
Mayama Rika - Liar Mask anime size

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Topic Starter
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Sunday, November 2, 2014 at 6:30:41 PM

Artist: Mayama Rika
Title: Liar Mask anime size
Source: アカメが斬る!
Tags: Akame ga Kill! kiru 2nd Opening second WHITE FOX Square Enix
BPM: 150
Filesize: 3086kb
Play Time: 01:29
Difficulties Available:
  1. Hard (3.33 stars, 185 notes)
  2. Liar (4.55 stars, 253 notes)
  3. Normal (2.05 stars, 138 notes)
  4. Easy (1.42 stars, 88 notes)
Download: Mayama Rika - Liar Mask anime size
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Akame ga Kill! 2nd Opening \:D/

changed mp3 at Wednesday, October 15, 2014 at 9:07:52 AM (GMT+7)
added video at Friday, October 17, 2014 at 3:03:52 PM (GMT+7)
added Easy diff at Wednesday, October 22, 2014 at 12:32:34 PM (GMT+7)
reduced video size at Tuesday, October 28, 2014 at 1:10:13 AM (GMT+7)
added custom hitsounds at Sunday, November 2, 2014 at 2:22:42 PM (GMT+7)
change title based on source at Sunday, November 2, 2014 at 6:30:41 PM (GMT+7)
* might want to re-download if you download before those dates *
Topic Starter

P A N wrote:

L I A R :>
Random mod from #modreqs

Timing - I checked it and there is a 3/4 waltz starting 00:36:385 and ending 00:55:050 the BPM is the same, just go to the timing setup and check the 3/4 wartz point. I don't know if you know it but on this part your not tapping 1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4 like in 90% of the songs you tab 1,2,3,1,2,3 - try it!^^
And don't forget to start a new timing line with 4/4 00:55:050 here
+ It sounds an feels that there is something wrong at the last part starting here 01:19:049 but I am not sure

It feels like the Sliders are too fast, here's something out of the wiki "but at high BPMs you might want to use less than 1.0x". I would make it less fast by turning down the SV, but this is up to you =)

00:04:796 (1,2) - If you blanket anything try to make it right ;) Use the circle of the first slider for blanket
or of you try to blenkt the first slider an not the end-circle drag the middle point of 00:05:596 (2) - to 248/100 and the end-point to 276/92 - the other blankets are looking good
00:15:052 (1,2) - except them - better blanket :P
00:17:718 (1) - and this middle part of the curcve need a tick to the right^^
00:36:385 DUe to the 3/4 waltz this part need to be remapped in my opinion - replace some slider and replace the hitsounds
00:37:718 (3) - Use this slider for the vocal - starting 00:37:885 and ending 00:38:051
00:41:384 this sound have to be clicked active, not passive, use a starting slider or a circle
00:43:384 same
00:45:884 add a circle
01:28:383 (3) - looking ugly make something better out of it, maybe blank it with the slider before

00:07:196 (1) - remove NC
00:46:384 if you do the above start the NC here
00:59:717 (1) - remove NC
01:00:383 (3) - start NC
01:01:383 (1) - remove NC
01:05:050 (1) - remove
01:05:717 (6) - NC
01:06:717 (1) - remove
01:10:383 (1) - remove
01:11:050 (1) - NC
01:13:050 (5) - remove
01:13:717 (6) - NC
01:15:717 (1) - remove
01:16:217 (5) - NC

00:03:996 (4,1,2) - blanket <3
00:30:385 (1) - Maybe this is unrankable cause it's manipulating the slider speed, I asked a BAT he tells me that he would avoid it, but nobody knows exactly what the point is :D
00:32:051 (4) - Try this it fits more with the vocal
00:42:384 This part have to be active clickable
01:08:383 (3,4,5) - Would change this part to something like this - plays better

00:30:385 (1) - delete
00:34:718 (1) - selete top keep it consequently
00:42:718 (1) - delete to keep this part consequently
00:59:050 (1) - delete
00:59:717 (1) - delete
OK to shorten it: Every 8th tick use a NC

hum the rest seems fine - good work!

00:15:552 (2) - would do this
00:30:385 (1) - again the unrankable slider - now a QAT (Shiro) told me that it's not rankable
00:45:384 (4,1) - the overlap of the circle is not good try to move the second slider like a blanket - still not perfect you have to experiment a bit^^
00:58:883 (1,2,3,4) - make a good lozenge out of it (hope it's the right word i used a translator :D)
OK better idea:
00:59:550 (1,2) - they'r not sounding good move them to 00:59:717 as a start and place a circle in the gap. Make a pentagon out of the 5 circles
01:09:383 (7,1,2,3,4) - something is not fitting with the sound i experimented around a bit but I can't find anytig without completely renew this. I know streams are great, but I think this is fitting better

Maybe you just try the same like the Normal and the hard ;)

I am not good in hitsounding so I can't give you advices there, sry >.<

Good Luck with the song!
irc modded ~

02:12 Rakuen: well
02:12 Rakuen: the sound quality isnt that nice
02:12 Setsurei: uh
02:12 Setsurei: I convert it from 320 to 192
02:12 Rakuen: 01:26:467 (3,4) - wrongly snapped
02:13 *Rakuen is editing [ Mayama Rika - LIAR MASK [LIAR]]
02:13 Rakuen: 01:26:467 (3) - at 01:26:550 -
02:13 Rakuen: 01:26:717 (4) - at 01:26:800 -
02:13 Rakuen: btw u want in game mod now?
02:13 Rakuen: if you're not ready x)
02:13 Setsurei: yes
02:13 Rakuen: kk
02:14 Rakuen: juz to ask, is this a RAW source
02:14 Rakuen: like u get blu ray OP etc
02:14 Setsurei: no ._.
02:14 Setsurei: I rip it from the anime that I dl-ed
02:15 Rakuen: yeah the volume is quite low
02:15 Rakuen: i'll try to help u get the original ;o
02:15 Setsurei: \:D/
02:15 Setsurei: btw is this also the same as you mentioned? 01:27:800 (3,4) -
02:15 Rakuen: yeah
02:15 Rakuen: that part
02:15 Rakuen: red > red > blue
02:16 Setsurei: 01:28:883 (2,3) - and this
02:16 Setsurei: ok
02:17 Setsurei: 01:29:383 (4) - so this one shorten by 1/4 and move to 01:29:467 -
02:17 Rakuen: i found the lossy audio and raw
02:17 Rakuen: do u want me to have a download test first?
02:17 Rakuen: or you want to test yourself by downloading maybe all the ver?
02:18 Setsurei: I'll try
02:18 Rakuen: er use 25% playback on the outtro part
02:18 Rakuen: then you'll hear the guitar play
02:18 Setsurei: ah still 1/2
02:19 Setsurei: 01:29:633 - ends here
02:19 Setsurei: haha
02:19 Rakuen: kk I'll just mention all the spots
02:20 Rakuen: 01:26:550 -
02:20 Rakuen: 01:26:800 -
02:20 Rakuen: 01:27:883 -
02:20 Rakuen: 01:28:133 -
02:20 Setsurei: ok
02:20 Setsurei: all are moved to that places
02:21 Rakuen: 01:28:925 (2) - this one looks like 1/8 ;o 01:28:925 -
02:21 Rakuen: but maybe just put at 01:28:883 - first, ask timing pro to check it x)
02:22 Rakuen: 01:29:467 - outtro starts here and end 01:29:717 -
02:22 Rakuen: maybe put 5% for the end
02:22 Setsurei: the timings was done with the help of BeatofIke
02:22 Rakuen: k sure
02:22 Setsurei: ok 5%
02:22 Rakuen: well
02:23 Rakuen: i'd prefer soft sampleset tho
02:23 Rakuen: xD
02:23 Rakuen: for the song
02:23 Setsurei: because the claps are weird, I'll change the soft clap to drum then
02:23 Rakuen: lel
02:24 Rakuen: why your hard is so hard
02:24 Rakuen: x)
02:24 Setsurei: lool
02:24 Setsurei: hard nowdays are nearly like insae _(:>
02:24 Setsurei: *insane
02:24 Setsurei: example of HARD Hard
02:24 *Setsurei is listening to [ airportexpress feat.Itsuneko - BIRTH]
02:26 Rakuen: but it's kinda stick to vocal
02:26 Rakuen: and it's a fast song 0.0
02:26 Rakuen: meanwhile akame op2 is quite slow
02:26 Setsurei: so I need to decrease the density?
02:27 Rakuen: like the map gives you a feel you dont have to stop
02:27 *Rakuen is editing [ airportexpress feat.Itsuneko - BIRTH [wkyik's Hard]]
02:27 Rakuen: even it's a jump you juz continue tapping
02:28 Rakuen:
02:28 Rakuen: ^ here's the RAW
02:28 Setsurei: ok
02:29 Rakuen: k I'll try to mod from insane cuz i started it
02:29 Setsurei: 10 mins torrent
02:30 Rakuen: lel
02:30 Setsurei: ok
02:30 Rakuen: extract the audio from there
02:30 Rakuen: if needed you can enloud the audio
02:30 Rakuen: but try not more than 50%
02:30 Rakuen: if it's not really tiny
02:31 Rakuen: 00:12:376 (5) - Prefer to space it more or stack on 00:11:576 (4) -
02:31 Rakuen: cuz 00:10:376 (1,2,3) - is kinda far
02:31 Rakuen: and if possible make all those 00:10:376 (1,2,3,4) - same DS
02:31 Rakuen: like make it either 1.2 or 1.0 would be neater
02:31 Setsurei: I'll stack the 5
02:32 Rakuen: and a note at 00:12:776 - then spin would be preferable
02:32 Rakuen: 00:15:718 - there's a vocal here
02:32 Setsurei: 00:10:776 (2) - moved this one
02:33 Setsurei: so it will be 1.0
02:33 Rakuen: actually depends on how you map
02:33 Rakuen: (3) could be a jump
02:33 Rakuen: cuz it's a new beat and quite storng feel
02:33 Rakuen: so that doesn't matter much if you dont want to change
02:34 Rakuen: a few mods could fix that
02:34 Rakuen: 00:24:218 (5) - Could try
02:34 Rakuen: moving to 00:24:301 - to follow vocal*
02:35 Rakuen: or make a short slider at 00:24:218 - seems vocal owns everything there
02:35 Rakuen: xD
02:35 Setsurei: hitcircle then 1/2 slider
02:35 Rakuen: 00:26:968 - same as here
02:35 Rakuen: 00:29:385 - I'd map here cuz of Insane ;)
02:36 Rakuen: 00:30:051 (3) - Prefer to replace with a circle at 00:30:218 -
02:36 Rakuen: all those mods are quite optional sometimes, change when u feel agreed with it
02:37 Rakuen: 00:32:301 - the vocal thing previously ;)
02:37 Rakuen: 00:35:051 - 1/6 mapping here
02:38 Rakuen: or 1/3
02:38 Rakuen: prefer 1/3 tho, looks not overmap
02:38 Rakuen: 00:36:885 (2) - for slow song, this kinda notes are avoidable
02:38 Rakuen: if you want a safe rank
02:39 Rakuen: stick to the vocal / cover and dont add extra things, it's all good to go
02:39 Setsurei: ah
02:41 Rakuen: 00:45:884 - try to map all these vocals ;)
02:41 Rakuen: 00:46:884 -
02:41 Rakuen: imo patterns are significant
02:42 Rakuen: em
02:42 Rakuen: but not to let what can map to be pattern
02:42 Rakuen: tehe...
02:42 Rakuen: 00:48:884 - as mentioned previously, try to avoid it ;)
02:43 Rakuen: 00:55:884 - vocal owo
02:43 Setsurei: about the 1/3, only 00:35:051 (5) - or including 00:35:385 (6) - too?
02:44 Rakuen: hm>?
02:45 Rakuen: yeah including 6
02:45 Setsurei: ok
02:45 Rakuen: well if a better audio is there you can hear it clearly
02:46 Rakuen: 00:59:050 (2) - try removing this note
02:46 Rakuen: maybe you'll find a better rhythm
02:46 Rakuen: 00:59:550 (1,2) - Move the set to 00:59:717 - cuz the visible vocal 0.0
02:46 Rakuen: and maybe add a note 00:59:550 -
02:46 Setsurei: btw the raw is much slower than the one that I got (the volume)
02:47 Rakuen: puush me the audio
02:47 Rakuen: i could try and enloud for you
02:48 Setsurei: ok wait
02:48 Rakuen: if you want better raw maybe have to wait a bit
02:48 Rakuen: 01:00:383 (1) - long slider doesn't fit ;c
02:49 Rakuen: maybe shorten it to 01:00:717 - and put something on 01:00:883 - and 01:01:050 -
02:49 Setsurei:
02:50 Rakuen: 01:03:217 (7) - move this to 01:03:550 - and then the (8) to 01:03:383 -
02:50 Rakuen: juz rhythm suggest
02:51 Rakuen: 01:04:633 - adding a note here would be a new rhythm too
02:51 Rakuen: there's a triplet in the music
02:51 Rakuen: same as 01:05:300 -
02:52 Rakuen: if possible make the visible vocals a "hit" rather than slider tail 01:08:717 -
02:52 Rakuen: ^ 01:09:217 - applies for this too
02:52 Rakuen: 01:09:883 - stream starts here, preferable just to put few more curcles there
02:53 Rakuen: or could try 2 short slider + 2 circles then to a long slider at 01:10:383 -
02:53 Rakuen: 01:10:383 (5) - shorten the slider to 01:10:550 - maybe
02:53 Rakuen: cuz nothing really sounds at
02:53 Rakuen: 01:10:717 -
02:54 Rakuen: wait there's a stop
02:54 Rakuen: juz map all the 3x 1/2
02:54 Rakuen: 01:13:050 - something skipped? xD
02:55 Rakuen: 01:14:717 - at this point you can hear the violin play in 1/2
02:55 Rakuen: it's kinda good for mapping insane
02:56 Rakuen: 01:21:717 - strong beat, maybe wanna map here too ;)
02:59 Setsurei: wait I'm still half done_(:3
02:59 Rakuen: yeah sure ;)
03:08 Rakuen: new mp3
03:08 Rakuen: should be better ;)
03:08 Rakuen: change the name as you wish
03:09 Rakuen: dont expect best audio from TV size unless blu ray is out
03:10 Setsurei: ok
03:11 Setsurei: 01:09:883 - still fixing up to here _(:3
03:12 Rakuen: no worries
03:12 Rakuen: ;)
03:12 Rakuen: btw you can try refer to this map if you want to map insane / extra
03:12 *Rakuen is listening to [ SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:mizuki - aLIEz (TV size)]
03:12 Rakuen: i found it's a really really good mapset
03:12 Setsurei: let me know if you want to sleep first lol
03:12 Rakuen: skystar umi chippy captin all good mappers owo
03:14 Rakuen: oh btw i woke up at 1
03:14 Rakuen: slept too early like 10
03:14 Rakuen: aftermath x)
03:14 Setsurei: lool
03:21 Setsurei: insane done _(:3
03:23 Rakuen: :3
03:24 Rakuen: I'll juz mention a bit in other 2 diffs
03:24 Setsurei: now I can't FC my own insane
03:24 Setsurei: lol
03:25 Rakuen: lol ftw
03:25 Rakuen: cuz all the rhythms are like suggested
03:25 Rakuen: 00:34:718 - 1/6 ;)
03:26 Rakuen: tested juz now
03:26 *Rakuen is editing [ Mayama Rika - LIAR MASK [Hard]]
03:26 Rakuen: 00:59:050 (1) - cant really read this
03:26 Rakuen: 01:01:217 (2) - looks extra 0.0
03:27 Rakuen: 01:01:717 (3,1,2,3,4) - Rhythm here should be fixed for a bit
03:27 Rakuen: prefer to make them 'look' properly snapped
03:27 Rakuen: i mean like, this 01:01:383 (2,3,1) - is quite unbalanced
03:28 Rakuen: (2) and (3) are close to each other meanwhile (1) is juz a random jump
03:28 Setsurei: wait, your pointers are a bit miss o.o
03:28 Rakuen: wut 0.0?
03:28 Rakuen: oh yeah
03:29 Rakuen: huh?
03:29 Setsurei: 01:02:717 (3,1,2,3,4) - example
03:29 Rakuen: i guess not 0.0
03:29 Setsurei: 01:02:383 (2,3,1) - also this
03:29 Rakuen: isnt it like 01:02:717 (3,4,5,6) -
03:29 Rakuen: yeah should bhe like 01:01:217 (2,3,4) -
03:29 Setsurei: ah
03:29 Rakuen: miss click
03:29 Rakuen: lawl
03:30 Rakuen: 01:05:050 (1,2,3,4,5) - big jumps here arent necessary imo
03:30 Rakuen: it doesnt fit the AR
03:30 Rakuen: could try AR8
03:30 Rakuen: it helps on reading them
03:31 Rakuen: and previously mentioned the spacing 01:03:383 (5,6) -
03:31 Rakuen: it's like a diamond pattern but it's not really playable 0.0
03:32 Rakuen: 01:02:717 (3,4) - this jump is hard to read
03:36 Rakuen: imba XD 01:06:717 (3) -
03:36 Setsurei: ahahaha
03:36 Rakuen: 01:09:050 (5) - suggest to move to 01:08:883 - and add a circle at 01:09:217 -
03:36 Rakuen: well after all the rhythm suggest you could try remap some part and patterns
03:36 Rakuen: or else it probably look weird
03:37 Rakuen: need afk a while
03:39 Setsurei: ok
03:42 Setsurei: I'm done re-arranging the objects
03:44 Rakuen: er not sure when i'll off
03:44 Rakuen: my dad is back from like nightclub idk
03:44 Rakuen: he could turn off internet anytime
03:44 Setsurei: I see
03:44 Setsurei: we'll continue later then
03:44 Setsurei: ?
03:45 Setsurei: like in the afternoon or evening (I can't woke up early lol)
03:45 Rakuen: yeah Hard is mostly done
03:45 Rakuen: maybe juz normal
03:45 *Rakuen is editing [ Mayama Rika - LIAR MASK [Hard]]
03:45 Rakuen: 01:25:717 (1,2) - put more of these on previous part
03:45 Setsurei: yeah
03:46 Rakuen: er wait
03:46 Rakuen: maybe not
03:46 Rakuen: cuz it's 1/2
03:46 Setsurei: ok
03:46 Rakuen: juz maybe have to fix timing at 01:26:550 -
03:46 Rakuen: etc ;)
03:47 Rakuen: lel I'll savelog gimme my kds asdfghj
03:47 *Rakuen runs

Will continue Normal diff mod later on as discussed~

A star for supporting~
Topic Starter
fixed the waltz at 00:36:385 - and I'm not sure if this is also sounded 3/4 ends 00:55:050 -
I think it ends at 00:52:384 -
(actually Ike already check it and I missed the 3/4 sign)
standard of my Normal is 1.4 (also if I decrease it to 1.0, the gap between NHI is unbalanced)
00:04:796 (1,2) - I did check it with my skin and the default skin and it matches perfectly, idk about your skin though
00:15:052 (1,2) - nudge a bit to be precise
00:17:718 (1) - nudged
00:36:385 - the ticks seems the same (I put a clap on every 2 white ticks)
00:37:718 (3) - not sure about this, Easy/Normal diff can skip some beats, so I ignore this one for a while
00:41:384 - fixed
00:43:384 - ^
00:45:884 - same case as 00:37:718 (3) -
01:28:383 (3) - should be a slider here (or newbs can catch it)

00:07:196 (1) - removed
00:46:384 - this was changed to slider, also its on a pattern
00:59:717 (1) - removed
01:00:383 (3) - added
01:01:383 (1) - removed
01:05:050 (1) - following pattern
01:05:717 (6) - ^
01:06:717 (1) - ^
01:10:383 (1) - removed
01:11:050 (1) - NCed
01:13:050 (5) - follow pattern
01:13:717 (6) - ^
01:15:717 (1) - removed
01:16:217 (5) - NCed
00:03:996 (4,1,2) - blanket already o.o
00:30:385 (1) - orz orz (I'm going to ask another QATs and BATs, because I really need this slider to be slowed down)
00:32:051 (4) - I think this is enough, the star rate is too high
00:42:384 - changed
01:08:383 (3,4,5) - changed to something else

00:30:385 (1) - the speed is different here, so a NC is needed
00:34:718 (1) - removed this one
00:42:718 (1) - I followed the pattern here
00:59:050 (1) - ^
00:59:717 (1) - ^
00:15:552 (2) - changed, but a bit different
00:30:385 (1) - orz orz orz orz (same case as Hard)
00:45:384 (4,1) - did modified a bit
00:58:883 (1,2,3,4) - what is lozenge, haha I'm not sure what you mean here
00:59:550 (1,2) - moved and modified something (I deleted this part 00:59:050 - )
01:09:383 (7,1,2,3,4) - add streams, and shorten the last slider to half

thanks for mod! - map updated

also Rakuen's IRC mod all fixed on Hard and LIAR diffs
delay Normal :3
thanks for mod and the star!

gonna change the mp3 later, I'm sleepy
edit: changed mp3 on Wednesday, October 15, 2014 at 9:07:52 AM (GMT+7)

confirmed with BAT
00:30:271 (1) - may modify the .osu to use 0.25x
NM from my queue




  • 00:41:104 - add a note?

  • 00:58:769 - add a note
    00:54:936 (1) - move this to (136,272)(maybe a little different) to make it looks in order
    00:57:269 (7) - this to (252,312)
    01:12:769 (6) - move this slider to01:12:936 - and end at01:13:103 - and add one note at01:12:769 -

  • maybe AR8.5 is better
    00:26:771 (3,4) - it's very difficult to read
    00:32:104 (3,4) - i thik it's better like this
Topic Starter
00:41:104 - thanks for pointing. well, density will be too high, so I'll delete 00:40:770 - for consistency
00:58:769 - added
00:54:936 (1) - on purpose because blanket 00:54:936 (1,4) - and DS consistency
00:57:269 (7) - diamond pattern at 00:56:603 (5,6,7,1) -
01:12:769 (6) - changed
AR9 so when on reff it is suitable (actually I want this to be 9.5 but because of the slow opening, I decreased it to 9)
00:26:771 (3,4) - I'll change it to triplets
00:32:104 (3,4) - I can't open the orz, anyway this is a parallelogram pattern here 00:32:104 (3,4,5,6) -

thanks for mod! updated
Oh, you updated while I was modding. Oh well...

Yo, M4M from your queue :)

  1. You need a difficulty under 2*! Hope you have one planned or got someone making it for you.

  1. 00:09:462 (3) - Straighten this note out?
  2. 00:15:604 (2,3) - Weird flow, maybe flip this pattern around? My idea:
  3. 00:36:937 (2) - Rhythm suggestion:
  4. 00:45:770 - Add note?
  5. 00:46:604 (4) - Add NC
  6. 00:55:603 (3,4) - Blanket these better?
  7. 01:15:603 (5,1) - Found this overlap hard to read. I think you should just space the notes out.
  8. 01:17:269 (3,4) - Change this rhythm to this?

  1. 00:21:437 - Add a note here?
  2. 00:34:604 (4,5,6,7,8) - Dislike this stream. My suggestion:
  3. 00:41:104 (4,5) - Change these two notes into a slider?
  4. 00:57:603 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - Dislike the rhythm here. The gap doesn't seem to fit and it breaks the flow. Suggestion:
  5. 01:02:936 (4,5) - Change these two notes into a slider?
  6. 01:17:935 (1,2) - Don't like this sudden jump, it doesn't seem to fit the music to me

  1. 00:10:662 (2,3,4) - Line up the heads of these notes in a straight line? Don't forget to keep the blanket on 00:11:062 (3,4) - once you're done moving the notes
  2. 00:37:771 (4) - Ctrl-G?
  3. 00:39:271 (2) - ^
  4. 00:57:936 (2) - Another Ctrl-G suggestion, lol
  5. 01:02:936 (6) - Change this into a slider? End at 01:03:103 -
  6. 01:03:436 (8,1) - Don't like the flow between these two notes. Try moving (8) like this?
Good luck getting this ranked! :)

Setsurei wrote:

00:41:104 - thanks for pointing. well, density will be too high, so I'll delete 00:40:770 - for consistency
00:58:769 - added
00:54:936 (1) - on purpose because blanket 00:54:936 (1,4) - and DS consistency
00:57:269 (7) - diamond pattern at 00:56:603 (5,6,7,1) -
01:12:769 (6) - changed
AR9 so when on reff it is suitable (actually I want this to be 9.5 but because of the slow opening, I decreased it to 9)
00:26:771 (3,4) - I'll change it to triplets
00:32:104 (3,4) - I can't open the orz, anyway this is a parallelogram pattern here 00:32:104 (3,4,5,6) -

thanks for mod! updated

it's my fault
Topic Starter
oh crap, I just read the Ranking Criteria..
I'll make my Normal to below 2 then, I don't want a full ENHI because that is tiresome (even its a GD or not)
NHI spread is enough imo
00:09:462 (3) - changed
00:15:604 (2,3) - if I put it there it will make the flow cramped (because 00:17:604 (1) - is right below 00:16:271 (3) - )
00:36:937 (2) - this will increase the star rate, so nope
00:45:770 - ^
00:46:604 (4) - NCed
00:55:603 (3,4) - thin curve on purpose
01:15:603 (5,1) - fixed
01:17:269 (3,4) - same case, I avoided 1/2s
and yay my Normal is now 1.96 lol
00:21:437 - added
00:34:604 (4,5,6,7,8) - changed
00:41:104 (4,5) - ^
00:57:603 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - ^
01:02:936 (4,5) - I want the strong beat here so no change
01:17:935 (1,2) - stacked to (2)
00:10:662 (2,3,4) - this is a triangular pattern here 00:10:262 (1,2,3) - so, no change
00:37:771 (4) - on purpose
00:39:271 (2) - ^
00:57:936 (2) - ^
01:02:936 (6) - a pausing effect, so I prefer hitcircle
01:03:436 (8,1) - ctrl G -ed lol

thanks for mod! updated
@Kagamine Ren: still prefer my parallelogram :3
Awesome! It would've been better with a video. I can give you an HD one if you like, I wouldn't mind. :D
Topic Starter

LucyAkuzumi wrote:

Awesome! It would've been better with a video. I can give you an HD one if you like, I wouldn't mind. :D
I have the vid myself (fyi this mp3 was taken from the video)
but I'll think it again to use video or not

thanks for your opinion
oke langsung aje

00:17:604 (1) - naikkin dikit, biar kesannya engga mepet banget
00:56:936 (5) - x:328 y:304
01:08:936 (2) - x:464 y:120

more trap diff, but i say it's 'a little' to hard for hard
kek berasa maen hard trus waktu kiai tau2 udah insane, tolong sv nya di turunin dikit- menurut saya ini kayak insane kiai, hampir sama.

01:09:102 (8) - kenapa ga di blanket?

maaf dikit ._.)_
Topic Starter
00:17:604 (1) - biar ga mepet sama 00:18:937 (3) - ? tapi sengaja jarak segitu blanketnya
00:56:936 (5) - moved
01:08:936 (2) - yang ini ntar DS inconsistency
SV 1.7 itu standard Hard diff ku, well aku modif dikit deh kepadatannya
01:09:102 (8) - flownya kesan menyempit kalo aku pindahin kesana

thanks for mod! - updated
Consider adding 'opening' and '2' to your tags

Edit: Your default hitsound doesn't really go with the song and at the beginning of normal, consider making them quieter
Topic Starter

kamikin wrote:

Consider adding 'opening' and '2' to your tags

Edit: Your default hitsound doesn't really go with the song and at the beginning of normal, consider making them quieter
added 'second' and '2nd' on tags so when people search they may use '2' from the '2nd', 'opening' is already on tags

changed hitsound to custom (might want to re-dl)


  1. Have a blank slider slide.. mainly since in the beginning the default sound is really annoying
  1. AR 5 is too high.. doesnt fit this song. lower it a bit pls
  2. 00:01:482 (1) - i suggest having a lower SV especially here(rest of the song as well) preferably around x1.10??; since this part of the song is really slow and the current SV really doesnt work well. x1.40 SV is the average SV for hard diffs
  3. 00:07:082 (4) - add finish on body
  4. 00:11:062 (1) - add finish
  5. 00:23:937 (3,4) - maybe unstack? this stacking is kind of random since you didnt do it anywhere else up until here
  6. 00:24:271 (4) - i really suggest changing this part so the strong beats on 00:24:604 - and 00:24:937 - are more emphasized
  7. 00:29:604 (3) - finish on tail?
  8. 00:42:937 (2) - change this part so the downbeat here is emphasized
  9. 00:44:270 (1) - add finish; you can hear it in the music
  10. 00:45:604 - add note? theres a sound here and it has an awkward pause right now//
  11. 00:49:270 (3) - overlaps health bar; move it down
  12. 00:50:270 (5) - slider is questionable.. is it really necessary ?the overlap can easily confuse beginners
  13. 01:03:436 (2) - add finish on head
  14. 01:04:936 (1,2) - maybe you can use 2 1/2 sliders here instead since there is the drum in the music..?
  15. 01:04:936 (1,2) - i havent mentioned this much throughout the song but try to give notes a smoother transition/ flow, this is an example of an awkward flow.. doing something like this would be better go through the diff and fix some of these
  16. 01:09:269 (3) - slider shape doesnt really match music? put the red square on the slider tick for it to match the beat
  17. 01:28:269 (3) - you cannot silence notes according to the ranking criteria.. but silencing a spinner is ok :3
  1. 00:02:282 (2) - make this a 1/1 repeat slider to follow the music better
  2. 00:12:662 (1) - end this a bit earlier; for hard it is suggested to have 375ms of recovery time from a spinner to the next note; here you only have 300 t/241019
  3. 00:15:438 (2,4) - remove; so you can have better consistency with 00:17:604 (1,2,3) - but its okay to have 00:22:937 (1,2,3,4,5) - since the music gets louder and more dominant
  4. 00:30:271 (1) - not sure if this SV change is necessary...
  5. 00:33:604 (1,2,3) - here you have two options from me. 1. remove 00:34:104 (2,3) - and add a repeat on 00:33:604 (1) - since there is a more dominant sound on 00:34:271 (3) - than 00:34:104 (2) - so it would only make sense. 2. delete 00:34:104 (2) - , same reasoning
  6. 00:34:937 (5,6,7,8) - sound is all the same but 00:35:437 (8) - is a slider.. kind of random, make them all circles or 1/2 repeat sliders
  7. 00:39:104 (4) - remove.. it serves no purpose
  8. 00:40:770 (2,3,4) - when it comes to that you must map vocals please avoid mapping every single syllable; it becomes overmapped
  9. 00:42:770 (2) - remove
  10. 00:43:270 - - emphaisize this downbeat here by starting a note on it
  11. 00:57:269 (7) - ovelaps (4) doesnt look so good..
  12. 00:57:603 (1) - try this? matches music better imo
  13. 00:59:269 (3) - remove this and start (2) at 00:59:103 - to match the music
  14. 00:59:603 (1,1) - flow is awkward here
  15. 01:05:103 (2,4) - stack is off
  16. 01:07:936 (2) - remove and make 01:07:603 (1) - a 1/1 slider since you map more than needed, theres no need to make the diff harder just because its a hard
  17. 01:08:269 (3) - try this? to match the music better and ^
  18. 01:17:269 (3,4) - why this random distance change? nothing in the music is significant here
  19. 01:29:353 (3) - same as normal
  1. 00:03:082 (3,4) - this distance and the shape of (4) is inconsistent with 00:01:482 (1,2) - .. make it more consistent?
  2. 00:20:271 (1) - your missing a chance here for a triplet! :o theres a sound on 00:20:271 - 00:20:437 - 00:20:604 - you should map
  3. 00:26:771 (3,4) - remove these
  4. 00:24:604 - should be emphasized and made into something clickable..
  5. just a circle at 00:29:604 - is fine.. no need for the 1/2 slider 00:29:437 (3) -
  6. 00:30:271 (1) - SV change imo isnt needed
  7. 00:47:270 (4) - a 1/1 repeat slider would work better here to emphasize the beat at 00:47:604 -
  8. 00:48:937 (2,3,4,1) - this distance inconsistency tho ;P
  9. 01:00:269 (1) - ctrl+g for better circular flow
  10. 01:01:936 (1,2,3,4) - these jumps are too much.. lessen them a bit
  11. 01:12:769 (6) - isnt needed make (5) a slider, try not to over complicate rhythms
  12. 01:19:769 (4) - stack onto (3) since this is really hard to read
  13. 01:29:353 (4) - same as normal and hard

    map still needs some work; mainly on insane and hard where you make rhythms harder and it doesnt really follow anything; and in insane; watch out for inconsistent spacing that i didnt point out
good luck!
Topic Starter
prefer to reduce the front to 10% rather than making silent slider slide
AR 4
00:01:482 (1) - stay as it is, because if I lower the SV, the gap balance from NHI is too far (as I mentioned on mods before)
00:07:082 (4) - prefer not (it will need more ticks and increasing the combo count more than Hard)
00:11:062 (1) - added
00:23:937 (3,4) - ok
00:24:271 (4) - it was before hitcircles, it will make the star rate over 2.0 - so I'm changing it to reverse slider
00:29:604 (3) - ok
00:42:937 (2) - prefer not
00:44:270 (1) - added
00:45:604 - added
00:49:270 (3) - moved
00:50:270 (5) - 4 of my friends (3 of them can't play Hard) can still differentiate and can see through the flow
01:03:436 (2) - added
01:04:936 (1,2) - this will make it harder
01:04:936 (1,2) - did this on purpose, also some of my objects are like that because I do it on purpose too
01:09:269 (3) - changed
01:28:269 (3) - this is not a completely silence beat, 5% (I've read the ranking criteria once again and confirmed that this is not unrankable)
00:02:282 (2) - prefer to remain like this
00:12:662 (1) - alright, moved like Normal
00:15:438 (2,4) - removed
00:30:271 (1) - I really need this feel orz
00:33:604 (1,2,3) - prefer delete (2)
00:34:937 (5,6,7,8) - it was before hitcircles, but I've changed it to slider to have a feel on ending
00:39:104 (4) - ok
00:40:770 (2,3,4) - imo this is alright
00:42:770 (2) - removed
00:43:270 - ok
00:57:269 (7) - 3.5 beats away, no problem here
00:57:603 (1) - ok
00:59:269 (3) - ok
00:59:603 (1,1) - moved something
01:05:103 (2,4) - fixed
01:07:936 (2) - ok
01:08:269 (3) - ok
01:17:269 (3,4) - fixed
01:29:353 (3) - same as Normal
00:03:082 (3,4) - fixed
00:20:271 (1) - changed
00:26:771 (3,4) - lol I've been changing this part too much, btw removed
00:24:604 - ok
00:29:604 - ok
00:30:271 (1) - same case as Hard
00:47:270 (4) - changed to 1/1 but no repeat, added hitcircle after it
00:48:937 (2,3,4,1) - on purpose, to ease, I NC when the DS changed
01:00:269 (1) - prefer mine
01:01:936 (1,2,3,4) - these jumps are alright (I can FC it, also did ask some pro player that the jumps are good and readable)
01:12:769 (6) - this one is alright, no change
01:19:769 (4) - prefer on that place, I NC it for a better read of different beat
01:29:353 (4) - same as Normal and Hard

thanks for mod! - updated
Well this beatmap is good from first i mod but IMO there is a little thing need to be moding Maybe so here my mod

- Reduce SV to 1.20 or 1.30 bcus 1.40 is to fast for normal in this BPM IMO
- 00:25:604 slider to near from this one 00:26:271 IMO considering to move it a little bit to make the distance looks like more better
- 01:25:603 recommended to change this slider to this one 01:20:269 (1,2,3)
- 01:26:936 ^^^

Just only that's sorry if this not really help
Topic Starter
I'll reconsider this one, because I want to make the spread balanced from NHI
00:25:604 - the gap between this one and 00:26:271 - is 1.0 DS, so this is still consistent to the pattern
01:25:603 - the purpose is on making a hexagonal pattern (or triangular pattern half way) 01:27:436 (2,3,4,2,3,4) -
01:26:936 - ^

thanks for mod!
HP-0.5~1.5?(6~7)I think 7.5 is easy to fail
00:26:771 - a voice here
00:30:104 (4) - move close to 00:30:271 (1) - The DS there is prev0.94x next5.01x. this spacing is so confuse O.O, since it looks like 1/1 when it is 1/2
01:26:936 (1,2,3) - -^
00:58:769 (1,2,3,4) - this spacing is a bit confuse,you can try to set the00:59:103 (2) - stack with00:58:769 (1) - and move 00:59:269 (3) - to x148,y192,move 00:59:436 (4) - to x340,y240
00:38:771 - a voice here
00:52:270 - delete the spin,and try this rhythm,there is the hardest diff
01:08:602 (5,6) - ctrl+G?
00:43:770 - 00:44:104 - voice can hear at that time
00:49:937 (1) - blanket with00:50:270 (2,3) -
01:23:103 - a important voice there,I think there should be a circle not the end of the slider
01:22:603 (5,6,1) - - this spacing is a bit confuse
01:24:269 (4,5,1) - this spacing is a confuse,you can set the01:24:769 (1) - stack with01:24:436 (5) - to improve this
01:20:269 (1) - conver slider to stream?
00:02:682 - a voice here
00:19:437 - -^and so on
00:41:270 - I think there is a important voice,set a circle here
00:55:770 - a voice here,try this rhythm
01:07:603 (1,2) - blanket
01:20:269 (1,2) - -^
01:24:436 (5,1) - as LIAR diff,should keep DS
01:19:269 (2,3,4) - -^
00:12:662 (1,1) -
00:52:270 (1,1) -
01:18:936 (1,1) -
01:26:603 - I think reduce hitsound vol as 30% in the end of the slider is better
01:27:936 - -^
01:29:436 - -^

my mod unfinish now
Hi~ Someone (nya10) ask me to mod this map. So let's go :)
Please reply to this mod saying what you didn't fix (and what you did) and why to improve my futur mods.
If you've any question, ask me in-game.

- General :
  1. Disable Widescreen Support and Letterbox during breaks.
  2. Maybe disable Countdown too ?
  3. Why mp3 is so much cut at the end ? It's like this on original 'tv size' version ?
- LIAR :
  1. 00:39:271 (2,1) - Maybe just me but looks really placed randomly.
  2. 00:46:270 (1,2) - Blanket.
  3. 00:54:936 (1,2,3) - DS is not use correctly, because jumps should be between 00:55:270 (2,3) - and not 00:54:936 (1,2) - if y ou listen the music. Or you can adjust to have same DS between them.
  4. 00:59:103 (2,3,4,1) - Make a real triangle for them. I don't see any reason to place a jump for 00:59:269 (3,4) - btw.
  5. 01:05:603 (6,4,5) - Blanket.
  6. 01:08:769 (6,7) - When I listen to music, a slider fit so much better with vocal here, so consider change these circles.
- Hard :
  1. 00:12:262 (4) - Move it to 296:348 for perfect symetry.
  2. 00:15:604 (2,3) - Flow is bad here. It would be better if you just follow movement create by first slider like this :
  3. 00:25:604 (1,2) - Bad blanket.
  4. 00:30:271 (1) - I'm not sure this lower SV is needed here. Even if it fit with music, she's not enough strong compared to voice.
  5. 00:32:604 (5,6) - Move them a little down to improve flow.
  6. 00:34:604 (3) - Clap don't fit at all here. Also why not use drum kit hs for 00:34:937 (4,5,6) - ?
  7. 01:06:603 (3) - DS is inconsistant here, go for ~1.00x.
  8. 01:09:269 (5,1) - Bad blanket.
  9. 01:28:769 (2,3) - Blanket maybe ?
- Normal :
  1. 00:12:662 (1) - I not sure a clap fit well here. A wistle or nothing is better imo.
  2. 00:17:604 (1,3) - I don't know it's maybe just me, but blanket them should make them look better no ?
  3. 01:00:269 (1,2) - You can improve this blanket.
  4. 01:05:603 (3) - Your flow could be better. Try to rotate this slider by -20°.
  5. 01:16:103 (1,2) - Blanket.
  6. 01:22:936 (3,5) - To make them parallel perfectly, move your anchor point to 311:309 and end point to 176:339.
  7. In this diff, I not really fan of the rhythm between 00:36:271 - and 00:46:604 - , because it's too much linear with only 1/1. For example with 00:44:937 (2,3,4) - , why not try this ?
    You follow voice just after with 00:46:604 (1,2,3) - . It would make this diff more interesting to play.

That's all I guess.
Good luck. Mukyu~
M4M :3

  1. Difficulty curve may be too messy. Try making Normal harder or Harder easier.
  1. 00:08:662 (2,3) - Might want to shift elbows to the center (red dot to center)
  2. 00:18:937 (3) - Might not be an optimal point in the song for a weird slider
  3. 00:24:271 (4,1) - Transition of sliders are weird, can consider a straight slider
  4. 00:41:270 (3,4) - Fix blanket?
  5. 00:49:270 (3,5) - ^
  6. 00:50:270 (5) - Will not suggest having a weird slider shape here
  7. 00:56:269 (4,5) - Maybe curve the first bend of slider 5 to blanket 4, since transition of sliders is weird
  8. 01:00:269 (1,2) - Fix blanket?
  9. 01:02:936 (1,2) - You need more elements that go like that, on red lines. That will make the normal better and/or harder
  10. 01:05:603 (3,4) - Shift lower for more circular flow here 01:04:936 (1,2,3) -
  11. 01:08:269 (1,3) - These sliders aren't optimal for blanketting
  12. 01:09:269 (3,1,2) - You need more variety of sliders, having these similar ones make the map slightly more boring
  13. 01:28:269 (3) - Will not suggest this, why not change the notes around here instead to make the map more interesting 01:25:603 (1,2,3) -

    General weird flow. Would suggest more normal sliders.
  1. 00:17:604 (1,2,3) - These sliders aren't that nice :c
  2. 00:26:604 (2) - Will suggest the slider here blanket end of slider 1 and be curved instead of an elbow
  3. 00:30:271 (1) - I think unnecessary slow slider
  4. 00:34:604 (3,4,5,6,7) - Why suddenly this rhythm? Its very inconsistent. I would suggest easier patterns than these
  5. 00:56:603 (5,6,7,1,2,1,2,1,2) - Too vocal-based
  6. 01:01:936 (1,2,3,4) - ^
  7. 01:19:103 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5) - Rhythming may be hard to understand unless Distance Snapped properly

    Too vocal based IMO
  1. Would suggest the name as Insane instead
  2. 00:03:882 (4) - Don't see a need for this
  3. 00:07:862 (3,1) - Make slider 3 lead-in to 1 better
  4. 00:17:604 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Variate rhythm more
  5. 00:22:937 (1,3) - Blanket?
  6. 00:24:104 (5,6) - I suggest triplet
  7. 00:25:604 (1,2) - Blanket?
  8. 00:30:104 (4,1) - Spacing is too wide.
  9. 00:30:271 (1) - I don't get the slow slider thing
  10. 00:33:604 (1,2,3) - Won't suggest 2 to be under 1
  11. 00:34:937 (5,6,7) - The rhythming isn't appropriate
  12. 00:37:771 (4,1,2) - Flow from 4 to 1 isn't optimal, also can suggest Ctrl+G slider 2
  13. 00:45:270 (4) - Suggest a normal curve slider
  14. 00:51:270 (3) - Ctrl+G this
  15. 00:55:603 (3) - Normal curved slider this
  16. 00:57:603 (1,2,3) - Distance is weird, also transition is off
  17. 00:59:936 (2,1) - Flow isn't optimal
  18. 01:12:436 (4) - I suggest 345 in a row instead of that
  19. 01:16:603 (1) - Ctrl+G
  20. 01:20:019 (2) - Bad rhythm
  21. 01:25:436 (4) - Will not suggest 4 being there

    Bad Distance Snapping, bad rhythming
Topic Starter

Nozhomi wrote:

Disable Widescreen Support and Letterbox during breaks. ok, lol this was automatically assigned to it so I didn't notice that it was checked
Maybe disable Countdown too ? same case as above, removed
Why mp3 is so much cut at the end ? It's like this on original 'tv size' version ? I take the mp3 from this file
4nke's mod
00:26:771 - I did add something there back, but someone suggested not to have an overmapped notes on this place
00:30:104 (4) - a DS of 5 because the SV is lower, actually this only 2.5 (and I do it on purpose to feel the electric guitar)
01:26:936 (1,2,3) - a triangular pattern here 01:27:436 (2,3,4) - , also I like the jump on 01:26:936 (1,2) - with the purpose of slider breaks :> /me runs - jokes aside, it really suitable to have jumps there.
00:58:769 (1,2,3,4) - a pausing effect, while still maintaining the parallelogram
00:38:771 - I emphasize the sound with the sharp shape of the slider
00:52:270 - overmapped orz
01:08:602 (5,6) - bad flow if switched
00:43:770 - 00:44:104 - ok, changed something
00:49:937 (1) - I move 00:50:270 (2,3) - up instead of moving (1) down
01:23:103 - there's a repeating sound there, so a repeat slider is suitable
01:22:603 (5,6,1) - a DS of 2, then going back to 1, I did NC so it will be easier to read the changes
01:24:269 (4,5,1) - same case as ^
01:20:269 (1) - changed

Nozhomi's mod
00:39:271 (2,1) - 00:39:271 (2) - this one was a blanket from 00:38:271 (1) - while 00:40:270 (1) - is stacking with 00:38:271 (1) -
00:46:270 (1,2) - fixed
00:54:936 (1,2,3) - ok, 1.0 for (1,2) and 1.5 for (2,3)
00:59:103 (2,3,4,1) - 00:58:769 (1,2,3,4) - parallelogram pattern here
01:05:603 (6,4,5) - fixed
01:08:769 (6,7) - changed

Estellia-'s mod
highest difficulty may use custom name

Ranking Criteria wrote:

A difficulty's name must indicate its level of difficulty, with the exception of the hardest level of difficulty in a set. The mapset's hardest difficulty may use an appropriate custom difficulty name, unrelated to an username. Mapsets may also use a complete set of custom difficulty names that clearly indicate their level of difficulty to the player. Marathon maps with a single difficulty may use free naming.
00:03:882 (4) - sounds empty
00:07:862 (3,1) - not sure what you mean here
00:17:604 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Variate rhythm more
00:22:937 (1,3) - fixed, I think..
00:24:104 (5,6) - ok
00:25:604 (1,2) - this is actually a semi-blanket, because the curve is not too rounded
00:30:104 (4,1) - 2.5 is alright
00:30:271 (1) - electric guitar bumped in
00:33:604 (1,2,3) - changed
00:34:937 (5,6,7) - if you listen to this carefully, it's a 1/3 beat
00:37:771 (4,1,2) - anti-flow on purpose, (2)'s tail blanket (1)
00:45:270 (4) - prefer this curve, supports the vocal
00:51:270 (3) - on purpose of reverse mirror
00:55:603 (3) - seems too monotonous if the curve are just that
00:57:603 (1,2,3) - I think this is alright
00:59:936 (2,1) - changed to something
01:12:436 (4) - jump climax
01:16:603 (1) - no change, mirror 01:16:603 (1,2) -
01:20:019 (2) - if you listen carefully, there's a beat there
01:25:436 (4) - a triangle pattern 01:25:103 (2,3,4) -
4nke's mod
00:02:682 - want to keep a slider here
00:19:437 - ^
00:41:270 - too many stream caused this to be Insane orz
00:55:770 - changed
01:07:603 (1,2) - prefer unblanket
01:20:269 (1,2) - ^
01:24:436 (5,1) - same reasoning as Estellia-'s mod
01:19:269 (2,3,4) - ^

Nozhomi's mod
00:11:062 (1,2,3,4) - this is actually a star pattern (but I remove the 5)
00:15:604 (2,3) - ok changed
00:25:604 (1,2) - fixed
00:30:271 (1) - before it was a wavy slider, but BAT says it is unrankable, and suggested a smaller multiplier
00:32:604 (5,6) - fixed
00:34:604 (3) - crap I forgot to remove the clap there, and btw this S:C1 is actually a normal hit normal and a drum clap, they combined nicely
01:06:603 (3) - fixed
01:09:269 (5,1) - ^
01:28:769 (2,3) - ^

Estellia-'s mod
00:17:604 (1,2,3) - wai :c
00:26:604 (2) - I like the edgy sliders
00:30:271 (1) - same reason as LIAR diff
00:34:604 (3,4,5,6,7) - I still prefer 1/2 stream like this
00:56:603 (5,6,7,1,2,1,2,1,2) - might not change this because if following the music is harder
01:01:936 (1,2,3,4) - ^
01:19:103 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5) - I snapped to some patterns, and another snap on different pattern.
  • 01:19:103 (1,2,3) - DS 1.5
    01:19:436 (3,4) - normal DS
    01:20:269 (1,2,3,4,5) - DS 1.5
Nozhomi's mod
00:12:662 (1) - changed to whistle (also change the Hard with whistle too)
00:17:604 (1,3) - it's a blanket already o.o
01:00:269 (1,2) - fixed
01:05:603 (3) - prefer the cutting edge like that
01:16:103 (1,2) - fixed
01:22:936 (3,5) - ^
00:44:937 (2,3,4) - I'm afraid that this will make my Normal's star rate 2.0+

Estellia-'s mod
we have different taste, eh?
00:08:662 (2,3) - I like this sliders orz
00:18:937 (3) - Easy / Normal are the place to play slider art due of the long beat sliders
00:24:271 (4,1) - straight will destroy the anti-flow there (the flow will be cramped)
00:41:270 (3,4) - fixed
00:49:270 (3,5) - ^
00:50:270 (5) - orz
00:56:269 (4,5) - ok
01:00:269 (1,2) - fixed on previous mod
01:02:936 (1,2) - I'm dare enough to put 1/2s on refrain but if its too much, I will need a lower difficulty that has less than 2.0 star (because ranking criteria said so)
01:05:603 (3,4) - this is on purpose
01:08:269 (1,3) - fixed, I think..
01:09:269 (3,1,2) - on purpose to make Normal below 2.0
01:25:603 (1,2,3) - on this part, the beat is kinda weird (many 3/4 and 1/4) so it is better to have a full long slider

thanks for mod everyone! - updated

edit: added video
Sky Trias
[Indonesian Mod]

Maap , ga bisa mod map normal :o

  1. 00:30:104 - tambah not deh disini
  2. 00:58:603 - ^
  3. 01:08:936 - ^
  4. 01:10:269 (3) - dipendekin sampe 01:10:436 coba
  5. 00:15:438 - tambah not , ada lirik nya disini
  6. 01:25:269 (3,4) - Ctrl+G ?

  • Ubah HP Drain ke 6 ?
  1. 00:36:771 - tambahin not disini ?
  2. 00:37:771 (5) - digeser ke 00:37:937 , terus 00:37:771 tambah not
  3. 00:30:771 - tambah not ? taruh di tempat 00:30:937 (1)
  4. 01:05:769 (1) - hapus , (overnote)
  5. 01:21:103 (1,2) - ubah ke slider aja mendingan ..
  6. 01:25:103 (2,3) - Ctrl+G disini , biar dapet flownya
ok , itu aja , semoga membantu :D
Semoga Berhasil !
Topic Starter
00:30:104 - ok
00:58:603 - yang ini sudah dikurangi karena nanti seperti Insane (sebelumnya disana ada object)
01:08:936 - ^
01:10:269 (3) - nice idea, changed
00:15:438 - same case as 00:58:603 -
01:25:269 (3,4) - sengaja disana supaya membentuk triangle di 01:25:103 (2,3,4,1,2) - (kalo dibalik ntar kepotong flownya)

7.5 kesusahan ya orz
ntar dah, kurangin kalo ada yang protes juga
00:36:771 - khawatir kalo overmapped, karena disana lagi kalem2 lagunya
00:37:771 (5) - ^
00:30:771 - beat kosong disana
01:05:769 (1) - mikir lagi deh, soalnya kalo ga ada ini kesannya kosong - habis rapidly di depan2 disana berhenti
01:21:103 (1,2) - nanti kayak Hard, gampang catch nya
01:25:103 (2,3) - ada triangular pattern di 01:25:103 (2,3,4) - jadi ga di switch

thanks for mod! - updated
Hey ! From your M4M Queue ~


Remove second OP from tags


00:18:937 (3) Make this lower to x:252 y:64

00:34:937 (4,5,6) Space them out a bit , or else they might be mistaken by a stream

01:04:936 (1,2,3,4,5) Space them out and don't overlap from the previous sliders

01:20:603 (2,3) SUGGESTION : Don't overlap them from the previous slider


00:20:271 (1,2,3) Space them out a bit maybe use a DS of 1.6

00:29:604 (3) You can make this into a slider , it follows the vocalist.

00:37:771 (4) Make this slider into a repeat slider

00:40:770 (2,3,4) SUGGESTION : Space them out a bit.

00:43:270 (4) Make this note into a 1/4 slider

00:52:270 (1,2,3) Change these into 1/2 sliders

00:54:936 Make this into a repeat slider and add a note at the red tick 00:55:436

00:58:769 (3,4) Make this into a slider , and end at the white tick

01:02:936 (6) Make this into a 1/4 slider end at red tick , or else it breaks the flow

01:06:769 Change it to this

01:14:103 Suggestion : add a note here
Topic Starter
I can understand why OP should be removed, but why second? sometimes people doesn't type '2nd' but 'second'
btw I removed the OP
00:18:937 (3) - for what reason? the flow is nice there and the edge doesn't overlap
00:34:937 (4,5,6) - a constant DS here, why?
01:04:936 (1,2,3,4,5) - it is on purpose to stack, anyway I don't want this Hard too "hard", so I deleted these 01:05:103 (2,4) -
01:20:603 (2,3) - on purpose on stacking, this kind of thing is tidier
--- did delete some of overmapping issues on Hard ---
00:20:271 (1,2,3) - prefer this one because it is mirrored with 00:20:937 (4) -
00:29:604 (3) - want a pausing effect there
00:37:771 (4) - it sounded weird, no change
00:40:770 (2,3,4) - as a slow beat, this is a jump already
00:43:270 (4) - overmapped
00:52:270 (1,2,3) - creepy o.o
00:54:936 - not suitable
00:58:769 (3,4) - orz no
01:02:936 (6) - overmapped
01:06:769 - I prefer mine
01:14:103 - overmapped

thanks for mod! - updated
This song is actually in compound timing. That means you have to map it in 1/3.
Edit: At least for the first part
Topic Starter

NoHitter wrote:

This song is actually in compound timing. That means you have to map it in 1/3.
Edit: At least for the first part
fixed as discussed

map updated with 1/3s
m4m~ sorry a bit late because I went to a camp

00:04:682 (1) - rotate 1 degree around selection center
00:18:937 (3) - first dot 276,344; second dot(red) 260,312
00:21:271 (4) - rotate -1 around selection center
00:31:937 (3) - rotate 1 degree
00:32:937 (5) - 2 degree
00:34:271 (2) - 1 degree

00:35:382 (7) - maybe reverse 1/3 instead of 2/3, sounds better in my opinion
01:29:353 (3) - don't really see the point making this a slider

00:02:282 (2) - just make this (1) ctrl HJ
00:26:854 add note
00:29:604 (3) - suggest
00:32:049 (3) - move this 1/3
00:46:270 (1) - rotate 2 degrees
01:08:436 (4,5) - consider ctrl H
01:14:269 (3) - NC
I feel this diff kinda misses some half beats

Just suggestions:/


Okay! Hitsounds

Normal :

00:01:481 till 00:12:383 (1,2,3,4) - point : clap and finish slider : whistle and clap

00:14:841 till 00:25:101 (1,2,3,4,5) - point : clap and finish and slider : ^

00:26:698 (3,4) - clap and finish

00:28:068 till 00:50:018 - only points - clap and finish

00:55:019 till 01:18:847 - points - whistle and finish and sliders - whistle and clap

Hard and LIAR : same like normal

At normal decrease the speed like 1.20

GOOD LUCK!! :oops: :oops: :oops:
Yo! Came to mod as requested. Nice mapset overall, and no problems with playability. If anything, this might be some short, "nazi" mod.


  1. 00:22:271 (6,1) - You can improve this blanket while keeping a nice flow.
  2. 00:32:937 (5,1) - ^^
  3. 00:33:604 (1,2) - ^^
  4. 00:50:270 (5) - God, this shape is quite nice.
  5. I liked the Normal. Pretty sliders. \o/

  1. 00:30:271 (1) - Hard players aren't fully used to SV changes, and by making one of this kind players would most likely lose combo by disrupting the flow they got used to. Better keep SV the same or don't use such a short value.
  2. From 01:20:269 - until 01:21:603 - playability becomes ankward. I know it's because of the song and not of the map, but in this part you could use sliders to make an easier to read flow, since players won't be able to read sudden beats with song's "disrupted" rhythm.
That's it...

Good luck on ranking this! *gifts a star*
Topic Starter
many mods coming lol
Faan's mod
00:04:682 (1) - I don't want to rotate this, because this one with 00:05:482 (2) - are 45° differences
00:18:937 (3) - changed a bit
00:21:271 (4) - ok
00:31:937 (3) - ^
00:32:937 (5) - 1, not 2
00:34:271 (2) - ok

ByBy_ChAn's mod
all hitsound didn't apply because it looks weird
and about the SV, I prefer 1.4 because the gap to all diffs are 0.3 (1.4 ~ 1.7 ~ 2.0)

LixRei's mod
00:22:271 (6,1) - done
00:32:937 (5,1) - fixed on previous mod
00:33:604 (1,2) - ^
00:50:270 (5) - lol, actually I want to make a tie/ribbon slider, but it will need a long time to balance left and right,
so I randomly changed to this
Faan's mod
00:35:382 (7) - prefer the 2/3
01:29:353 (3) - ends like LIAR, well the end slider is 5% so it matches with the sound

LixRei's mod
00:30:271 (1) - if you remove the 0.25x the distance spacing between 00:30:160 (4,1) - is 1.03x
(technically this still counted as constant DS) - you can feel it too when playing
01:20:269 - ~ 01:21:603 - this is why I made 01:21:353 (5) - a slider, I'll convert (3,4) to slider too then.
00:02:282 (2) - no, I prefer like this
00:26:854 - not onto vocals
00:29:604 (3) - idk why I can't open the
00:32:049 (3) - following drum
00:46:270 (1) - not rotating, but fix a bit
01:08:436 (4,5) - you're destroying the flow lol
01:14:269 (3) - not needed I think

thanks for mod everyone and thanks for the star LixRei! - updated
Akatsuki Nagi
For m4m :D


  • 00:08:662 (1,2,3) - a bit boring, try this
    and 00:10:262 (1,2,3,4,5) - ctrl + h
    00:15:493 (2,3,4,5) - move tp x:75 y:220
    00:19:493 (4,5,6) - move to x:308 y:134
    00:39:271 (2) - ctrl + g
    00:43:937 (2) - move to x:401 y:274
    00:46:937 (2,3) - try
    00:56:158 (5) - blanket well
    00:59:603 (1,2) - the flow here is bad, try
    01:25:269 (3) - move to x:356 y:173

  • 00:34:937 (4,5,6) - its a little bit too hard to read in this diff, just replace 00:34:937 (4) - by two notes
    i think this diff can be more irregular :(
    try to adjust the distance between notes which are closed with each other.

  • 00:08:662 (2,3) - ther are not paralle.
    01:06:936 (2,3,1) - adjust the location. 2: x:225 y:135 3: x:248 y:367 1: x:236 y:131
nice song XD
good luck!
Topic Starter
00:08:662 (1,2,3) - I prefer my flow
00:15:493 (2,3,4,5) - moved
00:19:493 (4,5,6) - moved
00:39:271 (2) - many people complained here, so I'll change it now
00:43:937 (2) - moved but a bit different, to blanket 00:44:270 (3) -
00:46:937 (2,3) - nice jump suggestion, did move something there
00:56:158 (5) - fixed
00:59:603 (1,2) - prefer mine
01:25:269 (3) - change a bit but not there
00:34:937 (4,5,6) - eh but this is 1/3 beat, if I change it to a pure stream it will be harder here
00:08:662 (2,3) - fixed
01:06:936 (2,3,1) - didn't change, because weird

thanks for mod! - updated

Nagi awa wrote:

看首页好像是懂中文的? 一点点
Hey! M4M from your queue.
Well, here's my mod:

The SV seems a little too high for a Normal diff. I suggest maybe lowering it to 1.20 at least. (But of course it’s just my opinion)00:36:271 (1,2) – I think this looks better
00:42:937 (2) – I don’t think this slider fits here. It would be much better to rather not follow the vocal. Do something like this:
00:45:604 (3) – Place this circle here: X:292 Y:264. For neatness purposes01:17:936 (5) – Rather do this:
Fits better with the vocals

00:02:282 (2) – I suggest this here:
It sounds better than one slider.00:15:438 – Place a circle there, since you can here a beat there. (vocal)00:16:104 – Here as well. The same kind of vocal beat can be heard00:34:271 (2,3) – Blanket this?
Something like that.00:47:937 (5,1) – Improve this blanket by using the approach circle of 00:47:937 (5) – 01:04:936 (1,2,3) – This seems kind of boring at such an energetic part in the song. Maybe rather this?
01:07:603 (1,2) – A blanket here will look better01:10:603 – Place a note here for better flow01:28:269 (1,2) – Make the jump bigger. Like you did here: 01:26:936 (1,2) –

Overall, really nice mapset.
I'll shoot a star
Go Akame ga Kill! :)
Good Luck! :D
As requested


  1. the spread feel nice, sadly In my opinion your normal is too hard to be the easy diff of the set, since the spacing and SV make me feel that this set need a real easy diff
  2. I guess the correct tittle is ¨Liar Mask as the video show:
    maybe ask for some metadata check

  1. HP 7 is better for this kind of map IMO
  2. OD 8 pls, try to don't have OD -2 respect to AR
  3. 00:03:882 (4) - add clap on tail (the whistle that are you using as clap) since I know that broke your hitsound pattern, but the sound in the music is really clear tho
  4. 00:04:682 (1,2,3,4,5) - same as above
  5. 00:06:882 add a circle? since this is the place where the music is starting again
  6. 00:12:662 add a circle and start the spinner 1/4 later? for better rhythm
  7. 00:14:938 (1,2,3) - the spacing look the same, but in the timeline is different, this can be really confused to play, space 00:14:938 (1,2) - this a bit more, a easy solution can be just stacking 2 and 3
  8. 00:16:271 (5,6,7) - same problem the spacing in 5 and 6 is too short compared to 6 and 7, this can be confused when playing, maybe make 5 and 6 a jump too?
  9. 00:24:604 (8) - add clap (your fake whistle xD)
  10. 00:31:382 probably adding a circle here can be a nice idea
  11. 00:45:937 (6,1) - nazi, this is not stacked properly
  12. 00:46:937 (2,3) - make this a slider? to fit the vocals better, since there is not a prominent sound at 00:47:104 (3) - and is a bit weird to me
  13. 01:02:269 (3,6) - same as 00:45:937
  14. 01:10:769 add finish or whistle? since the music need more feedback IMO
  15. 01:16:103 ^
  16. 01:17:769 (1,2) - CTRL G the rhythm here? it will fit better the vocals and the active beats in the music
  17. 01:26:103 (2,3,4) - really confused to play, 3 and 4 should have less spacing than 2 and 3
  18. 01:27:436 (2,3,4) - ^
  19. 01:29:353 (4) - is just me or this slider sound a lot better ending in 01:29:603 - this apply for every diff if you agree

  1. OD and HP +1
  2. Hitsounds suggestion from ¨LIAR¨ can apply here as well
  3. 00:12:662 (1) - same suggestion as ¨LIAR¨, adding a circle and starting the spinner 1/4 later can improve the rhythm
  4. 00:15:493 add a circle? will be really nice to play, like you did on your Insane
  5. 00:21:271 (4,5,6) - nazi, this is not stacked properly
  6. 00:22:937 (1,2,3,4,5) - just as my personal opinion, I don't like how the 1/2 beats get overlaped at this part, by using 1.2 spacing you can avoid this, and this will look totally better IMO: (if you agree this apply for other sections as well)
  7. 00:30:160 (4,1) - can be a nice idea if you stack them, will be more intuitive to play
  8. 00:40:270 (1,2,3,4) - same as 00:22:937 -, my main reason to suggest that, is cuz some of your overlapped 1/2, look kinda the same as the 1/3 pattern for example with this 00:34:604 (3,4,5,6,7) -
  9. 00:43:270 (2,3,4,1) - this spacing can take some player down, mainly cuz they look visually the same, but they are different gaps in the timeline
  10. 00:47:937 (5,1) - this blanket look really off
  11. 00:52:270 same as 00:12:662
  12. 01:29:353 (3) - same suggestion as LIAR

  1. 00:14:938 (1) - too soon after a spinner, normal diff at this bpm, maybe need two beats of recovery
  2. 00:54:936 (1) - ^
  3. 01:22:269 (1) - ^
  4. 01:28:269 (3) - same as other diff, also the last curve of this slider can be improved
okay if you notice I didn't mod normal too much, cuz I really want to see an easy diff in this set with less SV (1.10 maybe) and settings, mainly cuz your normal play really fast and some parts are not really new player friendly, if you do what I suggest raise the settings in your normal diff, since it really need AR 5 OD4 HP4 for better spread with the hard, consider to add some more 1/2 as well (just if you agree to map the easy diff)
your diff are actually fun and well done, but yeah your normal is not much new player friendly IMO
Topic Starter
because many people complained about the SV, instead of decreasing Normal's SV and remap, I prefer on adding Easy
the video made me confused too, when I look through the web it is in caps, and then I did another browsing and found out that more of it was a normal title rather than caps 1 2 (gonna find metadata checkers to clarify this)
-Nya-'s mod
did a bit of adding objects because adding Easy as the easiest diff
00:36:271 (1,2) – unchanged due to 1/2 object
00:42:937 (2) – changed
00:45:604 (3) – ok
01:17:936 (5) – ok

Natsu's mod
applied hitsounds from LIAR diff
00:14:938 (1) - changed
00:54:936 (1) - ^
01:22:269 (1) - ^
01:28:269 (3) - seems fixed?
-Nya-'s mod
00:02:282 (2) – I suggest this here:
00:15:438 – its a 1/3 beat there, so I add here 00:15:493 -
00:16:104 – not adding this because it will be so hard on 1/3
00:34:271 (2,3) – ok
00:47:937 (5,1) – fixed (kinda missed this blanket lol)
01:04:936 (1,2,3) – changed
01:07:603 (1,2) – not intended
01:10:603 – on purpose on 'pausing'
01:28:269 (1,2) – ok

Natsu's mod
OD HP +1
applied hitsounds from LIAR diff
00:12:662 (1) - ok
00:15:493 - ok
00:21:271 (4,5,6) - fixed
00:22:937 (1,2,3,4,5) - orz, alright
00:30:160 (4,1) - stacked
00:40:270 (1,2,3,4) - this one I changed to 1.4 (because slow SV)
00:43:270 (2,3,4,1) - stack 00:43:270 (2) - on (3)
00:47:937 (5,1) - fixed
00:52:270 - ok
01:29:353 (3) - ok
change to HP7 and OD7.5 actually I've been avoiding OD8 because I can't play lol
00:03:882 (4) - ok
00:04:682 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^
00:06:882 - ok
00:12:662 - ^
00:14:938 (1,2,3) - give spacing more on 1-2 and then consistency DS on 2-3-4
00:16:271 (5,6,7) - ok
00:24:604 (8) - ok :>
00:31:382 - added
00:45:937 (6,1) - fixed
00:46:937 (2,3) - idk why I prefer HCs rather than slider on that spot (and also on those jumps, imo its suitable there)
01:02:269 (3,6) - fixed
01:10:769 - added finish
01:16:103 ^
01:17:769 (1,2) - ok
01:26:103 (2,3,4) - uuh.. imo Insane diff can differentiate different beat jumps
01:27:436 (2,3,4) - ^
01:29:353 (4) - alright

thanks for mod everyone! - updated
also did an additional minor changes based on what Hinsvar pointed
ooh great

just a thought, how about making the slider at the end of the song faster? (in hardest diff)
Topic Starter

CPLs wrote:

ooh great

just a thought, how about making the slider at the end of the song faster? (in hardest diff)
I don't prefer a surprising end, also if the SV faster means the slider will be longer, would broke my pattern though

anyway, thanks for the suggestion
Random mod from #modreqs for Easy.

  1. 00:29:937 (3) - Change this to repeat slider (2)? Just personal opinion but feels weird since the vocals are more of extended from the previous word.
  2. 00:56:269 (1,2) - Slider (1)'s end and (2)'s head didn't start on any prominent point in the song. End (1) slightly earlier(1/2 beat?) and start (2) at 00:56:103 and extend the end to current's end?
  3. 00:58:936 (1,2) - ^
  4. 01:06:269 (3) - Slider seems to end awkwardly, try half beat earlier?
  5. 01:08:269 (1) - ^
  6. 01:10:936 (4) - Start half beat earlier?
  7. 01:12:936 (6) - Slider seems to end awkwardly here too.
  8. 01:16:269 (1) - Start half beat earlier at 01:16:103 ?
I'm not sure if you're refraining from mapping on red ticks because it's an Easy, if that's the case you can probably disregard most of my mod, but it sounds really awkward (to me) because I don't feel it playing with the vocals, and there aren't a lot of other instruments to map to in those parts.
Asahina Momoko
hi, M4M from #modreqs~ :)

i recommend to chose some bright combo color and add in.

how about +1or2 OD? OD1 is not appropriate, i think.

00:07:862 (1) - cut the slider end at 00:09:062, and put a circle at 00:09:462. it is suit to this song.
00:17:604 (1,2) - adjust the DS close to 0.8x
00:48:270 (1,2) - imo in easy diff, those overlapping confuse beginners. if you can change the slider form, you should do it. or use reverse slider getting up.
00:54:936 (1,2,1) - ^^ same reason before.
01:10:936 (4) - this slider is too close to health-bar. move a little down

AI mod says about DS, check it.

only suggestion, don't have to change.

00:09:462 (3,4) - how about copy the pattern 3 and paste to 4?
00:14:938 (1,2,3) - how about spacing like this?
sliders form is so cool !!

Good Luck!! :)
Hey! From queue. Buy my book.

00:01:482 (1,2,3) - These three notes should be blanketed better. This looks very sloppy.
00:07:862 (1) - I'd say pick another slider shape, this one is quite unintuitive for newer players. Something with smoother curves
00:22:937 (3,4) - I'd say keep the slidertail of 4 between both ends of 3, that makes it look visually more satisfying
00:33:604 (1,3) - Improve the blanket
00:45:270 (2,3) - Might want to fix this blanket as well
00:52:270 (1) - I'd say extend till 00:54:270 -
00:59:936 (1,2) - Improve this blanket
01:05:936 (2,3) - ^
01:08:269 (1,2) - The red anchor in slider 2 ruins the blanket, you might want to turn it into a white slider
01:18:269 (3) - This blanket is also incorrect because of a red anchor
01:24:269 (2,3) - These two sliders overlap, it's kind of ugly
Topic Starter

-Iz wrote:

I'm not sure if you're refraining from mapping on red ticks because it's an Easy, if that's the case you can probably disregard most of my mod, but it sounds really awkward (to me) because I don't feel it playing with the vocals, and there aren't a lot of other instruments to map to in those parts.
yea, I avoided the vocals a bit and go with the instrument, sorry and thanks for your mod!
dark color for playing in the darkness /lolwat
well joking aside, this is an interesting article: t/168372 (I did change the color a bit though)
add OD+1

M o k o r i's mod
00:07:862 (1) - ok
00:17:604 (1,2) - fixed
00:48:270 (1,2) - changed to something else
00:54:936 (1,2,1) - ^
01:10:936 (4) - moved 2 px down

Don's mod
00:01:482 (1,2,3) - moved (1)
00:07:862 (1) - curve the front
00:22:937 (3,4) - prefer blanket than a box like shape
00:33:604 (1,3) - fixed
00:45:270 (2,3) - ^
00:52:270 (1) - recovery time problem
00:59:936 (1,2) - fixed
01:05:936 (2,3) - ^
01:08:269 (1,2) - this is on purpose
01:18:269 (3) - ^
01:24:269 (2,3) - changed
00:09:462 (3,4) - ok
00:14:938 (1,2,3) - I want to keep the DS consistency

thanks for mod all! - updated
Yo, saw you added an easy to this. So, I felt like coming back to mod it.

No kudosu needed

  1. 00:47:937 - Add a note here?
  2. 00:52:270 (1) - Honestly feel like this spinner is way too short. If you can't make it longer, why not just delete it and map this part instead? Suggestion:
  3. 01:00:269 (2,3) - Fix the blanket between these two
  4. 01:22:936 (1,2) - I know you don't want to map the red ticks, but these two notes feel very off. How about this?:
Oh, and you can have that star too, lol.
Topic Starter
00:47:937 - added
00:52:270 (1) - changed to what you suggested, also added on Normal but different beat
01:00:269 (2,3) - fixed
01:22:936 (1,2) - I'm not sure where did the red one start

wow thanks a lot! - updated
Saw your request on #modreqs again and had a look through your new easy map, here are the things that caught my eye:

  1. The distance snap between 00:07:482 (4) - and 00:07:862 (1) - is smaller than the distance snap before that (because you changed slider velocity on that slider). I'd suggest fixing that since easy maps look a lot better if they are uniform IMO.
  2. 00:07:862 (1,2,3) - The distance snap between these also looks different, did you change (increase) it there?
  3. 01:16:269 (1) - I had trouble with that when playing your map because starting that slider at a red tick seems more natural to me. The beat on the red tick is much more pronounced than the one on the white tick, where you started it on. I'd suggest maybe starting the slider at the red tick.
Really looking forward to (hopefully) seeing this mapset ranked, you did a good job on it =D
Topic Starter
00:07:862 (1) - the problem lies on changing BPM, I moved the head a bit farther
00:07:862 (1,2,3) - this one I let it be because its still constant
01:16:269 (1) - changed

thanks for mod! - updated
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