21:16 jonathanlfj: the quality of the bg is making me cringe
21:17 Adol Christin: in my imagine NewYork is maybe, the only busy city in US
21:17 Adol Christin: 1000x700 xD
21:17 jonathanlfj: no its the jpg artifacts
21:18 jonathanlfj:
http://puu.sh/jAKPM.jpg21:18 Adol Christin: oh...
21:18 jonathanlfj: try this instead
21:18 Adol Christin: kk
21:19 jonathanlfj: grabbed it directly from pixiv so it should be good
21:20 Adol Christin: ah thanks
21:20 Adol Christin: (i didn't find this in pixiv....)
21:20 jonathanlfj: also its got the same bg as the mania ranked version
21:20 jonathanlfj: you sure you want to do that
21:20 jonathanlfj:
http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php? ... d=5165433221:21 Adol Christin: mania ranked ver looks different = =
21:22 Adol Christin: in the website
21:22 Adol Christin: xD
21:22 jonathanlfj: lol ok
21:25 jonathanlfj:
https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/3530588 ez ss
21:25 jonathanlfj: lets see what i can say about it
21:25 Adol Christin: waaaaaa
21:25 Adol Christin: i didn't even fc it xD
21:26 jonathanlfj: its pretty easy lol
21:26 jonathanlfj: well for me at least
21:26 jonathanlfj: 00:07:030 (1,2) - blanket sir
21:26 Adol Christin: right
21:29 jonathanlfj: 00:40:630 (1) - i would go with 1/2 here since the violin here is pretty dominant
21:29 jonathanlfj: like 00:27:830 (1,2) -
21:30 jonathanlfj: 01:01:430 (1) - finish
21:30 Adol Christin: let me see...
21:30 jonathanlfj: 01:07:030 (3) - curve on this is a little too much
21:30 jonathanlfj: 01:14:230 (1) - finish
21:31 jonathanlfj: 01:27:030 (1) - finish
21:31 Adol Christin: finish added
21:31 Adol Christin: curve fixed
21:31 jonathanlfj: hmm the map is fine its just you lack finishers on impact points
21:32 jonathanlfj: make sure to add it on other diffs as well if you dont have them
21:32 jonathanlfj: im gonna check hard now
21:32 Adol Christin: since the song originally doesn't have much finish soudn
21:32 Adol Christin: i'll add them soon
21:33 jonathanlfj: you can lower the volume of the finishes if you think they are too loud
21:33 jonathanlfj: ok im on hard now
21:33 Adol Christin: no problem, the volume is okay for me
21:34 jonathanlfj: im checking at 100% for hitsounds and the finishes are like KABOOOM
21:35 Adol Christin: lol
21:35 Adol Christin: i'd rahter turn down the music while checking hs
21:35 jonathanlfj: i have the music at like 60%
21:36 Adol Christin: same
21:37 Adol Christin: yea sometimes it's quite noisy if mappers are using Normal sample = =
21:37 jonathanlfj: 00:47:030 (1) - clap the end or use drum clap
21:38 Adol Christin: let me try drum clap
21:38 jonathanlfj: 01:28:430 (5) - why not perfectly center this
21:39 Adol Christin: just wanna line it up with 4
21:39 jonathanlfj: 01:13:430 (3,4,5,6,1) - the flow here is a little meh
21:39 jonathanlfj: 01:14:230 (1) - if you had this overlap
21:39 jonathanlfj: 01:12:630 (1) -
21:39 jonathanlfj: that would be much better
21:40 Adol Christin: do you mean overlap 01:14:230 (1) with 01:12:630 (1)?
21:40 jonathanlfj:
http://puu.sh/jAM5y.jpg21:41 jonathanlfj: yeah 01:12:630 (1,1) -
21:41 Adol Christin: ah this, looks nice
21:42 jonathanlfj: 00:15:830 (3,4,5) - do a ccw rotate on this so the angle is more natural
21:43 Adol Christin: kk
21:44 jonathanlfj: ok Normal now
21:44 jonathanlfj: AR5 is too fast for the easiest diff try AR4.5
21:44 jonathanlfj: or 4.2 if you want to be edgy
21:49 jonathanlfj: 00:13:430 (1) - clap end
21:50 jonathanlfj: 00:19:030 (4) - you can do a 1/2 repeat slider here to cover the violins
21:51 jonathanlfj: 00:38:030 - add a circle here since this is an echo of 00:35:830 (1,2,3) -
21:51 Adol Christin: let me consider how to rearrange the pattern
21:51 jonathanlfj: 00:44:430 - same here
21:53 Adol Christin: kk
21:53 jonathanlfj: 01:01:230 - circle here too
21:55 jonathanlfj: yeah that should be all
21:55 jonathanlfj: make sure you add the finishes and then you can update
21:55 Adol Christin: nice
21:56 Adol Christin: for the last one, i just wanna keep it without circle since the transition would be more smooth
21:56 Adol Christin: others are fixed
22:03 Adol Christin: updated
22:04 jonathanlfj: new bg much better
22:04 Adol Christin: :p