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Monstrata wrote:

I think it's fair to give the community a chance for some final words
Meet Bob. Bob plays osu. Bob finds a song he likes and wants to map. Bob knows the song doesn't translate well into the game, but Bob maps it because he enjoys mapping and he enjoys the song. Bob really enjoys his map, and Bob uploads it to the osu website so that other people might stumble across his map and enjoy it. Bob lets his map graveyard because he understands that the song itself is unrankable and that not everything he uploads needs to be ranked.

you are not bob

Monstrata wrote:

After a lot of discussion, we've decided that we will flame this map in a day or two. I think it's fair to give the community a chance for some final words. I don't want to make the icons seem rushed, a lot of individual work has been put into pushing this forward, it just happens that everyone was available and ready to icon it today.

wank wank wank wank wank wank wank

there's my words
Topic Starter

Shiirn wrote:

Monstrata wrote:

After a lot of discussion, we've decided that we will flame this map in a day or two. I think it's fair to give the community a chance for some final words. I don't want to make the icons seem rushed, a lot of individual work has been put into pushing this forward, it just happens that everyone was available and ready to icon it today.

wank wank wank wank wank wank wank

there's my words
I see the song has really moved you.
maximum the hormone is basically like

edge in a can

Monstrata wrote:

After a lot of discussion, we've decided that we will flame this map in a day or two. I think it's fair to give the community a chance for some final words. I don't want to make the icons seem rushed, a lot of individual work has been put into pushing this forward, it just happens that everyone was available and ready to icon it today.
Can you rank Quaver next please?

Shiirn wrote:

maximum the hormone is basically like

edge in a can
more like
AR10 just feels a lot more fitting when playing this. And HP 4.5-4.7 feels more fitting than 5. idk that's just my opinion on the matter...
This isn't 5 minutes, where is the set? Or am I missing something.

Approved Category is only for Marathon maps. Long maps with over 5 minutes of draining time fit the Approval category. Only then they are allowed to be single difficulty mapsets. If they are below 5 minutes of draining time, a full difficulty spread is needed and the map will have to be ranked instead.
And isn't the approved section dead anyways? I don't see why they would break their guidelines and use a section that has been unused since 2.5 years back.

Edit: Totally forgot about the ol' long spinner at the end.

XII wrote:

This isn't 5 minutes, where is the set? Or am I missing something.

Approved Category is only for Marathon maps. Long maps with over 5 minutes of draining time fit the Approval category. Only then they are allowed to be single difficulty mapsets. If they are below 5 minutes of draining time, a full difficulty spread is needed and the map will have to be ranked instead.
And isn't the approved section dead anyways? I don't see why they would break their guidelines and use a section that has been unused since 2.5 years back.

the drain time calculator is kind of broken because it doesn't really count spinners

[alt][F4] wrote:

the drain time calculator is kind of broken because it doesn't really count spinners
Totally forgot about that!
MAXIMUM THE CIRCLEJERK - A-L-I-E-N [Stop! Stop complaining about my map and let me rank this!]
Topic Starter

FailureAtOsu wrote:

Extremely minor thing
02:28:885 (1,2,3,4) -
02:32:313 (9,10,11,12) -
Why does the former have a new combo but not the latter? It's the same sounds so I don't see why it would be inconsistent.
The NC's here are placed based on movement and flow, and not rhythm. Since its one consistent updown or leftright movement it has one combo, where as the previous ones can be split into two sets of flows/movements with backforth going into clockwise/counterclock.

Thanks for checking though!

N1k0 wrote:

AR10 just feels a lot more fitting when playing this. And HP 4.5-4.7 feels more fitting than 5. idk that's just my opinion on the matter...
AR 9.7 is high enough imo. Theres already been a lot of discussion going into this, you can check out p/5253277 if you'd like to read more into detail! Thanks for your concerns.

I feel like decimal HP values won't really make much of a difference though, just because of how complicated HP drain actually is. 5 is really just there because people believe 3/4 to be too low for a map of this difficulty. I don't really wanna get into the math of decimal HP drain cuz I myself don't really know how to calculate it lol.
Posting for clarification. ... se/4887492

Official run time is 4:46. Making this MP3 an edited version. Yet no mention of this in the metadata. (Even though as far as Im aware editing MP3's for more length is against a rule)
often times if the mp3 is edited by the user, you still use the same metadata as the source, for example if you cut a song to be shorter such as this due to it being repetitive you still keep the same metadata

Battle wrote:

often times if the mp3 is edited by the user, you still use the same metadata as the source, for example if you cut a song to be shorter such as this due to it being repetitive you still keep the same metadata
Editing the song to be shorter is very different to editing it to be longer.
I fail to see what point you're making?
Topic Starter
mp3 is slightly edited yes. It's not against the current ruleset, but you're welcome to discuss it further, here: t/417977.

Monstrata wrote:

mp3 is slightly edited yes. It's not against the current ruleset, but you're welcome to discuss it further, here: t/417977.
Wait it's allowed?
I thought you just linked to a thread that says you can't extend the mp3 file, unless I'm missing something.
Topic Starter

lilelf29 wrote:

Monstrata wrote:

mp3 is slightly edited yes. It's not against the current ruleset, but you're welcome to discuss it further, here: t/417977.
Wait it's allowed?
I thought you just linked to a thread that says you can't extend the mp3 file, unless I'm missing something.
It's allowed currently. The thread is a discussion about making mp3 extension against the rules. I thought i'd link it so people can discuss there instead.
This song should not be qualified nor ranked.

Half of the map is some kind of lullaby that is FC:able by 5 digit players, including me, this necessarily might not be a bad thing, but I personally find it unfit for a 8.5* map.

Other than that, I find that the map isn't of greater quality, even though I probably wouldn't be able to do shit better myself, but I just find it to play awfully bad.

Monstrata wrote:

It's allowed currently. The thread is a discussion about making mp3 extension against the rules. I thought i'd link it so people can discuss there instead.
Oh damn, I know a few people that are under the impression it's not allowed and so instead are making mapsets of 4min+ songs.
Will spread the news that they don't need to.
monstrata reply to wank wank wank but not bob
Topic Starter

lilelf29 wrote:

Monstrata wrote:

It's allowed currently. The thread is a discussion about making mp3 extension against the rules. I thought i'd link it so people can discuss there instead.
Oh damn, I know a few people that are under the impression it's not allowed and so instead are making mapsets of 4min+ songs.
Will spread the news that they don't need to.
Well, if you extend, you should try to make it as natural as possible too. It's sometimes quite hard to extend songs past 5 minutes, especially if theyre like just 4:01 or something. There are a lot of songs i want to map, that are like 4:40-4:50 that I just can't tastefully extend haha.

MillhioreF wrote:

Remember: there's nothing wrong with mapping for the graveyard.

Monstrata wrote:

Well, if you extend, you should try to make it as natural as possible too. It's sometimes quite hard to extend songs past 5 minutes, especially if theyre like just 4:01 or something. There are a lot of songs i want to map, that are like 4:40-4:50 that I just can't tastefully extend haha.
Not every map has to be marathon size. Couldn't you just make more diffs?

Sliproads wrote:

Monstrata wrote:

Well, if you extend, you should try to make it as natural as possible too. It's sometimes quite hard to extend songs past 5 minutes, especially if theyre like just 4:01 or something. There are a lot of songs i want to map, that are like 4:40-4:50 that I just can't tastefully extend haha.
Not every map has to be marathon size. Couldn't you just make more diffs?
It's quite literally 11 seconds. C'mon friend.

Enkidu wrote:

It's quite literally 11 seconds. C'mon friend.
I love being lazy!

Microsoft Vista wrote:

monstrata reply to wank wank wank but not bob
hi mothew!!
While I don't agree with mappers editing mp3s to push their songs into the marathon category rather than having to map a full spread, complaining about it in this thread will just make you look stupid.

I think the song is perfectly fine, it's music, it has a beat and a melody, and therefore can be adequately mapped. This map meets all of the ranking criteria, isn't over the top ridiculous, and while it does look ugly (which mind you, is the entire purpose of the mapping style that Monstrata chose to use), it is passable (perhaps even fcable).

The best part is it's a consistent group of people who talk crap in these threads. Mappers shouldn't have to put up with this stuff, their map is their opinion, and while everyone is entitled to have one, and you can debate back and forth about them, you can't just blow off the mapper's effort with these stupid backhanded comments like "remap" or "wow this map is BAD." That's like telling an artist that you don't like their painting, and then when they ask why you respond with "it's just bad and I don't like it." If you disagree, please provide some sort of argument that makes sense, and if the mapper tells you to shove it, there's nothing you can do about it. If you don't like the map, don't install it, don't play it. Every day there are probably 3-4 maps ranked that you never even hear about or play, just turn this map into another one of those. It's not like ranking maps like these will destroy the mapping community here in osu!, so don't act like it.

Also the amount of >20k ranked players commenting on the playability of this map is far too high and honestly just silly.

total terror wrote:

Also the amount of >20k ranked players commenting on the playability of this map is far too high and honestly just silly.
I haven't read this thread much, but the only opinion of a top player that I've seen is Elysion's on their stream and iirc they just said "Doesn't play well."

I think it would be a pretty neat idea to get multiple top players opinions on this map to improve it (since it is a 8.5* map...), but Monstrata might've already done that.
brb adding 4:30 of cheering to the end of a 30 second map for marathon length

isopaharuntikka wrote:

total terror wrote:

Also the amount of >20k ranked players commenting on the playability of this map is far too high and honestly just silly.
I haven't read this thread much, but the only opinion of a top player that I've seen is Elysion's on their stream and iirc they just said "Doesn't play well."

I think it would be a pretty neat idea to get multiple top players opinions on this map to improve it (since it is a 8.5* map...), but Monstrata might've already done that.
Rafis did say he never wanted it to ever get ranked, make of that what you will

lilelf29 wrote:

Battle wrote:

often times if the mp3 is edited by the user, you still use the same metadata as the source, for example if you cut a song to be shorter such as this due to it being repetitive you still keep the same metadata
Editing the song to be shorter is very different to editing it to be longer.
I fail to see what point you're making?
lmao wh it's still basically the same regarding metadata

blahpy wrote:

MillhioreF wrote:

Remember: there's nothing wrong with mapping for the graveyard.

o btw

estellia- wrote:

also vinxis the structure of your post is so fucked can you get good at being estellia- tyvm
thts the point u deege n -_ -
Who cares about ugli aesthetics tbh
Gonna talk about other things blahblah w/e

Mod time!
I'm kinda sad that after these jumps 00:18:626 (1,2,3,4) - here that 00:19:486 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - these are so low spaced, since the later ones have the extra punchy drum to go along with them but have a lower spacing. I feel like the low spaced patterns should be before, while the jumpy/snappy sliders should be after.
00:31:475 (1,2,3,4) - If you play these fully it creates some nice snaps with a bunch of spacing which feels cool, however on the next slider pattern here 00:33:189 (1,2,3,4) - I feel as though 00:33:189 (1,2) - these are too cramped up spacing wise to give the same feel. It's minor yes, but every little helps. A 10 degree rotation seems to make the spacing work and keep the same aesthetical style here.
00:34:474 (5) - Unsnapped sliderend, should end later but the slider end is snapped slightly early, may want to wiggle it to place.
(00:34:933 (1) - No idea what this is mapped to, if its an instrument, it should start on the blue tick (00:34:986 - or smth), if its mapped to the vocal, it starts on the red tick (00:35:040 - ) but ssince it coverss both its really confussing.)
00:34:933 (1,2) - This spacing is awkwardly low compared to the slider SV here, I'd honestly suggest you lower the SV more to make it less weird to play here.
00:48:192 (3) - For editors sake, can you simplify this slider down? I have an awkward feeling this can be called out for burai for no reason idk
01:01:580 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Well you've probably heard enough about these but still I need to say it but from a different perspective. 00:51:250 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - and 00:54:726 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - have similar spacing because the sounds are similar, now 00:58:150 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - is increased spacing because there is an extra cymbal sound, right? If that is the case, then there should be no reason to further increase the spacing to 01:01:580 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - this pattern, since the previous mentioned one is identical in sound and volume to this.
01:38:058 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5) - I can see that you have a bunch of different shapes here, but if possible, could you make 01:38:165 (2,4) - more vertical? I know you can just hit the slider heads and play right, but it would still encourage a more vertical and sharp snapping motion if they were more vertical. You can just rotate the sliders.
I'd also like to mention that 01:39:130 (3) - this slider is the only one that goes up a bit before it goes down, whilst being completely playable if you include leniency in the mix, it still discourages a cooler, consistent vertical play which could be happening instead, so this iss the only slider I'd suggest to make differently and move the redpoint downwards on.
02:09:830 (2,3,4,5) - Two things here.
Obvious no.1) The linear play is really awkward after an entire map of little linear movement and only snapping pretty much, so it feels plainly wrong to put in since it is so out of the maps context flow/wrist-movement-wise
No.2) This looks too damn neat. Needs to be MESSIER.
So a solution to both of those is below I made for ya. Also at the same time, that idea/solution gets lower in spacing as the pitches lower with every sound so it seems more with the music.

That's it for input that doesn't relate to aesthetics wheee hopefully it makes it more enjoyable to play cya

QTS wrote:

This song should not be qualified nor ranked.

Half of the map is some kind of lullaby that is FC:able by 5 digit players, including me, this necessarily might not be a bad thing, but I personally find it unfit for a 8.5* map.
The same could be said about a lot of wub maps since they usually start out like 2* maps

Side wrote:

QTS wrote:

This song should not be qualified nor ranked.

Half of the map is some kind of lullaby that is FC:able by 5 digit players, including me, this necessarily might not be a bad thing, but I personally find it unfit for a 8.5* map.
The same could be said about a lot of wub maps since they usually start out like 2* maps
"this necessarily might not be a bad thing". What I meant was that I think it's fine to bring in "easier" parts into songs as "breaks" but when half-ish of the song consists of that, I personally think it's a bit too much.

Girl wrote:

Microsoft Vista wrote:

monstrata reply to wank wank wank but not bob
hi mothew!!
Topic Starter

Arphimigon wrote:

Who cares about ugli aesthetics tbh
Gonna talk about other things blahblah w/e

Mod time!
I'm kinda sad that after these jumps 00:18:626 (1,2,3,4) - here that 00:19:486 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - these are so low spaced, since the later ones have the extra punchy drum to go along with them but have a lower spacing. I feel like the low spaced patterns should be before, while the jumpy/snappy sliders should be after. Swapped 3 and 4 to keep the spacing lower.
00:31:475 (1,2,3,4) - If you play these fully it creates some nice snaps with a bunch of spacing which feels cool, however on the next slider pattern here 00:33:189 (1,2,3,4) - I feel as though 00:33:189 (1,2) - these are too cramped up spacing wise to give the same feel. It's minor yes, but every little helps. A 10 degree rotation seems to make the spacing work and keep the same aesthetical style here. I don't like this change. I don't think you should play those sliders fully anyways. Well, i don't, and I find the angles to be fine as they are, taking advantage of leniency.
00:34:474 (5) - Unsnapped sliderend, should end later but the slider end is snapped slightly early, may want to wiggle it to place. it's snapped tnough.
(00:34:933 (1) - No idea what this is mapped to, if its an instrument, it should start on the blue tick (00:34:986 - or smth), if its mapped to the vocal, it starts on the red tick (00:35:040 - ) but ssince it coverss both its really confussing.) snapped to that buzz that definitely lands on the downbeat. The vocals are a kinda awkward transition out of the 1/4 repeats, same with the guitar that's on the blue tick, i just wanted something with a very straightforward rhythm even if it meant following something that was more a noise than a sound. I think with this set up though, the rhythm is pretty easy to see, whereas if i used a bluetick or red tick rhythm after a 1/4 repeat it would be hard to catch.
00:34:933 (1,2) - This spacing is awkwardly low compared to the slider SV here, I'd honestly suggest you lower the SV more to make it less weird to play here. Intentional anti-jumps so I have more spacing increases to work with when i transition back into 1/2 rhythms.
00:48:192 (3) - For editors sake, can you simplify this slider down? I have an awkward feeling this can be called out for burai for no reason idk It's not burai. It's not possible to create burais without red nodes xD.
01:01:580 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Well you've probably heard enough about these but still I need to say it but from a different perspective. 00:51:250 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - and 00:54:726 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - have similar spacing because the sounds are similar, now 00:58:150 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - is increased spacing because there is an extra cymbal sound, right? If that is the case, then there should be no reason to further increase the spacing to 01:01:580 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - this pattern, since the previous mentioned one is identical in sound and volume to this. oh, Bonsai already mentioned these to me with the same perspective about identical sounds. Basically, I originally wanted the entire section to be this big, and i created an imtermediate section instead with the first half. When I map, I like to create easier and more difficult versions if the music provides similar rhythms and patterns, just to keep things interesting. I want the intensity to build up here as the player continues through this section, so you can see that the jumps after the sliders get progressively larger and larger.
01:38:058 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5) - I can see that you have a bunch of different shapes here, but if possible, could you make 01:38:165 (2,4) - more vertical? I know you can just hit the slider heads and play right, but it would still encourage a more vertical and sharp snapping motion if they were more vertical. You can just rotate the sliders. Those are my favourites though ;c.
I'd also like to mention that 01:39:130 (3) - this slider is the only one that goes up a bit before it goes down, whilst being completely playable if you include leniency in the mix, it still discourages a cooler, consistent vertical play which could be happening instead, so this iss the only slider I'd suggest to make differently and move the redpoint downwards on. Sure, fixed.
02:09:830 (2,3,4,5) - Two things here.
Obvious no.1) The linear play is really awkward after an entire map of little linear movement and only snapping pretty much, so it feels plainly wrong to put in since it is so out of the maps context flow/wrist-movement-wise idk.. I like this pattern. I want a break from all the rotational flow since the song is breaking into a harsher section (and you can see the sliders changing shape).
No.2) This looks too damn neat. Needs to be MESSIER. I think the flow choice already contributes, without making the structure messy yet, because this is still part of the previous section imo.
So a solution to both of those is below I made for ya. Also at the same time, that idea/solution gets lower in spacing as the pitches lower with every sound so it seems more with the music.

That's it for input that doesn't relate to aesthetics wheee hopefully it makes it more enjoyable to play cya
Thanks for your input!! I'll apply the changes with the flame since I didn't make any major changes to gameplay.
:!: :shock: :!: WARNING :!: :shock: :!: DRAMA INCOMING :!: :shock: :!: WARNING :!: :shock: :!:
mmm i'll give my opinion here, if this map get ranked, then any map can be, since the sliders are not different to any new mapper first map sliders, they are bad and they make the map looks ugly.

Yeah the song is chaotic, but doesn't sounds bad, but the map is chaotic and looks bad that's the difference, I always support your maps, Monstrata. But in my opinion this shouldn't be ranked in the current state, I read your responses to similar arguments to mine and they are not objetives, when you say is *art* we can recall in situations like this:

which I believe is happening here, anyways not every map have to be ranked and the community response you are getting is mostly negative (for what I can see in the thread), just rework that sliders, you are a good mapper and I'm sure you can build a chaotic map that looks nice and not the current one that looks like someone first attempt of mapping, sorry Monstrata, but I have to said it too.
Topic Starter
Hmm... I know a couple of people are comparing the sliders here to stuff you find on beginners' maps. I wonder how many beginners actually create sliders like this... because I think most beginners will use straight / overly curved sliders. I also think my rhythm, spacing, and flow choices are certainly not reflective of "beginner" maps. I think aesthetically, the map is just very different from anything you would usually find. The vocals are harsh, the song is really chaotic, and I think the slider designs recreate this harshness best, without compromising actual playability elements like rhythm, flow, spacing. Some other ideas I had going into this map were to create really jarring and "harsh" flows and awkward spacings, but I ultimately decided on something simple like slider designs, which would be purely visual. I'm confident my patterns play well, they just appear ugly.

The other thing here though, is that the slider designs are also being used as juxtaposition between the metal part and the winny upload part. You can clearly see a distinction between the two.

I think the map is controversial, so naturally there will be people who dislike it. I don't see a majority though, and I think judging the community's response based on the people in this thread can create really lopsided results.
I think the main thing that makes this all feel so disrespectful is that the bullshit is just really obvious. Your reasons are flimsy, your map is clearly intended to be various combinations of "ez 8* pass" "hardest ranked map" "haha its super hard half the time and super boring the other half" "I can make something extremely ugly and anti-meta too guys! and rank it!" and "i can map what i want and bullshit anything past", if I'm missing anything let me know.

I'm an honest fellow. I like it when people are honest, even if their actions aren't.

But we all know that you'd rather just let people let you do whatever the fuck you please, so since I personally have no capability of forcing you to do anything, only my own words, which are oft bereft with language that leads people to disregard me outright from offense.

I'm done dealing with your self-serving fantasy map, myself. I no longer care if you want to embarrass yourself further among any worthwhile peers. This has long since gone beyond the pale.
Topic Starter

Shiirn wrote:


Natsu wrote:

mmm i'll give my opinion here, if this map get ranked, then any map can be, since the sliders are not different to any new mapper first map sliders, they are bad and they make the map looks ugly.

Yeah the song is chaotic, but doesn't sounds bad, but the map is chaotic and looks bad that's the difference, I always support your maps, Monstrata. But in my opinion this shouldn't be ranked in the current state, I read your responses to similar arguments to mine and they are not objetives, when you say is *art* we can recall in situations like this:

which I believe is happening here, anyways not every map have to be ranked and the community response you are getting is mostly negative (for what I can see in the thread), just rework that sliders, you are a good mapper and I'm sure you can build a chaotic map that looks nice and not the current one that looks like someone first attempt of mapping, sorry Monstrata, but I have to said it too.
Actually this is what I feel too.

I normally won't say such things, but if this was mapped by a new mapper, this will be no where close to a ranked status. I wouldn't even give a nomination for such stuff, but there are many first time mappers who can map like this.

Shiirn wrote:

I think the main thing that makes this all feel so disrespectful is that the bullshit is just really obvious. Your reasons are flimsy, your map is clearly intended to be various combinations of "ez 8* pass" "hardest ranked map" "haha its super hard half the time and super boring the other half" "I can make something extremely ugly and anti-meta too guys! and rank it!" and "i can map what i want and bullshit anything past", if I'm missing anything let me know.

I'm an honest fellow. I like it when people are honest, even if their actions aren't.

But we all know that you'd rather just let people let you do whatever the fuck you please, so since I personally have no capability of forcing you to do anything, only my own words, which are oft bereft with language that leads people to disregard me outright from offense.

I'm done dealing with your self-serving fantasy map, myself. I no longer care if you want to embarrass yourself further among any worthwhile peers. This has long since gone beyond the pale.
you're the me i want to be, couldn't have been said better
The simple fact that this wouldn't even be considered for ranking if a mapper with no ranked maps mapped it is enough proof that this shouldn't be ranked.

Monstrata wrote:

oh, Bonsai already mentioned these to me with the same perspective about identical sounds. Basically, I originally wanted the entire section to be this big, and i created an imtermediate section instead with the first half. When I map, I like to create easier and more difficult versions if the music provides similar rhythms and patterns, just to keep things interesting. I want the intensity to build up here as the player continues through this section, so you can see that the jumps after the sliders get progressively larger and larger.
00:51:250 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - This section is the same, if not harder than 00:54:726 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - due to the back and forth motion vs the more common, easier to snap triangle motion, and the spacing is the same, so if you are going by that logic how about buffing the 2nd section?
Also on that note, the 3rd jump section to 4th seems MIGHTY different, like 1.5 times as spaced or smth. Since you wont nerf the last jump section how about buffing the 3rd one's spacing too. tl;dr check the spacing increases in the four jump sssectionss from 00:51:250 - to 01:02:330 - to make them get harder more linearly because its kinda weird rn

(no kds ofc just a reponse to one part of the mod)
Topic Starter
I'm confident there's a big difference between this map and beginner maps. You can judge it on aesthetics, but I don't believe any beginners will use aesthetics like this anyways. You see mostly linear/curved simple sliders with grid-snap on beginner maps. I think there's an assumption being made that beginners will map ugly sliders. I don't think that is true at all... I think beginner maps just aren't cohesive because they don't know much about flow/spacing/emphasis/rhythm, and other key aspects of mapping.

That aside though, after reading a lot of comments and getting a lot of feedback on chat from different BN's, I've decided to make some changes for the better:
  1. 01:01:580 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - After a lot of discussion, I've decided its best to nerf the jumps here a bit. They've been scaled down to 0.85x their original spacing.
  2. 01:41:058 (1,2) - The jump-stream has been removed and replaced with 1/4 repeat sliders.
  3. 02:32:742 (1,2) - The stream here has also been replaced with 1/4 repeat sliders
  4. 02:55:471 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - The jumps here have been scaled down by 0.8x their original spacing.
Topic Starter
@Arphi I ended up nerfing the jumps instead so I guess I ended up fixing your original point haha. Thanks for understanding and providing alternatives though!
we have change 2 parts pattern, missing NC and of course more ugly

let's try !

What a masterpiece.

This seems to be receiving more negativity than HW's maps tbh.
i guess monstrata can really rank anything.. lol

samaki wrote:

i guess monstrata can really rank anything.. lol
No, Beatmap Nominators can qualify anything. :)
02:55:471 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,1,1) - I thought TAG4 patterns are unrankable?
congrats mr.monstrata o/
That reflects the song's atmosphere at least \:D/

I really liked the second half of it tho
congratz o/
come on, i'm ready for love :3

Edited per request
The preview point doesn't seems to be snapped


edit: sorry

Zerss wrote:

The preview point doesn't seems to be snapped


edit: sorry
this ruins my song select experience pls fix

Akali wrote:

Zerss wrote:

The preview point doesn't seems to be snapped


edit: sorry
this ruins my song select experience pls fix
actually, that's something dumb but since it's noticed in the ranking criteria 'bout perfectly timed bpm and unsnapped elements, I think it could be worth the change. it costs nothing to dq & change this to rerank the map after
- unused image file " - 181663 cola_(gotouryouta) original robot ruins scenic stars.jpg"

Zerss wrote:

The preview point doesn't seems to be snapped


edit: sorry
Preview point and green lines being unsnapped isn't an unrankable issue (in fact a lot of times it's better if the preview point is unsnapped because of song select's fade-in)

Thanks for actually trying to be helpful, though!
Topic Starter

Zerss wrote:

The preview point doesn't seems to be snapped


edit: sorry
Doesn't need to be snapped.

isopaharuntikka wrote:

- unused image file " - 181663 cola_(gotouryouta) original robot ruins scenic stars.jpg"
You gotta delete and redl.

UndeadCapulet wrote:

Zerss wrote:

The preview point doesn't seems to be snapped


edit: sorry
Preview point and green lines being unsnapped isn't an unrankable issue (in fact a lot of times it's better if the preview point is unsnapped because of song select's fade-in)

Thanks for actually trying to be helpful, though!
Well, I already got warning from BNs about my preview points being unsnapped. I guess it's just because I'm not famous.
it's only a 2ms preview unsnap, pls

Zerss wrote:

UndeadCapulet wrote:

Preview point and green lines being unsnapped isn't an unrankable issue (in fact a lot of times it's better if the preview point is unsnapped because of song select's fade-in)

Thanks for actually trying to be helpful, though!
Well, I already got warning from BNs about my preview points being unsnapped. I guess it's just because I'm not famous.
Maybe it's bc not every BN is 100% knownledgable about everything all the time, and a lot of stuff is not clearly stated anywhere - BNs tend to contradict each other a lot, because they often think that certain stuff is a rule / disallowed / whatever when they are actually just imagining it, a good example would probably be the general belief that Easy-diffs absolutely must have constant spacing which is completely untrue ^^
GL on rank :)

monstrata wrote:

Play Time: 05:00
thats some length right there
okay that's enough for now.

Edit: Okay, discuss the map here, please. Keep your opinion about other stuff such as the mapper as well as memes out of here.
Also I should have said that it's not gonna be locked for long, that would be pointless for discussing the map.
hi, i guess this map can be improved a tad more before pushing it further

00:21:847 (4,6) - these arent stacked properly

00:34:933 (1) - what does this slider follow? i cant really hear anythin

00:47:449 (3,1) - im pretty sure the slider blocking the reverse so shortly after is unpleasant to play and can lead to confusion (wasnt it unrankable? im not sure about this one)

00:48:192 (3) - why are there so many unnecessary sliderpoints in this? it looks like you literally just spun around your cursor and randomly clicked
01:00:937 (2) - ^

01:23:058 (3,2) - why are only these two sliders reversed? there isn't anything distinguishable in the song for this, to make it play better either have them all turn the same way or make a pattern just like you did here 01:25:648 (1,2,3) - :

01:24:791 (3,4) - why sudden spacing change? reverse 4 and 5 please, there is nothing to be emphasized here, same goes for similar patterns after this one

01:31:862 (3,4) - and here the spacing doesnt change like that consistency pls

01:38:058 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5) - i cant grasp what this is following at all

01:39:772 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - here too, why the sudden 1/4 slider spam..?

01:46:275 (1) - slider end sounds mistimed, at least silence it or something

01:53:257 (1,2) - if this is trying to be a blanket then blanket it :p or move it a bit away

01:56:760 (1,5) - ^

01:58:499 (1,2) - ^

02:13:776 (1,2,3) - this pattern plays very uncanny because of the sudden timing change, i'd suggest to make it a reverse

02:17:561 (3,4) - drum finishes instead of claps? sounds more fitting

02:36:632 - slider end sound volume on nothing just doesnt sound right

02:40:340 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - why aren't the claps hitsounded at ALL here? there are almost no hitsounds on all of this for no reason, put claps here: 02:40:340 (1) - 02:40:674 (4) - 02:40:786 (5) - 02:41:120 (8) - etc. i just noticed this goes on for a way longer time, why don't you hitsound the obvious claps in the music?

03:03:064 (2) - since you're not following the vocals remove this and make this 03:02:810 (1) - extended slider, if you choose not to, remove 03:01:292 (1) - because the slider end ends on a high pitch and make it 2 notes instead

04:45:311 (1) - very disrupting slider end sound (theres nothing in the music) silence this please

03:16:894 (5,1) - very off blanket, either move somewhere else or blanket it properly

04:49:426 (1) - maybe silence spinner end more

Zerss wrote:

Well, I already got warning from BNs about my preview points being unsnapped. I guess it's just because I'm not famous.
You being famous or not is completely irrelevant, they must've just warned you to let you know, just in case you wanted it snapped.

It is common practice to unsnap preview points, as Charles said:

Charles445 wrote:

Preview time is unsnapped, but it doesn't have to be snapped.
In fact, it is often better to move the preview point BEFORE the desired beat.
That way, the preview sound file starts on quietness.
Have you ever wondered why some previews POP painfully? Yeah. They started on the beat.
Just a little clarification on the matter: if we see other stupid comments not meant to improve the mapset we will also give silences, so be warned.
Stop the idiocy already.
pho queue
Congrats! Fun map.

Spaghetti wrote:

they must've just warned you to let you know, just in case you wanted it snapped.
Erm... actually the preview point was snapped, on 1/8.
anyways, I stop here since it's useless to change the preview point and i'm ok with it

MrSergio wrote:

Just a little clarification on the matter: if we see other stupid comments not meant to improve the mapset we will also give silences, so be warned.
Stop the idiocy already.

Monstrata has already declined every single person's attempt to make the map "better" because it "goes against his vision"

It's like if Routing was made by someone who hated the community.

That said, the retarded jumpstream is gone and that nerfed the SR by 0.19, so small victories i guess.
This is a really nice map! Congratulations Monstrata!
I would post a mod, but I don't have much to contribute with. Map is great, congratulations on qualify!
Red timing sections are inconsistent with the downbeat at:

03:32:506 (3) - (Downbeat here from red tick)

03:40:078 (3) - (Downbeat is here? Why?, would be consistent to be put at 03:40:582 (5) imo)
Before this map gets too much attention into the minutiae, a certain level of effort and quality should be provided by Monstrata which at a glance in the editor isn't there.

Every slider is randomly made, even for sounds that are identical for an entire phrase and result in weird looking flow between sliders. Particularly bad in the 1/4 spam section 02:26:362 (1) - , the map would look a ton better if the sliders were just randomly drawn but thoughtfully made.

The section at 02:26:362 (1) - with all the 1/4 slider spam. There's not an ounce of 1/4 in the rhythm, this is at detriment to the map, since it should be 1/2, yet there is nothing on the 1/4 ticks. Though they're sliders, the sliderend should still be treated as part of the object, it's just the weaker partner of the head and tail. Rhythm choice here could be vastly improved. (The vocals aren't 1/4)

The hitsounding seems to use kick samples in random places on red ticks where there isn't any kicks to be emphasised, could you explain why you're doing that?

Onto other stuff.

00:39:852 (6) - I don't see any reason for a repeat slider here. This is the weakest object in the whole rhythm and it is just odd.
00:40:172 (1) - This is the wrong hitsound on here, you've used a kick, but there should be some sort of clap, or something very weak. You've placed a kick and made a false rhythm, the worst kind of hitsounding. Hitsounding should be used to accent the rhythms of a song and give good player feedback.

00:43:047 (4,5) - Wouldn't you say this is the best opportunity for 1/2 spam with this rhythm? The choice in these are kind of underwhelming.
00:44:770 (5,6) - ^ etc. you know which ones i mean

00:48:737 (2) - Why is this a slider here? Slider should go here 00:48:623 (1) - this then matches the vocals.
00:49:515 (1) - ^
00:50:384 (1) - ^ and so on.

Sorry, I cannot mod anymore, the song grinds my gears, other people are modding, and I really don't feel like you're taking this map seriously with how it's mapped, so I can't justify spending more time, sorry and good luck. :)

Part 2

So yeah. Im sooooooo pissed off that I cant hangle my mizery to the abyss. Its gotta be a dude post but please take it to me very seriously. Ive made this post when it got bubbled so check it out.

The first thing I want to say its this map. Okay, the song is very sick, but these fucking notes are godly awful. Not THE WORST but still. Its just a slider spam that it requires a hugs randon shot.

Second, Monstrata. Ok yes I critizied him because im mad at him but im not talking about this man. Im talking about what hes actually doing, and you guys right about his plan, everything should be ranked. Heres the problem. The problem is the quality of your maps. Just triangles and hexagon jumps. Sure he made other cool maps but that because but it was the good quality. Here its 0 quality over there. Wheres the quality?? WHERE???

Third, beatmap criteria. Lets be honest. This criteria is seriously controlling the quality of your maps and thats an important Part of all. Sure were seen Apparition by Mazzerin but he knows what hes actually doing because he understands the quality. Yes yes this map is preety decent, but it worked. Here, like I said, 0 quality. Not even Cookiezi might play it because of your creation with no quality whats so ever.

And last, fun. Preety much every map should be player with fun. The beginner mapper will be some problems 100%. I had these feeling when I mapped my first map by Noizy Freaks. Its so bad that I deleted but during of my traning helped me make quality maps, hitsounding, storyboarding etc. He has this skill but he forgot the quality of this map.

Well... That was short but really fair. I hope you will understand your problem of what youre exacly doing and im so sorry of that previous post. Forgive me, please
Topic Starter

Voli wrote:

hi, i guess this map can be improved a tad more before pushing it further

00:21:847 (4,6) - these arent stacked properly Its an annoying glitch in editor with stacks. I fixed it right before Pereira flamed lol.
00:34:933 (1) - what does this slider follow? i cant really hear anythin The buzz. more detailed reply on p/5282568
00:47:449 (3,1) - im pretty sure the slider blocking the reverse so shortly after is unpleasant to play and can lead to confusion (wasnt it unrankable? im not sure about this one) Uhh... no... the reverse is before the slider... so the slider goes under the repeat :P...
00:48:192 (3) - why are there so many unnecessary sliderpoints in this? it looks like you literally just spun around your cursor and randomly clicked That's kinda the idea about this whole first half of the map xP...
01:00:937 (2) - ^
01:23:058 (3,2) - why are only these two sliders reversed? there isn't anything distinguishable in the song for this, to make it play better either have them all turn the same way or make a pattern just like you did here 01:25:648 (1,2,3) - : It's just there for some chaos. It's very easy to read, and its done to create some variation in an otherwise very lame placement.
01:24:791 (3,4) - why sudden spacing change? reverse 4 and 5 please, there is nothing to be emphasized here, same goes for similar patterns after this one
01:31:862 (3,4) - and here the spacing doesnt change like that consistency pls This is just symmetriy. The jump is very small, it's not big enough to create emphasis imo so i did it for better pattern transition and design.
01:38:058 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5) - i cant grasp what this is following at all Hmm... Maybe listen again?
01:39:772 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - here too, why the sudden 1/4 slider spam..? Uh...
01:46:275 (1) - slider end sounds mistimed, at least silence it or something Uh no... This is fine, I don't know what you're hearing because th is is consistent with a lot of other sliders in this pattern, unless you have a problem with all of them xD.
01:53:257 (1,2) - if this is trying to be a blanket then blanket it :p or move it a bit away It's not trying to be a blanket.
01:56:760 (1,5) - ^
01:58:499 (1,2) - ^
02:13:776 (1,2,3) - this pattern plays very uncanny because of the sudden timing change, i'd suggest to make it a reverse NC is good enough to make players more aware of the approach circle due to a lack of follow point.
02:17:561 (3,4) - drum finishes instead of claps? sounds more fitting Claps are more fitting imo, and more consistent with how i've been hitsounding
02:36:632 - slider end sound volume on nothing just doesnt sound right The vocal doesnt cut off immediately though. It lingers. Also, the speed of the slider kinda makes the slider-end have a sort of "impact" feel.
02:40:340 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - why aren't the claps hitsounded at ALL here? there are almost no hitsounds on all of this for no reason, put claps here: 02:40:340 (1) - 02:40:674 (4) - 02:40:786 (5) - 02:41:120 (8) - etc. i just noticed this goes on for a way longer time, why don't you hitsound the obvious claps in the music? Half of the notes you want me to put claps on already have claps? Also my hitsound rhythm here is just different from what you might be used to, but its still effective in giving rhythm.
03:03:064 (2) - since you're not following the vocals remove this and make this 03:02:810 (1) - extended slider, if you choose not to, remove 03:01:292 (1) - because the slider end ends on a high pitch and make it 2 notes instead No, I want this to be clickable.
04:45:311 (1) - very disrupting slider end sound (theres nothing in the music) silence this please I do this mainly because spinner starts don't actually get any hitsound, but i want the player to essentially have a htisound for when they click on the spinner to begin it. Hope that kinda explains it better.
03:16:894 (5,1) - very off blanket, either move somewhere else or blanket it properly
04:49:426 (1) - maybe silence spinner end more Not necessary...
I think you're missing the central theme of this map, but hopefully I explained the reasonable points as best I could. I'm kinda looking forward to moddingv2 so I don't have to keep copy/pasting replies from previous mods here xD.

Thanks for looking.
love the second part of the map. Maybe a larger spred on the streams at 03:38:822 - and 03:38:822 - .... just think it would add to a equalization of difficulty level and make that part of the map not 100%'able by everyone playing it .-. GREAT MAP KEEP IT UP!
Topic Starter

-Space- wrote:

Red timing sections are inconsistent with the downbeat at:

03:32:506 (3) - (Downbeat here from red tick)

03:40:078 (3) - (Downbeat is here? Why?, would be consistent to be put at 03:40:582 (5) imo)
They all reset appropriately at the next possible downbeat, but good observation. I will check if I missed any because yea that can be bad.
dat user rating

well, gratz 8-)
Topic Starter

Hula wrote:

Before this map gets too much attention into the minutiae, a certain level of effort and quality should be provided by Monstrata which at a glance in the editor isn't there.

Every slider is randomly made, even for sounds that are identical for an entire phrase and result in weird looking flow between sliders. Particularly bad in the 1/4 spam section 02:26:362 (1) - , the map would look a ton better if the sliders were just randomly drawn but thoughtfully made.

The section at 02:26:362 (1) - with all the 1/4 slider spam. There's not an ounce of 1/4 in the rhythm, this is at detriment to the map, since it should be 1/2, yet there is nothing on the 1/4 ticks. Though they're sliders, the sliderend should still be treated as part of the object, it's just the weaker partner of the head and tail. Rhythm choice here could be vastly improved. (The vocals aren't 1/4) They are there for design, with a very simple rhythm. They absolutely fit and are one of the highlights of the map. I'm sad you don't like them :P.

The hitsounding seems to use kick samples in random places on red ticks where there isn't any kicks to be emphasised, could you explain why you're doing that? I'm not following the song entirely because what's the point of hitsounding if all you do is follow exactly what the song has? Hitsounding is about creating a new rhythm for players that tastefully uses what rhythms the song has to offer, and giving a unique spin to it to fit the rhythm you've picked.

Onto other stuff.

00:39:852 (6) - I don't see any reason for a repeat slider here. This is the weakest object in the whole rhythm and it is just odd. This is there to give a 1/1 pause basically, since the vocal begins on a red tick instead of the downbeat.
00:40:172 (1) - This is the wrong hitsound on here, you've used a kick, but there should be some sort of clap, or something very weak. You've placed a kick and made a false rhythm, the worst kind of hitsounding. Hitsounding should be used to accent the rhythms of a song and give good player feedback. I want to emphasize the vocals too.

00:43:047 (4,5) - Wouldn't you say this is the best opportunity for 1/2 spam with this rhythm? The choice in these are kind of underwhelming. No, i don't think 1/2 spam fits this rhythm, and I consider myself a connoseur of 1/2 spam.
00:44:770 (5,6) - ^ etc. you know which ones i mean

00:48:737 (2) - Why is this a slider here? Slider should go here 00:48:623 (1) - this then matches the vocals. This matches the vocals too... there are two syllables being sung. I'm just making both syllables clickable instead of putting a slider-end on the second syllable. Applies to below.
00:49:515 (1) - ^
00:50:384 (1) - ^ and so on.

Sorry, I cannot mod anymore, the song grinds my gears, other people are modding, and I really don't feel like you're taking this map seriously with how it's mapped, so I can't justify spending more time, sorry and good luck. :)
Thanks for your concerns!
00:28:922 (1,2,3,4,5) - Why is the spacing different from the (1,2,3) at 00:28:071 I feel it just generates an awkward slow down because the momentum from the spacing+slider (jump)speed before is way quicker. Next to that, squares at 282 bpm play like shit.

00:34:933 (1,2,3) - Why is the spacing between slider end (1) and (2) smaller than the spacing between (2) and (3)? It looks really bad.

00:38:356 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - At (5) the music build up happens, yet the jumps only start on (6). Why?

00:43:690 (2,3,4) - Spacing too short again. It feels cramped yet I don't get a cramped feeling at this music at all. It doesn't make any sense to slow it down here.

00:48:192 (3) - Why is this 1/4 kickslider? Everything before hand was 1/2 x 2 sliders.

01:24:363 (1) - Why is this a 1/2 slider? All the previous patterns have only the vocals on 1/2, the rest 1/3. (See 00:21:206 (1) - for example.)

01:36:505 (2) - The vocals are 1/3 here. Mapping this on a blue tick to somehow follow a bit of vocals is already pretty silly as it stands, but it's also completely wrong in this occasion.

01:41:058 (1,2) - Why 1/4 and not a long 1/1 like in the three patterns before that? Or at least double 1/2 to emphasize on the bass.

02:02:564 (2,3,4,5) - Please no squares.

02:09:830 (2,3,4,5) - Plays better if the movement was back&forth.

02:15:605 (3,4,1) - Why is the spacing here so drastically shorter than 02:14:679 (3,4,1) -

02:21:427 (4,5) - You should keep the short spacing pattern for the vocals only.

02:39:240 (6,7,8,9,10) - Come on, you're not even trying to make it look decent, let alone follow the same spacing.

03:16:390 (3,4,5,6) - (3,4) has the higher pitch, so there should be the increased spacing. Instead on a break in vocals we get a jump. Why?

I'm stopping here. This map is cool for your friends to play, to show them what crazy things you can accomplish in your editor. This map is like the most played map on Super Mario Maker. Adding in all the crazy elements and people will enjoy it for what it is, a gimmick. But gimmicks should not be ranked. Ranked maps need to have quality control to it, to ensure that stuff like this does not get through. But it did. I truthfully cannot understand how anybody could deem this worthy of ranking in its current state. Keep gimmick maps out of ranked.
Topic Starter

AustinsGuitar wrote:

love the second part of the map. Maybe a larger spred on the streams at 03:38:822 - and 03:38:822 - .... just think it would add to a equalization of difficulty level and make that part of the map not 100%'able by everyone playing it .-. GREAT MAP KEEP IT UP!
Hmm. I do want to make this section really easy though xD. To draw more on the contrast, but you raise a good point.
hello no bully pls

a lot of people have probably pointed these out already but here's a list anyway

00:23:986 (5) - i think ctrl+g fits the vocal better (or make it curve like the other crude sliders) since he's yelling harder and stuff
00:25:697 (5) - same

00:27:409 (1) - this slider extends 1/2 after his voice fades away, might want to change that unless you want to keep it longer

00:28:709 (4,1) - this transition feels a bit rough but it might just be me

00:29:560 - same sound as in 00:29:347 (5) - , maybe seperate to two repeats?
00:31:262 - ^
00:34:689 - ^
00:48:403 - ^ might be different here

00:32:117 (4) - try ctrl+g?
00:33:617 (3) - ^
00:55:793 (2) - ^ dunno don't like this one lol

00:38:356 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4) - cool

00:39:852 (6) - this feels a bit like a ghost note as the slider before follows the vocal (don't feel like the pattern is that improvable though)

00:41:771 (1,2,3,4) - this looks surprisingly fine

00:49:081 - 00:55:579 - this section _could_ be toned down with sliders but if you want to keep it as something that builds up to the escalating jumps to come it's fine

01:02:466 - 01:20:292 - these sliders seem quite slow compared to the sliders in the fast part. however, you probably just meant it as a [something i can't explain] part

01:35:915 (4,5) - it's hard to get a perfect pattern for this

01:38:915 (1,2,3,4,5) - shouldn't these be disengaged from the pattern before as they follow different style of vocals

01:39:772 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - wa daa daa daa (shouldn't these be 1/3?)

02:02:564 (2,3,4,5) - this is more of a drum roll than just the same sound being played 4 times (not like it really matters if you change this or not lo)

02:26:362 - 02:33:170 - oh my

02:51:908 (1,1) - hr players will love these (if anyone ever bothers to play this with hr)

02:55:471 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - [RUDE AWAKENING]

good luck monstrata
Topic Starter

GladiOol wrote:

00:28:922 (1,2,3,4,5) - Why is the spacing different from the (1,2,3) at 00:28:071 I feel it just generates an awkward slow down because the momentum from the spacing+slider (jump)speed before is way quicker. Next to that, squares at 282 bpm play like shit. The angle is different, and this is a lot more single-tap. This is the beginning of the 280 bpm single tap so I do want to give the players at least a few seconds to adjust into the playstyle, hence why the first pattern you mentioned is also very similar to an alternator-style pattern.

00:34:933 (1,2,3) - Why is the spacing between slider end (1) and (2) smaller than the spacing between (2) and (3)? It looks really bad.

00:38:356 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - At (5) the music build up happens, yet the jumps only start on (6). Why? To show the spacing is slowly spirally out into chaos. I don't want it to be an instant change, I want it to feel more gradual.

00:43:690 (2,3,4) - Spacing too short again. It feels cramped yet I don't get a cramped feeling at this music at all. It doesn't make any sense to slow it down here. This feels fine to me...

00:48:192 (3) - Why is this 1/4 kickslider? Everything before hand was 1/2 x 2 sliders. it's a rhythm variation which still respects clicking rhythm. It's very straightforward i hope.

01:24:363 (1) - Why is this a 1/2 slider? All the previous patterns have only the vocals on 1/2, the rest 1/3. (See 00:21:206 (1) - for example.) Rhythm variance. I think it works fine here. Having 4 and then 5 kickslider sets is weird imo... so i did 4, 4, and started earlier than vocals.

01:36:505 (2) - The vocals are 1/3 here. Mapping this on a blue tick to somehow follow a bit of vocals is already pretty silly as it stands, but it's also completely wrong in this occasion. No, its 1/4

01:41:058 (1,2) - Why 1/4 and not a long 1/1 like in the three patterns before that? Or at least double 1/2 to emphasize on the bass. This is the same clicking rhythm and works better imo.

02:02:564 (2,3,4,5) - Please no squares. Please

02:09:830 (2,3,4,5) - Plays better if the movement was back&forth. I want the linear snap. Arphi's mod reply for more indepth reasoning.

02:15:605 (3,4,1) - Why is the spacing here so drastically shorter than 02:14:679 (3,4,1) - It's about relative emphasis. Relative to the pattern 3>4>1 is correctly emphasized.

02:21:427 (4,5) - You should keep the short spacing pattern for the vocals only. Nah, I want it to be for all 1/2's here because it creates this feeling for the player where they think hey can alternate here, and then have their hopes dashed when the last object is a jump.

02:39:240 (6,7,8,9,10) - Come on, you're not even trying to make it look decent, let alone follow the same spacing. Yea, thats kinda the point xD.

03:16:390 (3,4,5,6) - (3,4) has the higher pitch, so there should be the increased spacing. Instead on a break in vocals we get a jump. Why? Cuz the jump emphasizes the higher pitch.

I'm stopping here. This map is cool for your friends to play, to show them what crazy things you can accomplish in your editor. This map is like the most played map on Super Mario Maker. Adding in all the crazy elements and people will enjoy it for what it is, a gimmick. But gimmicks should not be ranked. Ranked maps need to have quality control to it, to ensure that stuff like this does not get through. But it did. I truthfully cannot understand how anybody could deem this worthy of ranking in its current state. Keep gimmick maps out of ranked.
Thanks for your concerns!!
Doesn't the user rating tell you something about this map?

Because it seems pretty obvious to me and a large amount of the community that this map should NOT, under any circumstances, be ranked.

First of all, the map is VERY disliked. This is probably due to the actual quality of the beatmap where I've to agree with Nelly:

Nelly wrote:

The first thing I want to say its this map. Okay, the song is very sick,but these fucking notes are godly awful. Not THE WORST but still. Its just a slider spam that it requires a hugs randon shot.

And last, fun. Pretty much every map should be player with fun. /.../ but he forgot the quality of this map.
That the quality of the map in this case is non-existant.

Secondly, this map just seems, a spam of wierd sliders, TAG-4 Jumps, etc.

I love the song, and I would love for the map to go somewhere but like it is right now? No way. I think it's awful in its current state and the fact that it even got qualified makes me feel that BN:s are not taking it seriously at all.

Also, if you don't believe me and want some more "insight" from the community, go ahead and read the Reddit thread of this map, because right now it feels like Mr. Monstrata isn't listening to what the OVERWHELMING MAJORITY thinks of the map, but instead just says thinks like:

Monstrata wrote:

I think you're missing the central theme of this map, but hopefully I explained (MY PERSONAL) reasonable points as best I could. I'm kinda looking forward to moddingv2 so I don't have to keep copy/pasting replies /.../
Anyhow, that's my opinions and some of the communities. And here is the link to the reddit thread.
  1. All clear.
[Stop! Stop Winny Upload!!]
  1. 00:19:271 (4,1) - I feel since you have a jump at 00:18:411 (4,1) it would be fitting to have one here as well, especially due to the fact that it would help emphasize the first kick.
  2. 00:21:206 - This whole section is just really boring. There's so much you can do to emphasize the start of certain vocals like at 00:21:419 but it's just the same spacing as everything else. Now, don't get me wrong; I do recognize you are mapping to the guitar here. However, you can do that while also representing the vocals with differing spacing concurrently. The vocals are loud (I mean come on, they are yelling basically) and deserve some form of representation, and I feel it would be best represented via spacing. This applies for the next ~30 seconds.
  3. 00:22:489 (1,2,3) - This plays very awkwardly. In 00:24:200 (1,2,3) and 00:25:911 (1,2,3) you have tame flow with even spacing, whereas in this pattern, the flow is very choppy and abstract, and the spacing is seemlingly random.
  4. 00:32:546 (2,3) - Spacing here can be increased for emphasis on the guitar-sounding thing like you did at 00:30:943 (4,5) and 00:29:241 (4,5) very well.
  5. 00:40:172 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5) - Ok, so to begin, I recognize you are mapping to the vocals here, and I agree with that decision. However, in the song, the singer is gaining momentum for the upcoming section which is very intense, and I feel this can be represented with the jumps with slowly increasing spacing, or even just 00:40:918 (1,2,3,4,5) having a definitively larger spacing compared to 00:40:172 (1,2,3,4,5,6) . It feels weird to just have massive jumps off the bat in a measure that is supposed to gain momentum for the upcoming craziness.
  6. 00:41:771 - Alright, so in this upcoming section, I like to look at it in 4 parts, each part representing 2 measures each. While there's a few spacing inconsistencies, one I would like to point out is how 00:43:260 (5,1) has a significantly lower spacing than 00:44:984 (6,1) and 00:46:699 (4,1) which I understand because the break in flow is extremely sharp, but the spacing still feels low compared to the other similar sections, and it can be increased to emphasize the downbeat better. Additionally, 00:48:192 (3) is a repeat slider whereas 00:46:484 and the rest of the similar sections in the 4 parts consist of two 1/2 sliders, and it doesn't make sense in my eyes.
  7. 00:49:407 (4,1) - The spacing between these two notes should be increased because there is a powerful vocal syllable on the downbeat, which you represented at 00:50:384 and 00:52:986 but not here.
  8. 00:55:579 - I like to look at the next 8 measures as the first 4 measures repeated once. Therefor, they should have somewhat similar spacing. However, from 00:59:022 and onwards, your spacing drastically increases which doesn't make sense considering the song hasn't gotten any more intense than the last 4 measures.
  9. 01:22:624 - The suggestions from 00:21:206 apply here as well.
  10. 01:41:058 (1,2,1) - The spacing in this pattern doesn't make sense. If anything, it should either be equidistant or have 01:41:058 (1,2) closer together than 01:41:272 (2,1) to emphasize the downbeat and to emphasize a changing of energy in the song.
  11. 01:41:487 - In this section, I recognize that you mapped the bass/guitar/percussion with sliders. Similar to the previously mentioned sections, the spacing here is really boring, and could be spiced up with increased spacing on percussion hits to emphasize them. You have it in some percussion hits but not all or even most.
  12. 02:13:776 (1,2,3,1) - The spacing in this pattern should be lower due to the fact that the timing change make it really difficult to hit to begin with, and the fact that the spacing increases while everything except the percussion going silent doesn't fit the song too well. I get that you need to emphasize the percussion, but currently I find it to be too extreme when coupled with the shift in timing.
  13. 02:43:239 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - You had a build-up in spacing at 02:39:686 (1,2,1,2,1,2) which plays lovely because the momentum in the vocals increases over this time period, but you didn't do it here when it's essentially the same thing.
  14. 03:31:498 (1) - Spacing can be increased to emphasize the crash better.
  15. 04:01:581 (1) - Spacing can be increased to emphasize the introduction of the guitar.
I love the concept, but I feel this needs a fair bit of spacing polishing.

QTS wrote:

Doesn't the user rating tell you something about this map?

Because it seems pretty obvious to me and a large amount of the community that this map should NOT, under any circumstances, be ranked.

First of all, the map is VERY disliked. This is probably due to the actual quality of the beatmap where I've to agree with Nelly:

Nelly wrote:

The first thing I want to say its this map. Okay, the song is very sick,but these fucking notes are godly awful. Not THE WORST but still. Its just a slider spam that it requires a hugs randon shot.

And last, fun. Pretty much every map should be player with fun. /.../ but he forgot the quality of this map.
That the quality of the map in this case is non-existant.

Secondly, this map just seems, a spam of wierd sliders, TAG-4 Jumps, etc.

I love the song, and I would love for the map to go somewhere but like it is right now? No way. I think it's awful in its current state and the fact that it even got qualified makes me feel that BN:s are not taking it seriously at all.

Also, if you don't believe me and want some more "insight" from the community, go ahead and read the Reddit thread of this map, because right now it feels like Mr. Monstrata isn't listening to what the OVERWHELMING MAJORITY thinks of the map, but instead just says thinks like:

Monstrata wrote:

I think you're missing the central theme of this map, but hopefully I explained (MY PERSONAL) reasonable points as best I could. I'm kinda looking forward to moddingv2 so I don't have to keep copy/pasting replies /.../
Anyhow, that's my opinions and some of the communities. And here is the link to the reddit thread.
You're listening to a VOCAL minority, not an OVERWHELMING majority. Reddit is not an OVERWHELMING portion of the community. Also, I understand that a player of any rank can point out technical and aesthetic flaws in a map of any difficulty. There are a ton of really helpful members of the community that have contributed a massive amount to maps that they can't pass. However, when it comes to judging a map's "fun" amount, how can Nelly tell if it's a fun map when he can't even pass it? And where are the facts? You can't just blindly say a map isn't fun and then not contribute anything...
You're listening to a VOCAL minority, not an OVERWHELMING majority. Reddit is not an OVERWHELMING portion of the community. Also, I understand that a player of any rank can point out technical and aesthetic flaws in a map of any difficulty. There are a ton of really helpful members of the community that have contributed a massive amount to maps that they can't pass. However, when it comes to judging a map's "fun" amount, how can Nelly tell if it's a fun map when he can't even pass it? And where are the facts? You can't just blindly say a map isn't fun and then not contribute anything...
I'd say the user rating pretty much shows an overwhelming majority, being the lowest rated map ever made by a mile and all.

QTS wrote:

Doesn't the user rating tell you something about this map?

Because it seems pretty obvious to me and a large amount of the community that this map should NOT, under any circumstances, be ranked.

First of all, the map is VERY disliked. This is probably due to the actual quality of the beatmap where I've to agree with Nelly:
If it was a good idea to rank maps based on what the community thinks, we wouldn't have a quality assurance system in the first place.

Rapthorn wrote:

You're listening to a VOCAL minority, not an OVERWHELMING majority. Reddit is not an OVERWHELMING portion of the community. Also, I understand that a player of any rank can point out technical and aesthetic flaws in a map of any difficulty. There are a ton of really helpful members of the community that have contributed a massive amount to maps that they can't pass. However, when it comes to judging a map's "fun" amount, how can Nelly tell if it's a fun map when he can't even pass it? And where are the facts? You can't just blindly say a map isn't fun and then not contribute anything...
I'd say the user rating pretty much shows an overwhelming majority, being the lowest rated map ever made by a mile and all.
Again, it's a vocal minority. There are plenty of people who support the map who didn't rate it and who aren't being vocal because they are fine with the map.
Topic Starter
Maybe people downvoted cuz they didn't like me? or that they thought the song was too hard? You can't determine the intention for someone's 1 vote xD. Loctav currently has the most downvoted map on osu. Does that make him or the map bad? No. Some taiko BN's tell me t's actually good... but you can clearly see people DTNF'ing it with like 50 points just to downvote to spite him.
I'll just restate again, I don't mind the map itself but not having AR 10 or OD 10 is really questionable considering the BPM and chance to notelock.

QTS wrote:

Doesn't the user rating tell you something about this map?

Because it seems pretty obvious to me and a large amount of the community that this map should NOT, under any circumstances, be ranked.

First of all, the map is VERY disliked. This is probably due to the actual quality of the beatmap where I've to agree with Nelly:

Nelly wrote:

The first thing I want to say its this map. Okay, the song is very sick,but these fucking notes are godly awful. Not THE WORST but still. Its just a slider spam that it requires a hugs randon shot.

And last, fun. Pretty much every map should be player with fun. /.../ but he forgot the quality of this map.
That the quality of the map in this case is non-existant.

Secondly, this map just seems, a spam of wierd sliders, TAG-4 Jumps, etc.

I love the song, and I would love for the map to go somewhere but like it is right now? No way. I think it's awful in its current state and the fact that it even got qualified makes me feel that BN:s are not taking it seriously at all.

Also, if you don't believe me and want some more "insight" from the community, go ahead and read the Reddit thread of this map, because right now it feels like Mr. Monstrata isn't listening to what the OVERWHELMING MAJORITY thinks of the map, but instead just says thinks like:

Monstrata wrote:

I think you're missing the central theme of this map, but hopefully I explained (MY PERSONAL) reasonable points as best I could. I'm kinda looking forward to moddingv2 so I don't have to keep copy/pasting replies /.../
Anyhow, that's my opinions and some of the communities. And here is the link to the reddit thread.
user rating doesn't mean shit lol
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