14:49 SSGAvalon: hey, u modded the mapset with my gd
14:50 Asphyxia: What map?
14:50 Asphyxia: Cant remember now
14:50 SSGAvalon: can u mod my gd anyways?
14:50 SSGAvalon:
http://osu.ppy.sh/s/11024114:50 Asphyxia: oh this
14:50 SSGAvalon: lol
14:50 Asphyxia: care to do an irc mod?
14:51 SSGAvalon: soz, what is it?
14:51 Asphyxia: We talk like this about the changes you might need to do, need to do and stuff
14:51 Asphyxia: ingame
14:52 SSGAvalon: alright
14:52 SSGAvalon: yea i dont mind
14:52 Asphyxia: Ok, I'm just gonna play your insane and start giving some feedback
14:52 SSGAvalon: dont mind if i spec?
14:52 Asphyxia: sure
14:52 Asphyxia: go ahead
14:56 Asphyxia: Erm, quick overall things first
14:56 SSGAvalon: ok
14:57 Asphyxia: you're using too much spacing when the kiai-time is on
14:57 Asphyxia: you know?
14:57 Asphyxia: the jumps are too big imo
14:57 SSGAvalon: jumps?
14:57 SSGAvalon: oh right
14:57 SSGAvalon: esp. in the last chorus?
14:57 Asphyxia: yes
14:57 Asphyxia: if you want to keep it
14:57 Asphyxia: just make them a bit smaller
14:57 Asphyxia: it would help
14:57 SSGAvalon: ok
14:58 Asphyxia: also this map has so much unnecessary overlaps imo
14:58 Asphyxia: but is it your style?
14:58 SSGAvalon: yea kinda
14:58 Asphyxia: ok
14:59 Asphyxia: Ok, I'm gonna start giving some recommends
14:59 Asphyxia: 00:11:706 (1) - I suggest you stack this with 00:10:733 (3) -
15:00 Asphyxia: 00:10:571 (2,3,4) - also make these a some kind of triangle maybe?
15:00 Asphyxia: or if you want to keep those like that just add more spacing
15:00 SSGAvalon: oh, the timing was a problem when it was a triangle
15:00 SSGAvalon: with the note before it as well
15:00 Asphyxia: 00:11:706 (1) - and 00:12:192 (3) - feels a bit dull, you could make them curve more
15:01 SSGAvalon: ok
15:01 Asphyxia: Things like this 00:12:679 (5) - 00:12:192 (3) - are imo unnecessary overlaps
15:01 Asphyxia: I dont recommend you do those
15:02 SSGAvalon: right
15:02 Asphyxia: 00:12:517 (4,5,6,7,1,2) - Also if you prefer to keep it as it is try to make this a star pattern then
15:02 SSGAvalon: oh ok
15:02 Asphyxia: 00:13:652 (3,4,5,6,1) - I don't like this that much really
15:03 Asphyxia: this could turn into something cool maybe
15:03 Asphyxia: like a star also, a square etc
15:03 Asphyxia: but that's just me
15:04 SSGAvalon: dont really want to put regular squares, but i like the back-and-forth
15:05 Asphyxia: 00:16:571 (4) - and 00:15:760 (1) -
15:05 Asphyxia: I really dont like this again
15:05 SSGAvalon: stacking?
15:05 Asphyxia: but if it is your mapping style then it's no biggie I think
15:06 Asphyxia: 00:17:219 (2,3) - overlaps like these are bad
15:06 Asphyxia: 00:18:355 (8,1) - I also prefer if you would stack these
15:06 Asphyxia: but then again it's your mapping style
15:07 Asphyxia: 00:18:517 (1) - and 00:19:003 (3) - could need some curve
15:07 Asphyxia: but up to you
15:07 Asphyxia: 00:19:327 (4,1) - same about the stacking ^
15:07 SSGAvalon: ok
15:08 Asphyxia: 00:22:409 (3) - and 00:22:733 (4) -
15:08 Asphyxia: if you're planning to do these kind of things
15:08 Asphyxia: copy the first slider
15:08 Asphyxia: and paste it
15:08 Asphyxia: if you don't know how to do it, just select the slider
15:08 Asphyxia: press CTRL + C
15:08 Asphyxia: and then CTRL + V
15:09 SSGAvalon: ok
15:09 Asphyxia: also it would be kinda cool if you would do it like this:
15:09 Asphyxia:
http://osu.ppy.sh/ss/95126915:09 Asphyxia: I think it fits much better
15:10 Asphyxia: so what you need to do to have it like that is copy the slider
15:10 Asphyxia: paste it
15:10 Asphyxia: and then press CTRL + H
15:10 SSGAvalon: keeping it at the same y
15:10 SSGAvalon: yea i know
15:10 Asphyxia: 00:22:409 (3) - and 00:23:057 (5) - overlaps
15:11 Asphyxia: 00:24:842 (2) - 00:24:355 (4) - stack maybe?
15:11 Asphyxia: 00:24:841 (2,3,4,5,6) - you could make this a some sort of shape pattern you know?
15:11 Asphyxia: with equal spacing
15:12 Asphyxia: 00:29:706 (3) - 00:29:219 (1) -
15:12 Asphyxia: stack maybe?
15:13 Asphyxia: 00:30:517 (8,9) - with these you copy the first slider (now it's the (8) ) and paste it
15:14 Asphyxia: 00:31:165 (1,2,3) - you could've done this a lot better I think
15:15 Asphyxia: 00:34:571 (6,7) - should have the same shape
15:15 Asphyxia: 00:35:382 (2) - 00:34:895 (7) - stack?
15:15 Asphyxia: 00:36:355 (4) - 00:37:003 (7) - could be straight
15:16 Asphyxia: it would be more fitting I guess
15:16 Asphyxia: 00:36:841 (6) - also try to keep the spacing equal, placing this note to something about x:208 y:304 would be better
15:17 Asphyxia: 00:37:652 (1,2,3) - I dislike this
15:18 Asphyxia: 00:46:409 (1) - 00:45:760 (3) - stacking?
15:18 Asphyxia: 00:47:382 (5) - 00:46:733 (3) -
15:18 Asphyxia: 00:51:436 (2) - 00:50:949 (3) -
15:18 Asphyxia: ^
15:19 Asphyxia: 00:56:463 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - maybe reduce the spacing by 0.2 or something
15:19 Asphyxia: 00:59:544 (11) - 00:59:057 (9) - stack?
15:19 Asphyxia: 01:08:949 (6) - 01:08:300 (3) - ^
15:20 Asphyxia: 01:09:598 (3) - I prefer to CTRL + G it
15:20 Asphyxia: and 01:10:084 (5) - CTRL + G this
15:20 SSGAvalon: with all the stackin
15:20 SSGAvalon: i like the slight offset from it
15:22 Asphyxia: if you like it so much
15:22 Asphyxia: 00:20:625 (1,2,3) -
15:22 Asphyxia: change this then
15:22 Asphyxia: you've stacked these
15:22 Asphyxia: + 00:21:760 (4) -
15:24 Asphyxia: and just a tip here (not saying that you're mapping style is bad or anything but) : care about how it plays and not about the look
15:24 Asphyxia: I mean ofcourse care about the looks of stuff
15:24 Asphyxia: but make sure it plays wells too
15:25 Asphyxia: 01:10:733 (1) - ctrl + g
15:25 SSGAvalon: well it doesnt play much different than if its stacked
15:25 Asphyxia: 01:25:652 (2,3) - overlap
15:27 Asphyxia: but things like00:21:760 (4,1) - might confuse people
15:27 Asphyxia: because that looks like its a slider and the note in is in the blue tick
15:27 Asphyxia: but actually it is in the white tick
15:28 Asphyxia: so just by stacking them people could read much better if it's a note in a blue stick or just normal 1/2
15:28 Asphyxia: you know?
15:28 Asphyxia: not saying that you need to change anything but just think about it
15:29 Asphyxia: well, there isn't much to say anything
15:29 Asphyxia: about the diff I mean
15:29 Asphyxia: just the overlaps and sliders and some of the patterns should be equal
15:30 Asphyxia: so do you want that I'm going till the end saying the same suggestions or can you change by this the rest of the map?
15:31 SSGAvalon: yea i can
15:31 Asphyxia: ok, I'm glad I could help even a bit
15:31 Asphyxia: thanks
15:31 SSGAvalon: thanks