20:33 juankristal: haarbyyy
20:33 Harbyter: yoyo
20:33 Harbyter: what's up
20:34 juankristal: everything K, you?
20:34 Harbyter: yea
20:34 juankristal: I wanted to ask you if you still do checks for mania maps
20:34 juankristal: and also if you know about the nonstop bn quit lol
20:35 Harbyter: wut
20:35 Harbyter: nonstop bn quit?
20:35 Harbyter: btw what song
20:35 Harbyter: np it
20:35 juankristal: I mean, a lot of bn started to quit
20:35 *juankristal is listening to [http://osu.ppy.sh/b/587467 wowaka - Uraomote Rabazu]
20:35 Harbyter: yes
20:35 Harbyter: i was quitting too
20:36 Harbyter: but still receving lot of request
20:36 Harbyter: so i changed my mind
20:36 juankristal: oh
20:36 Harbyter: but still planning to quit
20:36 juankristal: but, why all want to quit?
20:36 juankristal: its because of qat?
20:36 Harbyter: mostly yes
20:37 juankristal: woah
20:37 juankristal: that sucks
20:38 juankristal: dark side of mania
20:43 Harbyter: xD
20:44 juankristal: Do you think its worth it trying to be a bn?
20:44 juankristal: I mean, I really would like to give it a try
20:45 juankristal: but since the qat situation and all this "dark" stuff
20:45 juankristal: not sure if I should just mod for my own
20:48 Harbyter: mmmm
20:48 Harbyter: you can try it
20:48 Harbyter: to experience it
20:48 Harbyter: but honestly
20:48 Harbyter: is kinda tired
20:49 juankristal: a lot of people pokes you :/
20:49 Harbyter: yup
20:49 Harbyter: you're like the
20:49 Harbyter: 11th request?
20:49 Harbyter: xD
20:49 juankristal: I think the best way to be a bn is to check only maps or songs that you like
20:49 juankristal: I mean, get the pokes, check them
20:50 juankristal: but only bncheck the ones that you really like
20:50 juankristal: otherway bn will explode
20:50 Harbyter: of course
20:50 Harbyter: i check only song that i like
20:50 Harbyter: still have to listen your song
20:50 Harbyter: i'm in multiplayer now
20:50 Harbyter: with friends
20:50 Harbyter: xD
20:50 juankristal: xDD
20:50 juankristal: no problem haha
20:50 juankristal: I think you modded that map
20:51 juankristal: that time when you werent a BN xD
20:51 juankristal: I remember the queue with one of your friends
20:51 Harbyter: oh
20:51 juankristal: crack was?
20:51 juankristal: I think it was crack
20:51 Harbyter: oh
20:51 Harbyter: uhhh
20:51 Harbyter: this song
20:51 Harbyter: i can give a try
20:52 Harbyter: i've modded it too
20:52 *Harbyter is listening to [http://osu.ppy.sh/b/587469 wowaka - Uraomote Rabazu]
20:52 juankristal: yup
20:52 juankristal:
20:56 Harbyter: mmm
20:56 Harbyter: for the nm
20:56 juankristal: whoops
20:56 Harbyter: try some hand balance
20:56 juankristal: I saw a triple
20:57 Harbyter: with the LN
20:57 Harbyter: like the doubles with the LN
20:59 Harbyter: ok
20:59 Harbyter: too hard for me
20:59 Harbyter: xD
20:59 juankristal: xDD
20:59 Harbyter: well
20:59 juankristal: DT so tronk
20:59 Harbyter: for what i've see
21:00 Harbyter: pattern are oky
21:00 Harbyter: just some balance in the lv NM
21:00 Harbyter: there are lot of 12 34 chord
21:00 Harbyter: with LN
21:00 Harbyter: better shift the notes like 14 23 13 24
21:00 Harbyter: where you can
21:01 Harbyter: i can give to this a quick bubble
21:01 Harbyter: if i can't find any issue
21:01 Harbyter: xD
21:02 juankristal: lol xD
21:04 Harbyter:
http://puu.sh/j7CbV/072ec3fd21.rar21:04 Harbyter: here for you
21:04 Harbyter: fixed some delay on the hitsound
21:04 Harbyter: and cutted some silent lenght
21:06 Harbyter: 00:13:606 (13606|1) -
21:06 Harbyter: also
21:06 *Harbyter is editing [http://osu.ppy.sh/b/587469 wowaka - Uraomote Rabazu [MX]]
21:06 Harbyter: see this
21:06 Harbyter: if you can shift the hitsound
21:06 juankristal: shift?
21:07 Harbyter: yup
21:07 Harbyter: separate the hitsound
21:07 juankristal: you mean separate WF notes, for example?
21:08 Harbyter: yea
21:08 Harbyter: make the F on another note
21:08 Harbyter: or the W on another note
21:08 Harbyter: xD
21:08 juankristal: oky
21:08 juankristal:
21:08 Harbyter: 00:21:813 (21813|0) -
21:09 Harbyter: no vocal here
21:09 Harbyter: betetr remove it
21:09 juankristal: sure
21:09 Harbyter: 00:22:756 (22756|0) -
21:09 Harbyter: this too
21:10 Harbyter: that ''nan'' is like a single spell
21:10 juankristal: oh
21:10 Harbyter: 00:28:134 (28134|2) - move this here 00:28:228 -
21:11 Harbyter: and mov ein col 4?
21:11 Harbyter: xD
21:12 juankristal: it can fit well xD
21:12 juankristal: and move 00:27:945 (27945|1) - to 3?
21:12 Harbyter: sure
21:12 Harbyter: why not
21:14 Harbyter: 00:32:473 -
21:14 Harbyter: no more vocal from here?
21:15 juankristal: mmmh
21:15 juankristal: blue ticks can be added, right?
21:16 Harbyter: 00:32:945 - 00:33:134 - 00:32:568 -
21:16 Harbyter: you missed those vocal
21:16 Harbyter: 00:32:756 (32756|2) - no vocal ehre
21:18 juankristal: fixed
21:18 Harbyter: 00:36:436 (36436|2,37190|3) -
21:18 Harbyter: suggest to remove those
21:19 Harbyter: so the remaining note will emphatize the vocal pretty well
21:19 Harbyter: you can try it
21:19 Harbyter: xd
21:19 juankristal: meh, its fine
21:20 juankristal: it was me trying to make some own music xD
21:20 juankristal: probably was not good to not follow correctly that part xD
21:20 juankristal: but this one too, right? 00:36:813 (36813|1) -
21:20 Harbyter: you can keep that one
21:21 Harbyter: you should mod it now with 0% sample volume
21:22 juankristal: playing that part feels a little bit weird
21:22 juankristal: at least for me
21:22 Harbyter: oh
21:22 juankristal: maybe its me
21:23 juankristal: I feel weird in both xD
21:23 Harbyter: ahahha
21:23 Harbyter: up to you xD
21:23 juankristal: your suggest and the map itself lol
21:23 Harbyter: you can still keep the nmotes
21:23 Harbyter: notes"
21:23 Harbyter: 00:39:832 (39832|1,39926|2) - ctrl h those
21:25 Harbyter: 00:58:511 (58511|2) - this shouldn't be a LN
21:25 Harbyter: 00:58:606 - here a vocal
21:25 Harbyter: turn in note and add here 00:58:606 -
21:25 juankristal: why not ln? D:
21:25 Harbyter: a note 4?
21:26 Harbyter: because it isn't a single long vocal
21:26 Harbyter: 00:58:606 - here there's another spell
21:26 juankristal: its like the baby is delayed
21:26 juankristal: to blue tick
21:26 juankristal: that is?
21:26 Harbyter: yes
21:26 Harbyter: 00:58:606 -
21:27 juankristal: yup
21:27 juankristal: I get it
21:27 juankristal: and the other ln is fine, right?
21:29 Harbyter: ye
21:29 Harbyter: 01:02:096 (62096|2,62190|3,62285|2) - switch column?
21:29 Harbyter: 01:02:473 (62473|3,62568|2,62662|1) - then this move one col on left
21:29 Harbyter: 01:02:379 - here you missed a vocal
21:29 Harbyter: add always in col 4
21:30 juankristal: switch column, ctrl + h and move to right, right?
21:30 Harbyter: is the same
21:30 Harbyter: xD
21:30 juankristal: xD
21:31 juankristal: and about the missed vocal
21:31 juankristal: I think there is no vocal there
21:31 Harbyter: i i
21:31 Harbyter: it is another spell that
21:31 Harbyter: not a single one
21:31 juankristal: oh crap
21:31 juankristal: jappanesse so stronk
21:31 Harbyter: no so stronk
21:31 Harbyter: but i like miku
21:32 juankristal:
https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/342183521:32 juankristal: is that fine?
21:32 Harbyter: my rubik i've almost mapped lot of vocal
21:32 Harbyter: xD
21:32 Harbyter: mmm
21:32 Harbyter: i think the jack
21:32 Harbyter: suits better
21:32 Harbyter: at that point
21:32 Harbyter:
http://puu.sh/j7E9q/6e9ff86787.png21:32 juankristal: jack in 4
21:33 juankristal: yeah, it suits better, kinda weird for the map but its fine
21:33 juankristal: because almost no jacks
21:33 Harbyter: nah
21:33 Harbyter: is fine
21:33 Harbyter: don't worry
21:33 Harbyter: xD
21:33 Harbyter: and that kinda of jack is really easy to hit
21:34 Harbyter: due to the good transition of the previous note
21:34 juankristal: cool :d
21:34 juankristal:
21:35 Harbyter: 01:03:983 (63983|0) -
21:35 Harbyter: col 4
21:35 Harbyter: 01:04:077 (64077|3) - col 3
21:35 Harbyter: 01:04:172 (64172|2,64360|0) - ctrl j
21:36 juankristal: sure
21:37 Harbyter: 01:07:096 (67096|2) - no vocal here
21:38 Harbyter: 01:10:304 (70304|1) - better move in 3
21:38 Harbyter: pitch is different from this 01:10:115 -
21:39 Harbyter: 01:11:058 (71058|2) - should be here in 1/3 01:11:090 -
21:39 Harbyter: 01:11:153 (71153|3) - no vocal
21:40 juankristal: 01:11:624 (71624|0) - 1/3 too?
21:40 Harbyter: NO
21:40 Harbyter: no
21:40 Harbyter: 1/4 is fine
21:40 juankristal: yeah
21:41 juankristal: idiot move by my part
21:41 juankristal: xD
21:41 Harbyter: 01:11:813 (71813|1) - no vocal
21:41 Harbyter: 01:12:285 (72285|1) -
21:41 juankristal: this is double? 01:11:907 (71907|2) -
21:41 Harbyter: no vocal this too
21:42 Harbyter: double?
21:42 juankristal: 01:11:530 (71530|2) -
21:42 juankristal: because this one is double
21:42 juankristal: I really dont know why that one is
21:42 Harbyter: didn't understand why you mapped it with double
21:42 Harbyter: xD
21:43 juankristal: i really dont know why too
21:43 Harbyter: think better remove the double
21:43 juankristal: I think it is piano
21:43 Harbyter: 01:12:190 (72190|2) - this should be in 1/3 too 01:12:222 -
21:43 juankristal: 01:19:077 (79077|1) -
21:44 juankristal: sure
21:44 Harbyter: 01:14:926 (74926|1) - col 4
21:44 Harbyter: 01:15:021 (75021|0,75115|1) - move one col on right
21:46 Harbyter: 01:17:002 -
21:46 Harbyter: this part
21:46 juankristal: done
21:46 Harbyter: is really weird
21:46 Harbyter: suggest to change it x.x
21:46 Harbyter: highly suggest
21:46 juankristal: x.x
21:47 juankristal: let me try something
21:47 Harbyter: 00:36:247 -
21:47 Harbyter: this pattern
21:47 Harbyter: is the most suitable
21:47 Harbyter: for that section
21:47 Harbyter: since it is the same pattern of the lyrics
21:47 juankristal:
https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/342189521:48 Harbyter: at this point too 00:40:775 -
21:48 Harbyter: but i didn't said it before
21:48 Harbyter: uh
21:48 Harbyter: is good too
21:49 Harbyter: 01:19:738 (79738|3,79832|0,79926|1) - you can also remove those
21:49 Harbyter: you the vocal will empathyze more
21:49 juankristal: I wanted to keep that clapstream
21:50 juankristal: if it isnt a reaally bad issue I would like to keep them
21:50 Harbyter: isn't a problem
21:50 Harbyter: but in my opinion removing those note at that point
21:50 Harbyter: feels more good
21:52 juankristal: but yeah
21:52 juankristal: it feels better
21:54 Harbyter: for vocal song sometime is better to ignore some sounds
21:54 Harbyter: for a good feeling when playing
21:54 juankristal: yeah
21:54 Harbyter: like those miku's song
21:54 Harbyter: ahhaha
21:54 juankristal: the problem is that I changed that pattern a looot of times
21:55 juankristal: it was in the first time I did it a 12 34 trill
21:55 juankristal: then a longer ln
21:55 juankristal: and then welp, a lot of stuff
21:55 juankristal: but yeah, ignoring that claps feels better
21:56 juankristal: one thing about 00:41:153 -
21:56 juankristal: I should delete one note of the triples?
21:56 Harbyter: better
21:56 Harbyter: a triple here seems like a little overchorded
21:57 juankristal: done
21:57 Harbyter: and those LN
21:57 Harbyter: 01:30:587 (90587|2,90964|1,91341|2,91719|0) -
21:57 Harbyter: better reduce it in 1/2?
21:57 Harbyter: 01:42:285 (102285|3,102662|3,103040|0) - like those
21:58 juankristal: oky
21:59 juankristal: and welp, those last ln, triples or doubles?
21:59 Harbyter: you can keep the triples there
21:59 Harbyter: is the end
21:59 Harbyter: the tension is high
21:59 Harbyter: is oky to me
21:59 Harbyter: xD
21:59 juankristal: I was thinking the same xD
22:00 juankristal: also W+C
22:00 Harbyter: ok
22:00 Harbyter: you can update it
22:00 Harbyter: lemme see
22:00 Harbyter: did you switched the hitsound before?
22:00 juankristal: sure
22:00 juankristal: the WF?
22:01 Harbyter: the hitsound file that i've sended to you
22:01 juankristal: I switched the WF and the WC ones
22:01 juankristal: ah, yeah
22:01 juankristal: the mp3
22:01 Harbyter: ok
22:03 juankristal: oh
22:03 juankristal: one thing
22:03 juankristal: 00:36:247 -
22:03 Harbyter: yea?
22:03 Harbyter: those LN are fine here
22:03 juankristal: 00:36:247 -
22:03 Harbyter: those vocal are like a staccato in 1/1
22:03 juankristal:
https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/342196622:03 Harbyter: nooo x.x
22:03 Harbyter: xD
22:04 juankristal: xDD
22:04 juankristal: okey, okey, I will keep the other ones xD
22:06 Harbyter: 01:04:455 (64455|3) - btw
22:06 Harbyter: i think this
22:06 Harbyter: there isn't a vocal
22:06 Harbyter: now that i listen it well
22:07 juankristal: its like a ln
22:07 juankristal: yeah
22:09 juankristal: dont think I have to ln the red one
22:09 Harbyter: mmm
22:09 Harbyter: na
22:10 juankristal: 01:03:165 (63165|2,63165|0) -
22:10 juankristal: that snap is correct?
22:10 juankristal: sakura told me about that one
22:10 Harbyter: yes
22:10 Harbyter: but why double
22:10 juankristal: yai
22:10 juankristal: xD
22:10 Harbyter: xD
22:10 juankristal: lol double
22:11 juankristal: xD
22:12 juankristal: the last thing I guess
22:12 juankristal: 01:26:058 (86058|3) -
22:13 Harbyter: 01:38:134 (98134|2) - this too?
22:13 juankristal: yeah
22:13 Harbyter: simple note?
22:13 Harbyter: xD
22:13 Harbyter: to avoid some problem
22:13 Harbyter: ahhaha
22:13 juankristal: yeah, I guess xD
22:14 juankristal: 01:20:115 -
22:14 juankristal: and that space?
22:14 Harbyter: no problem
22:14 Harbyter: is good to left some space
22:14 Harbyter: during those stream
22:15 juankristal: I said it because its only in the kiai
22:15 juankristal: 00:09:172 -
22:15 juankristal: for example that part doesnt have space
22:15 Harbyter: mmm
22:16 Harbyter: 00:13:700 (13700|0) -
22:16 Harbyter: just remove this
22:16 Harbyter: so this is consistent
22:16 Harbyter: cause you left space after the crash
22:16 Harbyter: the cymbal"
22:16 juankristal: 00:43:889 (43889|3) -
22:17 juankristal: 00:49:926 (49926|0) -
22:17 juankristal: those ones too, right?
22:17 Harbyter: 00:49:926 (49926|0) -
22:17 Harbyter: yea
22:17 Harbyter: 00:07:662 (7662|1) -
22:17 juankristal: cool
22:17 Harbyter: this too
22:17 Harbyter: if you want
22:17 juankristal: oky
22:18 juankristal: Should I update now?
22:18 Harbyter: yea
22:18 Harbyter: lemme test it now
22:19 juankristal: done
22:20 Harbyter: redl
22:22 Harbyter: good
22:22 Harbyter: rip acc
22:22 Harbyter: xD
22:22 juankristal: xDD
22:23 Harbyter: is the hd
22:23 Harbyter: always following the vocal?
22:23 juankristal: I think not allways
22:24 juankristal: only in kiai and some specific parts
22:24 Harbyter: mmm
22:24 juankristal: 00:31:719 -
22:24 Harbyter: you should keep the snap consistency
22:24 Harbyter: for example
22:24 Harbyter: 00:34:549 (34549|0) -
22:24 Harbyter: this LN
22:24 Harbyter: in the mx it ends before
22:25 Harbyter: 00:36:247 (36247|0,36624|1,37002|2,37379|3) - those too
22:25 Harbyter: end it in the blue
22:26 juankristal: yup
22:27 Harbyter: 01:06:247 (66247|3,67096|1) -
22:27 Harbyter: remove those
22:28 Harbyter: 01:10:964 -
22:28 juankristal: I am fixing the snaps
22:28 juankristal: and the overnotes
22:28 juankristal: 01:13:228 -
22:28 Harbyter: keep the rhytm with the bass at this point
22:28 Harbyter: suggest to not follow the vocal here
22:28 Harbyter: since here we got some 1/3 and is quite hard the rhytm
22:29 Harbyter: 01:17:002 (77002|1) - end this in the blue line too
22:29 juankristal: 01:13:228 -
22:29 juankristal:
https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/342207822:29 juankristal: wow this is a mess
22:29 juankristal: the osu screen link is for the bass
22:30 Harbyter: ok
22:30 juankristal: and the 1:13 mark is for the double in MX
22:30 juankristal: is correct?
22:30 Harbyter: wut
22:30 Harbyter: didn't understand
22:31 juankristal: in the mx diff
22:31 juankristal: 01:13:040 (73040|1,73040|3,73228|3,73228|0,73417|3,73417|1) -
22:31 Harbyter: o,o
22:31 Harbyter: still didn't understand
22:31 Harbyter: xD
22:32 juankristal: those notes
22:32 juankristal: are double notes
22:32 juankristal: are them ok?
22:32 juankristal: or should them be single notes xD
22:32 Harbyter: oh
22:32 Harbyter: is fine i think
22:32 Harbyter: this to empathyze more that vocal section
22:32 Harbyter: isn't a big deal
22:33 juankristal: oky
22:33 juankristal: welp, back to the HD one now
22:33 juankristal: another issue, should it be HD or HD+?
22:33 Harbyter: hd is fine
22:33 Harbyter: 01:19:549 (79549|1) - suggest to move down in the red line
22:33 Harbyter: 01:19:738 (79738|1,79832|2,79926|1) - removing those too
22:33 Harbyter: like in the mx
22:33 Harbyter: 01:19:643 (79643|2) - mov ein 1
22:34 juankristal: cool
22:36 Harbyter: 01:23:417 -
22:36 Harbyter: why the rhytm is different
22:36 Harbyter: 01:24:738 - here too
22:37 Harbyter: make the same as the other
22:37 Harbyter: the first
22:37 Harbyter: the second one
22:37 Harbyter: like here 01:36:813 -
22:38 juankristal: the first one is because it follows the vocal
22:38 juankristal: I think
22:38 Harbyter: better not
22:38 Harbyter: xD
22:38 juankristal: oky xD
22:40 Harbyter:
http://puu.sh/j7J7r/417fd86350.png22:40 Harbyter: 01:43:606 -
22:41 juankristal: done
22:42 juankristal: update then?
22:43 *Harbyter is editing [http://osu.ppy.sh/b/618329 wowaka - Uraomote Rabazu [NM]]
22:45 Harbyter: 01:34:738 (94738|3) -
22:45 Harbyter: y u disappear
22:45 juankristal: ty inet
22:45 Harbyter: u
22:45 Harbyter: 01:34:738 (94738|3) -
22:45 *Harbyter is editing [http://osu.ppy.sh/b/618329 wowaka - Uraomote Rabazu [NM]]
22:46 Harbyter: turn in 1/2 ln
22:46 Harbyter: xd
22:46 juankristal: sure xD
22:48 Harbyter: 01:42:662 -
22:48 Harbyter: here too
22:48 Harbyter: rerrange
22:48 Harbyter: put some 1/1 ln
22:49 juankristal:
https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/342218022:51 Harbyter: 01:16:813 - add note 3
22:52 Harbyter: 01:19:077 - add 2
22:52 Harbyter: 01:19:643 (79643|1) - move in 4
22:52 juankristal: sure
22:54 Harbyter: ok
22:54 Harbyter: you can update it
22:55 juankristal: updated