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Hi , From #modreqs, sorry it's jus a little :D
change combo colour related to background
00:05:949 (4) - change to circles maybe?
00:06:723 (1,2) - switch between 1 and 2, since your clap is in the end
00:12:723 - add circle stacked to 00:12:917 (1) -
00:17:368 - add circle here, too monotonous.
00:23:562 - ^ same as before
00:32:852 - ^ stacked with 00:33:046 (4) -
00:34:594 - move 00:35:755 (3) to here and move 00:34:594 (1,2) to 00:35:755 - to follow the vocal
00:51:433 - add circle stacked to 00:51:626 (1) -
00:52:981 - ^
00:55:497 (4) - change to 1 circle maybe?
01:15:433 - add circle
01:21:626 - ^
01:24:723 - ^
00:33:433 (2) - change to long slider like before.
Can't do much for hard, it's already good for me :D
Hope it good :D
wow that's actually a very good map gl !

Topic Starter
Thanks Yoratama, Bad Monsterz :)

  1. 00:08:659 (2) - maybe ctrl + g?
  2. 00:09:433 (4) -
  3. 00:14:852 (8) - not the best slider
  4. 00:18:917 (7) - stack with 00:18:336 (4) -
  5. 00:19:110 (1,2,3,4,5) -
  6. 00:23:755 (6,7,8) - ^
  7. 00:19:497 (2) - ctrl + g
  8. 00:19:884 (3,1) - in the idea they should be symmetrical
  9. 00:22:981 (4) - maybe
  10. 00:29:175 (4,5,6,7,8) - use ctrl + shift + r to make it look more interesting
  11. 00:31:884 (4) - I do not like when the slider begins. he would have looked better with the Ctrl + g
  12. 00:34:594 (1,2,3,4) - I think, these sliders are not particularly beautiful scattered on the site. I offer it and
  13. 00:49:013 (2) - x460 y48
  14. 00:49:110 (3) - x472 y 36
  15. 00:50:852 (3,4) - copy this 00:50:078 (1,2) - and arrange with them the next
  16. 00:51:626 (1,2,3,4) - please change it somehow
  17. 00:54:723 (1) - ^
    01:10:207 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - ^
  1. 00:14:465 (1) - x100 y276
  2. 00:18:917 (6) - x268 y140
  3. 00:19:110 (1) - x380 y136
  4. 00:19:110 (1) - select both notes and reload 5 on the coordinates x300 y132
  5. 00:43:691 (5) - x388 y296
  6. 00:43:884 (1) - change the view and move to the beginning of the coordinates x292 y348 (therefore, the following symmetric slider that also needs to be changed)
  7. 01:24:917 (3) - ctrl + g
good luck
Topic Starter
Thanks for the mod :)
sry for poor mod,
00:03:142 (4) - add note
00:05:852 (3) - ^
00:08:949 (3) - ^
00:10:594 (6) - change that slider for two1/4 slider , 00:10:884 (7) - delete , 00:11:271 (9) - delete (imho
00:11:368 (1,2) - change it for circles?
00:12:723 (5) - delete note?
00:50:852 (3,4) - delete and add note here 00:50:852 (3) -
00:51:239 (4) - delete and add note here 00:51:433 (4) -
00:55:884 (3) - delete
01:15:142 (2) - I'm not sure, but here can be a note
01:15:626 (3) - delete and add note 01:15:626 (3) -

00:50:852 (3) - i think 1 circle will be better there
00:52:400 (3) - ^
00:58:207 (2,3,4) - do it like that 00:56:659 (2,3) -

Hard, Normal and Easy is nice, good luck
Topic Starter
Thanks for the mod, hackSL :)
Hey! Here's the "quick check" you asked for. :P

General Modding
All difficulties:

Kiai Timing: I would add a kiai time from 01:14:852 - to 01:27:239 - .

Epicz' Easy:

00:08:271 (3) - Crtl+g on this.
01:00:529 - Add a beat here. Move 01:00:529 (3) - to 01:00:917 - and end at 01:02:465 - (requires shortening by 2 ticks (1/4 snap division).


00:54:529 - Add a beat here. Spacing evenly from previous object and the next.
00:39:239 (4) - Add finish hitsound here.
00:40:788 (1) - Add finish hitsound here.
01:01:691 (3) - Add whistle hitsound here.


00:37:207 - Add a beat here. Afterwards, place this and 00:37:304 (6) - closer to 00:36:917 (5) - so that it creates a small stack. Revise spacing to 00:37:497 (7) - as needed.
00:44:465 - Place a beat here that's equidistant from the end of 00:43:884 (1) - and the beginning of 00:44:659 (1) - .
00:44:659 (1) - Remove NC here.
00:58:207 (2,3,4) - Replace these with a back-forth slider + a beat like 00:56:659 (2,3) - ,
01:12:336 - Add beat here that's on the center of the playfield.
01:24:917 (3) - Ctrl+g on this. Flows better imo.


00:00:530 (1,2) - This is the only spot where the slider isn't 1 tick after the last. Extend 00:00:530 (1) - length and fix spacing to stay consistent (i.e. Similar to 00:03:626 (1,2) - and 00:06:723 (1,2) - ).
00:04:400 (3,4,5,6) - Only notes that are stacked like this, could make into back-forth pattern similar to 00:01:304 (3,4,5,6) - or 00:05:949 (3,4,5,6) - .
00:08:659 (2) - I would Ctrl+g this so that it flows better.
00:11:271 (9) - Remove this. Doesn't sound like it should be there.
00:16:400 (3) - Move this slightly up and to the right so that the jump from 00:16:013 (2) - isn't as hard (e.g. 00:16:400 (3) - starts at x:112 y:292).
00:19:884 (3) - Add clap hitsound to slider end only.
00:28:207 (1) - Remove NC here and place down and to the left of 00:27:820 (4) - (i.e x:96 y:228, or somewhere close to that). Maintain spacing.
00:28:400 (7) - Create NC here.
00:29:368 - I feel like there should be a beat here considering how the last few repeats of the same rhythm have had it here. This may not be right though. If you think it's fine, then create a NC @ 00:29:562 (4) - and maybe remap the combo to be beat, beat, slider, slider, beat, beat, beat instead.
00:34:594 (1,2,3,4) - These sliders feel all over the place. Consider remapping to have them in the same directional orientation or distance spacing.
00:36:917 (5) - I would move the end of this close to the stream at 00:37:304 - and add a beat at 00:37:207 - (extending the stream by 1).
00:43:884 (1,2,3,4) - This bit feels off for the part it's at. I would remap 00:43:884 - 00:45:046 - so that there's a beat on every white and red tick similar to the other combos in this section (it's the chorus and shouldn't have to have the player suddenly slow down for beats that are all a whole white tick apart).
00:54:723 - I would remap this section to be timed like this...

This creates a better lead-in to the slow section that you have here in my opinion .
01:14:271 (5,6,7) - I feel like 6 should not be this far out. Would move inward and revise spacing on stream as needed .
01:24:142 (1) - Shorten back to the red tick and create larger spacing between this and 01:24:529 (2) - so that it follows the previous patterns.
01:25:304 (1) - Remove NC here. Make this part of the previous combo. Have this and the next beat NOT be part of the last set of jumps.
01:25:691 (3) - Create NC here. The last set of jumps sounds like it should start here instead.

Possible other changes
Epicz' Easy:

01:27:239 (1) - Extend to 01:29:368 - . Remove all hitsounding.


01:27:239 (1) - Extend to 01:29:368 - . Remove all hitsounding.


00:28:400 (1,2,3,4) - Only time stacks like this occur. Could remap to sliders or a small pattern.
01:07:884 (3) - , 01:08:659 (1) - , 01:09:433 (4) - , 01:10:207 (1) - , 01:10:981 (3) - , 01:11:755 (1) - , 01:12:529 (2) - , Add finish hitsounds. Remove finish hitsound at 01:12:529 (2) - .
01:27:239 (1) - Extend to 01:29:368 - . Remove all hitsounding.


00:12:142 (3,4,5,6) - I would revise this pattern to look something like this...

Just an idea.
00:18:529 (5) - Add clap hitsound here.
01:13:304 - Create a build-up effect here using multiple inherited points. Scale volume starting at 30%~ up by 5% every 4 ticks (1/4 snap division).
01:27:239 (1) - Extend to 01:29:368 - . Remove all hitsounding.

Promising set overall. Keep it up! :)
hi, from #modreqs
im new in mapping community, sorry if it's useless :lol:
"アジアン・カンフー・ジェネレーション"(katakana notation) is uncommon in japan, so I recommend remove it.
00:09:820 (1,2) - change to slider
00:10:981 (8) - change to circle imo

00:13:304 (2) - change to 1/2 slider
00:16:788 (4) - ^
00:17:175 (1) - change to 2 circles
00:26:078 (4,5) - change to circle like 00:27:626 (3,4,5) -
00:26:659 (6) - nc?
00:26:852 (1) - del nc?
00:29:175 (4) - change to 1/2 slider

good luck!
Topic Starter
Thanks teko8, RiccaGreenwood for the mods :)
irc mod with epicz
2016-03-09 22:31 Stjpa: kann dir aber wenn du willst nen kleinen irc mod geben
2016-03-09 22:32 [Epicz]: klar, gerne
2016-03-09 22:32 Stjpa: 00:01:304 (2,4) - sowas ist unrankable weil man den slider sieht bevor man den circle überhaupt geklickt hat
2016-03-09 22:33 Stjpa: 00:03:239 (5) - sliderend ist auf nem downbeat, sollte fürs emphasizing (also betonung) eher clickable sein
2016-03-09 22:34 [Epicz]: kk
2016-03-09 22:34 [Epicz]: pack ich dann einfach nen circle hin
2016-03-09 22:34 [Epicz]: unde lass den slider später starten
2016-03-09 22:34 [Epicz]: -e
2016-03-09 22:34 Stjpa: 00:11:368 (1,2) - der NC spam ist schon relativ weird, ich selber würde aber beides einfach löschen damit man eine kleine pause hat, was in Easys ziemlich appropriate ist besonders weil du hier 1/1 spam hast
2016-03-09 22:35 Stjpa: 00:14:465 (4,5,6) - flow'd total komisch, [ versuch mal sowas] sodass du quasi ein square hast
2016-03-09 22:35 [Epicz]: oh ja
2016-03-09 22:35 Stjpa: 00:16:013 (1,3) - pls get rid of this overlap
2016-03-09 22:35 Stjpa: 00:19:110 (1) - könntest du evtl rotieren damit es besser mit dem vorherigen flow'd
2016-03-09 22:36 Stjpa: 00:22:207 (1) - ^
2016-03-09 22:36 Stjpa: 00:29:949 (3,4) - fix blanket :v
2016-03-09 22:37 Stjpa: 00:34:594 (1,2,3) - path ist etwas unklar, weil auf diese weise 3 auch der nächste clickable object sein könnte von der distanz her
2016-03-09 22:37 Stjpa: 00:38:852 (2) - verstehe nicht wirklich, warum du hier nen 2/1 slider benutzt wenn die vocals ganz normal sind
2016-03-09 22:38 Stjpa: 00:38:852 (2,3,4,1) - solltest du vllt komplett neu positionieren, sieht etwas forced aus
2016-03-09 22:38 Stjpa: 00:41:949 (2) - wie am anfang, hier überspringst du nen downbeat der clickable sein sollte
2016-03-09 22:38 Stjpa: 00:48:529 (3,1) - fix blanket
2016-03-09 22:38 Stjpa: 00:52:788 (5,2) - ist nicht richtig gestackt
2016-03-09 22:39 Stjpa: 00:53:175 (1,3) - und overlap :v
2016-03-09 22:39 Stjpa: 00:57:046 (2,4) - könntest du eventuell blanketen, musst du aber eher ausprobieren
2016-03-09 22:39 Stjpa: 00:59:368 (1) - evtl rotaten für nen besseren flow?
2016-03-09 22:40 Stjpa: 01:03:626 (2,3,2,4,2) - ignorierst die downbeats wieder, bei dem 2/1 reverse-slider machts aber nichts aus
2016-03-09 22:41 Stjpa: 01:13:304 (1) - nc weg, erst bei 01:14:852 (2) -
2016-03-09 22:41 Stjpa: und dann die ganzen nc's dahinter anpassen
2016-03-09 22:41 Stjpa: 01:19:497 (1,2) - slidershape könntest du definitiv verbessern
2016-03-09 22:42 Stjpa: 01:21:046 (2,1) - könnte auch distracten und dafür sorgen, dass der spieler das falsche objekt klickt
2016-03-09 22:42 Stjpa: 01:23:755 (3) - dont fucking ignore downbeat :(
2016-03-09 22:42 [Epicz]: :(
2016-03-09 22:43 Stjpa: 01:24:529 (4,1) - seltsamer flow, könntest den slider evtl mehr curven oder sowas
2016-03-09 22:43 Stjpa: 01:25:304 (1,2,3) - pls proper triangle
2016-03-09 22:44 [Epicz]: ist ja doch ne ganze menge
2016-03-09 22:44 Stjpa: und dann noch paar sachen, die du Haya ausrichten könntest
2016-03-09 22:44 Stjpa: er sollte im BG die schrift oben links evtl wegmachen, weil das weird aussieht
2016-03-09 22:45 [Epicz]: das sollte ja kein problem sein
2016-03-09 22:45 Stjpa: außerdem kann er seinen namen aus den tags entfernen
2016-03-09 22:45 Stjpa: und er sollte in jeder diff widescreen support ausschalten
2016-03-09 22:46 [Epicz]: ne, aber der mod war echt klasse :3 werd wohl alles so übernehmen
2016-03-09 22:46 [Epicz]: danke noch mal
2016-03-09 22:46 Stjpa: bist halt auch ein veraltetet mapper :D
2016-03-09 22:46 [Epicz]: aber wollst das nicht lieber ins forum posten? das ist ja wohl mehr als nen kd wert
2016-03-09 22:46 [Epicz]: ja, gut möglich
2016-03-09 22:46 Stjpa: könnte ich, aber wozu xD
2016-03-09 22:47 [Epicz]: dann sehen die qats was schon alles an der map gemacht worden ist
2016-03-09 22:47 [Epicz]: und kudosu sind immer gut
2016-03-09 22:47 [Epicz]: xd
2016-03-09 22:47 Stjpa: dann post ichs halt eben :v
Epicz Easy

00:43:788 dont break the kiai, even if intended, it has to be 15sec long
01:20:949 ^

01:22:594 a reverse slider would be more fitting IMO
01:23:755 put that slider closer to the last one and Ctrl+G to get that flow correct
Topic Starter
Thanks for the irc mod, Stjpa.
KINGDUNEGON, Kiai doesn't have to be 15 seconds long, it's just a recommendation. Thanks for the mod though!

Hi From my modding Queue~~~~
00:16:013 (1,3) - not overlap
00:22:207 (1,2) - fix blanket
00:23:755 (3,1) - both slider pls ( Ctrl+C , Ctrl+V)
00:29:949 (3,1) - ^
00:40:400 (4,1) - make blanket?
00:46:594 (4,1) - fix blanket
00:48:529 (3,4) - ^
00:48:529 (3,1) - ^
00:52:788 (5,2) - stack
00:53:949 (2,3) - fix blanket
01:00:917 (4,1) - ^
01:11:368 (4,1) - ^
01:13:304 (1,2) - make blanket?
01:16:013 (3,1) - fix blanket
01:19:497 (1,2) - not overlap and fix blanket
01:21:046 (2,1) - fix blanket
00:34:594 (1,3) - not good overlap
00:40:788 (1,1) - ^
01:19:497 (1,3) - ^
good rhythm
00:00:530 (1) - not good 3/4 slider in this time line because sound is finished in 00:00:723 -
00:03:626 (1) - ^ 00:03:820 -
00:12:142 (3,4,5,6) - not distant in 00:12:142 (3,4) - 00:12:336 (4,5) - this is jump timing
00:42:723 (5,6) - too distant
00:50:465 (2,3,4) - both distance
01:16:788 (8,9,1) - cut flow pls put circle in 01:17:368 - 01:17:755 -

GL :)
Topic Starter
Thanks for the mod, Moa :)
Hi :) Here's my opinions:

01:14:465 (8) - This is just my opinion, but sliders that repeat multiple times are hard to follow if they're followed closely by another note. You don't need to change it, but yeah..

Overall this map is already pretty good in my opinion^

00:12:142 (3,4,5,6) - I feel like these jumps could be spaced out a little better maybe.
00:13:304 (2,3) - The spacing between these notes kinda feels awk. I understand if you're doing it because the gap in the vocals, but you did it again shortly after when there wasn't a gap in the vocals. Possibly add something in-between?
00:56:659 (2,3,2,3) - For example, this part feels like it's okay compared to the one before.

Overall it seems like these two maps are pretty good on their own 8-)
Sorry if I'm missing out on some stuffs :<
Good luck :>
Topic Starter
Thanks for your mod, TenkaiPalm! :)
Hey, from my queue! This anime is awesome omg

  1. There is a unicode artist conflict on Insane with other diffs. Fix it, it's unrankable :3
  2. Why not add Boku dake ga inai machi to tags? It's the main name of the anime.
  3. Metadata seems wrong, the artist should be capitalized, as you can see in the ranked ver. then it should be ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION
[Epicz's Easy]
  1. Okay, I see the main problem on this diff, many flow issues and some rhythm and NC things that are very bad.

    Let's start with:
  2. 00:00:530 (1) - The position of this slider and the direction of its shape is very bad. To make the flow smoothier, I'd do something like that:
  3. 00:01:691 (3,4) - To this part I'd suggest a better rhythm instead of ignoring an important beat at the end of (3). How about a 1/1 note followed by a 1/1 slider with a reverse? :D
    NOTE: There are some more rhythm like that. I didn't like the way that kind of rhythm goes through the map, there are a lot of more interesting rhythms that you could create. I'll list the parts that things like that happen.
    00:40:400 (1) -
    00:38:852 (2) -
    00:43:497 (1) -
  4. 00:03:626 (6,1) - Swap NCs between these notes. You started a new combo on every downbeat, I don't understand why it should be different on this part.
  5. 00:07:497 (2) - Making (2) with the same shape as (1) should create a better visual impression. With a bit of the use of ctrl-c ctrl-v you can create a nice patterning here. Look for a example
  6. 00:15:239 (5,6) - Such a bad kind of flow there, the way you positioned (6) on the grid is horrible. You could try moving them to the left or creating a slider instead of two notes. Examples: |
  7. 00:17:562 (3) - Move it to x:12 y:196 to avoid overlapping.
  8. 00:20:271 (3,4) - You could improve blanketing a bit... *RUNS*
  9. 00:53:175 (1,2) - ^
  10. 00:29:949 (3) - Curving this shape to another way looks much better in gameplay. Look, this is a nice suggestion:
  11. 00:36:142 (4) - Fix DS here. It's a litte fix, nothing big, but it's unrankable.
  12. 00:48:529 (3) - Make (3) look like (1), it's much better. The current way of the shape makes a really bad flow.
  13. 01:13:304 (3) - Remove NC here, it makes your comboing very inconsistent. Btw, I don't really think that the way you stacked this with (1) is a good idea.
  14. 01:14:852 (1) - Jumps are not allowed in this kind of diff, fix DS here.
  15. 01:25:304 (1,2) - Swap NCs.
As I listed in mostly everything of the mod, this diff needs a lot of polishing on pattern. I suggest you go through my mod and through your map to search for more issues like that, cuz there are many and repeating myself would be dumb.

  1. I'm not sure about the gap between easy and normal, they have almost same star rating and easy uses mostly 1/1, and same with normal, mostly 1/1 with a bit of 1/2. Maybe you could use more 2/1 rhythm on easy to create a better gap.
  2. HP -1 and AR -1 sounds better to fill the gap between Easy and Normal.
  3. 00:16:788 (3,4,5,6) - I'd try and find a better positioning of those notes. the way you placed them makes a weird flow and appearence. You could use something like this:
  4. 00:19:110 (1,2) - Try something like that Current rhythm seems to easy and boring for what song provides.
  5. 00:28:400 (1,2) - Same thing here.
  6. 00:35:755 (3) - Same here. This 2/1 slider feels so weird, mainly on that part where the song is getting powerful.
  7. 01:00:917 (3) - Remove NC here, it feels inconsistent with your combo patterning.
  8. 01:10:207 (1) - ^
  9. 01:13:304 (1) - You could try adding a NC here. It's not a real problem for normal having just one note in a combo measure. Try it!
I really liked your style and the style of this diff. Congrats!

  1. The gap between Normal and this diff is pretty big, in Normal you used mostly 1/1 with low spacing and on Hard we have a lot of 1/2 with a high spacing with the introduction of a lot of hard jumps. I'd suggest that you make spacing of Normal higher to fulfill the gap better, or you could make low spacing on Hard, it's up to you.
  2. 00:02:078 (1) - Add NC here to fit your comboing pattern.
  3. 01:16:400 (5) - ^
  4. 00:03:239 (4) - Idk why, this is a bit nazi XD But I found this slider to be a flow breaker, it didn't fit your previous patterning. Maybe you could change it to two notes.
  5. 00:03:626 (1,2,3) - I don't understand the idea of making such high jumps like those on parts that the song doesn't have any changes, especially on a Hard. Use regular spacing here.
  6. 00:43:884 (1,2,3,4) - ^ Here, you could emphasize 00:45:433 (1) instead of those other ones.
  7. 00:06:336 (6) - Moving the shape to this direction seems a lot better than the current one, you know... it flooooooows way better O3O
  8. 00:07:884 (4) - Such a bad rhythm we have here. (4) is ending on a strong beat that deserves to be clickable and current 1/1 state of the slider doesn't represent anything in the song. Changing (4) to a 1/2 slider and then adding a note in 00:08:271 (5) would be a good suggestion.
  9. 00:21:046 (2) - This shape looks weird, try moving your points better to create a better one, look > Btw, you could let it that way, but at least try to do it more symmetric and reasonable with song/map.
  10. 00:58:207 (2) - You missed a whistle on the reverse of the slider.
  11. 01:14:659 (10) - These soft claps feel very weird on this slider, just use normal ones.
That's all for this diff, it's a nice one!

  1. 00:13:304 (2,3) - I found this gap to be pretty weird, maybe you could turn (2) into a 1/2 slider; it fits better :)
  2. 01:00:917 (5) - Add NC to fit your comboing.
  3. 00:14:465 (1) - ^ :3
  4. 00:23:755 (1) - Same thing here XD Try to start your combos at every downbeat, since this is your default comboing style and breaking it on this part does not make sense.
  5. 01:16:400 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - I have a better rhythm suggestion for you here, try that:
Nice diff and nice mapset. I just think the Easy could be improved a lot and you could make the gap better! Good luck!
Hi! From #modreq :3

Only did Insane.



AI mod says that both Kiais are less the 15 seconds long. Might not be an unrankable issue but ask just to make sure.
imo CS4 would be better for this map.
I dont see a reason to put a Kiai section at the end of the map. Seems out of place.

00:36:142 (1,2,3,4,5) - I understand you want to make this part jumpy,
but the jump between the triple and these two sliders here feels a bit too large.
The triple could be moved up a bit. Something like this?:

01:03:626 (4) - This slider here could be moved down just a bit

01:12:529 (3) - ^

01:21:820 (3) - ^

Gl on ranking! :)
Topic Starter
Thanks for the mod MkGuh, Dashy :)
Hi! Pretty polished already it feels like but please have mod C:

1. 00:14:465 (1,2) - Ctrl+G for flow imo

2. 00:18:917 (7) - I think moving this to the top left side of 00:18:336 (4) instead of the bottom right would feel nicer

3. 00:29:175 (3,1) - Inconsistent distance spacing with notes like 00:18:336 (4,7) , 00:18:723 (6,1) , 00:25:110 (1,3) to mention a few

4. 00:21:820 (4,1,2,3,4,5,1) - Plays in a very circular fashion, consider some Ctrl+G's (maybe 00:22:207 (1,2) ?)

5. 00:26:465 (5,6) - Ctrl+G and fix hitsound? (imo again better flow)

6. 00:40:400 (2,3) - Ctrl+G for flow again?

7. 00:44:852 (4,1) - Ctrl+G for flow again? (I like this Ctrl+G very much)

8. 00:56:659 (2,3) - Inconsistent spacing again, check mod #3 for reference on what I mean (on second thought you probably just used lower DS for this, so not really that big of a deal here xD)

- 01:05:562 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - I really liked this

Free complimentary meme that comes with all of my mods C:

Topic Starter
Thanks for the mod Yoshimaro! :)
Wow very clean map,

00:06:336 (4) - move one grid to the right to x:272 y:268 so it's in line with the slider
01:00:142 (2) - move to x:40 y:244 so it flows a bit better
Maybe make the hit sounds a bit quieter from 00:50:078 to 01:02:465 I'd rather just hear the song :)

Played through on laptop trackpad and didn't have any problems

00:24:142 (5,6,1,2,3,4) - This part feels balanced weird, Might just be me
Again make thie hit sounds tad quieter from 00:50:078 to 01:02:465
I really can't find anything else, it's pretty easy but well done
Topic Starter
Thanks for the mods, Tasselhat! :D
00:07:497 (3) -

feels way better imo

nice map
Topic Starter
I will think about it, but gonna leave it for now. Thanks for your suggestion! :)
Mod request~

Black: Not to Important
Red: Is Unrankable
Blue: If not change, I'm ask with other BN and QAT
  1. Disable "Widecreen Support" because you're don't have a SB
  2. For all diffs, 01:27:239 (1) - Why you adding hitsound lol? And i'm think spinner should ended at 01:28:788 or 01:29:078
  1. 00:05:175 (3) - It's a bad slider :< but if you don't change that, overlap in tail
  2. 00:07:497 (2) - How about used like this slider?
  3. 00:14:465 (4) - NC
  4. 00:17:562 (3) - Too nearby with 00:16:013 (1)
  5. 01:03:626 (2) - ^
  6. 01:05:562 (1) - I know it's nice but it's too harder for newbie players, maybe you can change that
  7. 01:25:304 (1) - Remove NC

  • Maybe you can -1 of HP and AR because it's too harder for playing
  1. 00:23:562 (3,4,5) - Lol, it's harder xD but idk because someone don't say about that so it's okay :3
  2. 00:30:336 (5,6,1) - Blanket is look bad :<
  3. 00:35:755 (3) - Hmm... It's weird, because in 00:36:142 has a new sound
  4. 01:24:142 (1,2) - Blanket

  • AR -1
  1. 00:00:142 - You can adding circle because has a new sound and it's hard diff so why not? :3
  2. 00:02:852 (3,4) - It's farer lol
  3. 00:08:659 (2,3,4) - ^ but just a bit
  4. 00:14:465 (1) - Can you make it far a bit?
  5. 00:22:207 (1) - Overlap
  6. 01:14:562 (9) - Too harder for hard diff

  • I think it's nice if you used CS is 4 or 4.2
  1. 00:26:078 (4) - How about used this slider?
Not bad but i like it~ <3
Sorry if my mod is bad~ (NO KDS if not change all)

Good Luck~
Topic Starter
Thanks for the mod, KittyAdventure :)
- Frontier -
Hello ~ From #modreqs haha
[Epicz' Easy]
00:05:175 (3) - x 336 y 126
00:06:723 (1) - If u fixed ^ , move to x 216 y 304
00:07:497 (2) - x 36 y 240
00:20:659 (1) - I think you just clone 00:19:110 (1) > Ctrl+H > Ctrl+J and place to the old place
00:21:820 (2) - If u fixed ^ , move to x 244 y 200
00:54:723 (3) - blanket plz

Sliders in the last kiai looks wierd :D

00:08:271 (4) - x 440 y 368
00:12:530 (4,5) - maybe 1/2 slider instead
00:23:562 (3,4) - ^
01:11:755 (1,2,3,4) - not same DS

00:01:304 (3) - blanket plz
00:18:529 (4,5,6) - DS asymmetry triangle :v
00:40:400 (5) - ctrl+j and place to its own place
00:55:110 (2) - ctrl+h and ^
00:59:562 (3) - x 112 y 212
00:59:562 (3) - x 208 y 236
01:14:271 (6,7,8,9,10) - isn't it's too hard for hard diff? just 3 circle and 1/4 reverse slider
01:25:691 (5) - NC ?

DS too far. :D

00:00:917 (2) - just copy 00:00:530 (1) by clone , rotate 45 and place to its own place
no comment :v

Good luck :) :)
Topic Starter
Thank you for the mod, Frontier :)
Hey! from #modreqs

(i'm a newbie modder, and I remember that all i'm going to suggest its just my opinion)
my english is poor rofl

Nice song, tho!


  1. 00:00:142 - add note here, it seems empty
  2. 00:03:626 (1) - your slider don't fit the "rhythm" that you chose. I suggest you this.

    I think it will follow the flow better.
  3. 00:12:142 (3,3) - blanket would be better
  4. 00:13:304 (3) - the reverse slider kills the flow imo
  5. 00:28:400 (1,2,3,4) - don't stack them, make a slider 1/1, or sliders 1/2 or anything, cause it's awkward to play imo
  6. 00:39:046 (4,1) - try this
  7. 00:40:798 (1,3) - blanket
  8. 00:42:336 (1) - bad overlap
  9. 00:44:659 (1) - 00:45:820 (2) - ^
  10. 00:46:594 (5,2) - ^
  11. 00:58:207 (2) - I don't like this shape
  12. 00:59:175 (1,2) - don't stack them
  13. 01:00:917 (1,3) - blanket
  14. 01:07:110 (1) - Remove finish 01:08:659 (1) - add finish here
  15. 01:09:433 (4,5) - avoid to stack them
  16. 01:11:755 (1) - It seems empty as there is break between 1,2. So i suggest to add note between both.
  17. 01:15:433 - put a 1/1 slider here (on the red line) for better flow
  18. 01:16:981 - ^
  19. 01:18:529 - ^
  20. 01:19:497 (1,3) - blanket
  21. 01:25:304 (4) - remove it and fills the void by circles I think it would be better.
That's all.
I hope my mod was helpful ! Please as I begin in modding, tell me what did you not fix and why, i want to improve my next mods !

I will look at Insane diff later, maybe.
Good luck !
Topic Starter
Alright, gonna reply to your suggestions. :)


MugiwaraSekai wrote:

Hey! from #modreqs

(i'm a newbie modder, and I remember that all i'm going to suggest its just my opinion)
my english is poor rofl

Nice song, tho!


  1. 00:00:142 - add note here, it seems empty I don't like to put a note there as the downbeat seems more suited for the first note. I see 00:00:142 - more of a small intro.
  2. 00:03:626 (1) - your slider don't fit the "rhythm" that you chose. I suggest you this. Both fit pretty well, but I like mine more for the diversity and consistency.

    I think it will follow the flow better.
  3. 00:12:142 (3,3) - blanket would be better I actually didn't even see a blanket there. Good find :)
  4. 00:13:304 (3) - the reverse slider kills the flow imo I think the slider starts the flow to be honest
  5. 00:28:400 (1,2,3,4) - don't stack them, make a slider 1/1, or sliders 1/2 or anything, cause it's awkward to play imo I actually really like stacking circles like this, gives more variety when it fits. Wasnt awkward at all for me
  6. 00:39:046 (4,1) - try this I had it like this at first, but changed it because I don't want my slider to go over a downbeat
  7. 00:40:798 (1,3) - blanket It's not supposed to be a blanket!
  8. 00:42:336 (1) - bad overlap You don't see the overlap while playing
  9. 00:44:659 (1) - 00:45:820 (2) - ^ ^
  10. 00:46:594 (5,2) - ^ ^
  11. 00:58:207 (2) - I don't like this shape Why not?
  12. 00:59:175 (1,2) - don't stack them Again, I don't see much of a problem with stacking circles.
  13. 01:00:917 (1,3) - blanket Not supposed to be a blanket!
  14. 01:07:110 (1) - Remove finish 01:08:659 (1) - add finish here Added the Finish
  15. 01:09:433 (4,5) - avoid to stack them No
  16. 01:11:755 (1) - It seems empty as there is break between 1,2. So i suggest to add note between both. It does feel empty, but it follows the melody
  17. 01:15:433 - put a 1/1 slider here (on the red line) for better flow Might make the flow better but doesn't fit the music at all. I am trying to follow the violin in this part
  18. 01:16:981 - ^ ^
  19. 01:18:529 - ^ ^
  20. 01:19:497 (1,3) - blanket Not going for a blanket, again!
  21. 01:25:304 (4) - remove it and fills the void by circles I think it would be better. Both ideas fit really well, but I prefer the slider over the circles for flow purposes

That's all.
I hope my mod was helpful ! Please as I begin in modding, tell me what did you not fix and why, i want to improve my next mods !

I will look at Insane diff later, maybe.
Good luck !

Thanks for the mod, MugiwaraSekai!
00:49:110 (3) - eeew why doesn't this have a clap noise
Topic Starter
Oh wow thanks for the mod Vista!!! :)
Hi, from my modding queue

  1. Nothing to say
Epicz' Easy
  1. 00:04:400 (2,3) - The transition between 2 and 3 is a bit weird so you could make 3's beginning part a bit less curved and make the new slider art finish on 00:03:626 (1) - 's head
  2. 00:07:497 (2,3) - Nazi blanket, they don't have the same amount of "curviness"
  3. 00:37:304 (5,1) - That slider shape/blanket can be improved if you make the dots more symmetrical
  4. 00:52:788 (5,2) - Rip stack, try to fix it, it looks a bit odd right now lol
  5. 01:07:497 (3,4) - Not sure if stacks are allowed in Easy diffs but I might be wrong :?
  1. 00:00:917 (2,3,5) - You could make an equilateral triangle for an even better structure
  2. 00:08:659 (2,4) - They are a bit too close so maybe do a blanket
  3. 00:19:884 (3,1) - Maybe make them symmetrical
  4. 01:14:078 (3,4,5,6) - Maybe rotate this part a bit so 3 could be a bit more down from 01:13:691 (2) - (as you can see the vertical distance between the red lines is not the same for 3)
  5. 01:24:917 (3,1) - Collides
Not much to say, nice map
Good luck! ;)
00:05:175 (3) - stacking end slider with start this slider can be cool 00:03:626 (1) -
00:10:594 (2) - 328 130
00:37:304 (5,1) - It can be more symmetrical
00:51:239 (3,4) - improve this blanket
00:52:788 (5,2) - What happened? Where stack? хд
01:22:594 (3,4) - blanket?
01:07:497 (3,4,2,3) - why stacking? until this moment you didn't stacking how this
00:22:207 (1,2) - maybe blanket
00:42:336 (5) - ctrl H and and rotate 50
00:19:497 (2) - I think it must be
00:20:659 (4,5) - slider please
Nice map gl
From my queue
sorry there is only one diff i can mod :\

  1. 00:04:400 (3,4,5,6) - i dont get it why you are stick this together since you got 00:01:304 (3,4,5,6) - 00:07:497 (3,4,5,6) - separate..., although this wont effect th eplayer but it's just weird to me lol
  2. 00:06:336 (5,6) - the spacing should be decrease not increase cause of the music is muting
  3. 00:12:529 (5,6) - and here should be the same spacing with 00:12:142 (3,4) - , the music doesnt sound like these two note should be decreasing the spacing
  4. 00:13:691 (3,4) - i would make this into a 1/1 slider to match the vocal since it seems that you are mapping with the vocal
  5. 00:42:336 (3,4,5) - the vocal sound like the spacing should be decreasing here not increase lol
  6. 00:45:820 (3,4) - i would make this a note and a 1/1 slider since it seems that you are mapping the whole with the vocal
  7. 00:55:884 (5,6) - decrease the spacing here would be pretty good since it match the music
  8. 01:26:465 (5,6) - these two slider change to note with decreasing spacing would be pretty good imo
well, gl~ :)
  1. 00:30:336 (5) - uncomfortable to playing imo you can try this
  2. 01:07:110 (1,3) - create symmetric sliders
  1. 00:08:271 (5,1) - swap new combo colors
  2. 00:31:110 (4) - blanket will be better for this (
  3. 00:58:207 (2) - uncomfortable to playing imo(2) also looks bad i think
I hope my mod will help you, also map is very good now:)
Topic Starter
Wow, thanks for the mods, Testo, SnowNiNo, wajinshu and Shyotamaze!
I don't remember if this was a M4M or not, but whatever x)

  • Remove your own name from tags please x)

  • The general OD for the map is a bit high imo. It's still an Insane and the patterns aren't complex at all so something like OD7 could work better imo

    00:00:142 - Right off the start, I would really map this beat. It looks cool and makes a good intro.
    A stacked circle on top of 00:00:530 (1) - works just fine and changes nothing in the whole pattern :3

    00:03:626 (1) - personal preference, but to keep some sort of consistency with the first pattern of your map I would rotate this slider by around 80~85 degrees and place it like this. (the spacing there is also a bit cramped compared to the previous pattern btw)

    00:04:400 (3,4,5,6) - notice the difference with 00:01:304 (3,4,5,6) - . If I had to choose which one is the best, I would go for 00:01:304 (3,4,5,6) - : it is more Insane-ish and gives a better feeling regarding the song. I'm saying this because both of those patterns are following the same identical rhythm into the song and I find it strange for the same rhythm to have so different patterns representing it

    00:13:691 (3,4) - the jump here feels a bit weak imo, due to the strong vocal on the red tick, so my suggestion is to convert these 2 objects into a repeat slider. Maybe something simple like... this could work, but you can also make it more fancy if you want

    00:20:659 (1) - since you're going a lot for symmetry, what about using 00:19:884 (3) - 's angle to match this one too. Like this

    00:22:207 (1,2) - I know this isn't the first time using a linear flow but in this case I find it a bit less expressive.
    I was thinking that something more jumpy would work seeing your previous patterns (I also wanted to utilize 00:22:594 (3) - a bit more too), so what about something like this

    00:40:207 (1,2) - The NC should go on the white tick, where the strong note is

    00:41:949 (1,3) - the NC is messed a bit here too. It should go on 3 (hear the strong vocal on it)

    00:45:239 (1,2) - same, do not start NCs on red ticks (or in general, on weak beats)

    01:02:465 (1,2,3,4) - the spacing and the general meaning of the pattern are a bit messed up imo. What about something like this?

    01:07:110 (1,3) - Same vocal, different shape. Why? ;w;

    01:22:981 (3,4,5) - this is a bit random seeing all the nice and tidy patterns from before. What about this? (notice that 4's tail is on top of 01:22:788 (2) - )

    01:27:239 (1) - no need for hitsounding on this I guess

  • 00:21:046 (2) - This giggle changes the actual SV for a moment and imo you should change it

    00:31:884 (2) - maybe make the curve a bit more "curvy" x)

    00:44:659 (3) - I don't think you need the finish here
    00:46:981 (1) - place a finish here instead

    00:59:368 (2,3) - what about converting them into a slider instead? The jump on 3 (red tick) feels really off there)

    01:14:562 (9) - I would remove this since the whole stream may be a bit too harsh for players of this level
    01:14:852 - you're also skipping the NC on this beat which is part of the repeat slider (you should remove this and change the pattern a little)

    01:27:239 (1) - remove hitsounds here too (as for Insane diff)

  • 00:22:981 (2,3,4,5,6) - this chain is too long for a Normal diff imo. Either remove 3 or 5 (I suggest 5)

    00:51:626 (1) - remove NC from this, since your next combos are longer

    01:27:239 (1) - remove hitsounds

    I'd slightly decrease AR and HP since they seem a little too much for this difficulty

Epicz's Easy
  • 01:07:497 (3,4) - I'd rather avoid stacking notes on Easy diffs, they're not so easy to play for total beginners
    01:10:207 (2,3) - same ^

    01:25:691 (1) - No need for NC here, check your other combos

    01:27:239 (1) - remove hitsounds (explained above)

    The gap between this diff and the Normal, AR-wise, is a little too big. Either increase it here or decrease it on the Normal (decreasing on Normal would be better)

That's all~
Good map, good song, good anime. Cool :'3


  1. soft-hitfinish2.wav is unused
  2. soft-hitclap have more than 5 ms delay
  3. soft-slidertick3 too ^
  4. tick sounds aren't supposed to sound exactly as the hitobjects (slider head/tail, spinner end or circles), because they cause confusion when you play and you hear a random sound at slider body, since why hitsounding something that you are not mapping? at any case I advice you to reduce the volume by 10% or 15% at the place where you use your custom slider tick

  1. I feel AR9 is too much for this diff, I'd use 8,5 or 8,8
  2. 00:04:981 (6,1) - why the spacing is so short, also the straigh flow is so uncomfortable to play
  3. 00:11:368 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - music have a slowdown here, those jumps doesn't fit the music at all
  4. 00:12:917 (1,2,3) - spacing doesn't make much sense, why the huge diference? there is not super loud sound at 3, event the clap in 2 sounds stronger
  5. 00:14:852 (3) - rhythm is not consistent with the before part, what you did in 00:13:304 (2,3) - fit the vocals alot better than 00:14:852 (3) -
  6. 00:25:304 (2,3,4) - you can make a symmetrycal pattern here, will look alot better than your current one
  7. 00:37:691 (1) - all this kiai have a 2 stanzas pattern while the rest of the map use a 1 stanza pattern, is inconsistent also doesn't make much sense to have longer combos in the most intense part of the song
  8. 00:48:529 (4,1) - swap NC, right now your NC is placed in the wrong beat
  9. 01:04:788 (3,4) - this jump feels super exagerate, since the music isn't different from 01:04:013 (1,2) -
  10. design can be alot better, blankets, patterns, slider shapes looks unpolish, ¨it plays fine¨, but I think you can still can polish this alot more, mods probably can't help you with this, but yourself

  1. AR8 is too much for this diff, I'd use 7 at any extreme case I'd use 7,5 as much.
  2. 00:11:368 (1,2,3,4) - probably going a bit too over for a hard dif, I'd sugest to reduce the jumps, since the music isn't that loud it have a slowdownd there tbh and this is just a hard diff
  3. same comment as the Insane diff, map is fine to play, but visually talking can still be improved, this is something that you should do yourself as mods can't help you with the overall design and tiny things

  1. maybe you would consider to use CS 3,5 ? it becomes normal nowadays to use it, for better transition from easy to normal and normal to hard, also that would help a bit with the questiobable diff spread from this diff to hard dif.
  2. HP is too hight for this diff, use HP 4 instead
  3. 00:22:207 (1,3,4) - try to avoid this ugly overlap, doesn't looks nice in game
  4. 00:28:788 (2,3,4,5,6) - cursor movement is super uncomfortable to play, I strongly suggest to redo the pattern and consider the cursor movement a bit more at this place
  5. same comment as the other diffs

  1. 00:01:304 (2,4) - A new player will break their combo just at starting the map because of this, is easy for an experience player to tell what the pattern is going to do, but a new player will get confused thinking 2 is a slider, so you better avoid stacking them
  2. 01:00:917 (4,2) - ths overlap is visible in game and doesn't looks nice, would be cool if you do something to avoid it
  3. 01:10:207 (2,3) - stacks are discouraged from easy diffs and this one looks a bit random, since is the only one in the whole map (if im not wrong)
  4. 01:11:368 (4,1) - same comment as the other diffs there are alot of blankets and tiny visual things that you can fix on your own, to improve the visual effect of your map
GL with this :)
Topic Starter
Thanks for the mod, Natsu :)
From Queue

00:00:530 (1,4) - Slight overlap, don't think it matters too much though.
00:09:820 (1,3) - These sliders create a stack by having beginning and end on the same position. Stacks should generally be avoided in easy maps, because the player must not have anything obscure their vision of the notes. Basically, the readability should be maxed out as much as possible. Consider moving the slider somewhere else.
00:48:529 (3,4,1) - The flow between these three notes is somewhat complex. I would suggest keeping things as simple as possible in easy difficulties. I didn't notice it was a new combo, which excuses it.
01:00:917 (4) - This slider ends on a large white tick. These usually represent the loudest sounds in the song. It doesn't make sense to lift your finger. Consider doing something like this instead:

There should also be a new combo at the downbeat, like in the example.
01:03:626 (3,1) - Here's slight overlapping again.
01:08:659 (1) - This slider is just a simple curve, unlike the other sliders in the vicinity such as 01:05:562 (1) - (behind it) and 01:13:304 (3) - (in front of it)
01:08:659 (1,3) - Here's another stack.

00:02:078 (3,4,3,4) - I usually try to keep things consistent by repeating patterns over two or four measures. It may be fine as it is, but the consistency is sort of strange. I believe this inconsistency repeats throughout all of the maps. However I think this may just come down to mapping style. I'll note inconsistencies down anyway at least for this difficulty.
00:12:723 (5) - This note breaks the pattern of this combo. Consider removing it.
00:32:659 (3,4,5) - These lead-ins and lead-outs don't seem to have any noticeable pattern. Consider using them at specific intervals instead.
00:34:400 - For example, if I were to make this part, I'd ad a note in between here in order to add to the consistency, since the previous measure has a red tick on this beat.
00:45:046 (2,3,4,5,1) - This part is another example: 00:46:207 (5) - this slider is a problem however, since it stops me from placing a lead-in to the next combo. Consider doing something like this instead, which also happens to fit the next measure:

00:50:078 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6) - Here's a good example of consistency. See how the circles always come after every other slider? That's the sort of things you should think of when considering consistency.
Anyway, enough of consistency, I think you've got the idea. Just remember that consistency also applies to easy, and even more so than normal, as well as hard, so check those as well.

00:32:659 (4,5) - Ctrl + G, flows better in my opinion. Makes it into a zig-zag pattern, which you've also got here 00:33:820 (3,4,5,6) - , for that matter.

Huh, can't find anything else I'd change other than what I've already mentioned :)

00:43:691 - You've decided to very briefly disable kiai mode here for some reason. I don't think such a small space in kiai even matters when a note isn't between it. I'd recommend simply unifying the two kiai mode areas into one instead. Makes your map look cleaner and more professional.
Topic Starter
Thanks for the mod, Naxess :) Saw some thing I didn't even notice me even doing wrong, like that consistency stuff. Should be more or less fixed now though.
Here we go my mod
note that everythings here is just my opinons

CS 4,5? i think 4 is better
00:35:368 (3,4) - this 2 is weird visually,try to reposition one of the slider
00:38:078 (2) - this slider is brokeing the entire flow,break the gameplay
01:14:852 (1,2) - this slider cause a big impact,reposition one of them
01:27:239 (1) - it will be looks more nice if you place this spinner at the blue tick and end it here 01:29:078,then place a hitcircle here 01:27:239
Thanks in advance for choosing my ModQ
Come again next time
Epicz asked me to mod this some time ago. I almost forgot about it. :|
Anyways, here we go

keep in mind that these are just suggestions

[Epicz' Easy]
00:14:465 (4) - NC
00:50:078 (1,2) - How about you remove this note 00:50:852 (2) and extend 00:50:078 (1) to 00:50:852 instead? Goes pretty well with the calm part of the song imo.
00:51:626 (3) - Remove the repeat on the slider and extend it instead. Some reason as mentioned above :3
00:56:271 (1,2) - Same as mentioned here 00:50:078 (1,2)
00:57:820 (1,2) - ^

00:19:110 (1,2) - How about this? Plays better imo.

00:59:368 (2) - I Think you missed a whistle here~
01:14:465 (8,9,10) - Turning this tripple into one single slider would make the following two notes so much more comfortable to hit imo.

00:25:691 (2,3) - Remove the finish on these two sliders? Sounds a bit weird.
00:36:917 (5) - Turn this slider into a note and add a note at 00:37:110 instead? The following stream plays nicer that way~
01:27:239 (1) - ? :3

That's it~

Viel erfolg!

(ノ^_^)ノ ミ★
Topic Starter
Thanks for the mods, Smoothie and CyberX :)
My Angel Capu
only i would point out is that the CS is a bit small , maybe try 4.2 - 4 , cause the jumps arent not 4 star jumps with that cs imo , hope i could help atleast a bit :3
Hi friend, mod incoming!

My roommate said this anime is awesome, albeit being overhyped. Great OP doe, and nice BG.

On a general note, most modders like to see if their mods were incorporated, so if you copy paste log with brief comments on each note, it helps modders know what you're trying to make with the map. Everyone's got an opinion on what the map SHOULD sound like, but it's YOUR map, so it's a modder's job to try and help it sound like you want it to. (or at least, that's my viewpoint). Adding the comments helps with that.


00:00:917 - This opening phrase emphasizes this beat more, but it's on the trail end of a slider. See if you like this?
00:02:078 (4) - Double sliders here follows the drums a bit better than a long slider, if that's what you're going for
00:05:175 (3) - Love the slider art, but someone might get on you about edges later. On easier difficulties, it's best to make the corners extremely clear for the player to follow, and as you go up in difficulty to get more complex. 00:25:304 (1) - too 00:25:304 (1) -
00:09:433 - I feel like there is a beat here that should be mapped, since it's ending the phrase. Same thing at 00:03:239 If you add the double slider there it maps that beat and follows drums, and then you could apply that to both?
00:16:013 (1) - for some reason the visual here is bugging me. blankets look gorgeous though.:D
00:39:239 (3,4) - This is small pet peeve, but decide if it's straight or curved! it's like awkwardly in-between, this curve 00:42:336 (3) - is better, copy paste
00:43:884 (1) - This slider looks super awesome, more what I'm talking about with defined corners.
00:57:820 (1) -
00:55:884 (3) -
00:58:981 (2) -
01:02:078 (2) - Not a huge fan of the hit on the these singles, there's nothing there to map, and next note is on the downbeat for the most part. seems overmapped.
01:03:626 (3) - Don't like this return slider because beginning and end are not same, and end is not largely emphasized. What do you think about this?


00:02:465 (4) - same comment as beginning of easy difficulty here
00:03:626 (1) - 00:06:723 (1) - so many sliders 0.o, maybe mix up with singles here instead? or a longer slider/repeat slider
00:11:368 (3) - You're kind of jumping between instruments here, this pattern fixes it a little
00:18:336 (7) - Don't know what you're mapping with end of this slider, that is difficult pattern as well. If you make into single fixes it
00:19:884 (2) - In this slider, no note after, and sounds much better :D
00:36:917 (4) - If you're mapping drums with this should shorten slider and bring in earlier, sounds kinda weird brining in during the middle
00:38:465 (2) - This feels weird when playing through, most of song is done with drums, but this section is guitar? especially, 00:39:239 (4) -
01:00:142 (2,3) - moving backwards off of a slider like that can be tough for some normal players
01:18:336 (2) - This sounds kinda neat as a shorter repeat slider, ie.


AR8 feels a LOT better. For this difficulty AR9 is too much. AR8.5 if you're looking to make it harder... With the amount of jumps you have AR9 is tough to read. Slider velocity also feels too high. For the beat of this song you can slow down. The jump patterns you have are awesome, you don't need to amp difficulty using SV/AR.

On a general note, this map is really jump heavy.
00:01:304 (3,4,5,6) - why no equal spacing on these? Don't see emphasis reason to do difference (Eh, I can kinda here, this is for sure up to you xd)
00:02:078 (1) - Snap these sliders or move them, too far apart
00:10:207 (3) - The jump between 5 and 6 in this sequence is extremely jerky. The player has to smoothly move across the triple, and then stop, and jerk to note 6, would change
00:10:884 (7) - These singles are also extremely jerky. Player has to lift from slider then smash to hit upcoming note.
00:15:239 (4,5) - I know you want to finish cymbal hit with 5, but if you look at bar, you've had no stops for last 15seconds, feels kind of keyboard mashy/overmapped. Might want to add space by removing this single (here and at this sequence in rest of song) In your other difficulties you have this same sequence with the space here, and I like how that sounds MUCH more. (same thing 00:25:110 (4) - ) and other spots
00:33:046 (1) - same as 2:078
00:36:142 (1,2,3,4) -same jerky motion as mentioned at 10:207
00:37:110 (6) - Don't see a reason for the stream here, except maybe as build-up? That's not the pattern the drums have there, though. There's space. Turn speed down to 50% and listen
00:42:723 (3) - The spacing in this entire section feels off, and way too far. Cross screen jumps on an insane at this difficulty level are too much. Either distance snap or switch.
00:48:723 (2) - Jerky here with streams again. Charles has a great video on streams if you youtube it. Might help out.
This difficulty feels overmapped and distance makes not enjoyable to play for star level, imo. Message me if you wanna go through it in and IRC, it'll be more productive than me posting more here.

Nice job on the Easy/Normal difficulties, this insane needs some work though! Good luck getting the map(s) ranked! :D
Topic Starter

Originality wrote:

Hi friend, mod incoming!

My roommate said this anime is awesome, albeit being overhyped. Great OP doe, and nice BG.

On a general note, most modders like to see if their mods were incorporated, so if you copy paste log with brief comments on each note, it helps modders know what you're trying to make with the map. Everyone's got an opinion on what the map SHOULD sound like, but it's YOUR map, so it's a modder's job to try and help it sound like you want it to. (or at least, that's my viewpoint). Adding the comments helps with that.


00:00:917 - This opening phrase emphasizes this beat more, but it's on the trail end of a slider. See if you like this? Uh I don't know about all this emphasis stuff I mapped a slider because starting on a circle feels weird
00:02:078 (4) - Double sliders here follows the drums a bit better than a long slider, if that's what you're going for True
00:05:175 (3) - Love the slider art, but someone might get on you about edges later. On easier difficulties, it's best to make the corners extremely clear for the player to follow, and as you go up in difficulty to get more complex. 00:25:304 (1) - too 00:25:304 (1) - I let my friend test out this map and he started like a week ago. He played these sliders perfectly fine so I have to disagree with you here.
00:09:433 - I feel like there is a beat here that should be mapped, since it's ending the phrase. Same thing at 00:03:239 If you add the double slider there it maps that beat and follows drums, and then you could apply that to both? True
00:16:013 (1) - for some reason the visual here is bugging me. blankets look gorgeous though.:D Really like it the way it is.
00:39:239 (3,4) - This is small pet peeve, but decide if it's straight or curved! it's like awkwardly in-between, this curve 00:42:336 (3) - is better, copy paste Intentionally made it that way because I think that a slight curve is beautiful
00:43:884 (1) - This slider looks super awesome, more what I'm talking about with defined corners.
00:57:820 (1) -
00:55:884 (3) -
00:58:981 (2) -
01:02:078 (2) - Not a huge fan of the hit on the these singles, there's nothing there to map, and next note is on the downbeat for the most part. seems overmapped. Don't you hear the sound?
01:03:626 (3) - Don't like this return slider because beginning and end are not same, and end is not largely emphasized. What do you think about this? Used this kickslider because it plays nice. Nothing about emphasizing or whatever


00:02:465 (4) - same comment as beginning of easy difficulty here nonono
00:03:626 (1) - 00:06:723 (1) - so many sliders 0.o, maybe mix up with singles here instead? or a longer slider/repeat slider Sliders are fun to play
00:11:368 (3) - You're kind of jumping between instruments here, this pattern fixes it a little I don't like overmapping normals with too many following 1/2 circles. It's really hard to play for that level
00:18:336 (7) - Don't know what you're mapping with end of this slider, that is difficult pattern as well. If you make into single fixes it Uhhh didn't know that a sliderend had any meaning. I mapped this slider because it fits for me.. No real reason here.
00:19:884 (2) - In this slider, no note after, and sounds much better :D Theres no note after because I don't want to overuse this pattern. If I would follow the lyrics religiously I would have a note there but since this is a Normal difficulty it's not necessary.
00:36:917 (4) - If you're mapping drums with this should shorten slider and bring in earlier, sounds kinda weird brining in during the middle True
00:38:465 (2) - This feels weird when playing through, most of song is done with drums, but this section is guitar? especially, 00:39:239 (4) - This part is following the lyrics to an extend. This slider here is just a lead-in to keep a consistent beat
01:00:142 (2,3) - moving backwards off of a slider like that can be tough for some normal players True
01:18:336 (2) - This sounds kinda neat as a shorter repeat slider, ie. I think it's nothing more than confusing since I am following the violin sounds


AR8 feels a LOT better. For this difficulty AR9 is too much. AR8.5 if you're looking to make it harder... With the amount of jumps you have AR9 is tough to read. Slider velocity also feels too high. For the beat of this song you can slow down. The jump patterns you have are awesome, you don't need to amp difficulty using SV/AR. I don't think that AR 9 is too much. The jump pattern in the build up for example feels way too cluttered with AR8. The slider velocity is coincidentally the same as the recently ranked version of this song so I don't see much of a problem here.

On a general note, this map is really jump heavy.
00:01:304 (3,4,5,6) - why no equal spacing on these? Don't see emphasis reason to do difference (Eh, I can kinda here, this is for sure up to you xd) Again, I don't know anything about emphasis stuff it just feels good to play
00:02:078 (1) - Snap these sliders or move them, too far apart This is a minimal jump and I don't think that they are THAT far apart
00:10:207 (3) - The jump between 5 and 6 in this sequence is extremely jerky. The player has to smoothly move across the triple, and then stop, and jerk to note 6, would change I like this sudden stop. It brings something different, since my mapping style relies on flow, I changed the triplet angle so it doesnt point to the next note
00:10:884 (7) - These singles are also extremely jerky. Player has to lift from slider then smash to hit upcoming note. Uh.. I don't see a problem with that
00:15:239 (4,5) - I know you want to finish cymbal hit with 5, but if you look at bar, you've had no stops for last 15seconds, feels kind of keyboard mashy/overmapped. Might want to add space by removing this single (here and at this sequence in rest of song) In your other difficulties you have this same sequence with the space here, and I like how that sounds MUCH more. (same thing 00:25:110 (4) - ) and other spots It's not important to me how long a note sequence has gone even if there is no small break in the whole map. I didn't even notice a cymbal hit or something I put 5 there because of the lyrics.
00:33:046 (1) - same as 2:078 nonono
00:36:142 (1,2,3,4) -same jerky motion as mentioned at 10:207 nonono
00:37:110 (6) - Don't see a reason for the stream here, except maybe as build-up? That's not the pattern the drums have there, though. There's space. Turn speed down to 50% and listen I'm gonna keep it, but I know what you mean. I think that it fits as a build up and any other pattern I would make would be lame as a build up for the kiai.
00:42:723 (3) - The spacing in this entire section feels off, and way too far. Cross screen jumps on an insane at this difficulty level are too much. Either distance snap or switch. Have you played the map? The jumps are easy to hit thanks to the relatively low bpm of this song. Also this isn't bound to be an Insane, that's just the name for it. It could be called anything really.
00:48:723 (2) - Jerky here with streams again. Charles has a great video on streams if you youtube it. Might help out. Not a stream but I know what you mean. The thing is having some anti-flow in a flow map makes it more enjoyable from a player's perspective.
This difficulty feels overmapped and distance makes not enjoyable to play for star level, imo. Message me if you wanna go through it in and IRC, it'll be more productive than me posting more here.

Nice job on the Easy/Normal difficulties, this insane needs some work though! Good luck getting the map(s) ranked! :D

Alright I answered them for you. Thanks for the mod, Originality! :)
Insane (4,38 stars, 304 notes)
  1. 00:02:078 (1,2,3,4) - cool cool
  2. 00:05:175 (1,2,3,4,5,6) and 00:08:271 (1,2,3,4) - This is confusing to me. 1. because the placements here [00:02:078 (1,2,3,4)] are so spread apart and these two aren't. It would be find if 00:05:175 (1,2,3,4,5,6) wasn't so spread apart, but the 4 sliders in 00:08:271 (1,2,3,4) should stand out just as much as 00:05:175 (1,2,3,4,5,6). (back to the website, back to the client, i know. sorry :3)
  3. 00:12:917 (1,2,3,4,1,2) - Is this inconsistent or what? These are the same parts of the song but these sliders are spaced both nonequivalent
  4. 00:19:884 (3,1,2,3,4) - aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. this is so h o t. O///O
  5. 00:22:981 (4) - If this slider was meant to be reflected on the song
  6. 00:32:465 (4) - X:102 Y:206
  7. 00:35:755 (4) - 00:35:368 (3,4) ?
  8. 00:38:659 (3,4,5,1,2,3) - good!
  9. 00:52:013 (3,4,5) - These type of close notes are clumped because the circle fading out touches the circles near. This is not the only part that has this

Normal (2,05 stars, 156 notes)
  1. 00:26:078 (2,3,4,4) - Examples of unpolished notes. This is extremely important near the end phase of your difficulty. A polished map will give more attention to the player/modder. It's not necessary, but you should.
  2. 00:37:691 (1,2,3) - Prefer this than your current one because it has the same rhythm pattern as 00:43:110 (7,1)

    Next time you map a normal like this, use lower distance snap and higher slider velocity because things like is not clean

Your NM request from t/443738 is done
uhg im lazy to mod it so have some stars instead
good luck
Topic Starter
LOL ok :D
DeRandom Otaku
Hello ~

Felt like moding this after i saw this

Really neat map doe <3

Hard :
  1. 00:59:368 (2) - nc from this note instead
  2. 01:22:400 (6,1) - could fix the blanket a bit
Insane :
  1. 00:46:981 (1) - is this some wubwub song?
  2. 00:48:529 (1) - remove nc and 00:49:304 (5) - nc from here instead
thats really it ;_; literally my shortest mod ever and its ur fault for making the map so good eue
Topic Starter
Thanks for the mod DeRandom Otaku :) Fixed things in hard but not in insane.


  1. Dont't use .mp3 for hitsound files lol, use this one instead
  1. 00:11:368 - 00:12:917 - Unnecessary green lines
  2. 00:16:788 (2,3) - Try to move this more to the left, 00:16:013 (1,3) - are nearly overlapping each other
  3. 00:32:271 (2,3,1) - The angle of the flow is too sharp, try something like this instead:
  4. 00:46:981 (1,2) - Same reason as above
  5. 01:05:562 (1,2) - ^ as well, you can try something like this so that you can keep the blanket
  6. 01:19:497 (3) - Try something like this for a better slider shape
  7. The NCs in this diff is a bit messy, try to NC in every two downbeats
  1. 00:11:369 (1) - Personally I really suggest you to stack this under 00:09:433 (5) to make a triangle pattern
  2. 00:39:239 (4) - This sounds weird as it skips many beats, try to use more 1/2 rhythm to represent the vocal
  3. For me the spread of the difficulty in this diff seems unbalanced, I would suggest you to use more 1/2 rhythm like 00:40:788 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - in a Normal diff. Moreover. you used more 1/2 in a quite part 00:50:078 - than 00:12:917 - , that's why I think it is un balanced
  1. 01:04:013 (1,2,3,4) - Why you decided to use a higher spacing in here? There is nothing to emphasize
  1. 01:03:239 (3,4) - This seems placed too far in a quiet part of song
  2. 01:04:788 (3,4) - ^
  3. 01:17:368 (4,6) - Weird overlapping

Good Luck!
Topic Starter
Fixed things. Thanks Chaoslitz!
18:59 Ami: 00:15:239 (4,5) - der jump is zu groß
18:59 Haya: Wieso
18:59 Ami: weils nicht in den Beat passt
18:59 Ami: & die anderen sind auch nicht so spaced
18:59 Ami: setz den circle in die Mitte
19:00 Haya: Pattern ist 1.30 ds > über 2.00 wenn neuer vers kommt
19:00 Ami: 00:19:110 (1) - setz den letzten punkt da um 4 grids tiefer
19:00 Ami: & pass den slider danach an
19:00 Haya: O_O
19:01 Ami: der ist am weitesten gespaced xd spar dir die Mühe! :3
19:02 Ami: offset is n bisschen falsch
19:02 Ami: hast du den song cutted?
19:02 Haya: Nein lol
19:02 Ami: loll
19:02 Haya: Niemand sagte mir bisher Offset wäre falsch
19:02 Haya: Nicht mal BNs
19:02 Haya: o_o
19:02 Ami: wait.
19:03 Ami: vllt liegts auch nur an meinem huren laptop
19:03 Ami: xdd
19:04 Haya: Wollte schon sagen
19:04 Ami: 00:40:207 (4,5,6,1) - mach den mal ordentlicher.
19:04 Haya: Ist doch viereck
19:05 Ami: aber kein schönes >:
19:05 Haya: Das ist von Compose perfektes Viereck o_o
19:05 Haya: Nur 12° gedreht
19:05 Ami: op_o
19:05 Ami: dann bin ich dumm
19:06 Ami: ja rest is eig nice
19:07 *Ami is editing [ ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION - Re:Re: [Hard]]
19:07 Ami: 00:01:304 (3) - um 1 grid nach rechts ples
19:07 Haya: Ganzes?
19:07 Ami: ne
19:07 Ami: ende
19:08 Ami: wie hällst du so n lied aus zu mappen >_>
19:09 Haya: Wie?
19:09 Ami: japano
19:09 Ami: D:
19:09 Haya: Gucke gerne Anime
19:09 Ami: rest sieht auch ok aus
19:09 Haya: Japonesisch juckt mich nicht
19:09 Ami: mein Beileid.
19:09 Haya: Bin Chin bin an asian gewöhnt
19:10 Ami: ist die sv nicht bisschen hoch?
19:10 Ami: und das ds?
19:10 Haya: Bei der hard?
19:10 Ami: e hier
19:10 *Ami is editing [ ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION - Re:Re: [Normal]]
19:10 Ami: 00:08:271 (4) - den mittleren punkt n grid nacht links
19:10 Haya: Nee low bpm
19:10 Haya: DS hätte ich eine höher können
19:11 Haya: Mein fehler
19:12 Ami: o-o
19:12 Ami: ok
19:12 Haya: Auch wenn ich Anime mag, halt mich nicht für so nen ekligen bitte
19:13 *Ami is editing [ ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION - Re:Re: [Epicz' Easy]]
19:13 Ami: 00:37:691 (1) - den roten eins nach links
19:13 Ami: ok xD
19:14 Ami: 00:42:336 (3) - letztes 2 grids left und ds anpassen
19:14 Haya: Nah das ist kein Blanket
19:15 Ami: naja,
19:15 Ami: trotzdem
19:15 Ami: euer mapstyle is halt schlicht gehalten, da gibts nicht viel zu modden
19:15 Ami: bis auf details
19:15 Ami: aber so ist eig. alles gut
19:16 Haya: Bei flow maps kannste eh nicht viel modden
19:16 Haya: aber bns haben nen stock im arsch
19:16 Ami: isso.
19:16 Haya: Poste ins forum ich geb dir dann KD
19:16 Ami: des wars.
19:16 Ami: will ich nich

viel spaß damit. xd
From M4M queue
I need to be honest, I won't mod your map because it's pretty well made
GL :)

00:01:884 (6,1) - This just felt really large compared to the other spacings you use throughout this section.
00:42:142 (5,1) - Jump here to emphasize the downbeat? I don't really get the spacing from 1>2 cuz it doesnt seem to emphasize anything in particular.
00:42:723 (3,5) - Looks better if you dont overlap like that xP
01:26:271 (4,6) - Can they not touch ty


00:12:142 (3) - Making this 2 circles would be kinda cool imo. Up to you tho, this is fine too.
00:33:046 (1,2) - These aren't symmetrical


00:39:239 (4) - This feels too undermapped imo...


01:00:917 (4,5) - Blanket looks kinda off.

Okay you can call me back when you're done fixing!
Topic Starter
Fixed the stuff you listed, but kept the slider in Hard.
Alright, rechecked, and everything looks good so here's your bubble :D
Nice! Easy improved a lot since when I modded it. I'd be very happy by qualifying this set but I'm not a BN so RIP... i am trying at least :v
2016-05-09 18:03 Julie: oki back sorry
2016-05-09 18:03 Julie: 01:14:852 - +
2016-05-09 18:03 Julie: on that section
2016-05-09 18:03 Julie: the highest jump is this one 01:21:433 (2,3) -
2016-05-09 18:04 Julie: it should be nearly the same as this part 01:24:529 (2,3) - no?
2016-05-09 18:04 Haya: Oh you mean reduce jump on 1:21
2016-05-09 18:05 Julie: yeah because is currently really too high, even a lots more higher then this 01:20:852 (4,1) -
2016-05-09 18:06 Julie: while there should have more impact here 01:20:852 (4,1) - then here 01:21:433 (2,3) -
2016-05-09 18:07 Haya: Uuuuuuuh
2016-05-09 18:07 Haya: Emphasis and stuff huh...
2016-05-09 18:07 Haya: I didn't know about that when I mapped this song haha
2016-05-09 18:09 Haya: But I get what you mean. Already know how to fix
2016-05-09 18:43 Julie: Unsnap preview point owo
2016-05-09 18:44 Julie: for all difficulty~
2016-05-09 18:49 Julie: in hard
2016-05-09 18:49 Julie: ACTION is editing [ ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION - Re:Re: [Hard]]
2016-05-09 18:50 Julie: 01:02:465 - + you been keeping the same rhythm
2016-05-09 18:50 Julie: until here
2016-05-09 18:50 Julie: 01:12:336 - there is no note
2016-05-09 18:50 Julie: while the instrument rhythm stay the same
2016-05-09 18:51 Julie: even if you keep a nice distance between 01:11:755 (1,2) - to show that they need to tap it later, player will tend to hit this note 01:12:529 (2) - with the same rhythm
2016-05-09 18:51 Julie: due to the song
2016-05-09 18:51 Julie: even if you probably map this 01:11:368 (4,1) - for vocal
2016-05-09 18:52 Julie: that's my opinion by the way xD
2016-05-09 18:52 Julie: it could cause player to lose some rhythm or break the flow a bit
2016-05-09 18:53 Haya: Oh fuck I just came back
2016-05-09 18:54 Julie: hahaha wb xD
2016-05-09 18:54 Julie: dont worry x3
2016-05-09 18:54 Julie: don't wait for me finding each point, you can do your own stuff while I'm modding, since it might take me some time xD
2016-05-09 18:55 Haya: I got you though
2016-05-09 18:55 Haya: Already fixed this issue with a new pattern
2016-05-09 19:52 Julie: ACTION is editing [ ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION - Re:Re: [Normal]]
2016-05-09 19:52 Julie: 01:19:981 - the green line I think you want it to be 50% volume instead of 35%
2016-05-09 19:53 Julie: probably put 35% accidently due to this one 01:19:788 - xD
2016-05-09 19:54 Haya: True
2016-05-09 19:54 Haya: Fixed :)
2016-05-09 19:55 Julie: x3
2016-05-09 20:02 Julie: your in charge of epic hitsound right?
2016-05-09 20:03 Haya: Yea
2016-05-09 20:03 Julie: oki 00:44:659 - probably want to put a custom drum here xD
2016-05-09 20:03 Julie: Since we currently hear the default slidertick
2016-05-09 20:03 Julie: and it make like a soft-whistle sound xD
2016-05-09 20:04 Haya: Hmm
2016-05-09 20:04 Julie: except if is fixed on your version
2016-05-09 20:05 Julie: the update is N:C1 slidertick = default
2016-05-09 20:05 Julie: hmm
2016-05-09 20:05 Julie: actually I just notice you only have one slidertick
2016-05-09 20:05 Julie: which doesn't match here hmm
2016-05-09 20:06 Haya: I don't actually mind having default slidertick
2016-05-09 20:06 Haya: I think it's ok to have it if there is no special beat
2016-05-09 20:06 Julie: yeahh
2016-05-09 20:06 Julie: oki x3
2016-05-09 20:18 Julie: oh and for all the difficulty
2016-05-09 20:18 Julie: the last green line is unsnap
2016-05-09 20:18 Julie: is at 01:29:073 instead of 01:29:078 -
2016-05-09 20:19 Haya: what the fuck
2016-05-09 20:19 Julie: haha xD
2016-05-09 20:20 Julie: idk how that happen xD
2016-05-09 20:20 Haya: Me neither LOL
Rechecked. Looks good to go, here's your rebubble!
Here for corrections, maybe sike lmao troll


Hitsounds can also add a drum here and there, but that's really up to you. OD 8 seems rather high, maybe consider 7 or 7.5 since the song is relatively easy to be considered on an 8 imo
It's kinda awkward that you have spacing on you 1/2s to be very awkward. It ranges from 1.9-2.1 on the spacing side but then as the new NC where the impact happens it closes down to 1.3-1.5 is there any reason for this? Like take this in comparison, 00:09:820 (1) - this compared to what the rest was played loses its aim but then the spacing here 00:12:917 (1) - is bigger to 2.2. NC imo should be a little more precise to how the song is and what your mapping is already going off of. These are just examples
00:01:497 (4,5,6) - I don't like the way this looks, (6) seems out of place and doesn't have any purpose, it plays really tight. How about moving to x:368 y:284 it plays better imo
00:05:949 (3) - This one here is one that goes off of spacing, this one is too close imo to add any effect while playing, how about CTRL+G (3) and (4). It makes more of an impact while playing , the rest you can make a spin of it if you are changing this
00:09:820 (1,2) - Again you can CTRL+G this part, since (1) is too close imo. It goes small spacing to big spacing too fast, that's why from (1) ---> (2 ---> (3) seems awkward to play
00:16:013 (1,2,3) - It's so close together, idk why it changed to this
00:16:400 (2) - You missed a clap on sliderstart here
00:24:142 (2) - Ctrl+G? It's done here 00:21:433 (3) - and here 00:19:497 (2) - why mix it up now
00:28:400 (1,2,3) - Like here again with spacing, it just gets smaller for no reason. Why is 00:25:304 (1,2,3) - 00:26:852 (1,2,3) - any different from the one spaced with 1.34? It goes off the same vocals
00:56:078 (6) - TBH it would've been better if you had (6) stacked with 4 and move (1) up like this


HP drain can be on 6
00:25:304 (1) - Spacing is too far, that angle to hit that note is too far. I revise to change this, causes troubles for beginners
00:32:659 (4,5) - Ctrl+G definitely is better here but that's up to you
00:36:529 (2,3,4) - Should flow more into (5) how about this?
00:42:336 (1,2,3) - Can't believe this is 1.3 spacing throughout the whole area, man looks so :?
00:51:626 (1,2) - Doesn't lead into (2) or create substantial rotation, it's just awkward
00:56:271 (1,2) - DS can be cleaner here
00:58:207 (2) - Same as ^I see what you might be trying to do, but nothings being changed and when the spacing goes up by .1 its rather a little much
01:07:884 (3) - DS can be cleaner


AR 5? Hmm it's questionable for a 155bpm song, maybe 4.5 or 4 and hp drain can be 4 as well
00:05:949 (4) - .05 spacing a little too far from the norm, might give this one a little shove back into place
00:14:465 (4) - NC???
Your rhythm could've been simplified on this song. You went with the slider into 2 notes stuff. It makes the map a little pausy. Like here 00:14:465 (4) - it could've been this rhythm
Then you got stuff like this 00:16:013 (1,2,3) - which doesn't flow continue the song progression while playing but instead forces the beginners to hit single notes and lose interactions, but this is just me
00:20:659 (4) - NC can be used here since it's a new set of patterns and playing
00:24:142 (5) - The note placement here is pretty awk, makes the flow play badly
00:27:626 (5) - Overlap is ew
00:28:400 (1) - If you went with my rhythm you wouldn't have this issue here, since the slider is quite long at 00:28:788 (2) - and you skipped the clap/beat here at 00:29:175 -
00:41:562 (3) - DS can be adjusted
00:42:336 (5) - Same as ^
00:43:788 - Inheriting timing point??? Strange might want to delete
01:01:691 (6) - Distance Snapping error, it's too close
01:02:465 (1) - Now this time DS is too far
01:04:400 (4,5,6) - This was used in insane, it's on normal too? Gotta change it up m8
01:10:981 (4,3) - Slightly nasty
01:13:304 (1) - Holy cow... This slider misses every clap. I'm impressed

[Epicz' Easy]

Notes aren't really necessary for ranking but man would've been cooler :?
00:18:723 - Wtf? where's the note
00:12:917 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3) - Love how this rhythm is then substituted into something easier 00:19:110 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) -
00:25:304 (1) - Again, why is this clap being neglected you can tell where the rest are
00:39:239 (3) - DS can be adjusted
00:43:788 - Inhertiting timing point can be removed
01:14:852 (1) - Strange to have two seperate claps on 1 slider doesn't really fit
01:16:400 (3) - Same as ^

TBH these are just some of the issues that popped up. My opinion doesn't mean much since I'm scrublet so you guys do you :) But you already have a bubble so GL
Topic Starter

Kocari wrote:

Here for corrections, maybe sike lmao troll


Hitsounds can also add a drum here and there, but that's really up to you. OD 8 seems rather high, maybe consider 7 or 7.5 since the song is relatively easy to be considered on an 8 imo Nah I don't think that OD 8 is too high for an Insane difficulty.

It's kinda awkward that you have spacing on you 1/2s to be very awkward. It ranges from 1.9-2.1 on the spacing side but then as the new NC where the impact happens it closes down to 1.3-1.5 is there any reason for this? Like take this in comparison, 00:09:820 (1) - this compared to what the rest was played loses its aim but then the spacing here 00:12:917 (1) - is bigger to 2.2. NC imo should be a little more precise to how the song is and what your mapping is already going off of. These are just examples I don't know it just felt right for me
00:01:497 (4,5,6) - I don't like the way this looks, (6) seems out of place and doesn't have any purpose, it plays really tight. How about moving to x:368 y:284 it plays better imo The position you suggested would be worse than what it is currently. I copied 3,4 and pasted it for 5,6. With your position it's not any consistent in distance and is a completely different angle which makes it look bad.
00:05:949 (3) - This one here is one that goes off of spacing, this one is too close imo to add any effect while playing, how about CTRL+G (3) and (4). It makes more of an impact while playing , the rest you can make a spin of it if you are changing this I personally don't really like this idea, sorry
00:09:820 (1,2) - Again you can CTRL+G this part, since (1) is too close imo. It goes small spacing to big spacing too fast, that's why from (1) ---> (2 ---> (3) seems awkward to play True
00:16:013 (1,2,3) - It's so close together, idk why it changed to this I like it
00:16:400 (2) - You missed a clap on sliderstart here Good find
00:24:142 (2) - Ctrl+G? It's done here 00:21:433 (3) - and here 00:19:497 (2) - why mix it up now Why not? Some variety so I don't use the same pattern too often.
00:28:400 (1,2,3) - Like here again with spacing, it just gets smaller for no reason. Why is 00:25:304 (1,2,3) - 00:26:852 (1,2,3) - any different from the one spaced with 1.34? It goes off the same vocals True
00:56:078 (6) - TBH it would've been better if you had (6) stacked with 4 and move (1) up like this No I don't like that pattern


HP drain can be on 6 I agree
00:25:304 (1) - Spacing is too far, that angle to hit that note is too far. I revise to change this, causes troubles for beginners No I don't think so. Friends on a 3.5 star level had no problems FCing this.
00:32:659 (4,5) - Ctrl+G definitely is better here but that's up to you Going to leave it like this.
00:36:529 (2,3,4) - Should flow more into (5) how about this? Sure
00:42:336 (1,2,3) - Can't believe this is 1.3 spacing throughout the whole area, man looks so :?
00:51:626 (1,2) - Doesn't lead into (2) or create substantial rotation, it's just awkward ? How is this awkward
00:56:271 (1,2) - DS can be cleaner here Whoops.
00:58:207 (2) - Same as ^I see what you might be trying to do, but nothings being changed and when the spacing goes up by .1 its rather a little much Yup yup
01:07:884 (3) - DS can be cleaner No


AR 5? Hmm it's questionable for a 155bpm song, maybe 4.5 or 4 and hp drain can be 4 as well This song is rather slow and easy for a Normal difficulty. I don't think that it needs to be AR 4. You are underestimating normal players.
00:05:949 (4) - .05 spacing a little too far from the norm, might give this one a little shove back into place Fine
00:14:465 (4) - NC??? No. I went for 2 Downbeats NC
Your rhythm could've been simplified on this song. You went with the slider into 2 notes stuff. It makes the map a little pausy. Like here 00:14:465 (4) - it could've been this rhythm It makes the map not being boring with only 1/1s and slightly raises the difficulty to be different from the easy. Also your link is wrong.
Then you got stuff like this 00:16:013 (1,2,3) - which doesn't flow continue the song progression while playing but instead forces the beginners to hit single notes and lose interactions, but this is just me
00:20:659 (4) - NC can be used here since it's a new set of patterns and playing No
00:24:142 (5) - The note placement here is pretty awk, makes the flow play badly How does the note placement affect the flow? If it was like the opposite direction I would agree, but this is just some grids down.
00:27:626 (5) - Overlap is ew The overlap isn't directly seen ingame.
00:28:400 (1) - If you went with my rhythm you wouldn't have this issue here, since the slider is quite long at 00:28:788 (2) - and you skipped the clap/beat here at 00:29:175 - What?
00:41:562 (3) - DS can be adjusted True
00:42:336 (5) - Same as ^ Yup
00:43:788 - Inheriting timing point??? Strange might want to delete Uuuuh. This is for the kiai or am I blind.
01:01:691 (6) - Distance Snapping error, it's too close True
01:02:465 (1) - Now this time DS is too far True
01:04:400 (4,5,6) - This was used in insane, it's on normal too? Gotta change it up m8 Lmao no.
01:10:981 (4,3) - Slightly nasty How?
01:13:304 (1) - Holy cow... This slider misses every clap. I'm impressed If I would map this any other way it would be too hard or a weird rhythm for beginners. Also it hits the bass sounds and it's close enough.

[Epicz' Easy]

Notes aren't really necessary for ranking but man would've been cooler :?
00:18:723 - Wtf? where's the note It vanished
00:12:917 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3) - Love how this rhythm is then substituted into something easier 00:19:110 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - me too thanks
00:25:304 (1) - Again, why is this clap being neglected you can tell where the rest are what
00:39:239 (3) - DS can be adjusted True
00:43:788 - Inhertiting timing point can be removed No, why? Again it's for the kiai fountain. And how come I should only remove it on Easy/Normal, makes no sense
01:14:852 (1) - Strange to have two seperate claps on 1 slider doesn't really fit What
01:16:400 (3) - Same as ^ ^

TBH these are just some of the issues that popped up. My opinion doesn't mean much since I'm scrublet so you guys do you :) But you already have a bubble so GL
Alright thanks for the mod, Kocari! :)
Thanks for the check Kocari! Rebubbling after reviewing all the changes that happened.
Dat metadata lol
Kung Fu is only chinese, not for asia
01:29:073 - Unsnapped green timing line in Insane difficulty *runs*
Topic Starter

BeatofIke wrote:

01:29:073 - Unsnapped green timing line in Insane difficulty *runs*
nice o3o
Kayo :3
baka nano?
Congrats on qualify but I am not satisfied with the quality of the Insane difficulty :(
First of all, several patterns are way too jumpy (you exaggerated with jumps a bit in my opinion). Moreover, starting from 00:50:078- until 01:02:368- there is a calm part and seems like you made the opposite here. You used big jumps (not really so big) and the note density have to be decreased here after the player is playing the jumpy patterns from kiai.Try to decrease the note density in this calm part and also the spacing so the player can relax for the next chorus where he/she have to aim again the jumpy patterns.Second, at 01:13:304(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)- on how you structured the rhythm here, it ignores almost completely the music (vocals/instruments) and sounds somehow weird and overmapped.You have just to do a rhythm like this one could be here because of claps and normal sampleset hitsounds but still the both sliders and the stream ignores the music.
In my opinion, it can be improved before getting it ranked because at its current status (at how looks the quality at this moment) is not really acceptable.Some improvement wouldn't hurt
Topic Starter

ByBy13 wrote:

First of all, several patterns are way too jumpy (you exaggerated with jumps a bit in my opinion). Moreover, starting from 00:50:078- until 01:02:368- there is a calm part and seems like you made the opposite here. You used big jumps (not really so big) and the note density have to be decreased here after the player is playing the jumpy patterns from kiai.Try to decrease the note density in this calm part and also the spacing so the player can relax for the next chorus where he/she have to aim again the jumpy patterns.
Hmm I don't really agree with you here with the note density part. Sure this is a slower and calmer part of the song, but I don't see how I overmapped it and exeggerated with jumps. Only one I would understand is 00:52:207 (4,5) - and would be happy to reduce if it's too big of an issue.

ByBy13 wrote:

Second, at 01:13:304(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)- on how you structured the rhythm here, it ignores almost completely the music (vocals/instruments) and sounds somehow weird and overmapped.You have just to do a rhythm like this one could be here because of claps and normal sampleset hitsounds but still the both sliders and the stream ignores the music.
I think saying that it completely ignores the music is really exaggerated here. In my opinion mapping a shout like this with a steady 1/4 beat feels appopriate, but I have to agree that it's an overmap even if it's just a slight one. This stream pattern ignores 3 beats as far as I can hear and by seeing many testplays from players of different levels I have not seen someone misplaying this stream because of a weird rhythm. If it's a big issue I would like to discuss it further.
Gratzz :D
Oh gratz for the rank! Sad I couldn't mod in time, but you can ask me for another mod anytime ><
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