
"Selective" Perfect mod

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +2,000
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I'm sorry if this has been posted before.

As the name states, I'd like to suggest a selective kind of perfect mod. Much like the perfect mod, this mod should not give any score multipliers.
In the perfect mod, the map forcefully restarts if the player has strayed away from an SS. What I propose is that this "Selective" mod does the same, except with certain criteria that the player is allowed to set.

For example, the player wants to limit himself/herself to five 100s, zero 50s and zero misses. The player types in these details in the mod selection window. In game, when the player exceeds the criteria, the map forcefully restarts (like the perfect mod). I think this would be very helpful as not many players are able to SS everything.

I have no ideas on what to call this mod so I came up with a lame name for it. Thank you.

I believe it wouldn't be too hard to add as it will just require tweaking of the perfect and SD mods. The codes for the mods are already in there so just a little bit of changes to it would make this work out.

Dark Tux -
To add a preset limiting the rank to an S for that particular beatmap. Anything below that would force the player to restart the map.

BlackStat -

BlackStat wrote:

How about a mod that will auto-fail you if you are not able to score higher than your previous high-score.
The coding would just need to assume and give you the best possible score at the moment you are in the song.

current score + highest possible score obtainable in the remaining song = Best possible score
if Best possible score < Previous high-score = fail
spinners will be assumed 300 + spinner bonus of previous high-score (if that data is there, if not just regular 300)

Your Selective Perfect mod might be another way of this mod that I had in mind, but maybe you could mesh them together or something? I would love to see a mod that will help people gradually get better by setting the bar little bits higher and higher.
That bolded part of the sentence, yes.
Interesting idea. This would get rid of Perfect Mod and SD as a whole since you could just type in whatever limitations. This would require some type of toggle-like thing, well it's just an input, but it doesn't seem like the idea would be necessary enough to be added and you can just basically do this yourself. Put on SD --> when you see too many 100's restart lol.
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winber1 wrote:

Interesting idea. This would get rid of Perfect Mod and SD as a whole since you could just type in whatever limitations. This would require some type of toggle-like thing, well it's just an input, but it doesn't seem like the idea would be necessary enough to be added and you can just basically do this yourself. Put on SD --> when you see too many 100's restart lol.
You've got a point there, but this would help players who are trying to strictly contain their 100s lol
I think it might be too complicated to show on scoreboard. As different players may have different selection of "Selective" Perfect mod, it should be fair to show each players' selection in their mods, and it is troublesome.
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kookookook wrote:

I think it might be too complicated to show on scoreboard. As different players may have different selection of "Selective" Perfect mod, it should be fair to show each players' selection in their mods, and it is troublesome.
Yes, but it's not necessary to show users' preferences for the mod on screen. Just show the mod like that of SD. Others will know that the mod is still in use, and if they're interested they could take a look into the scoreboard of that particular play. I'm not suggesting that this mod takes over SD and PF but just as an add-on to those mods, so the SD and PF mods will still be available. (Simplifies things)
Sounds interesting. It's a "Quota" or "Target" mod of some sort.
Sounds good. I'd say I would use this.
sounds good, but it can be an option in settings
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Oinari-sama wrote:

Sounds interesting. It's a "Quota" or "Target" mod of some sort.
I guess that would be a nice name for it!

jebwizoscar wrote:

sounds good, but it can be an option in settings
I'm thinking of a toggle in settings to enable activation of the mod, as having to access settings to change the criteria and whatnot would be very annoying. Having the same thoughts? :D haha~
I don't like this idea for mainly one reason: it makes the game even more mindless.

When I am trying to achieve a certain score, I take pleasure in having to manually check my accuracy and pay attention. Having this mod would allow players to set higher scores without the need to ever manually retry the map. This is fine for the perfect mod. Since it's so difficult to get an SS, the player deserves to get free retries whenever they mess up.

It's also completely possible for the player to set criteria that's not helpful for their next play. What if there's a part of the song near the end you usually ace, but then you accidentally get a 50 on the last note? It doesn't make sense to me that the player should have to restart the whole song. At least with SD and PF mods, you know exactly what you're getting into. It's much harder to predict how well you're going to do the next time you play a song and you would have to constantly adjust this setting for each song you play.

That being said, this mod definitely does have applications. I just think it's a little unfair as the game should require you to maintain an active mind if you wish to achieve these sort of goals.
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Kaeru wrote:

I don't like this idea for mainly one reason: it makes the game even more mindless.

When I am trying to achieve a certain score, I take pleasure in having to manually check my accuracy and pay attention. Having this mod would allow players to set higher scores without the need to ever manually retry the map. This is fine for the perfect mod. Since it's so difficult to get an SS, the player deserves to get free retries whenever they mess up.

It's also completely possible for the player to set criteria that's not helpful for their next play. What if there's a part of the song near the end you usually ace, but then you accidentally get a 50 on the last note? It doesn't make sense to me that the player should have to restart the whole song. At least with SD and PF mods, you know exactly what you're getting into. It's much harder to predict how well you're going to do the next time you play a song and you would have to constantly adjust this setting for each song you play.

That being said, this mod definitely does have applications. I just think it's a little unfair as the game should require you to maintain an active mind if you wish to achieve these sort of goals.
If players choose to do so, they can just play without the mod.
I would feel forced to use the mod because it makes ranking up so much easier. It's not a bad idea, it just makes farming ranks a lot easier. I think everything possible should be done to go in the opposite direction. In other words, not forcing users to play the same song over and over a thousand times to rank up.

I know that a lot of people do this already, but this kind of mod would further encourage it and make it easier to do.

Kaeru wrote:

I would feel forced to use the mod because it makes ranking up so much easier. It's not a bad idea, it just makes farming ranks a lot easier. I think everything possible should be done to go in the opposite direction. In other words, not forcing users to play the same song over and over a thousand times to rank up.

I know that a lot of people do this already, but this kind of mod would further encourage it and make it easier to do.
How exactly would this mod make anything gameplay-wise easier? It doesn't give any score-multipliers nor does it make circles easier to hit. It's more like a custom mashup of perfect and sudden death.

>notices you've gotten too many 100s

>esc > retry

problem solved

i just don't see a point in adding this unless 30% of the community broke their esc key
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@SnowStorm : Sometimes it's hard to tell cause you can't see how many 100s you have when you're in-game (if I'm not wrong) and as I said before, some people just want to strictly contain their 100s

@Kaeru : Most people won't bother after retrying too many times, they'll usually stop when they're bored. It's entirely up to the user to choose whether to rank the song or not. Nobody's being forced.
there's a thing called accuracy at the top right corner of your play screen

have a quick look at it and you can tell pretty easily if you got too many 100s
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This accuracy doesn't show too much though
0% to 30% - really bad accuracy, obvious D
30% to 45% - bad accuracy, probable D
45% to 70% - bad accuracy, probable C
70% to 85% - average accuracy, probable C but possibly B
85% to 95% - good accuracy, probable A but possibly S
95% to 99% - great accuracy, obvious S
100% - SS

enough said
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That's not the case for some songs though. I have nothing else to say. You've made a good point.

SnowStorm wrote:

95% to 99% - great accuracy, obvious S
i lol'd
<99.50% : horrible accuracy, retry
99.50 - 99.90% : decent accuracy, possible S
99.90 - 99.99% : kill yourself

no, actually this idea is neat, useful when you want to troll your rival by 10pts and set yourself objectives.
don't have any votes, so have a small support

i'm here to play, not to do math ffs
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_Gezo_ wrote:

i'm here to play, not to do math ffs
THIS. Thanks!

deadbeat wrote:

SnowStorm wrote:

SnowStorm wrote: 95% to 99% - great accuracy, obvious S
i lol'd
This should be added with that other mod idea that lets you set the rate of a song (other than just DT).
Actually I raise double hands to support your idea.

I would like to also add something like "Ranking #1", "Ranking #50" or etc, which if you set the target, the game would fail if you are impossible to get such score. (If it's impossible to get such score in selected mod (like trying to use no mod to challenge a #1 with HRHDDT) the game would instantly fail at the beginning. ) but this is something off-topic.

Actually it is really awful that we can't see the score board like in the test mode representing how many 300,100 and 50 we got. :D

Friggles wrote:

This should be added with that other mod idea that lets you set the rate of a song (other than just DT).
Set the rate of a song? Wouldn't that just be like practice mode then? Unless the user is forced to pick out of a set of choices. It would have to be unranked anyways so I don't really see the point.
practice mode?

_Gezo_ wrote:

<99.50% : horrible accuracy, retry
99.50 - 99.90% : decent accuracy, possible S
99.90 - 99.99% : kill yourself

no, actually this idea is neat, useful when you want to troll your rival by 10pts and set yourself objectives.
don't have any votes, so have a small support

i'm here to play, not to do math ffs
Do think this is reasonable.
As a player mainly plays osu!mania, 300g and 300 all count as 100%, and you may not know how much 300 you have missed in the whole song. In easy songs 1x300 really hurts, and because of doubles and triples, you may just see 300g instead.

A random scene:
I see everything 300g -> don't get 1000000 -> found having 3 or more 300s

As in standard we also have spinners overspin out of accuracy measure, it is good to have such mod to have control of the game and not to press retry in a flash when completing a game with less than 500 pts worse than high score
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no need to bump something that was recently posted in. try waiting 2-3 weeks at least before bumping something

SnowStorm wrote:


>notices you've gotten too many 100s

>esc > retry

problem solved

i just don't see a point in adding this unless 30% of the community broke their esc key
You can take a try on counting 300 (Along bunch of MAXs) yourself when accuracy stand still on 100%. :o
Dark Tux
How about ''S or quit''.
You would auto reset when it's not anymore posible to get S.
If you get misses,50s or 100s over the limit of S from that beatmap it would auto reset you like Perfect mod.
That could be a option between Sudden Death and Perfect mod.
why not^^
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Dark Tux : Probably as an extra feature for this? Yeah, it would go well.
. +2
I like the 'auto-fail' mod many stepmania themes put in. You set a number of misses, 200s, 100s, etc. and whenever you hit that number it automatically fails for you. We already have two perfect mods to cover the most common uses, but I might as well support.
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Mithost : Thanks :')
And I'm so mapping this HAHA.
you better

Dark Tux wrote:

How about ''S or quit''.
You would auto reset when it's not anymore posible to get S.
If you get misses,50s or 100s over the limit of S from that beatmap it would auto reset you like Perfect mod.
That could be a option between Sudden Death and Perfect mod.

This can be a good idea, but I'd like to suggest something :

So when it becomes impossible to beat yourself, if you even FC the rest of the map you won't beat your score, you fail.
I think it's a little bit hard to implement but I really want this :3

Dark Tux wrote:

How about ''S or quit''.
You would auto reset when it's not anymore posible to get S.
If you get misses,50s or 100s over the limit of S from that beatmap it would auto reset you like Perfect mod.
That could be a option between Sudden Death and Perfect mod.
this is a waste of time and effort.
I like the idea, but I would love to add maybe an even better mod.

How about a mod that will auto-fail you if you are not able to score higher than your previous high-score.
The coding would just need to assume and give you the best possible score at the moment you are in the song.

current score + highest possible score obtainable in the remaining song = Best possible score
if Best possible score < Previous high-score = fail
spinners will be assumed 300 + spinner bonus of previous high-score (if that data is there, if not just regular 300)

Your Selective Perfect mod might be another way of this mod that I had in mind, but maybe you could mesh them together or something? I would love to see a mod that will help people gradually get better by setting the bar little bits higher and higher.
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BlackStat wrote:

I like the idea, but I would love to add maybe an even better mod.

How about a mod that will auto-fail you if you are not able to score higher than your previous high-score.
The coding would just need to assume and give you the best possible score at the moment you are in the song.

current score + highest possible score obtainable in the remaining song = Best possible score
if Best possible score < Previous high-score = fail
spinners will be assumed 300 + spinner bonus of previous high-score (if that data is there, if not just regular 300)

Your Selective Perfect mod might be another way of this mod that I had in mind, but maybe you could mesh them together or something? I would love to see a mod that will help people gradually get better by setting the bar little bits higher and higher.
Hmm.. Yeah, that seems like a great idea. I'll add this to the opening post. A question though, how is it going to know that you're breaking your previous high score? Everyone starts off at 0 so does that mean that the system will auto-fail everyone? :o

BlackStat wrote:

I like the idea, but I would love to add maybe an even better mod.

How about a mod that will auto-fail you if you are not able to score higher than your previous high-score.
The coding would just need to assume and give you the best possible score at the moment you are in the song.

current score + highest possible score obtainable in the remaining song = Best possible score
if Best possible score < Previous high-score = fail
spinners will be assumed 300 + spinner bonus of previous high-score (if that data is there, if not just regular 300)

Your Selective Perfect mod might be another way of this mod that I had in mind, but maybe you could mesh them together or something? I would love to see a mod that will help people gradually get better by setting the bar little bits higher and higher.

Exactly what I meant :D
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Half a month has passed... BUMP!
All of my yes. This would help a lot when you want to improve the accuracy of your highscores but you're too scared to accidentally rank a better score with worse accuracy and lose pp.
I agree with this. Selective way of "Perfect" is kind of a good way to adjust the restrictions to your liking without needing an S all the time. But this isn't high priority too so it wouldn't be made true so quickly :?
I'd support this. I have no voting things tho. Another suggestion is for the auto-fail system is the Climb the Ladder mode I'm not creative. Come up with a better name plz. It'll search for the score of the person above your rank in the song you choose, and sets the values like Gekis, 300's, and Combos, etc. that matches the other guy's score. You can also set the rank you want to take. For example, you're rank 1324 of 9012. You want to take rank 412. You can set the rank you're aiming for and the auto-fail system does the rest.
I like this idea alot upvoted this :3

But how will this translate to CTB for example you put in how many droplets you miss ?
I would actually like for this to replace sudden death mode. I feel that perfect mode needs to stay because is some sort of badge of honor to me. But sudden death is more lenient already.
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