just my opinion, it's not unrankable or anything
00:52:503 (4,5,6) - Wow huge jumps. Tone it down a bit :P Sure
01:08:866 - This piano note should be the start of a slider to match your previous beat. Try something like this: 01:07:162 -
01:04:775 - ^ Note should start on this slider (And it should be a NC)
01:11:594 - Slider or hitcircle should start on this piano note also
01:19:946 (1) - I don't think a finish on the slider is necesary. It doesn't sound that good to me. (Same for all difficulties)
01:02:048 - NC here Fixed some NC
01:07:503 - NC
01:10:230 - NC
01:12:957 - I think it's better to have these NC's start on these white ticks rather than the red

00:04:667 (4,1) - Can blanket better Yes fixed
00:30:003 - If you don't map this clap, put a clap hitsound on the slidertick. I don't intend to add another tick rate, so I guess no
00:57:957 - Definitely don't skip this white tick. It's the start of a piano beat, which is what you have been mapping to previously. Same
01:04:775 - I think it's important to have a note start here, because this is where a NC should be. But the next note is NC so that's not really a big problem
01:05:457 (2,3,4,1) - Maybe too many straight sliders in a row, kinda boring. Maybe make slider 1 more interesting. But it's just one part, not that bored
01:10:230 - This beat matches the piano better: No change, stick with curent

00:57:957 - Add note here? I follow the drum sound instead of piano on both Easy and Normal
01:03:412 (2,3,4) - This might be unrankable for an easy. I'm not sure. I usually never see 1/4 notes used in an Easy diff. It's not that hard
Your combos are a little long in the kiai time. Might want to consider shortening them. Hmm not necesary imo
Reallllly good diff. Not much to say about this one.

Really peaceful song, I liked it a lot.
Thanks for t he m4m!
Good Luck!
Thanks Joey and about the Galau diff, I'll remap and including your opinion if next modder or bat mention to remap. Sorry can't reply, honestly I want to keep it that way :(


El SolarBeam wrote:

14045 is an irony awkwk
anyway finishing off my job here :3


Kok jago sih kak nge-timing nya owo Iya doooong
  1. Hm, I'm not sure myself since the original mp3 is using (cut. ver) it's not written on the map title, which is the right one? The title is "Somewhere" based on single album and compilation album (In Love), I rename the mp3 file into cut. ver beacause I intentionaly cut the original full ver. And beside I don't want to confused people with cut ver. or what so over, so I put the original full ver. title instead based on rules
  2. You might want to use another hitsound sample beginning from 00:15:684 since it's consist of bass and snare, so the current sample might not suit there (and those hitsound-maniac BAT out there might make a fuss about it later so, I highly recommend it) Not intend to add another custom hitsound atm

  1. 00:01:020 (1) - Following your hitsounding style from my reasoning, you often use whistle on the stong or high tone of the piano, so adding whistle on the head here might be a bit out of place Why? there's piano sound there and I think it's emphize well
  2. 00:11:559 (1) - Whistle on the slider? To make it consistent with those previous sliders (it won't hurt anyway) No, don't feel right to me, the piano doesn't even hited on that one
  3. 00:13:181 (2) - Hm, I'm a bit concerned with the length of the slider here. How about extending it until 00:14:802 so it can cover the onbeat (big white tick) as well Fixed
  4. 00:03:451 (3,4,1) - How about making a bit clearer triangle? The rest of the notes can follow up easily without that much movement anyway Fixed
  5. 00:22:503 (2,3,1) - Here as well Fixed
  6. 01:03:412 (2,3,4) - Commenting on the previous mod, this pattern is totally fine, there's no such rules to refrain from using 1/4 on easy diff (especially on low BPM) Thanks for agree
  7. Well, but I just wanna say it's a bit a waste to let the onbeat on 01:04:435 (4) - to be emphasized by slider. It would be nice if the big white tick can be emphasized by a clickable note (two circle perhaps) But, it'll make the diff harder if I change that into circles, I stick with slider instead
Yes, this is clearly a good diff


  1. 00:01:020 (1) - Maybe remove whistle, same reason with easy Same reason then
  2. 00:04:667 (4,1) - This might sounds like noob, but blanket? Fixed
  3. 00:11:559 (1) - Maybe add whistle on the tail, same reason with easy Same reason then
  4. 00:13:181 (2) - It would be hard for me to ask you to extend it since it would be a pain to consider the spacing of the rest of the map. Well, just be careful later Fixed
  5. 00:40:230 (1,2,3) - Yes, you can make a better triangle Fixed
  6. 00:51:650 (2) - How about curving it a bit more? The current one looks nah different from other sliders Fixed
  7. 01:07:503 (1,2,3) - Here, you can make a better triangle Fixed
  8. 01:08:866 (3,1) - I hate to say this phrase, but blanket? Not sure but fixed
  9. Ah yes, if there's someone ask you to put hitsound on the slidertick, don't follow it since it's not recommended to use those Thanks
Looks nice, but don't use slider starting on the offbeat (red tick) too often. It's a bad habit and might be a boomerang sometimes, since it feels off when clicked sometimes. No problem in this case though


The diff name only indonesian knows orz, nice one. Um well, frankly speaking these jump and antijump usement on hard diff might be too much for a player like me to handle (I know this style often being used in old maps, but still). Well, aside from personal opinion, I'll just do some follow-up. Because aku galauuu
  1. 00:01:020 (1) - Remove whistle? Like the good old day Same reason
  2. 00:15:344 (1,2,3) - A better triangle? Fixed
  3. 00:16:366 (5,6) - If I were you, I would put these two further apart since the jump is a mediocre compared with the piano tone which getting a transition from lower tone to higher tone, which might give quite a misunderstanding on the gameplay
  4. 00:18:923 (3,4) - Well, there's no reason to stack these two, the rhythm keeps going so stacking these might hurt the flow. Same cases on 00:21:650 (3,4) -
  5. 00:36:821 (6,1,2,3) - Ok, this one is way too tricky to be put in hard diff, since these kind of spacing can give a huge misunderstanding (and fixing this might help the diff spread as well, since it's being quite a hot topic lately)
  6. 01:02:730 (4,5) - You might want to fix the pattern, just in case
  7. 01:03:923 (6,7) - It's recommended to put this more apart, the current spacing and the same combo can make a huge misunderstanding
    There's some NC you have to add in order to reduce people who misunderstand the spacing Fixed, and also implented Alexa's mod
    00:06:694 (4) -
    00:17:048 (6) -
    00:19:775 (5) -
    00:22:503 (5) -
    00:25:230 (4) -
    00:27:957 (6) -
    and blahblah, I'm sure you understand the NC pattern from here on
I've just pointed out some major problem in the spacing you really have to fix. It doesn't mean the rest is perfectly fine, but just reduce the amount of spacing that may gives a huge misunderstanding if possible (since pointing it all might makes me sounds like a douchebag)


Makasih kakak delivery 14045~
Beberapa di diff Galau masih aku pertimbangin apalagi tentang DS, jadi aku tampung dulu yaaaa

Thanks for modding everyonee, if I don't reply your mod it's just I still want to keep the curent, but I'll still thinking to aply the mod, I can't said it well XD

If next modder say or bat says the Galau diff have wrong spacing and make confused to play, I'll remap imediately. Updated!
Topic Starter
Already talk to a bat and decided to re-work the Galau diff, sorry for the inconvenient

Edit: done re-mapped Galau diff, ready for mod again~
Hey! From my M4M modding queue.
Well, here's my mod:

00:06:694 (3) – Place this slider here: X:460 Y:256 to make it more parallel with 00:05:073 (1) – 00:36:139 (2) – Not a good placement for flow purposes. Do something like this instead:
I copy and pasted 00:34:775 (1) – then Ctrl+H and then Ctrl+G.00:42:957 (1,2) – Why not make a blanket instead?
00:48:412 (1,2) - ^
00:52:503 (3) – Ctrl+J?
00:53:866 (1,2) – Blanket?
00:57:957 – I really advise putting a note here, cuz you can hear a clear beat there and it will improve the flow01:03:071 - ^01:03:412 (2,3,4) – This looks a bit untidy in my opinion. Rather do this?
A lot of blanketing advice. I think it lacks blankets, but it’s just because I really like blankets.

00:01:830 (1,2,3) – I don’t really like this pattern. What about this one instead?
Copy and paste 00:01:830 (1) – then Ctrl+J and then Ctrl+G00:31:707 (5) – Rather place it like this:
Looks neater.00:57:616 (2) –I don’t really like this rhythm. What about this instead?
00:58:980 (1,2) – Rather change these two hitcircles into a single slider or place them like this:
I just don’t like two circles stack on top of one slider.00:59:321 (3) – NC01:03:923 (4) – Rather Ctrl+J and 01:04:434 (5) – Ctrl+J to make the flow with 01:05:116 (1) – better. Like:
Nice diff.

00:06:086 (2,3) – Don’t like the placement. Rather this:
00:24:378 (2) – Make the jump smaller. Too big in my opinion.
00:25:230 (3) – Ctrl+J?00:31:196 (4) – Also make the jump a bit smaller00:31:707 (5) - ^00:35:287 (2) - ^00:51:139 (1,2) – This jump looks perfect. Make the other previous ones like this one as well01:03:412 (3,4) – Wow, way too big jump. Decrease the distance01:04:264 (5,6) – Unstack?
The only real issue I can see here are those big jumps. Other than that, this diff looks fine.

Overall, nice mapset.
Good Luck! :D
From my M4M Q


00:19:775 (2,3,1) - The two straight sliders clash with each other imo, try and bend one of them ever so slightly or anything like that
00:27:957 (2) - ctrl + h
00:36:139 (2,3) - linear flow is bad for beginners, try to make the top slider a curved one (I have no puush atm T_T)
00:55:230 (2) - after you've been making these sliders perfect all this time it feels weird to have the tail end on a higher coordinate then the head


00:04:667 (4,1) - blanket - this one in particulary is messy
00:08:316 (1,3) - imo two special sliders so close after one another is weird
00:13:181 (2) - make the tail end on the same x coordinates as the heas whis is 492
00:43:980 (2,3,4,5) - quite tough for a beginner, the movement feels unnatural so I think it should be only used in hard and aboves
00:50:798 (4,1) - Only stack when absolutely necessary, these two are of completely different frequencies
00:57:616 (2,3,4) - I don't get the rhythm here, why is there a beat skipped out? and its replaced by a red tick of barely any sound
01:00:344 (4) - ctrl + h
01:05:116 (1,2) - unnecessary stack


00:06:086 (2,3) - rather messy looking, move up a bit while moving three down?
00:10:951 (4,5) - ^
00:24:378 (2,3) - ctlr + j one of these for better flow
00:42:787 (6) - I suggest only to triple in hard when the sound is loud, audible
01:05:116 (1,2,3) - no need for such a large jump
01:08:525 (3,4) - ^

Like - Nya -, I have concerns about the enormus jumps. But I love the mapset anyway, GL !
Hey! M4M from my Q~
Sorry for the wait
Let's get started~

  1. 00:01:020 (1,1) – Blanket? Like this:
    It looks neater
  2. 00:03:046 (2,3) – Why not do this instead:
  3. 00:13:181 (2) – Why not try something like this imo:
  4. 00:27:957 (2,1) – Blanket maybe, because you are doing the same thing over and over so try something else for a change imo.
  5. 00:42:957 (1,2) - ^
  6. 00:51:139 (1,1) – Try this for a better flow:
  7. 00:52:503 (1,1) – Then blanket these two.
  8. 01:03:412 (2,3) – Try this instead:
    This is much more easier for beginners.
  9. Nice diff!~

  1. 00:03:451 (3) – Why not do this instead for a better flow:
  2. 00:18:412 (1,2) - Improve blanket.
  3. 01:03:923 (4,5) – Try this instead so that this slider 01:04:435 (5) – blanket with this hitcircle 01:05:116 (1) -. Like this:
    Looks neater.
  4. Very nice diff!

  1. 00:04:667 (4,1,2) – Why not try this:
  2. 00:23:867 (1,2) – Unnecessary jump. Please use DS
    It looks better and much easier to play.
  3. 00:29:321 (1,2) – Same here. Use DS please.
  4. 00:30:685 (3,4,5) - - ^
  5. 00:34:775 (1,2) – Same here.
  6. 00:52:503 (3,4,5) – WOW! This is too hard.DS
  7. 01:03:412 (3,4) - ^
  8. Jumps too big. Please fix that, but yet again. Still a good diff!~
Nice diff!
Hope it get’s ranked!
Good Luck~ :D
Topic Starter

-Nya- wrote:

Hey! From my M4M modding queue.
Well, here's my mod:

00:06:694 (3) – Place this slider here: X:460 Y:256 to make it more parallel with 00:05:073 (1) – Fixed00:36:139 (2) – Not a good placement for flow purposes. Do something like this instead: Not necesary I think, the flow is fine
I copy and pasted 00:34:775 (1) – then Ctrl+H and then Ctrl+G.00:42:957 (1,2) – Why not make a blanket instead? I'am bad at blanket stuff XD, I guess that one is also ok no need to change
00:48:412 (1,2) - ^ Same
00:52:503 (3) – Ctrl+J? No need to, It'll more natural if I keep that (3) not flipped
00:53:866 (1,2) – Blanket? Same blanketing reason
00:57:957 – I really advise putting a note here, cuz you can hear a clear beat there and it will improve the flow I don't intend to add notes there for Easy and Normal, so no change01:03:071 - ^ Same01:03:412 (2,3,4) – This looks a bit untidy in my opinion. Rather do this? Looks good, but maybe too stiff for me, no change
A lot of blanketing advice. I think it lacks blankets, but it’s just because I really like blankets. Yes, but honestly I'm very bad at blanketting XD

00:01:830 (1,2,3) – I don’t really like this pattern. What about this one instead? Fixed
Copy and paste 00:01:830 (1) – then Ctrl+J and then Ctrl+G00:31:707 (5) – Rather place it like this: Nothing wrong with that one, I'd prefer do Ctrl+J instead
Looks neater.00:57:616 (2) –I don’t really like this rhythm. What about this instead? And again, I don't intend to add notes there for Easy and Normal, so no change
00:58:980 (1,2) – Rather change these two hitcircles into a single slider or place them like this: I think it'll easier when a stream is stacked together, you don't need to move the cursor while you stream right? and it's just a triplet and there's only one that kind of notes through out Normal diff, so I guess no change
I just don’t like two circles stack on top of one slider.00:59:321 (3) – NC Fixed01:03:923 (4) – Rather Ctrl+J and 01:04:434 (5) – Ctrl+J to make the flow with 01:05:116 (1) – better. Like: Hmm I think no need to do, a bit don't like with the flow between (3) and (4)
Nice diff.

00:06:086 (2,3) – Don’t like the placement. Rather this: I don't like that flow when from slider to those two circle make rounded flow, I prefer the curent one that have V shape flow
00:24:378 (2) – Make the jump smaller. Too big in my opinion. It's already reduced, the previous version is 6.00 the curent is 4.00
00:25:230 (3) – Ctrl+J? Will consider that later00:31:196 (4) – Also make the jump a bit smaller Same reason, the jumps is smaller imo than before00:31:707 (5) - ^ Same00:35:287 (2) - ^ Same00:51:139 (1,2) – This jump looks perfect. Make the other previous ones like this one as well That's initial DS, I have 2.00 for each notes for non jumps in this diff01:03:412 (3,4) – Wow, way too big jump. Decrease the distance reduced, from 7.00 to 6.0001:04:264 (5,6) – Unstack? Curently no need to
The only real issue I can see here are those big jumps. Other than that, this diff looks fine.

Overall, nice mapset.
Good Luck! :D


Yuthuil wrote:

From my M4M Q


00:19:775 (2,3,1) - The two straight sliders clash with each other imo, try and bend one of them ever so slightly or anything like that I confused with the explaination XD, curently no change
00:27:957 (2) - ctrl + h No need to, not intend make a blanket there
00:36:139 (2,3) - linear flow is bad for beginners, try to make the top slider a curved one (I have no puush atm T_T) Ahh too bad, you can describe it better if there's some explaination pict, the rhythm itself is simple and those straight slider not a problem imo
00:55:230 (2) - after you've been making these sliders perfect all this time it feels weird to have the tail end on a higher coordinate then the head To make variation, just that XD


00:04:667 (4,1) - blanket - this one in particulary is messy Fixed
00:08:316 (1,3) - imo two special sliders so close after one another is weird I think that's not weird since I follow the DS
00:13:181 (2) - make the tail end on the same x coordinates as the heas whis is 492 Fixed, but not exactly x:492
00:43:980 (2,3,4,5) - quite tough for a beginner, the movement feels unnatural so I think it should be only used in hard and aboves It's ok, no need to change, the previous version is harder than that
00:50:798 (4,1) - Only stack when absolutely necessary, these two are of completely different frequencies I don't know when it can be called necessary XD, but that curent one is ok imo
00:57:616 (2,3,4) - I don't get the rhythm here, why is there a beat skipped out? and its replaced by a red tick of barely any sound Yes, since I follow the drum sound instead there
01:00:344 (4) - ctrl + h No need to
01:05:116 (1,2) - unnecessary stack It's ok imo, no need to unstack them


00:06:086 (2,3) - rather messy looking, move up a bit while moving three down? Yes, it's looks messy, but I prefer that one
00:10:951 (4,5) - ^ Same
00:24:378 (2,3) - ctlr + j one of these for better flow Will consider that later
00:42:787 (6) - I suggest only to triple in hard when the sound is loud, audible I'm not sure but that's is audible enough for me
01:05:116 (1,2,3) - no need for such a large jump Reduced a bit
01:08:525 (3,4) - ^ Same

Like - Nya -, I have concerns about the enormus jumps. But I love the mapset anyway, GL !


[-Mei-] wrote:

Hey! M4M from my Q~
Sorry for the wait
Let's get started~

  1. 00:01:020 (1,1) – Blanket? Like this: Not supposed to be a blanket sorry
    It looks neater
  2. 00:03:046 (2,3) – Why not do this instead: The curent is also ok with symetric it's looks better imo
  3. 00:13:181 (2) – Why not try something like this imo: I prefer simple curve slider rather than that wigle slider
  4. 00:27:957 (2,1) – Blanket maybe, because you are doing the same thing over and over so try something else for a change imo. I don't know, I want something diffrent beside blanketing all the notes XD
  5. 00:42:957 (1,2) - ^ Same
  6. 00:51:139 (1,1) – Try this for a better flow: Same reason as -nya-'s post, the curent flow is also ok
  7. 00:52:503 (1,1) – Then blanket these two. No need to
  8. 01:03:412 (2,3) – Try this instead: Will consider change if bat say so
    This is much more easier for beginners.
  9. Nice diff!~

  1. 00:03:451 (3) – Why not do this instead for a better flow: Fixed
  2. 00:18:412 (1,2) - Improve blanket. Fixed
  3. 01:03:923 (4,5) – Try this instead so that this slider 01:04:435 (5) – blanket with this hitcircle 01:05:116 (1) -. Like this: The curent is also ok imo, no need to change
    Looks neater.
  4. Very nice diff!

  1. 00:04:667 (4,1,2) – Why not try this: I prefer to use circles rather than use slider on that one
  2. 00:23:867 (1,2) – Unnecessary jump. Please use DS It's alredy reduced
    It looks better and much easier to play.
  3. 00:29:321 (1,2) – Same here. Use DS please. Same
  4. 00:30:685 (3,4,5) - - ^ Same
  5. 00:34:775 (1,2) – Same here. Same
  6. 00:52:503 (3,4,5) – WOW! This is too hard.DS Same
  7. 01:03:412 (3,4) - ^ Same
  8. Jumps too big. Please fix that, but yet again. Still a good diff!~
Nice diff!
Hope it get’s ranked!
Good Luck~ :D

Thanks Nya Yuthuil and Mei for modding~
The jumps on Galau diff is actually already reduced and I had asked many players to play and that those jumps is fine comparing to the previous version

Anyway Updated!
  1. The song is so beautiful , i think u should go to find some hitsound for the first part ;w;
All fine .. sry >>
00:01:830 (1) - This new combo isn't really necessary here.
01:19:775 (1) - I'm afraid this spinner is quite too short to be in the easiest difficulty. Change that to a slider, please.
00:01:830 (1) - This new combo isn't really necessary here.
00:15:685 (1) - As above.
01:10:060 - Add an extra note here?
I believe that jumps such as 00:23:867 (1,2) might be somewhat hard to read with such low approach rate. Consider increasing it to 7.5 or 8, but it's up to you. Playing with new combos might also help making them more visible (my proposal pointed below).
00:05:073 (1,2,3) - Adding a curve to (1) might make this pattern look somewhat better. Click!
00:23:867 (1,2) - Swap new combos.
00:29:321 (1,2) - Swap new combos.
00:45:685 (1,2) - Swap new combos.

Nothing particular that I could find here, I'm sure this is ready to go. Good luck~
Topic Starter

SoGa wrote:

  1. The song is so beautiful , i think u should go to find some hitsound for the first part ;w;
All fine .. sry >>
Thank you SoGa for checking and star :)

rEdo wrote:

00:01:830 (1) - This new combo isn't really necessary here. I put that intentionaly, to sign when the metronome do reset and I geuss it's consistent on each diffs
01:19:775 (1) - I'm afraid this spinner is quite too short to be in the easiest difficulty. Change that to a slider, please. Suree
00:01:830 (1) - This new combo isn't really necessary here. I put that intentionaly, to sign when the metronome do reset and I geuss it's consistent on each diffs
00:15:685 (1) - As above. Same explaination
01:10:060 - Add an extra note here? Sure
I believe that jumps such as 00:23:867 (1,2) might be somewhat hard to read with such low approach rate. Consider increasing it to 7.5 or 8, but it's up to you. Playing with new combos might also help making them more visible (my proposal pointed below). Apply, change to ar 8 but still consider about that swaping nc, if someone mention it again I'll apply. For now only change the ar
00:05:073 (1,2,3) - Adding a curve to (1) might make this pattern look somewhat better. Click! Sure
00:23:867 (1,2) - Swap new combos.
00:29:321 (1,2) - Swap new combos.
00:45:685 (1,2) - Swap new combos.

Nothing particular that I could find here, I'm sure this is ready to go. Good luck~ Thanks, yes I'm gonna find bat after this, hope will get one
Thank you so much rEdo, short and simple mod really helpful :)
Amending for my sins... I mean, returning the mod. Sorry for the delay. I was out of house, and only could use some very limited internet, so I couldn't download anything. :cry:


  1. Wow. Great map; it's just so... wow. I might not be able to return a mod as good as you did back there... :cry:
  2. My only question is why Easy is the only diff without a spinner at the end.

  1. Long time ago since an Easy was so fun. Great job!
  2. 00:13:181 (2) - Why don't you reduce volume of slider tick on this one, but you reduce volume at the end? I think it's better if you reduce volume since 00:13:992 - where slider tick is.
  3. 00:34:775 (1) - You can change curve to enhance flow and to aim at 00:36:139 (2) - this thing direction, instead of aiming in the opposite direction.
  4. 00:40:230 (1) - This one can also be improved a little bit, so that it aims at 00:41:594 (2) -
  5. 01:03:412 (2,3,4) - I feel kinda unsure about the rhythm you use here, since I don't know if novices can read it, being so sudden (and adding the fact this is the only 1/4 notes on this diff, even more so). Honestly, during first testplay, it surprised me a lot.

  1. 00:13:181 (2) - Same as Easy, practically.
  2. 00:57:957 - You should map this beat here. It has quite the strong sound.
  3. 00:58:980 (5,6,1) - This stack is kinda confusing. It can be cleared easily, but reading it is kinda complicated, and that reduces accuracy. You should unstack.
  4. 01:09:889 (4,5,1) - ^^
Well, that's it. I didn't found nothing on Galau, so I think this practically covers it.
Hope this helps in some way.
Topic Starter

LixRei wrote:

Amending for my sins... I mean, returning the mod. Sorry for the delay. I was out of house, and only could use some very limited internet, so I couldn't download anything. :cry: Relax take it easy haha XD thanks for coming and remembering my request Rei~


  1. Wow. Great map; it's just so... wow. I might not be able to return a mod as good as you did back there... :cry: It's okaay :)
  2. My only question is why Easy is the only diff without a spinner at the end. Yeah I decide to change the spinner o Easy with slider instead, so can make the diff easier to play, rEdo said that too

  1. Long time ago since an Easy was so fun. Great job! Thanks~
  2. 00:13:181 (2) - Why don't you reduce volume of slider tick on this one, but you reduce volume at the end? I think it's better if you reduce volume since 00:13:992 - where slider tick is. Suree
  3. 00:34:775 (1) - You can change curve to enhance flow and to aim at 00:36:139 (2) - this thing direction, instead of aiming in the opposite direction. Hmm I don't like if Ctrl+H that slider or have that slider o opposite side, I want to try diffrent patern on this map, some notes in this map is not instantly aiming the next notes, sometimes it goes opposite then goes to next note but I follow the DS too so I think that not a big problem here, sorry my explaination bad XD
  4. 00:40:230 (1) - This one can also be improved a little bit, so that it aims at 00:41:594 (2) - Same
  5. 01:03:412 (2,3,4) - I feel kinda unsure about the rhythm you use here, since I don't know if novices can read it, being so sudden (and adding the fact this is the only 1/4 notes on this diff, even more so). Honestly, during first testplay, it surprised me a lot. Waiting bat respon on that, thanks for your concern will change imedietly if bat say so

  1. 00:13:181 (2) - Same as Easy, practically. Sure
  2. 00:57:957 - You should map this beat here. It has quite the strong sound. Ahh I follow the drum sound instead, no need to add note on that part sorry, that goes to Easy as well
  3. 00:58:980 (5,6,1) - This stack is kinda confusing. It can be cleared easily, but reading it is kinda complicated, and that reduces accuracy. You should unstack. I prefer to stack them, tbh I don't really like when stream or triplet is spread hard to follow and yet I think it's better to stack them instead
  4. 01:09:889 (4,5,1) - ^^ Same
Well, that's it. I didn't found nothing on Galau, so I think this practically covers it.
Hope this helps in some way.
Thank you so muuuch LixRei :)
Shohei Ohtani
i've lost control of my life

00:24:378 (2) - It's a little bit odd how you establish a DS spaced map but then have a random confusing jump here
00:29:832 (2) - ^
00:31:196 (4,5) - ^. Like, I get that sometimes people will increase DS of 1/4s to avoid overlap, but considering it's the same spacing as the 1/2, and the map has established itself as very mild, it's a little out of place.
00:35:287 (2) - ^. Just assume this for all other patterns, so I don't wall up my mod post.
01:03:923 (4) - I know I said assume for the rest but I need to bring this one up in particular like jesus

Everything else is fine, I'd just like for the hard to be fixed up a little bit so it's not so randomly hard with spacing

Forum PM me when things are fixed.
Topic Starter

CDFA wrote:

i've lost control of my life

00:24:378 (2) - It's a little bit odd how you establish a DS spaced map but then have a random confusing jump here
00:29:832 (2) - ^
00:31:196 (4,5) - ^. Like, I get that sometimes people will increase DS of 1/4s to avoid overlap, but considering it's the same spacing as the 1/2, and the map has established itself as very mild, it's a little out of place.
00:35:287 (2) - ^. Just assume this for all other patterns, so I don't wall up my mod post.
01:03:923 (4) - I know I said assume for the rest but I need to bring this one up in particular like jesus

Everything else is fine, I'd just like for the hard to be fixed up a little bit so it's not so randomly hard with spacing

Forum PM me when things are fixed.
Ya fixed everything above no more odd and random jumps, thanks CDFA :)
heyhey~ from queue

a nice soft beat, awesome

maybe consider removing the kiai? i really regret putting kiai in one of my maps and it's too bad i cant change it now ):

personally recommend nc every 2 measures so you wont have combos going only up to 3 or 4

00:27:957 (2) - i wish this could do something more than just being there and filling space :s
00:53:866 (1) - ^ except this is a little bit better
01:03:412 (2) - >< this 1/4 idk.. it's easy s: even tho its low bpm i still think u should avoid 1/4s as much as possible.
01:07:162 - can u map this out?

nice job here ^^ other than that 1/4 i found concerning everything else was well done

not so sure about this spacing, the 1/4's are barely overlapping so i'd recommend like 1.3x ds lol. (but u probably don't want to remap ahhh)

00:01:020 (1,2) - i think it's better to start the song off with a slider cuz the players are still uncertain about the rhythms and can click too early/late cuz of it, like 00:03:046 (2) - a circle is fine cuz they've heard the song so they know the beats and stuff// iunno, it's up to you ahaha
00:04:667 (4,1) - blanket?
00:15:685 (1) - if u curve ths the other way it looks better with the previous slider and also flows better into the next note
00:20:798 (4,1) - this stack doesnt really make sense cuz your flow was always moving then you stop here
00:32:389 (1,2) - ^ like it'd be a different story if you had other stacks but you only have 2 in the first half of the song so it's a bit out of place
00:49:435 (2) - this pattern looks a bit uncoordinated , maybe something like this? 00:50:116 (3) - is ctrl+j'd 00:51:139 (1) -
00:57:957 - before you ignored the percussion to map the piano (i.e. 00:51:821 - 00:53:185 -) so it doesnt make sense to suddenly switch to ignoring piano and mapping out drums
01:00:344 (2) - move down a bit so its balanced between (1) and (3)

[Gelato- i mean Galau (wut does this mean owo)]
AR7? this is hard and it's 88 bpm um

00:03:451 (3,4,1) - try this pattern? u might want to jump on (1) but its up to u
00:10:951 (4) - why not up for better flow x_x
00:24:378 (2) - i honestly think u should make this a triple to map the drums
00:29:832 (2) - ^ and etc.
00:31:196 (4) - this tiny overlap doesnt look good, a blanket is probably a better option
00:40:230 (1,2,3) - see? u did it here!!! u should really be consistent with these rhythms
01:06:480 (4) - flows nicely and doesnt look very random i think
01:07:503 (1) - curve this the other way as well
01:14:662 (4) - ^

good luck and have fun! (:
Topic Starter

Gaia wrote:

heyhey~ from queue Hellohello~ thanks for coming Gaia

a nice soft beat, awesome Thanks~

maybe consider removing the kiai? i really regret putting kiai in one of my maps and it's too bad i cant change it now ): Why ;; I don't see any trouble there, besides I think that part is the most emosional part through the song imo

personally recommend nc every 2 measures so you wont have combos going only up to 3 or 4 Hmm I pick NC after 1 measure to make it consistent with Normal and Hard, besides if I make NC after 2 measure might make the NC too long for an Easy

00:27:957 (2) - i wish this could do something more than just being there and filling space :s I prefer a slider though
00:53:866 (1) - ^ except this is a little bit better Same
01:03:412 (2) - >< this 1/4 idk.. it's easy s: even tho its low bpm i still think u should avoid 1/4s as much as possible. But I asked bat and it's ok ;; no change atm
01:07:162 - can u map this out? Sure

nice job here ^^ other than that 1/4 i found concerning everything else was well done Thanks~

not so sure about this spacing, the 1/4's are barely overlapping so i'd recommend like 1.3x ds lol. (but u probably don't want to remap ahhh) Hahaha XD

00:01:020 (1,2) - i think it's better to start the song off with a slider cuz the players are still uncertain about the rhythms and can click too early/late cuz of it, like 00:03:046 (2) - a circle is fine cuz they've heard the song so they know the beats and stuff// iunno, it's up to you ahaha Fixed
00:04:667 (4,1) - blanket? Not sure but fixed anyway
00:15:685 (1) - if u curve ths the other way it looks better with the previous slider and also flows better into the next note Fixed
00:20:798 (4,1) - this stack doesnt really make sense cuz your flow was always moving then you stop here I didn't find a problem there, I don't know when to put stack notes and I think there's no rules on it XD
00:32:389 (1,2) - ^ like it'd be a different story if you had other stacks but you only have 2 in the first half of the song so it's a bit out of place Same
00:49:435 (2) - this pattern looks a bit uncoordinated , maybe something like this? 00:50:116 (3) - is ctrl+j'd 00:51:139 (1) - No need to change, that one is like a curve chain with next two curve
00:57:957 - before you ignored the percussion to map the piano (i.e. 00:51:821 - 00:53:185 -) so it doesnt make sense to suddenly switch to ignoring piano and mapping out drums But I think it's ok, it's hard to make sign when the rhythm is change
01:00:344 (2) - move down a bit so its balanced between (1) and (3) Fixed

[Gelato- i mean Galau (wut does this mean owo)]
AR7? this is hard and it's 88 bpm um Sure, I want to put 7.5 or something but I don't like something odd like that

00:03:451 (3,4,1) - try this pattern? u might want to jump on (1) but its up to u On the intro I think it's better not to put any jumps since it's really calm part imo
00:10:951 (4) - why not up for better flow x_x Because it can make blanket with this slider tail if you see closer 00:11:559 (1) -
00:24:378 (2) - i honestly think u should make this a triple to map the drums Why ;; I follow piano sound there instead
00:29:832 (2) - ^ and etc. Same
00:31:196 (4) - this tiny overlap doesnt look good, a blanket is probably a better option It's just a tiny and probably ok, if I Ctrl+J that and make a blanket, I have to remap the next notes ;;
00:40:230 (1,2,3) - see? u did it here!!! u should really be consistent with these rhythms Yes I did it agaaiiin XD I'm sure I follow the piano sound there might be boring if I put same notes and rhythm over again
01:06:480 (4) - flows nicely and doesnt look very random i think That's not a random, actualy that's a curve chain if you look closer so no need to change
01:07:503 (1) - curve this the other way as well Same
01:14:662 (4) - ^ Same

good luck and have fun! (:
Thanks Gaia really helpful mod, but I just fixed some minor issues. I hope you ok with that :)
IRC Modded
17:44 Pjecoo: Modding easy.
17:44 Pjecoo: 00:11:559 (1) - Flip it vertically
17:45 Pjecoo: 00:22:503 (2) - Move the center dot little bit to the right and little bit down
17:46 Mako Sakata: You mean do ctrl+J ?
17:46 Mako Sakata: 00:11:559 (1) -
17:46 Pjecoo: Yes.
17:46 Mako Sakata: Oki
17:46 Pjecoo: Same thing w/ 00:27:957 (2) - (center dot) and maybe Ctrl+J too. (for the flow
17:47 Mako Sakata: Sure thing
17:48 Mako Sakata: I'm not sure about that ctrl+j on 00:27:957 (2) -
17:49 Pjecoo:'s up to you. I'm just giving you a suggestions...It's up to you, what do you fix, and what not.
17:49 Mako Sakata: Okay theen
17:50 Pjecoo: 01:03:412 (2,3,4) - This is actually pretty nice (y)
17:51 Pjecoo: Okay...Let's take a look to a Normal.
17:51 Mako Sakata: Thanks XD
17:52 Pjecoo: 00:33:753 (3) - Try move it little bit to the left to make perfect blanket
17:54 Mako Sakata: Done move one grid to left
17:54 Pjecoo: 00:57:616 (2,3) - This is really confusing for Normal players.
17:54 Pjecoo: My suggestion is
17:54 Pjecoo: Make a reverse slider for that.
17:54 Pjecoo: It'll fit the rhythm too
17:55 Pjecoo: (tell me to slow down or something if I'm really quick at you
17:57 Mako Sakata: But I don't intend to add note here 00:57:957 - so no need to change those (2,3) with 1/2 slider reverse :(
17:57 Mako Sakata: I follow the drum sound instead;;
17:57 Pjecoo: Ok.
17:57 Pjecoo: Everything else seems ok. (good style of mapping btw.)
17:57 Mako Sakata: :D
17:58 Pjecoo: Ok, give me a minute, gonna eat a dinner. brb.
17:58 Mako Sakata: Thanks XD
17:58 Mako Sakata: Okay, take your time~
18:12 Pjecoo: Ok, Im back...
18:12 Pjecoo: Ok Galau diff...Why Galau actually?
18:13 Mako Sakata: I don't know XD
18:13 Pjecoo: Check AImod.
18:13 Pjecoo: There is a object too far from the previous.
18:15 Mako Sakata: Yes there is, but I think still reachable
18:16 Pjecoo: hmm..Well, it's just my personal opinion
18:16 Pjecoo: 00:57:616 (3,4) -
18:16 Pjecoo: Replace it with slider pointing on 00:58:639 (6) -
18:16 Pjecoo: ups
18:16 Pjecoo: i mean
18:16 Pjecoo: 00:57:957 (4,5) -
18:19 Mako Sakata: Hmm not really need to replace with slider imo, somehow it's just more fit to use circles instead on that part, except on Easy though
18:19 Pjecoo: Okay...
18:19 Pjecoo: As I said, personal opinion
18:20 Pjecoo: So, that's all. Let me reply a log to the thread.
18:20 Mako Sakata: XD
18:21 Mako Sakata: Okay, gonna update it in a moment
18:21 Mako Sakata: Thanks Pjecoo~
18:21 Pjecoo: Np.
Topic Starter
Applied some aesthetic sugestion from Pjecoo, thanks~
Hi~~~ :3
From NM Queue :3

  1. OK.... No Problem IMO :3
  1. 00:22:503 (2,3,1) - Nanggung... buat aja Triangle... move 00:22:503 (2) to x:72 y:232 and 00:23:525 (3) x:64 y:32
  2. 00:45:344 (3,1) - Kenapa nggak dibuat Straight aja slidernya ? move 00:45:685 (1) - 2nd dot to x:400 y:316
  3. ^^ move 01:00:685 (3) - 2nd dot to x:182 y:64
  1. 01:15:344 (4,1) - Buat straight juga kayaknya lebih enak. Move 01:15:685 (1) - 2nd dot to x:124 y:37
  1. Cie yang galau.... Tapi kayaknya kurang cocok pake diff namanya Galau. I think it's better use the title of the song to be the diff name, "Somewhere"
  2. 00:18:923 (2,3) - Blanketnya dirapiin. move 00:19:094 (3) to x:60 y:40
  3. 00:32:048 (1,2,3) - Lebih enak pake Rotate 120'. Coba deh kayak gini :
    00:32:048 (1) - 2nd dot to x:57 y:296 - 3rd dot to x:50 y:332
    00:32:730 (2) - 2nd dot to x:74 y:151 - 3rd dot to x:46 y:128
  4. 00:57:105 (2,3,4,5) - Pertama liat aku agak bingung 00:57:105 (2,3) ini stack 3/4 terus jump ke 00:57:957 (4,5) jadi stack 2/4. Kukira 3/4 juga. So, I suggest to make 00:57:957 (4,5) like this
OK.. That's all I can mod :3
remember that your style look same as me :3
Hope it'll be help 8-)
Topic Starter

Fantastica wrote:

Hi~~~ :3
From NM Queue :3 Helloooo~

  1. OK.... No Problem IMO :3
  1. 00:22:503 (2,3,1) - Nanggung... buat aja Triangle... move 00:22:503 (2) to x:72 y:232 and 00:23:525 (3) x:64 y:32 Udah cukup triangle kak, kalo ngikutin yang itu kayanya segitiganya terlalu lancip engga terlalu sukaa
  2. 00:45:344 (3,1) - Kenapa nggak dibuat Straight aja slidernya ? move 00:45:685 (1) - 2nd dot to x:400 y:316 Engga begitu diperluin kak, beberapa ada yg copy-paste slider yang sama biar keliatan simetri gitu
  3. ^^ move 01:00:685 (3) - 2nd dot to x:182 y:64 Sama
  1. 01:15:344 (4,1) - Buat straight juga kayaknya lebih enak. Move 01:15:685 (1) - 2nd dot to x:124 y:37 Engga begitu diperluin kak, beberapa ada yg copy-paste slider yang sama biar keliatan simetri gitu
  1. Cie yang galau.... Tapi kayaknya kurang cocok pake diff namanya Galau. I think it's better use the title of the song to be the diff name, "Somewhere" Iyaaaa waktu buat ini lagi galau jadi mau gimana lagi XD kalo diubah jd Somewhere kayanya terlalu biasa gimana gitu kak
  2. 00:18:923 (2,3) - Blanketnya dirapiin. move 00:19:094 (3) to x:60 y:40 Fixed
  3. 00:32:048 (1,2,3) - Lebih enak pake Rotate 120'. Coba deh kayak gini: Fixed, looks better now
    00:32:048 (1) - 2nd dot to x:57 y:296 - 3rd dot to x:50 y:332
    00:32:730 (2) - 2nd dot to x:74 y:151 - 3rd dot to x:46 y:128
  4. 00:57:105 (2,3,4,5) - Pertama liat aku agak bingung 00:57:105 (2,3) ini stack 3/4 terus jump ke 00:57:957 (4,5) jadi stack 2/4. Kukira 3/4 juga. So, I suggest to make 00:57:957 (4,5) like this Itu niatnya jump kak, di diff ini kayanya kurang jump jadi aku masukin satu, kalo masalah stacking itu memaang disengaja kak biar dapet feel sama lagunya XD
OK.. That's all I can mod :3
remember that your style look same as me :3 Yeeeey ada yang sama stylenya *toss*
Hope it'll be help 8-)
Thank you so much, Updated!
~Testplay Request~

It's pretty nice and smooth ouo but maybe in the beginning you should add a new pattern rather than repeating slider->circle->slider,etc. Rather than that it's really smooth.
Everything's all good but maybe the last note which was a spinner didn't really came along with the map , like an extra note.
Nice and smooth like the others but when it comes to the kiai time you repeat the pattern circle->circle->circle->slider a bit much maybe adding or switching the pattern.
Overall everything in this map is really good and should be ranked and maybe adding a hitsound in some notes when they reach the clapping sound from the music.
Topic Starter

-Actor- wrote:

~Testplay Request~

It's pretty nice and smooth ouo but maybe in the beginning you should add a new pattern rather than repeating slider->circle->slider,etc. Rather than that it's really smooth.
Everything's all good but maybe the last note which was a spinner didn't really came along with the map , like an extra note.
Nice and smooth like the others but when it comes to the kiai time you repeat the pattern circle->circle->circle->slider a bit much maybe adding or switching the pattern.
Overall everything in this map is really good and should be ranked and maybe adding a hitsound in some notes when they reach the clapping sound from the music.
That was fast XD

So I guess there's no more odd jumps and spacing
Yeah gonna ask a bat again this time, thanks for testing Actor~
Shohei Ohtani
Topic Starter
Thank you for helping me out CDFA 😊
Mako Sakata for BAT~ \:D/
Narwhal Prime
Hi Mako Sakata, here's a mod from my queue!
(oh snap it's already bubbled! nice job (hope this mod isn't too late :P))

  1. 01:07:162 (4) - , 01:12:957 (4) - , and 01:19:094 (4) - are all possible places to put new combo to be consistent with how NC is placed in the first half of the song. (then again this is all in kiai so I dunno if longer combos here are intentional)
  1. 00:04:667 (4) - I'm being picky here, but given the curvature of the slider' at 00:03:451 (3) - I feel this should be moved down two squares :\
  2. 00:42:275 (4,1) - Again being picky (I can't find any significant errors lol) - For perfectly parallel sliders: move (4)'s points to (108,116) and (28,106) (had to turn off grid snap for that), and (1)'s points to (96,16) and (256,36).
  1. 00:38:014 (2) - move to (120,240) - again dealing with the curvature of the previous slider
Relaxing song and very polished map! I might make use of the piano score someday :P

Topic Starter
Let me answer the following mod,

Narwhal Prime wrote:

Hi Mako Sakata, here's a mod from my queue!
(oh snap it's already bubbled! nice job (hope this mod isn't too late :P) Hey NP, thanks for coming. Well yeah it's finally bubbled XD

  1. 01:07:162 (4) - , 01:12:957 (4) - , and 01:19:094 (4) - are all possible places to put new combo to be consistent with how NC is placed in the first half of the song. (then again this is all in kiai so I dunno if longer combos here are intentional) Yes, it's intentional and I'm aware of that. Anyway, if the second bat say to fix that I'll fix it imedietely, thanks for noticing :)
  1. 00:04:667 (4) - I'm being picky here, but given the curvature of the slider' at 00:03:451 (3) - I feel this should be moved down two squares :\ Tbh I don't see anything wrong on that, it's kinda same if I move that two squares below and with the curent position it can be blanket nicely with next curve slider
  2. 00:42:275 (4,1) - Again being picky (I can't find any significant errors lol) - For perfectly parallel sliders: move (4)'s points to (108,116) and (28,106) (had to turn off grid snap for that), and (1)'s points to (96,16) and (256,36). I tried my best to have nice paralel there ;(
  1. 00:38:014 (2) - move to (120,240) - again dealing with the curvature of the previous slider No change also on this one, I tried to make the best S shape on that slider, circle, slider
Relaxing song and very polished map! I might make use of the piano score someday :P Hahaha yes go ahead, that piano score is free to use anyway, glad someone like it :)

Thanks NP,
Sorry no change atm, I hope you're fine with that~

You give nice sugestion, I'm looking forward on your mod in the future :)
@to next BAT
Did anyone checked timing?
I've got

but considering my temporary sound card give me glitches sometimes this need to be rechecked.
Also pay attention that first piano part in 3\4 imo :?
3rd uninherited timing should snap at 00:15:350, and don't forget to resnap and object. Do this for all diffs

Also, change the "Galau" to "Hard". I'll confuse the players if that name were hardest or not

Popped and PM me if you already fix it
Topic Starter

Leorda wrote:

3rd uninherited timing should snap at 00:15:350, and don't forget to resnap and object. Do this for all diffs

Also, change the "Galau" to "Hard". I'll confuse the players if that name were hardest or not

Popped and PM me if you already fix it
Fixed and a bit adjusted some aesthetic things
Umm about re-name the Galau diff, I think it's not necesary I want to keep the curent one, bacause if you see on curent ranking criteria, it said:
"A difficulty's name must indicate its level of difficulty, with the exception of the hardest level of difficulty in a set. The mapset's hardest difficulty may use an appropriate custom difficulty name, unrelated to a username. Mapsets may also use a complete set of custom difficulty names that clearly indicate their level of difficulty to the player. Marathon maps with a single difficulty may use free naming."
Well aside from that, Galau diff is indicated as the hardest on the mapset if you look on the star rating, so player is aware that diff is the hardest, and the hardest diff is not always to be an Insane or Extreme imo. I hope you can understand :)

Thank you Sieg, Leorda, and Lust to check the timing~
sieg asked me to look at the timing. if someone rebubbles this with the current timing it's just gonna get popped (again). use this:

  1. first timing point is unnecessary. there's just a beat of pick-up notes which you don't need to include a timing section for. it's also not 3/4 dunno why sieg mentioned that
  2. the second timing point exists for the sake of pick-up notes at a different bpm, so you do need the new section there. it's not a downbeat though, so you'll need to omit its bar line.
  3. offset shifts are just there because current offsets are not right yea
Topic Starter

pishifat wrote:

sieg asked me to look at the timing. if someone rebubbles this with the current timing it's just gonna get popped (again). use this: Sure

  1. first timing point is unnecessary. there's just a beat of pick-up notes which you don't need to include a timing section for. it's also not 3/4 dunno why sieg mentioned that Deleted
  2. the second timing point exists for the sake of pick-up notes at a different bpm, so you do need the new section there. it's not a downbeat though, so you'll need to omit its bar line. Ok
  3. offset shifts are just there because current offsets are not right yea
Thanks for checking pshifat, hope have better timing now, Updated!
Seems fine~

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