
Ogura Yui - Baby Sweet Berry Love (Tsukiko chan Maji kawa-E

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2015年5月4日 at 0:47:50

Artist: Ogura Yui
Title: Baby Sweet Berry Love (Tsukiko chan Maji kawa-E Remix)
Source: 変態王子と笑わない猫。
Tags: Hentai Ouji to Warawanai Neko ending you Nasya N_a_s_y_a
BPM: 175
Filesize: 12736kb
Play Time: 05:08
Difficulties Available:
  1. Tsukiko-chan (5.46 stars, 1219 notes)
Download: Ogura Yui - Baby Sweet Berry Love (Tsukiko chan Maji kawa-E Remix)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
--------------- ... weet-berry


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-Nanaka- wrote:

わーい :)
Mod集める時是非呼んでください :oops:
うぇい なしゃしゃん


01:05:196 (3) - ここボーカルフォローして こういう音取りにしない? 今のままだと少し違和感感じる :o

01:12:053 (4) -  ここも^と同じで 白線のダウンビート拾ってあげた方が自然だし曲にあってると思う 01:25:767 (2) - こういうとこなら白線に強い音がないし

01:32:967 (4,5,6,1) - ^

01:32:967 (4,5,6,1) - 細かいけどここのスペーシング整えない?

03:21:996 (2) - 今のままでもプレイに支障はないけど もう少し左に傾けて 次の的へ移動しやすくしてあげた方がやりやすいかも 

02:02:281 (2,3,4,5) - 04:22:167 (1,2,3,4) - 休憩させるためのスタック? そうじゃないならばスタックさせないで普通に配置した方が自分的にはいいかなって思う


nazi modしか書いてない :o


ランク待ってるからがんばってちょ ;)
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Momovely wrote:

うぇい なしゃしゃん


01:05:196 (3) - ここボーカルフォローして こういう音取りにしない? 今のままだと少し違和感感じる :o

01:12:053 (4) -  ここも^と同じで 白線のダウンビート拾ってあげた方が自然だし曲にあってると思う 01:25:767 (2) - こういうとこなら白線に強い音がないし

01:32:967 (4,5,6,1) - ^

01:32:967 (4,5,6,1) - 細かいけどここのスペーシング整えない?

03:21:996 (2) - 今のままでもプレイに支障はないけど もう少し左に傾けて 次の的へ移動しやすくしてあげた方がやりやすいかも 

02:02:281 (2,3,4,5) - 04:22:167 (1,2,3,4) - 休憩させるためのスタック? そうじゃないならばスタックさせないで普通に配置した方が自分的にはいいかなって思う
:arrow: なんか他の配置思いつかないから保留で!


nazi modしか書いてない :o


ランク待ってるからがんばってちょ ;)
ありがとうももべりさん :)
  1. tagsのremixはもうタイトルに入ってるからいらないと思います!
  2. sliderslideのwavがルールに触れてると思います、ルールに 「0byteの.wavファイルを使え」と書いてあり、この今使われてるslidersliderは全部"音"はありませんがとても短い.wavファイルとして機能しているので恐らくアウトだと思います。 これをそのまま差し替えれば大丈夫だと思うので使ってください!

  • 00:20:282 (2,3,4) - もう少し整った配置のほうがココといい感じに合うと思います、00:19:596 (2,3,4) - が正三角形なのと比べて
    01:16:167 (4) - CTRL+Gしたほうが01:15:653 (1,2) - と01:15:996 (3,4) - の流れがマッチすると思うけど意図的に01:16:338 (1) - に流れるような配置を作ってるんだったらこのままでいいかも!ただそうなんだったら、01:15:653 (1) - をもう少し近づけた方が自分は良いと思います。
    01:40:167 (6) - 1/4スライダー詳しくないのでよくわかりませんが、CTRL+Gの向きのほうが合いませんか?01:40:338 (1) - が下を向いてるので!
    02:03:310 (5) - 1/8にしたほうがいいかも、1/8より上のdivisor使ったら怒られた記憶があるんですが今のQATは何言うかわからないので自分はとりあえず1/8にするかな?って感じです、どっちにしろ裏のキックの音がkick sliderで取れる音では無いので、1/8が一番ベーシックなチョイスだと思います。04:23:196 (3) - も同じく~
    02:03:996 (2,3) - ここもニューコンボ入れてもいいかもです、スライダーの速度が段々速くなってる~っていうのと、3/4で結構なジャンプをさせてるのでもしかしたらそっちの面でもよくなるかも!
    04:23:881 (2,3) - ここも同じ理由でニューコンボ?
    04:35:967 - ここからwhistleでの音付けがされてませんが、ここからより盛り上がるようなパートなのに単純に音の数が減ってるので少し違和感を感じました。多分drum-samplesetで代用してるんだと思いますが、初期スキンだと結構softのsamplesetと似ててあんまり違いを識別できない気がします。何かの音を drum-hitnormal.wavとして合うように入れればこのパートは恐らく良いかんじになると思いますが他のパートにも影響出るので、とりあえず初期スキンで確認してみてコレは大丈夫でしょ、って思ったらこのままでもいいかと思いますが、自分的にはdrumのsamplesetの音は弱すぎると思います。
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Delis wrote:

  1. tagsのremixはもうタイトルに入ってるからいらないと思います!
  2. sliderslideのwavがルールに触れてると思います、ルールに 「0byteの.wavファイルを使え」と書いてあり、この今使われてるslidersliderは全部"音"はありませんがとても短い.wavファイルとして機能しているので恐らくアウトだと思います。 これをそのまま差し替えれば大丈夫だと思うので使ってください!
:arrow: 直しました!


  • 00:20:282 (2,3,4) - もう少し整った配置のほうがココといい感じに合うと思います、00:19:596 (2,3,4) - が正三角形なのと比べて
    01:16:167 (4) - CTRL+Gしたほうが01:15:653 (1,2) - と01:15:996 (3,4) - の流れがマッチすると思うけど意図的に01:16:338 (1) - に流れるような配置を作ってるんだったらこのままでいいかも!ただそうなんだったら、01:15:653 (1) - をもう少し近づけた方が自分は良いと思います。
    01:40:167 (6) - 1/4スライダー詳しくないのでよくわかりませんが、CTRL+Gの向きのほうが合いませんか?01:40:338 (1) - が下を向いてるので!
    02:03:310 (5) - 1/8にしたほうがいいかも、1/8より上のdivisor使ったら怒られた記憶があるんですが今のQATは何言うかわからないので自分はとりあえず1/8にするかな?って感じです、どっちにしろ裏のキックの音がkick sliderで取れる音では無いので、1/8が一番ベーシックなチョイスだと思います。04:23:196 (3) - も同じく~
    02:03:996 (2,3) - ここもニューコンボ入れてもいいかもです、スライダーの速度が段々速くなってる~っていうのと、3/4で結構なジャンプをさせてるのでもしかしたらそっちの面でもよくなるかも!
    04:23:881 (2,3) - ここも同じ理由でニューコンボ?
    04:35:967 - ここからwhistleでの音付けがされてませんが、ここからより盛り上がるようなパートなのに単純に音の数が減ってるので少し違和感を感じました。多分drum-samplesetで代用してるんだと思いますが、初期スキンだと結構softのsamplesetと似ててあんまり違いを識別できない気がします。何かの音を drum-hitnormal.wavとして合うように入れればこのパートは恐らく良いかんじになると思いますが他のパートにも影響出るので、とりあえず初期スキンで確認してみてコレは大丈夫でしょ、って思ったらこのままでもいいかと思いますが、自分的にはdrumのsamplesetの音は弱すぎると思います。
    :arrow: 全て直したんですが一部配置丸ごと買えました。
でりすさんmodありがとうございます :)
Tsukiko chan maji kawaii >w<
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scanter wrote:

Tsukiko chan maji kawaii >w<
Tsukiko chan is GOD

  1. 00:45:824 (2,3,4) - 個人的な好みだけど配置の角度的に美しくない?ように見えるので00:46:510 (5) - をコピーして00:45:310 (7) - の頭に重ねる感じどう?コピペ反転が嫌いだったら無視でいいです。
  2. 01:36:910 (3) - 尻尾overmap?音が無いように聞こえるのと01:37:081 (4,5,6) - このキック今までも3つで統一してたのでcircle一つでいいと思います。
  3. 01:46:510 (3) - 上記と同じ理由で7連の音で。
  4. 02:44:796 (6) - add NC?
  5. 03:06:138 (4) - 前述の通り。
  6. 03:07:424 (3) - ^
  7. 03:08:796 (3) - ^
  8. 03:10:253 (4) - ^
  9. 03:11:538 (3) - ^
  10. 03:22:338 (4) - 03:21:824 (1,2,3) - ここのスペーシングに比べて4番だけ近くて詰まる感じがするので03:21:824 (1,2) - と同じスペーシングになるようにx58 y195あたりに置いてみては?
  11. 03:55:081 (3,4) - 今までずっと単発動かしてきてたしここもスタックさせないで動かしたいところ。
  12. 最後に気づいたのが04:18:224 (1,1,1,1) - と01:58:338 (1,1,1,1) - は単発並んでるのに03:28:853 (1,2,3,4) - だけ大ジャンプなのはどうなんだろうみたいな :roll:
    俺はジャンプ好きだしExtraだから全部ジャンプにしてもいいかなとか思ったり :D
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iMage-- wrote:


  1. 00:45:824 (2,3,4) - 個人的な好みだけど配置の角度的に美しくない?ように見えるので00:46:510 (5) - をコピーして00:45:310 (7) - の頭に重ねる感じどう?コピペ反転が嫌いだったら無視でいいです。
    :arrow: 変えました!けど7の上に重ねるのは違和感あったので重ねてません。
  2. 01:36:910 (3) - 尻尾overmap?音が無いように聞こえるのと01:37:081 (4,5,6) - このキック今までも3つで統一してたのでcircle一つでいいと思います。
  3. 01:46:510 (3) - 上記と同じ理由で7連の音で。
  4. 02:44:796 (6) - add NC?
  5. 03:06:138 (4) - 前述の通り。
  6. 03:07:424 (3) - ^
  7. 03:08:796 (3) - ^
  8. 03:10:253 (4) - ^
  9. 03:11:538 (3) - ^
  10. 03:22:338 (4) - 03:21:824 (1,2,3) - ここのスペーシングに比べて4番だけ近くて詰まる感じがするので03:21:824 (1,2) - と同じスペーシングになるようにx58 y195あたりに置いてみては?
    :arrow: 配置を変えマン
  11. 03:55:081 (3,4) - 今までずっと単発動かしてきてたしここもスタックさせないで動かしたいところ。
  12. 最後に気づいたのが04:18:224 (1,1,1,1) - と01:58:338 (1,1,1,1) - は単発並んでるのに03:28:853 (1,2,3,4) - だけ大ジャンプなのはどうなんだろうみたいな :roll:
    俺はジャンプ好きだしExtraだから全部ジャンプにしてもいいかなとか思ったり :D
    :arrow: Keepします!
いめーじくんmodあり~ :D
Hi Nasya san =3=

  1. SBを入れる予定がないのであればWidescreenStoryboardのチェックは不要の為、念のためはずしておいてもいいかもしれません。
  2. Audio Lead-Inが現在91484となっておりますが、おそらくunsnappedです、91488がsnapしているため変更したほうがより好ましい形になると思います。
  3. 個人的な意見ですが、ほぼ?休憩なしのApp譜面なのでHP Drainをもう少し優しくしてあげてもいいかもしれません。
modが必要ならよんでください!Nice mapです・・・!
no kds. good luck :3

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Satellite wrote:

Hi Nasya san =3=

  1. SBを入れる予定がないのであればWidescreenStoryboardのチェックは不要の為、念のためはずしておいてもいいかもしれません。
  2. Audio Lead-Inが現在91484となっておりますが、おそらくunsnappedです、91488がsnapしているため変更したほうがより好ましい形になると思います。
  3. 個人的な意見ですが、ほぼ?休憩なしのApp譜面なのでHP Drainをもう少し優しくしてあげてもいいかもしれません。
modが必要ならよんでください!Nice mapです・・・!
no kds. good luck :3

01:30:738 (1) -
03:01:253 (1) -
03:51:138 (2) - この単発を03:51:653 (1) - の終点に合わせると綺麗です
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Poruteri wrote:


01:30:738 (1) -
03:01:253 (1) -
03:51:138 (2) - この単発を03:51:653 (1) - の終点に合わせると綺麗です
All Fixed desu :)

  1. about diff name, how about kawa-E xtra
  2. you should delete unused hitsound soft-sliderslide9.wav, exactly unused
  3. disabled this doesn't need, this map have no SB
  4. add AudioLeadIn: 1400 for safe
  1. 00:33:481 (2,3) - i think there are have no anysounds... so you should del and check these part again, *
  2. 01:01:081 (1) - seem, it's touching score little bit, it's quite alright but can be avoided
that's all
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koreapenguin wrote:


  1. about diff name, how about kawa-E xtra
  2. you should delete unused hitsound soft-sliderslide9.wav, exactly unused
  3. disabled this doesn't need, this map have no SB
  4. add AudioLeadIn: 1400 for safe
  1. 00:33:481 (2,3) - i think there are have no anysounds... so you should del and check these part again, *
  2. 01:01:081 (1) - seem, it's touching score little bit, it's quite alright but can be avoided
that's all
all fixed

thanks :)
:D I really hope this gets ranked.
[kawa-E xtra]
  1. Is the diff name supposed to have a space in "Extra"?
  2. 00:22:167 (1) - Is this NC necessary? It seems quite pointless since that note is still part of the phrase on the last combo.
  3. 00:25:596 (5) - Try to avoid slider ends at the beginning of measures, it messes with the rhythm and combo's.
  4. 00:31:596 - I'd place a triple there or a 1/8th slider there to fill the vocals.
  5. 01:06:738 (1,2,3,4) - I'd expand this square and centre it around the first one to emphasize the maps intensity leading into the new phrase.
  6. 01:28:681 (3,4) - You should map this in 1/4 to lead up to the contrast at the next combo before the kiai (might need to space out the entire combo a bit more).
  7. 02:01:596 (4) - Do what you did last combo and separate this into two sliders for it to compliment the vocals.
  8. 02:15:824 (2) - I'm really picky but please face the end of that slider to the note before a bit better for the sake of OCD XD.
  9. 02:18:396 (5) - You should remove that slider and place two notes there to compliment the synth fill that's going on there.
  10. 02:21:138 (5) - ^
  11. 02:59:196 (3,4) - You should map this in 1/4 to lead up to the contrast at the next combo before the kiai.
  12. 03:24:053 (2) - Face the end of this slider so it faces the next note better.
  13. 03:25:253 (1,2) - Please remap this section so it matches up with the vocals or provides some kind of contrast or buildup, right now it's very bland and doesn't compliment the map at all (maybe more elaborate hitsounds there can help?).
  14. 03:30:053 (1) - Remove the NC, that note is still part of the ending of the phrase and an NC doesn't fit there.
  15. wow, besides those points, the map from there on out looks fine to me.
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thank you Spaghetti :)

From #modreqs lols.


  1. I'd recommend changing "Tsukiko chan" to "Tsukiko-chan".

Tsukiko chan

  1. 02:31:596 (2) - I think it would work better if it's a circle + 1/2 slider.
  2. 01:01:081 (4) - ^ (though it would have been fine if this slider started on 01:01:253 :<)

11/10 couldn't find anything else.
Amazing map! ;)
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Mira-san wrote:

From #modreqs lols.


  1. I'd recommend changing "Tsukiko chan" to "Tsukiko-chan".

Tsukiko chan

  1. 02:31:596 (2) - I think it would work better if it's a circle + 1/2 slider.
  2. 01:01:081 (4) - ^ (though it would have been fine if this slider started on 01:01:253 :<)

11/10 couldn't find anything else.
Amazing map! ;)
thanks Mira-san!

all fixed :)
I discussed some points / pattern in this map with mapper.

Bubbled #1
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Satellite wrote:

I discussed some points / pattern in this map with mapper.

Bubbled #1
Thank you Satellite san ><
omg here it goes
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Sonnyc wrote:

Watashi Wa Tsukiko To Kekkon Shitaiiiiiiiii~

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oh ( T∀T)

arigato k.penguin san (*´∀`*)
2015 is the year of approved remixed anime OSTs.
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arigato desu!!!!!!!!!
Yo, after internal discussion we decided to disqualify this map for the following reasons:

Many circle patterns in this map have random spacing and / or don't play well.
Remember that a jump always emphasizes the note you are jumping to. This emphasis needs to fit well with the emphasis provided by the music, in order to create reasonable jump patterns. For example, if you have monotonous, strong 1/2 sounds, like at 00:19:424 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - , the spacings between the circles should be similar to each other, since the notes all have the same emphasis provided by the music.
Other examples:
00:41:367 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)
00:50:967 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4)
01:14:281 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - (sorting these in groups of two by NCing them in this way doesn't relate to the music either)

The usage of 1/4-sliders starting at blue ticks feels and plays questionable.
1/4-sliders are often used after a 1/2-slider instead of a regular triplet, for example at 00:34:853 (2,3) - The problem here is that the white tick has a much stronger note than the blue tick, but the players need to click on the blue tick, which creates a weird emphasis. Moreover, the jump used between these objects feels unintuitive when playing, since it stresses the 1/4-slider even more than it should.
00:43:081 (2,3) - This one for example plays better, because the spacing between the two sliders is smaller, so it doesn't feel like a jump in between these. The others definitely need fixing though.
Other examples:
00:37:596 (2,3)
00:48:567 (2,3)

There are some instances of unneeded NC spam, that messes up the HP drain.
Those are not needed for readability and should be removed.
01:58:510 (1,1,1)
04:18:396 (1,1,1)

This map will be handled by the BNG from now on. Good luck!


Desperate-kun wrote:

Yo, after internal discussion we decided to disqualify this map for the following reasons:

Many circle patterns in this map have random spacing and / or don't play well.
Remember that a jump always emphasizes the note you are jumping to. This emphasis needs to fit well with the emphasis provided by the music, in order to create reasonable jump patterns. For example, if you have monotonous, strong 1/2 sounds, like at 00:19:424 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - , the spacings between the circles should be similar to each other, since the notes all have the same emphasis provided by the music.
Other examples:
00:41:367 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)
00:50:967 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4)
01:14:281 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - (sorting these in groups of two by NCing them in this way doesn't relate to the music either)

i think that random jump pattern are really fit up very well with the song's up down and emphiasis and they are all reasonable jumps. i don't know why QATs are handle and decide the reason ex) "doesn't play well" "it's not playable" "doesn't fit with these points"

The usage of 1/4-sliders starting at blue ticks feels and plays questionable.
1/4-sliders are often used after a 1/2-slider instead of a regular triplet, for example at 00:34:853 (2,3) - The problem here is that the white tick has a much stronger note than the blue tick, but the players need to click on the blue tick, which creates a weird emphasis. Moreover, the jump used between these objects feels unintuitive when playing, since it stresses the 1/4-slider even more than it should.
00:43:081 (2,3) - This one for example plays better, because the spacing between the two sliders is smaller, so it doesn't feel like a jump in between these. The others definitely need fixing though.
Other examples:
00:37:596 (2,3)
00:48:567 (2,3)

it also QAT's think?

There are some instances of unneeded NC spam, that messes up the HP drain.
Those are not needed for readability and should be removed.
01:58:510 (1,1,1)
04:18:396 (1,1,1)

even if it's problem then why don't get DQ other maps? also we have cause make more something pretty to map for some special place or music. i meant, some newcombo is can be pattern of one, actually it's not spam

This map will be handled by the BNG from now on. Good luck!

yea i'm not QAT, so i don't know QAT's view and QAT are don't accept my opinion, just can do only re-qualified that's all....
And do you think really that can be fixed by just modder's mod?
i don't think it's can be fixed by just modder's mod, becuz DQ reason are all QAT's opinion, right?

and KP's english is too unrankable
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Desperate-kun wrote:

Yo, after internal discussion we decided to disqualify this map for the following reasons:

Many circle patterns in this map have random spacing and / or don't play well.
Remember that a jump always emphasizes the note you are jumping to. This emphasis needs to fit well with the emphasis provided by the music, in order to create reasonable jump patterns. For example, if you have monotonous, strong 1/2 sounds, like at 00:19:424 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - , the spacings between the circles should be similar to each other, since the notes all have the same emphasis provided by the music.
Other examples:
00:41:367 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)
00:50:967 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4)
01:14:281 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - (sorting these in groups of two by NCing them in this way doesn't relate to the music either)

The usage of 1/4-sliders starting at blue ticks feels and plays questionable.
1/4-sliders are often used after a 1/2-slider instead of a regular triplet, for example at 00:34:853 (2,3) - The problem here is that the white tick has a much stronger note than the blue tick, but the players need to click on the blue tick, which creates a weird emphasis. Moreover, the jump used between these objects feels unintuitive when playing, since it stresses the 1/4-slider even more than it should.
00:43:081 (2,3) - This one for example plays better, because the spacing between the two sliders is smaller, so it doesn't feel like a jump in between these. The others definitely need fixing though.
Other examples:
00:37:596 (2,3)
00:48:567 (2,3)

There are some instances of unneeded NC spam, that messes up the HP drain.
Those are not needed for readability and should be removed.
01:58:510 (1,1,1)
04:18:396 (1,1,1)

This map will be handled by the BNG from now on. Good luck!
thanks Desperate-kun
My score ;_;

Kaoru wrote:

My score ;_;
I'll just SS it when it gets ranked for sure later

Kaoru wrote:

My score ;_;
Mine too orz lol. I was pretty proud of getting an A on one of these 5.5 star anime OST remix approval maps

Kaoru wrote:

My score ;_;
~ #1
here it goes again lolz
Nooooooo pls get qualified again this is my fav map <3
Topic Starter
N a s y a
Random bubble check, looks good to me. Do you want bubble #2?
Topic Starter
N a s y a

xxdeathx wrote:

Random bubble check, looks good to me. Do you want bubble #2?
Yes, please!
Topic Starter
N a s y a

xxdeathx wrote:

thanks death!!!
oki, re-qualified

plz don't make me angry anymore
koreapenguin is angry :x

btw, gratz!
shouldn't it be Ogura Yui - Baby Sweet Berry Love (_you_'s Tsukiko chan Maji kawa-E Remix)

xdddddxcxdfXDxdXDXDxDxdxdDXxdd rip nice soon2be pp farm tho

VINXIS wrote:

shouldn't it be Ogura Yui - Baby Sweet Berry Love (_you_'s Tsukiko chan Maji kawa-E Remix)

xdddddxcxdfXDxdXDXDxDxdxdDXxdd rip nice soon2be pp farm tho
where'd you get that from? the original soundcloud source (in description box) has the exact same title as this one here..

so yeah no problem imo

VINXIS wrote:

shouldn't it be Ogura Yui - Baby Sweet Berry Love (_you_'s Tsukiko chan Maji kawa-E Remix)

xdddddxcxdfXDxdXDXDxDxdxdDXxdd rip nice soon2be pp farm tho
it should be fine
_you_'s is nowhere to be found in the soundcloud so you should be in the tags


-comment withdrawn-
nice 1
Topic Starter
N a s y a
:) :D ;)
Fixed the icon by editing the post because the flame one hadn't been set properly!

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