
Mafia in Hoenn Region - Game Over

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Ace Timing
More connection shit there that was supposed to be posted a bit earlier. I started right before Drezi posted his take on this so anything after that isn't taken into consideration.

Drezi wrote:

I'm in the process of rereading the thread, but I'm gonna address stuff from the day end before that.

farto's move onto the Tess wagon was OK, I had no problem with that and I was still feeling good about the lynch at that time.

Then in quick succession:

fartownik wrote:

Also it seems like it is intending to use its doublevote on Tess, which would be supereffective!
Wait what? It would be supereffective to use the doublevote? We don't want the day to end just yet..

Static Noise Bird wrote:

Guess it would be a good time to move my vote back onto Tess now that we're at L-2 already. I don't want to be left out of the wagon I so eagerly pushed in the beginning :cry:

Vote: Tess
!!! Red alarm ringing !!! pure shit move on to the wagon, overexplaiming and making excuses after showing up suddenly for the lynch...

And then bamm HAMMER.

fartownik wrote:

I didnt push for a quickhammer, i just pointed out how jess appeared iut of ducking nowhere right when tess got to l2 and i noticed what she was about to do
And then this explanation, I mean seriously if you tell Jess it'd be super effective to use the double vote, what the hell do you expect will happen?

fartownik wrote:

Drezi stop scumpainting me you snake.

Stop talking. We will talk about it calmly tomorrow. At this rate im pretty sure scum is going to keep me alive to try framing me after Tess said her reads and Drezis scumpainting.
That adhom was pretty uncalled for. I'm not sure if it's town pissed off feeling betrayed (irrationally so) or scum showing teeth when confronted.

fartownik wrote:

Stop talking. We will talk about it calmly tomorrow. At this rate im pretty sure scum is going to keep me alive to try framing me after Tess said her reads and Drezis scumpainting.
STOP TALKING? We'll talk about calmly TOMORROW? You're already making excuses for why you'll be around tomorrow, in a situation like this we have no idea if we'll be around the next day, we're in a rush to get get the most info out in reaction to the quickhammer, and you think I should stop talking?

It's not like me saying you're scum will get you instalynched tomorrow. If I keep quiet, say nothing and you're scum, you can ride an almost flawlessly townread position, without much opposition to victory by simply NK-ing me. I had absolutely no intention risking this scenario. I brought up stuff that should be remembered, and looked at the next day. If you're town this shouldn't really be a problem.

Frostings wrote:

You basically told us your role, and then pretended to be dayvig
I dont even
What?? Please don't give me the "I don't even" when you probably misunderstood something. I have not mentioned anything about my role.
I really don't like this post.
@Ace Timing: that's quite stretched (the guessing thing), because first: they would HAVE to have an RB and second they'd HAVE to block the Doctor, which is highly unlikely. Two roleblockers in the same game would be quite odd for sure (and yeah, I know the flip happened after rEdo posted).

But still it does not matter anymore, this post was just a reaction test. I knew rEdo most likely just didn't have time to think that up and I expected him to say that (and kinda rage XD).

fartownik wrote:

@Drezi: the fact that you already vote for someone not even waiting for everyone to post after the night / potential alignment scan claim kinda itches me.
@mod: Does a hider's death via getting night-vigged and via visiting scum differ flipwise? I mean, stuff like "Hider got shot in the head Nx", "Hider went to the wrong neighbourhood Nx".

Amianki wrote:

I really don't like this post.

Be my guest and elaborate instead of dropping one liners whole game.
Because we're full of fucking PRs and it's more than likely that at least one of them has a result on someone and you'd have to switch up your vote/read anyway? So it's quite pointless to vote someone unless you want to achieve something specific by doing that.

Drezi wrote:

But I don't understand why you wouldn't claim weak cop, that way scum would've tried to kill you next night, rest being the same?
That was my first thought, I should have gone with that now that I think about it.
^ to Amianki

Frostings wrote:

oh, Zexion was doctor
uh, what?
FoS: Drezi
HoS: Jess
Vote: SNB

Also, looks like I was roleblocked last night. Since a roleblocker was already revealed, I got jailed? which makes no sense, unless there's a jailkeeper scum??
Go into the Drezi and SNB suspicion please.

rEdo wrote:

@mod: Does a hider's death via getting night-vigged and via visiting scum differ flipwise? I mean, stuff like "Hider got shot in the head Nx", "Hider went to the wrong neighbourhood Nx".
He will not confirm this since he'd have to confirm that there is indeed a Hider this game which would break the integrity.
I very much doubt it differs.

Drezi wrote:

Amianki wrote:

I really don't like this post.

Be my guest and elaborate instead of dropping one liners whole game.
It looks like manipulation to try to get an SNB wagon going instead of scumhunting the wagon. You're overemphasizing SNB's contribution while spending about three words commenting on Jess' double vote hammer. Then you tried to pass it off as fartownik trying to lead Jess to the hammer. I can see one doing this regardless of Jess' alignment, but it is more likely if you two are a team.

fartownik wrote:

Because we're full of fucking PRs and it's more than likely that at least one of them has a result on someone and you'd have to switch up your vote/read anyway? So it's quite pointless to vote someone unless you want to achieve something specific by doing that.
But why does it 'make you itch'?
Btw, rEdo your ability is practically useless already. If you target wrong, you die and scum has a free kill. If you target right, scum may as well kill you off the same night and you won't be able to confirm your target. I'd say it'd be safer for you and this game to just do nothing tonight so scum at least wastes their nightkill on you, and if by chance they decide to skip killing you, we can continue like this for the next day (with me and you confirmed, unless I die as well).

Amianki wrote:

fartownik wrote:

Because we're full of fucking PRs and it's more than likely that at least one of them has a result on someone and you'd have to switch up your vote/read anyway? So it's quite pointless to vote someone unless you want to achieve something specific by doing that.
But why does it 'make you itch'?
Because it's a quite rushed vote. SNB himself did not even have a chance to say anything after the day has begun and he's already being voted by Drezi.

I feel like you're making me say things you would want to say yourself but are afraid to.
I AM trying to get an SNB wagon going hello? Spending three words on Jess's hammer, what? Read my last posts from D1 maybe? That post was a recap of last day, and I elaborated on things I couldn't the day before. farto DID look like he was ok with Jess going ahead with the quickhammer, what do yo even mean by passing it off? it was me trying to figure out why'd farto say that, but it's moot now anyway with him and rEdo being pretty much confirmed.
Ace Timing
Didn't jess explicitly say he was going to quickhammer both to prove he wasn't lying and to Lynch (perceived) scum? Now we just have to figure out whether or not he was conveniently using the situation to get town status and avoid a lynch or not.
This game.

I'll respond better tomorrow because fuck everything right now "ex dee".
Ok, no this whole hider thing is just confusing as shit.
I mean both of your conclusions and suggested tactics were so much off it I can't even make sense of it.

Drezi wrote:

I AM trying to get an SNB wagon going hello? Spending three words on Jess's hammer, what? Read my last posts from D1 maybe? That post was a recap of last day, and I elaborated on things I couldn't the day before. farto DID look like he was ok with Jess going ahead with the quickhammer, what do yo even mean by passing it off? it was me trying to figure out why'd farto say that, but it's moot now anyway with him and rEdo being pretty much confirmed.
The point is that the way you're going about it looks like you're covering for Jess. Specifically going out of your way to not go into the hammer at all after two flips while throwing suspicion on someone for doing mostly the same thing, and another person for interactions with the hammer. It looks like you have an agenda.

fartownik wrote:

Because we're full of fucking PRs and it's more than likely that at least one of them has a result on someone and you'd have to switch up your vote/read anyway? So it's quite pointless to vote someone unless you want to achieve something specific by doing that.

fartownik wrote:

Amianki wrote:

But why does it 'make you itch'?
Because it's a quite rushed vote. SNB himself did not even have a chance to say anything after the day has begun and he's already being voted by Drezi.

I feel like you're making me say things you would want to say yourself but are afraid to.
Voting SNB doesn't exactly stop him from being able to say anything, though.
Ugh, what should I say about the hammer? I'm trying to understand people who I think I have a chance of understanding.

We told Jess to use her doublevote on farto or me, and she didn't do anything, and then dropped in to doublevote quickhammer, I wouldn't mind her being lynched at all either.

"Actually, power role heavy games should be designed predominantly around a mass claim happening day one."

So why are you not suggesting one here?

rEdo having claimed already and Frostings claiming a role that should've given him some kind of night result too it might not be a bad idea?
I'm not suggesting a massclaim because GIF reviewed the setup. I've been scum in one of his setups before; I know he's competent enough to not put his stamp of approval on a setup that would be broken so easily from a massclaim.
but jess claimed already, I don't mind claiming, our doc is out anyway, farto claiming shouldn't matter at this point am I missing something?
I mean it looks like downsides aren't significant in this situation, and forces scum to claim something.
Somehow forgot to respond to this:

fartownik wrote:

Btw, rEdo your ability is practically useless already. If you target wrong, you die and scum has a free kill. If you target right, scum may as well kill you off the same night and you won't be able to confirm your target. I'd say it'd be safer for you and this game to just do nothing tonight so scum at least wastes their nightkill on you, and if by chance they decide to skip killing you, we can continue like this for the next day (with me and you confirmed, unless I die as well).
Hiders are basically a commuter with a couple extra variables.

Drezi wrote:

but jess claimed already, I don't mind claiming, our doc is out anyway, farto claiming shouldn't matter at this point am I missing something?
I'm not comfortable with mass claiming unless there's a specific reason to.

Fartownik especially shouldn't claim unless it's something critical to be out in the open.
I think you need to explain that better because I might be missing something but it doesn't really make sense.
What doesn't make sense about it?
The fartownik especially part.
Also you're not really doing a good job explaining why it wouldn't be good, other than you not feeling confortable with it, unless there's a specific reason which is vague as hell.
And I'm pretty sure you could explain it clearly without it being anti-town to any degree.
If you wanted to, that is :)
He's confirmed town unless he and rEdo are part of the scumteam. Let scum worry about what kind of role he has. Town doesn't need to know unless there's a reason it should be outed.

Vote: Drezi
If they're not a scumteam Fartownik is getting killed next night in all likeliness, so yeah your point is?
The point is that we don't need to know his role unless he thinks we do. I don't understand what's so difficult to understand about this.
You don't need to know my role.

I don't think a massclaim would be useful at all at this point. More likely tomorrow.

Also again I fucked up the Hider thing, that role messes with my fucking brain. I feel like Irre right now.

I'm actually opting for a Jess lynch today. I get Town vibrations from both Amianki and Drezi, Drezi especially for bringing up why Amianki doesn't want a massclaim this game if he's such a supporter of them in PR-strong games. I don't want a lynch of neither of those today.

So yeah, from my point of view:

Town: rEdo, Magic Bomb
Null-town: Drezi, Amianki, Irreversible
I-dont-know-because-I-have-to-read-his-ISO-and-other-shit-because-others-say-he-is-suspicious-but-gut-says-Town: SNB
Null: Ace Timing
Scum: Jess, Frostings

So yeah, there is 3 scum so at least one of my reads is not correct.
I should've put rEdo on a higher tier than Magic Bomb tho, just a cosmetic thing.
Ace Timing
Rip, I'm either null or null-scum for everyone

Thanks sniverre
Well it's more of how you play this game, not Sniverre.

Also I will try to get more from the past day and Tess' reads tomorrow. I will be going to sleep in a short while.
Topic Starter
Topic Starter
Brendan is just chillin' with a Team Magma Grunt

Votecount 2.2
fartownik -
Drezi (1) - Amianki
Irreversible -
-[Jess]- -
rEdo -
Ace Timing -
- Magic Bomb - -
Frostings -
Amianki -
Static Noise Bird (2) - Drezi, Frostings

Not Voting: -[Jess]-, Ace Timing, Irreversible, rEdo, Magic Bomb, Static Noise Bird, fartownik

With 10 players alive, it takes 6 votes to lynch.

Deadline is on August 2 11:13AM GMT -5. This is 10 days from now.

Let me know if I made any mistakes.
mod are ya scum
Navizel confirmed scum
@Mod: V/LA until August 2nd. I have the ugliest week and a half at work coming up and I'd be surprised if it didn't mentally kill me at least one day before then.
Topic Starter
August 2nd is the deadline...

Amianki wrote:

The point is that we don't need to know his role unless he thinks we do. I don't understand what's so difficult to understand about this.
I never said it's because we NEED to know fartownik's role, town PR's being identified is obviously a downside to a massclaim (if otherwise they'd be getting killed next night anyway, not so much..), and the advantage is forcing scum to come out and stick with a claim limiting their wiggle room and being held accountable for their night action choices.

It feels like you're just abusing my lack of experience with massclaims to brush it off with shit excuses, because it's a rather delicate matter and you know I'm not sure myself if it's the right course of action.
man I'm confused as shit

I don't think I should be roleclaiming right now. I only wanted to before because I couldn't think of any scenario where my action got cancelled.
But I'm just dumb apparently.

I'm getting certain pings from Amianki, though apparently I'm bad at interpreting them. For now I'll put it at the back of my mind.

fartow + rEdo (unless they're a scumteam, but hider claim as mafia is kinda hard to pull off)

Amianki, Irre

Ace Timing
Jess (now that I think about it, his hammer doesn't actually indicate anything, could just be derp town, but I'm ok with PL)


SNB :roll:
If I'm so scum then stop keeping me around please to avoid any more confusion or mislynches or whatever you call them. This game turned bad during the very first pages anyway. :roll:

I've completed my 1-shot ability anyway which might have poisoned the town even more (though I did target my main scum suspect).

I'll just stay on Mafiascum in the future. lol bye
can you give your latest reads or something?

Static Noise Bird wrote:

If I'm so scum then stop keeping me around please to avoid any more confusion or mislynches or whatever you call them. This game turned bad during the very first pages anyway. :roll:

I've completed my 1-shot ability anyway which might have poisoned the town even more (though I did target my main scum suspect).

I'll just stay on Mafiascum in the future. lol bye
What did you do? No comment to what's happening, either?
If you didn't react so strongly to my obvious joke about myself almost being left out of my own wagon, you'd be town but idk.

farto is leaning town after the initial FoS I had on him, obviously mostly due to similar viewpoints on things later during the previous day.

Something about Amianki tells me that they are town, but I'll be less confident about this and say null-town because it's mostly gut based I guess.

Frostings is obviously scum. :roll: tbh I don't take him seriously anymore so let's say null.

rEdo should be just 500 pounds of lies in a 100 pound bag. I believe there can not be this many power roles (or then everyone who has not claimed/revealed simply must be Vanilla). Besides Tess' flip kinda proved rEdo to be the suspicious Mr. Nice Guy that we were suspecting already.

The one I targeted with my ability who will die the next night is my personal main scum suspect. If a scum dies next night you'll probably know who I'm talking about. If not, then whoops, my bad. Yes, I'm claiming Seviper the Poisoner.

Everyone not mentioned is null unless I completely forgot someone, who in that case is probably not just notable enough to be considered either town or scum.

Vote: rEdo
So still no case against me except for I believed Tess was town. Apparently townreading a person that flipped town now is a scumtell. And that appeal to probability, nice. I really loved how you dismissed my question about sheeping fartownik, too :^)

Do you realise that EVEN IF I'm scum it would be in town's interest to keep me alive for one/two more days? I'd rather die by getting killed together with my target than giving scum an easy mislynch. That's what you're trying to do right now, aren't you?
btw did you poison Drezi or me? I don't think there's a reason to hide this.

Drezi wrote:

Amianki wrote:

The point is that we don't need to know his role unless he thinks we do. I don't understand what's so difficult to understand about this.
I never said it's because we NEED to know fartownik's role, town PR's being identified is obviously a downside to a massclaim (if otherwise they'd be getting killed next night anyway, not so much..), and the advantage is forcing scum to come out and stick with a claim limiting their wiggle room and being held accountable for their night action choices.

It feels like you're just abusing my lack of experience with massclaims to brush it off with shit excuses, because it's a rather delicate matter and you know I'm not sure myself if it's the right course of action.
This is pretty rich considering you've been leading this conversation the entire time.
SNB needs to read this thread. I believe everyone is a PR this game and rEdo's claim seems very legit in my eyes. I don't get your point honestly. I also want you to claim your target immediately. The Poisoned's death can not be stopped so you may as well share that with us. I'd say this claim was a bold move if you're scum. You basically tells us there will be two nightkills next night plus today's lynch, making us consider a potential no-lynch option for today or to be EXTREMELY careful with the lynch.

I still don't know whether Amianki is just busy with irl stuff so much that he plays this game half-assedly or potentially scum. At least the first seems to be the case so, @mod: asking for a replacement for Amianki. Having a V/LA of 10 days is too much on this forums. We may as well get Nyquill in here.

Also I will just stick to what I think is the best for today.

Vote: Jess
It was Irre.
Vote: Jess

Amianki wrote:

This is pretty rich considering you've been leading this conversation the entire time.
I had an idea I thought might be good, but wasn't sure, and you said we shouldn't do it, but brought up points that didn't make sense to me, or were just vague generally without much explanation. This response fits right in with the rest..
If SNB tells the truth, it's possible for us to lose this game even tonight, but it's unlikely. Irre's death, rEdo's hider miss, nightkill, lynch, it's 4 deaths from which 2 are 100% Town (rEdo and NK), if the remaining 2 hit Town as well it's 6p = 50/50 scum control = lose. rEdo you you should either do nothing or hide behind an obvtown for you and we should seriously think about a nolynch.
Unvote :roll:
Irreversible, of all people?...


Vote: No Lynch
I need everyone else's insight before anything happens. Especially SNB and Frostings. For now, I opt for a no lynch.
Irreversible, would you want to claim and share results?
We should consider a no lynch yes, but it'd be kinda pointless to just let the day pass by without any pressure on anyone.

Also at this point I really don't see why a mass claim wouldn't be good, like seriously.
This game is getting worse

Vote: No Lynch

Will post something in later

Navizel wrote:

Roles were assigned before alignments. Roles cannot be used to determine alignment.
So I'm just thinking, roles have NO effect on alignment, so there could've been a scum doctor for example? Or there could be something crazy OP like a scum dayvig?

I'm just trying to think how strong SNB's role would be if she were scum, and would need to be balanced out
1-shot unstoppable NK in the following night seems quite balanced for either alignment

(Is this even important?)
even if you want a No Lynch you have no reason to vote it, it removes any pressure and also we don't want to end the day by hitting 5 votes of it somehow before we intend to.

-[Jess]- wrote:

This game is getting worse

Vote: No Lynch

Will post something in later
thanks for your words of wisdom :roll:
Jfc fine, cancel the vla. I'll just prod dodge if that happens instead.
We really shouldn't be talking about a no lynch this early tbh, if we don't lynch scum today, rEdo can still decide THEN not to hide if need be.

-[Jess]- wrote:

Will post something in later
Why do you always feel the need to put this after your posts?

Static Noise Bird wrote:

-[Jess]- wrote:

Will post something in later
Why do you always feel the need to put this after your posts?
Just avoid someone said I am lurking.
Hey also I agree with the massclaim, if we get good information out we might be able to lynch a scum instead of complying to a no lynch later.

rEdo wrote:

Irreversible, of all people?
I really was struggling between you and him. If you really are a Town Hider, then it's only a great thing that I took this choice instead, don't you agree?
Also Unvote.
Frostings - some kind of targetive role, SNB - poisoner, rEdo - hider, Jess - used up Doublevoter

Unknown: Drezi, Irre, fartownik, Ace Timing, Amianki, Magic Bomb

6 unknown, 3.25 known.

I'm still opting to lynch Jess. I think she's scum.

-[Jess]- wrote:

Just avoid someone said I am lurking.
You are lurking.

fartownik wrote:

-[Jess]- wrote:

Just avoid someone said I am lurking.
You are lurking.
Omg :Faceplam:

Just remember,I am pretty useless guy right now because I use up my power for quickhammer

Just go ahead if you think I am scum.I don't mind for this.
*Just go ahead lynch me if you think I am scum.I don't mind for this.

-[Jess]- wrote:

Just remember,I am pretty useless guy right now because I use up my power for quickhammer
So what are you even trying to say with this?

Also other game is over now so we can talk about it, Jess was scum there and she kinda went "You have reason to lynch me" so duh, I'm ok with lynching her given her attitude.
Topic Starter
Irreversible has been prodded.
inb4 Irre mad.
Ace Timing

Jess wrote:

Just remember,I am pretty useless guy right now because I use up my power for quickhammer

Just go ahead if you think I am scum.I don't mind for this.
You still have your opinion and vote skill no? That's pretty valuable imo. We don't just lynch someone because they lost their power.
oh lol i forgot
im in holidays , back in 4 days or so, is that too much or is replacement needed?
I fucking hate this game
Just speedlynch Jess and never allow her into any game on this forums for fucks sake
Ace Timing
Jess's playtime is just really hard to deal with. I mean she seems scummy in any game she plays in. I wouldn't be surprised if she was actually town and just doesn't care.

Irreversible wrote:

oh lol i forgot
im in holidays , back in 4 days or so, is that too much or is replacement needed?
I don't think there's any point in getting a replacement, you're going to be dead after this game day(guessing you haven't read because you're on holiday but yeah)

Drezi wrote:

We really shouldn't be talking about a no lynch this early tbh, if we don't lynch scum today, rEdo can still decide THEN not to hide if need be.
Oh also I agree with this, even though I'd say no lynch will probably end up being the best option in the end, we shouldn't just throw away the day for it, we can still use this time to question people, and find information.
Ace Timing

Ace Timing wrote:

Jess's playtime is just really hard to deal with. I mean she seems scummy in any game she plays in. I wouldn't be surprised if she was actually town and just doesn't care.
playtime should be playstyle. Fuck you autocorrect.
Topic Starter
Lavaridge Town is a great place for vacation. It is the only town with hot springs. You can go hiking in Jagged Pass, just north of the town. There is also a cable car if you don't want to hike. Lastly, there is a volcano just north of the cable car.
It seems like Irreversible is currently there.

Votecount 2.3
fartownik -
Drezi (1) - Amianki
Irreversible -
-[Jess]- (2) - fartownik, Drezi
rEdo -
Ace Timing -
- Magic Bomb - -
Frostings -
Amianki -
Static Noise Bird -

No Lynch (2) - rEdo, -[Jess]-

Not Voting: Ace Timing, Irreversible, Magic Bomb, Frostings, Static Noise Bird

With 10 players alive, it takes 6 votes to lynch. It takes 5 votes to no lynch.

Deadline is on August 2 11:13AM GMT -5. This is 9 days from now.
Irreversible is V/LA for 4 days.
Let me know if I made any mistakes.

Ace Timing wrote:

Jess's playtime is just really hard to deal with. I mean she seems scummy in any game she plays in. I wouldn't be surprised if she was actually town and just doesn't care.
This is basically the only reason I'm not 100% for a Jess lynch, to be honest. I mean as far as I know this is only her second game, but even scum wouldn't look this obvious, so I'm worried it's just her playstyle that is leading us into thinking she's scum.
Also, lynch or no lynch, I want to hear irreversible's opinion on everything, so I would want to wait until he gets back, especially considering after today we won't be able to talk with him, so we should hear as much as possible before ending the day.

-[Jess]- wrote:

*Just go ahead lynch me if you think I am scum.I don't mind for this.

Irreversible wrote:

oh lol i forgot
im in holidays , back in 4 days or so, is that too much or is replacement needed?
I think I just stopped giving a flying fuck about this game.
Vote: Jess

Let's end this game quick so we can start a good new one.
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